(*Ok, that's kind of a guesstimate. [On a side note, my spell checker didn't flag the word "guesstimate," which clearly means that the English language is doomed. DOOMED!])

And lastly, Sonya D. took a cue from our April Fool's post and pulled a fun prank at her hubby's birthday party:

Those little egg salad sandwiches are actually cake filled with cream cheese icing and marshmallows. Pretty convincing, huh? Oh, and of course that means the birthday "cake" is...
And finally, I thought we'd end with the mother lode of Wrecks tributes. Check this out:
Megan M. writes:
My favorite angle:
And lastly, most of your e-mails make us smile, snort, or guffaw. This one did all three:

Gee, I love my mother."
And finally, Sharon Evans from Sharon's Edible Art decided that there weren't enough Cake Wrecks tribute songs in the world, so she wrote a few of her own. This one's my favorite.
time after time.
I've piped my worst,
but committed no crime.
And bad mistakes,
I've made a few.
I've had my share of cakes smashed in my face,
but I've come through.
Under neat, I want, I want, I want sprinkles!
We are cake wreckers, my friends.
And we'll keep on wrecking to the end.
We are cake wreckers,
We are cake wreckers.
No time for Spell Check,
'cause we are cake wreckers
of the world.
I've swapped the vowels,
from the telephone call,
I've brought you creepy, bizarre, and everything that goes with it,
I've wrecked it all.
But it's been no bed of roses,
just swirls of poo.
I consider it a challenge,
how do you spell that?
I have no clue!
Congratu, gradu, radu lations!
We are cake wreckers, my friends.
And we'll keep on wrecking to the end.
Flotsam and Star Trek,
Barbie and green Shrek.
No time for grammar,
'cause we are cake wreckers
of the world.
We are cake wreckers, my friends.
And we'll keep on wrecking to the end.
Grooms cakes and Epcot,
Is that Chewy? Great Scott!
No time to fix it,
'cause we are cake wreckers.
We're looking for a Queen cover band to sing this for us. Know any? We can't actually "pay" you with "money" but there just might be some "cake" in it for you. [winkwink] [finger gun]
53 comments | Post a Comment
Insane but smart prank! xD
Awesomness! I hope someday I'll have friends who would actually make a cake wreck just for me! :D
"No bed of roses/just swirls of poo...."
That, my dear, is your finest line ever.....
Ah! :)
:( My first thought with the sandwich/cake swap is that I hope there were no vegetarians at her party. She took two veggie-friendly foods and make them both inedible!
John, John, JOHN...!!
Not to be nit-picky, but ...well...
Yeah. I'm sure (really!) that you totally MEANT to call the second entry "lastly."
Just as I'm also sure that you meant to call the third entry "finally," --right before you labeled the very next (4th) entry: "lastly."
The 5th and ACTUAL last entry is so aptly labelled, "finally."
Did you get much sleep last night, dear?
Fail fail! It should read "At least YOUR pretty" ;)
Folks, if you haven't clicked on the chocolate sheet cake, do so. Only then can you see the flamingos are with dinosaurs, Tigger is riding a swan, and the tiny naked mohawk baby carrot jockeys. That cake needs its own page with close-up photos! Can't tell if that's a bride next to Tigger or Princess Leia.
(Note to self: Think I'll make the pound cake sandwiches next time I'm "refreshment lady" at church.)
Haha... these are fantastic. And actually, yes. I do know a Queen cover band. Lol.
*tears* can't... type... shaking too hard... from laughter... PAIN....
*wiping face* Ahhh.. I needed that.
Love the wreckerator's fix of the 'pretend' wreck, making it a 'true' wreck.
I love the bait and switch on the cake/sandwiches. True genius and church coffee hour worthy!
Too Funny!
I have to make a wreck one day.
Love the song! Love the wrecks!
These are great! (I thought the last cake was a booty cake, but it's still funny.)
These cakes are amazing!
-sigh- Just shows how much more I should be doing. A BOOK IS NOT ENOUGH!
<< Contented happy sigh >> I have coffee, I have a new washing machine being delivered and I have an hysterical Saturday bonus Cake Wrecks. I have hit the mother lode!!
deliberate wrecks don't work for me, sorry, but I do like the unintentional blue boob cake wreck
My dog, the Queen lyrics are genius!
"I've brought you creepy, bizarre, and everything that goes with it,
I've wrecked it all."
Psst... "Mother load" should actually be spelled "mother lode."
Anon @ 11:54,
What are you a miner? Who knows these things? You're right, of course, but I'm attempting to make myself feel better about my lack of obscure knowledge.
Fine! I'll change it.
Hey, thanks for posting my submission!
If anyone wants to see more up-close photos of the wedding shower wreck, I have them in a flickr set here.
Well, who'da thunk? "Guesstimate" actually IS in the dictionary, so your spell check was correct. This from Merriam-Webster:
Main Entry: guess·ti·mate
Pronunciation: \ˈges-tə-mət\
Function: noun
Etymology: blend of guess and estimate
Date: 1923
: an estimate usually made without adequate information
— guess·ti·mate \-ˌmāt\ transitive verb
Thank you, Megan, for the link to the close-ups of the chocolate cake. Fabulous!! Debating whether that is a generic bride or one of the Disney princesses, but disappointed that it wasn't Princess Leia.
