Anyway, when Twitter isn't broken, it has a handy little "World Cup" definition up, along with a soccer ball icon.
By studying this definition ("the largest sporting event in the world") and icon, I have come to the conclusion that the World Cup has something to do with soccer. Or football. Or something sports related.
And, gauging by the tweets and Facebook statuses I've seen, the World Cup also features a lot of these:

No, I don't know why they're puking orange jelly.
Or why their hive has an orange jelly door outlined on it.
The source of the buzzing is hundreds and hundreds of of vuvuzela horns:
So anyway, I guess at this point I should probably show you some Soccer wrecks.
Hey, this could be a soccer wreck. I mean, really, do you know what it is? No, you do not. Therefore, I think the real question here is, how do you know it's NOT a soccer wreck? Hmm?
Ok, ok, fine. Here:

How about a few more traditional black and white "balls?"

Note: At this point, I actually had to google "soccer ball" just to remind myself what they're supposed to look like. In case you're in the same boat, here:

I mean, it could be, right? I haven't watched any of it, so you tell me: has anyone been shot with an arrow yet? Or have any of the female cheerleader's feet fallen off?
Janet, Dan W., Nina T., Ann S., Rachel L., Hillary H., Aimee P., Jen E., Brandy B., & Sarah W., if that kind of stuff is going on, then I'm totally checking out the World Cup after all.
127 comments | Post a Comment
THIS makes my week! Thanks!
I really want to know about that 2nd wreck. Did that "horn" have like, grapes squished into the frosting? It was truly hideous.
That second cake isn't a vuvuzela. It's an Alien chestburster that's been cut in half. Or, maybe it's a cake made for a biology teacher who spent just a little too much time teaching kids how to dissect earthworms. Whatever it is, it'll be on the discount shelf tomorrow.
About the time I got to the Flamingoes cake, I uttered "Dear Lord in heaven." Other than that, I'm speechless.
Is that orange thing supposed to be the Arsenal football club cannon? It's so... flaccid.
Holy crap, that third one looks like a diagram of the inner ear!
And that seventh one looks eerily like the symbol for the Umbrella Corporation (in B&W, of course)!
Demented and moldy soccer balls? Those CCC's have to be given the boot.
What is that last cake??? A track and field meet massacre??
Um... and on that 2nd wreck (I cannot tear my eyes away, it's like a traffic accident)... is that OATMEAL? I mean, with grapes squished into it? I've calculated that it is supposed to be a cornucopia, but it's making me feel queasy.
Ok Jen soccer doesn't have cheerleaders; that's for your American football (as we call it here in Europe). Soccer has supporters, hoards of men (and quite a few women too!)filled up to their eyeballs with adrenaline! LOL! BTW those wreckerators really don't know that a soccer ball is supposed to be ROUND! LOL! And black & white! And I'll add for your own personal information that soccer players cannot touch the ball with their hands (except the goal keeper).
I don't know what that last cake it, but I think I want one.
#2's actually pretty obvious...right?
Here's a hint - "He who controls the spice, controls the universe!"
I'd like to see some wrecks of the supposedly demon-possessed ball that is the World Cup special ball this year ... no really, the players say that it doesn't want to be kicked so it moves ... by itself ... just think of the possibilities!
CW#2: does anyone else think it looks like a compacted colon or an exploding intestine? Ewwww...
I just found your site the other night and I really want to thank you. My husband is away for 5 weeks in training. He is joining the Air Force. Since he has been gone, with three kids at home, it's been stressful.
The other night I spent 3 hours on your site, all alone, laughing so hard I cried. Thank you thank you thank you. I truly needed that! The cakes you feature are hilarious, but it's your wonderfully twisted sense of humor that makes this site so awesome. Thank you again for making my month!!
god, this made me laugh so hard.
i think i need Twitter to break a lot more for stuff like this to come out of you in masses :)
Thanks Jen
The Beehive State is not amused!!!!!
