Now there's a player who leaves it all out on the field!
You just can't teach that.

Go get 'em, Tiger.
This Sweet is completely on the ball:

It's a slam dunk!
Here's a Sweet that takes it to the next level:

Way to bring your A game, guys.
Most bakers talk a good game, but here's a contender who's clearly in a league of her own:

Now that's knocking it out of the park!
What do you say we kick it up a notch?

Talk about a home run - that is some fancy footwork!
Speaking of which, this next Sweet really steps it up:

And in case you think I'm out of bounds even calling this a cake, here's a progress shot:

You can tell she just wanted it more. (Uh... whatever that means.)
And finally, this player really has his game face on:

Plus, he's completely fondant free!
Now that's giving it 110%.
I hope y'all enjoyed this Sweet Clichéd Treat! Oh, and believe it or not, there really IS a Sports Cliché Week - it just ended yesterday.
58 comments | Post a Comment
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My goodness... The bag! The shoe!
I both adore and hate Sunday Sweets on CW. I love seeing such amazing cakes but hate being reminded that I'll never be that good.
Thank goodness the rest of Cake Wrecks allows me to realise I'll never be that bad, either!
Stunning pictures and great choices! Thanks so much for all of your hard work, Jen.
That fondant-free octopus?
Just amazing. Wow.
(the others are fantastic too, but fondant-free always impresses me!)
I love the Red Wings octopus cake, mostly for the fact that it's so well done, yet fondant-free..I'm more impressed with a cake decorator with mad skills than someone who has mastered cutting out a pattern from fondant..but maybe that's just me..
Loads of the pictures just have a narrow strip and then empty blue space rather than showing the full photo. However, you can click on the pictures to see them. Hope you get all the server move gremlins sorted soon! :)
OMG those look amazing
For hockey cakes: Thank you!
For including the Stanley Freaking Cup: THANK YOU X 100!
I'm hockey starved here in the great state of Florida. We have two hockey teams (Go Bolts) but you'd never guess around here... I'll take any hockey I can get. Including cake.
Also, I think I just found my wedding cake. Thank you!
The tiger cake made me gasp and squeal like a little girl; I LOVE tigers! And I want that tiger as a large plush.
-French Bean
Love the purple suction cups on the octopus.
OMG, that baseball cake rocks!
These are amazing.
Those are awesome. The shoe is incredibly realistic.
More thanks for posting hockey related cakes!! My daughter (who is only 11) dubbed the Stanley Cup cake as her wedding cake when we saw that episode of Ace of Cakes. Of course that is because she insists she will be marrying a current NHL player we know.... so that will probably change when she figures out he isn't going to wait for her ;)
Love the Octopi cake for its awesomeness...but hate it too (seen one too many of them thrown on our home ice!!)
Oh and I hate baseball, but simply because I am an Ohioan, gotta love the Reds cake!
The soccer ball! That made my day! =)
Not to mention, I've never had a good tasting fondant. What am I missing!?
OMG. As an Avid Red Wings fan. The fondant free Octopus is my FAVORITE. SO fantastic!!!
i gotta say... to my mind, gym bags are one of the less appetizing objects one could choose for a cake shape. made me all indignant just looking at it. well executed, though.
Red Wings suck! That being said, the cake is pretty impressive being fondant free. I really like that Stanley Cup cake too. I never knew there were good combinations of cake and hockey! Two of my favorite things.
A German flag football cake
That is some awesome cakes. I am so impressed they look like .. well too real to eat that is for sure.
All I could think when looking at that Cincinnati Reds cake was who in the world ordered that? I live there and the Reds suck! We have crappy sports teams :(
Oh my goodness those cakes were amazing! I love the hockey bag cake...my boys thought it was the coolest cake ever. My ultimate favorite is the Redwings Octopus. O. M. G. I so want that cake for my 29th birthday!! I'm not too old for a cool birthday cake, am I??
omg, omg on the hockey bag cake....
Being a bona fide Wing Nut, the octopus cake was the icing on the cake today (pun intended.. :)
How long until hockey season??
that frist hockey cake cant really be a cake thats just (OMG) AMAZING SOOOO COOL
Very glad to see hockey well represented in Sunday Sweets! I'm going to have to figure out one of these days how to make a smaller Stanley Cup cake.
Totally amazing cakes! It's fun to laugh at the wrecks but I love the incredible Sunday Sweets.
Love Sunday Sweets! :) Thanks!
Awesome cakes.
Kai has really tiny feet. She must be in an under-5 league.
wv: twhott. It's really twhott to put on the oven today; we'll have to buy a cake instead.
Like ice sculpture or sand castles, this amazing art is all the more amazing because it is temporary. Ephemeral. How do you cut something this beautiful? Well, you just do because that's it's reason for existing. And better than ice or sand, this has a practical side to its death: nommage!
One of the awesomest thing about the Stanley Cup cake was that they "engraved" the names of everyone in the wedding party on it! Epic! I've told my boyfriend that the only way we'll ever get around to getting married is if we get that cake...and our wedding colours will have to be green, gold and black! (Go Stars!)