That Cake Wreck song is a thing of wonder.
Considering I just sat here and sung that entire song in a whisper I'd consider sending a sound clip of full volume, but your ears are probably a fair amount more precious to you than that.
I love the boobie cake.....classic!
Sara,don't feel too bad. I did basically the same thing for my daughter's Sweet 16 cake. We were having an ice cream theme so I cut a giant cone from a half sheet pan.
I used a ball pan for the ice cream scoops. They weren't wide enough for the cone so I put them side by side. Yeah, they looked like boobies and it didn't help when my brother in law put a marichino cherry in the middle of each one. When I saw the "pumpkin fun" cake in the CakeWrecks book, it reminded me of the cake too.
I think you should know that I used some of your cakes in my safe sex project for health class.The caption is, "You could end up like this"
OMG I LOVE QUEEN!!!!!!!!!!!! that totally just made my day :)
anywho...... all the lastly's and finally's made me giggley..... didn't know you could have a last of anything that many times (unless you've seen the "Last Cigarette" episode of How I Met Your Mother..... hahahahaha! cause it's none of their's last, even though that vowed it would be.... bwahahahahhaahahhahahahahaa...... i'm going back to bed now.... too little sleep.......
I am going to remember the meatloaf cake/sandwich cake prank for the next potluck I get invited to - that is AWESOME!
The song is also awesome :)
I took my son shopping for a Father's Day card the other day, and as I was browing through the selection I was so wishing that there had been a Happy Falker Satherhood card! Hallmark needs to get right on that.
Wreck on, Jen and John! Maybe I'll get to come out and see you on Monday!
Sharon Evans, you're my kind of person! I'll bet we could have pee-your-pants fun writing song parodies. In high school, my sister and I wrote one to Suzanne Vega's "Luka" called "Puka."
Love the meatloaf "cake," but I have to wonder how they kept the meatloaf and mashed potatoes warm.
The truly sad part is, I thought the "bubble cake" was a very large rear end... just an extremely round one like the one Sir Mix-a-Lot is standing on in the "Baby Got Back" video. The blue icing didn't help, either... it just made it look like the cake was somehow wearing a pair of daisy dukes!
Lola S.
Um, am I the only one that thinks of something besides boobs when they see two blue ball-shaped objects side by side?
There is an amazing queen cover band called Almost Queen. I've seen them several times. I wonder if they know of this site and would make a youtube video or something.....hmmmmm maybe someone wants to contact them
That song is totally awesome.
wv: boope: how a wreckerator would misspell Betty Boop
The song is fabulous!
XD XD this made me laugh so much
I was thinking, you should do a Sunday Sweets of really awesome non-pro cakes. Kind of as the opposite of the tribute cakes (which I love!).
Okay, maybe I'm only thinking that because my two best friends have been having a lot of fun making and decorating cakes and they've all been AWESOME.
Queen is my favorite band EVER & I just sung the entire song - just loud enough that DH couldn't hear me or understand why I kept snickering... dude, I would pay to download that song if you got a cover band to record it!
The song is brilliant!
I love that before each cake a crafty 'lastly' or 'finally' was strategically placed to make me greive the post end. Then, hoisting my spirits like a flag pole wedgie, came the realization that it wasn't the 'last' or 'final' cake. You have taken me on an emotional roller coaster of cake and awesomeness. Well done
Awesome song!
I totally agree, it needs to be "at least your pretty."
Boobies? my husband says...blue balls?
Gosh, I'm kind of disappointed that the cap on the first cake actually LOOKS like a cap and tassle....drat! Then it would have been utter perfection!
Oh my goodness, I've enjoyed reading the comments about my "booby cake" My oldest thought it was a butt, my middle child and mother thought they looked like boobies. Never thought about the blue balls... I really laughed at that.
Apparently I am weird, I thought the "boob" cake was an ass and the number 2 was a poop joke.
Umm, ok, I'll be over here hanging my head in shame, someone please join me?
HalloQUEEN is your cover band from Seattle! I know Sean who sings and I'll have to send this his way...
We all salute Cake Wrecks!! LOL!
Super song!
These are horribly great!
check out my blog: nikkiscakery.blogspot.com
I bought an ice-cream cake at Kroger for a friend's graduation and asked the lady to write "Congratulations, graduate!" and wondered if I should write it out for her, but didn't want to insult her. She asked how to spell "graduate" and I was relieved that she asked before piping it on... until I got the cake, which said "Congraduations Graduate!"
I didn't bother asking her to fix it since it had sprinkles under the words and would've looked like a mess, so we just kept it and had a good laugh at the party :)
Great song!
for a recording of the song, take it to your closest university and ask someone for the a cappella group on campus. I'm pretty sure there's an arrangement already written out in the a cappella world -just need the new words :)