If that abomination of cake sculpting was made in Utah we may need to break out the pitchforks and the torches!
What does a beehive have to do with soccer aka football anyway? There are way too many CCC's(blah!) soccer balls run over by construction equipment(you know those roller things) today.
I think that last one is more of a track and meet gone horribly wrong. It's kind of cute though!
But oh man, those "footballs" look more like poorly planned, soccer themed medicine balls. Although that rose one could have worked so well! ..if they actually paid attention to what a soccer ball looked like.
I hate the vuvuzelas....but I guess not as much as I hate the look of that 2nd cake LOL. Oh and the 3rd one looks like it's supposed to be...uh....male anatomy....So maybe it IS a soccer wreck- they can get injured there ya know ;P
I laughed so hard at that last cake. Hysterical! The look on the ref's face says it all. I would love the story behind that one.
Is it wrong that the OCD part of me wants to try to reattach the cheerleader's feet?
#5 should read "a drawing of a molecule made with tinker toys" not "an atom". Atoms consists of a tiny nucleus surrounded by an electron cloud.
I just kept staring, hoping they'd make sense.
Sort of like those 'Magic Eye' pictures. If you stared long enough, sort of unfocused your eyes, something would pop out and make sense.
I finally gave up.
LOl, those are barely even soccer wrecks.
The beehive would be sort of charming if it didn't have the bees vomiting blood all over the place. As my art teacher used to say, the secret to art is knowing when to stop.
You think you're sooo smart with your big blue eye! "I know the difference between molecules and atoms!" you say. Well some of us didn't "pay attention" when we were "educated" in the "sciences." And there's nothing wrong with that. (except for that whole lack of knowledge thing)
I changed it. HAPPY!?!?!
Your last wreck reminds me of "Homecoming Queen's Got a Gun" for some reason. Don't know it? Go do a You Tube search on it and watch. I'll be here when you get back. No, seriously, if you AREN'T familiar with this, you HAVE to see it.
Oh, and I feel bad for the decorators doing the soccer balls. They're HARD!
That first grey and white one, just before the Google comment, looks kinda like Tiffany stained glass. And from that perspective, it's pretty.
Love your blog! I always read it and seldom comment, but today I just wanted to pop in and tell you how much I enjoy your view of things. You always make me laugh! Thanks for bringing a smile to my day, so many times a week.
thank you for adding the true picture of a soccer ball. I needed that.
and I am so glad you are bringing joy to people who find your site and need a laugh and spend hours here catching up. that is wonderful!
don't take the literal or "scientific" folks personal. they can't help it.
ha ha ha! I LOVE that last one! I have absolutely no clue what's going on and find it all a little frightening, but at least they managed to be cute while doing so.
I think the mystery cake is supposed to be a whistle. Like what gym teachers use. If you squint really, really hard... it almost maybe sorta looks like one.
Jen, totally awesome post today. Your commentary continues to amuse and amaze me!
As for the "soccer ball" CCCs, it is IMPOSSIBLE to create a round shape out of a bunch of smaller round shapes, IT WON'T WORK. There is not a scalloped edge to be found on a soccer ball, so why do the wreckerators insist on continuing to try? I know, a rhetorical question for which there is no answer, but we can ponder...
WV jiticin - Many of these cakes should be jiticin'd before they're shown to anyone.
What is the story behind the tragic track meet cake? Inquiring minds want to know!!!
That orange thing looks like a Jai-Ali (sp?) scoop.
And the third cake from the end looks sort of like silvery stained glass, which would be kind of pretty if it weren't supposed to be a soccer ball.
Ahahahah this was spectacular, made my day!
#3 is a motorcycle shift lever. Obviously. Can't understand how you missed that.
WV: likerse If the Wreckerator had stayed away from intoxicating likerse might have produced a better cake.e
That orange cake third down looks very similar to certain styles of Pacific Island warclub.
In case the link didn't work:
"Fiji's Treasured Culture: Sali, Cali or Tebetebe.
A broadly curved club with a blade on the end and a spur on the upper curve of the club."