Love all the cakes...and that running shoe is awesome too!
Oh, and Red Wings suck! :-D (But I have to admit...the octopus cake IS pretty freaking cool...)
Ease up on the Reds! They didn't always suck!
Love the German soccer cake. Almost makes up for them losing to Spain. Almost. (sniff)
wow - these cakes are simply AMAZING. My favorite sport is baseball, but i'm simply wowed by the hockey duffle bag and the Stanley cup cakes.
Thanks for sharing.
They are all amazing, but OMG that tiger just the cutest thing. I agree about the fondant free cake the skill it must take. Phew leaves one breathless.
So I guess I was the only person that thought "Oh look! BP is sponsoring basketball teams now" when I saw the basketball stuck in the pool of black in the hoop, huh... Still amazing skills and cakes, just thought I'd share the odd pun
And WOW! Your readers are huge hockey fans based on the comments!
That shoe makes my jaw drop. Wowza! Mu husband wants one.
The sports bag and the shoe - WOW. Just wow. Please tell me truly talented cakemakers are paid waaaaay more than wreckerators - the time and care that went into these is incredible!!
From long-time Aussie lurker, first-time poster, Elisha x
Oh my! That Al the octopus is AMAZING! ! ! I have never seen anything like it, and he is fondant free? AMAZING! ! ! I am a huge Red Wings fan and I LOVE ITT! ! !
Soooo . . . three weeks ago I said perfect frosting takes more skill than fondant and everybody said I was mean and didn't know anything about fondant. This week several people said the same thing I did and everyone agrees with them. Oy.
I swear that shoe looks like you could just grab it and put it on.. though if you did I bet the decorator would chase you down with a rolling pin lol. Beautiful cakes.
The shoe is great! I love it, and the hockey ones...
And really, there's a sports cliche week? Didn't know about it, I really dropped the ball on that one.
You've got to hand it to them though, they can think of a week to commemorate anything!
The "is a slam dunk" cake is my favorite...hhmm.. I want to eat it also
love love love the hockey cakes! especially the Red Wings octopus :)
Well played, Jen!
The Red Wings cake would make my WORLD.
The cakes are awesome.
The sports cliches make me want to vomit.
Am I the only who thinks teh one from Cake Kitchen looks like its covered with red centipedes??
Even with bugs, all look fabulous!!!
I really love seeing cakes that are 100% fondant free. it takes a true professional to pull that off...good.
That BASKETBALL HOOP cake is amazing!! Such clean work!! Not sure I get the joke about BP that someone posted above. The black is obviously representing a hole for the ball to go through--not oil. Very difficult to achieve stuff like that with cake and this was spot on!! Great job!
Love the hockey cakes. And cheer up Red Wings fans... if people complain that they such, just point them at the Maple Leafs :)
The basketball and sneaker are really impressive, and the tiger's cute, but several of these (starting with the first one) don't look like cake, and some don't even look edible. Shouldn't a cake always look like cake-- and delicious-- even when it's fabulously decorated?
Hey hockey fans, did you all see the Playoff Round 1 preview posts on Yahoo's Puck Daddy blog? They had a cake for each playoff team, of varying quality. Still, hockey cakes, YAY!
Sharks/Avs: http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/blog/puck_daddy/post/Decadent-NHL-Playoff-Preview-San-Jose-1-vs-C?urn=nhl,233867
Hawks/Preds: http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/blog/puck_daddy/post/Decadent-NHL-Playoff-Preview-Chicago-2-vs-Na?urn=nhl,234804
Canucks/Kings: http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/blog/puck_daddy/post/Decadent-Playoff-Preview-Vancouver-3-vs-Los-?urn=nhl,234581
Yotes/Wings: http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/blog/puck_daddy/post/Decadent-NHL-Playoff-Preview-Phoenix-4-vs-De?urn=nhl,234327
Caps/Habs (Prediction: Caps in 5. Hee): http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/blog/puck_daddy/post/Decadent-NHL-Playoff-Preview-Washington-1-vs-?urn=nhl,234535
Devils/Flyers: http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/blog/puck_daddy/post/Decadent-NHL-Playoff-Preview-New-Jersey-2-v-?urn=nhl,234196
Pens/Sens: http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/blog/puck_daddy/post/Decadent-NHL-Playoff-Preview-Pittsburgh-4-vs-?urn=nhl,233927
i Love the bag and the basketball. if i would be the one who'll have a cake like that, i won't eat it. I'll just preserve it..LOL
Please tell me that's not a bride and groom in the Stanley Cup!
What was the shoe cake maker thinking? Doesn't she/he know that when someone gives you a picture of what they want the cake to look like you're just supposed to slap the picture on top of a plain cake? Especially when it's a picture of another cake. haha
WOH. that shoe cake is BONKERS. looks like you slip your foot in and go for a jog!!
I see these amazing cakes, and at first I am absolutely never impressed.
Because my mind doesn't register them as cakes. Even after that "in-progress" shot, I still could not possibly be able EVER to picture that sneaker cake as a cake and not a shoe.
Oh my God. I want whoever made any one of these realistic cakes you show on here to make all my desserts for me.