And yes, I'm precisely the kind of person who would order a warclub-shaped cake. If I order one and get a wreck, of course I'll send it in.
That diorama is totally awesome! That is, if it was made by Quentin Tarantino.
I would like to know why there is a foot on the bee-hive. It's a bad idea to kick a bee-hive people.
I never realized "ROUND" was such a difficult shape of cake pan to find and use.
last cake is a track meet murder scene... i think... oh my... hahahha
@ Falze
Hah! that was my first thought. A sandworm throwing up (poor thing drowing in wrecks). Most of the rest look like mutant glial cells.
I had the "pleasure" of listening to FOUR freaking HOURS of those horns on Saturday while guilted into staying at my mom's for some family time. Her new husband is British and wouldn't miss a soccer game to save his life. I don't know what gave me a bigger headache, four hours of buzzing or these wrecks!
That's the scariest poo tornado I've ever seen! And the rest of the stuff is in that condition because it has been struck by the poo tornado.
*dusts hands off*
There, all explained!
My 2-3/4-year-old was unable to identify the bees on the first cake. The best she managed was "cowbird" and "chocolate". And trust me when I say this kid is an ace at pattern recognition.
I think the third one is meant to be a whistle........
Another winner; thanks for the laugh today Jen! :)
I'm pretty sure #3 is a shofar.
Given the date (which seems to be late August) this strikes me as more than possible--it would be around the High Holy Days.
...I also think I saw that cake's identical twins last year around Rosh Hashanah.
As to #1, I thought it was pretty clear that they were bees, but I do wonder why they appear to be breathing fire.
I've got one question: why are the bees allowed to have lasers? Or is someone cutting the cake with a lightsaber? Ok, that was two questions, but they should count as one, right?
I thought that pink cake was celebrating the "Great Flamingo Season" of 2009 at first--it kind of looks like a stylized round flamingo if you squint a lot. Those others look like Spiderman created them.
Remember, honey is essentially bee barf. I wonder if the first cake tasted like honey.
That vuvuzela was probably a cornucopia left over from Thanksgiving. Ick.
The orange wreck is clearly the Ebola virus.
I think that airbrushed one looks a little like a weighted companion cube, which would be a lie if made of cake.
@Falze: yes! Dune worm! I see it!
Now I know why I don't care for soccer... no cheerleaders, mascots, marching bands, flag-waving dancers, etc.! I bet they don't even have hotdog cannons!
OH my goodness the vuvuzela/"cornucopia" makes me want to hurl. Seriously. *turns green*
I guess I'm not the only one who thinks the droning of the horns sounds like a bunch of angry bees! I was in a swarm once (I huddled under a tree and screamed my head off) and it sounds JUST like that! Brrr. I don't think I'll be watching much of the World Cup.
I'm with Falze - #2 is a sandworm. No doubt about it.
aww. i thought the bee one was cute. i guess i'm the only one. :(
The kids left a soccer ball in the driveway once and it looked just like a couple of those CCC after I ran over it. Love your blog!
doesn't matter what #3 is, it is orange so soccer-related. Here in the Netherlands just about everything is orange at the moment, they even sell orange toiletpaper!
Between the Sandworm with gastroenteritis, the bees with gastroenteritis, the CCCs (ptooie!) giving me gastroenteritis, I totally lost any ideas as to what the orange thingie might be.
Anyone else seeing a sad face in the orange gel of the bee hive cake?
I'd be pretty sad faced too, if I was being stung by poo-bees.
i think the horn one is supposed so be a cornucopia or something. the other looks kinda like a whistle?
That is not a bee hive. Those are carnivorous bees busy eating the jelly-like eyes and brains of an alien mummy (who also happens to have a jelly-like mouth/moustache...). I thought that was obvious.
Hmmm....the one you say you want to head-butt, looks like something Charlie Brown would get in his trick-or-treat bag...
That diorama is fabulous. Do we have back story for this? I would totally buy something like that for my brother.
That last cake looks a little like a cricket pitch. Just a little. The clothes are all wrong, though, and I don't think they have cheerleaders in cricket. Just tea.
Can somebody please tell me what a flamingoo is? Also, I don't know what the third one was, but it reminded me of ground beef and preschool art projects.... :D
Pic2 = We have wormsign!!
- flying poo blobs? every cake should have some
-the second one is the worm from Dune
- the third one is also an extra terrestrial life form
- a ball is a very difficult concept to grasp, it's so extremely spherical
- most soccer players fall over & sob fro half an hour if they break a manicured finger nail or find a split end in their coiffured hair, as illustrated by this most splendid cake
For the record, E3 is doing far more to break twitter than the World Cup is.
love the random shoe just lying on the ground on the last cake, really made my day :)
That second one resembles this fictional creature, a Taxxon.
My 4 year old says the 3rd cake is a duck. And if you flip it over, I can totally see it. Must be.
Um... on that second cake? Whoever's large intestine that is? You need to eat more fiber.
That last cake definitely looks like a track meet gone wrong, what with one person lying prostrate in the sand pit of the long jump, and another stabbed to death(?) in the elbow by a truncated javelin. I don't blame the official for his abject horror. I don't recall there ever being cheerleaders at track meets, although I suppose she could be a free-lance cheerleader...I definitely want to know the story behind that cake.
My daughter and I watched about two minutes of one of the World Cup matches the other day, and decided that we would have gone insane by now if we had to listen to the "buzzing bees" LIVE, all day long.
@ Shanti
"That orange thing looks like a Jai-Ali (sp?) scoop."
I thought that at first too. However, a cesta doesn't have a horn-like protrusion on the back of it. Though perhaps they have combined jai alai and mixed martial arts to create a fight-to-death match.
And as for Mr. Science Person's correction. Around my city, we have a very large concentration of engineers. When someone becomes a bit too obsessive about his yard, car, sport, or whatever, usually someone else will comment in a quiet voice, "Well you know he is an engineer" and everyone nods knowingly. They just can't help it, so don't take it personally.
If cake decorators can’t manage soccer balls, there is no hope for my tessellating M. C. Escher cake!
That last cake looks like my first ever track meet. The epitome of frustration and confusion.
Jen, I feel you should know that there are no cheerleaders in soccer/futbol. Thank God.
I thought they were fire-breathing bees.
I also had to be reminded of what a soccer ball actually looks like. Cause all of a sudden... I wasn't too sure.
Seriously, these get put on shelves for purchase? Do these people go home proud of themselves that they have to throw their creations (I use the word losely) away at the end of the day. All of my cakes haven't turned out perfect, so when I realize they look like crap I START OVER...but that might be the OCD in me...
@ first wreck: honey is bee barf. Really, it is.
I dunno about flamingos, it looks more like a mardigras ladybird to me, but hey, that's an awesomely flamboyant pink colour. CW 3: VERY badly bruised delicate bits, perhaps after running into a soccer ball after becoming confused by the vuvuzelas (which BTW are NOT in any way a traditional instrument - there ARE awesome African horns and pipes which are well-tuned and lovely to listen to, but these are not them!). Last CW scene: I like the hammer thrower, who's ended up with the hammer in his eye. The whole thing looks a lot like I remember Sports Day at school...
WV: certi - those are certinly not the Jabulani soccer balls being used in the World Cup.
MC from NZ
Pretty sweet Twitter/World Cup map:
As a kid, my brother told me honey was bee spit and I believed him...still do after that cake #1. And no, I don't eat honey. I do believe the last cake is a track and field meet explosion - sand pit, track on the outside, body parts everywhere or missing.
OMG the wreck I sent in got posted! YAY!!!
To other people sending in photos - I sent it in like a year ago, so be patient, she really saves these up for just the right theme!
I KNOW WHAT THE THIRD ONE IS!!! It makes sense now! If you tilt your head a little, it's a golf club & ball!
U sure that one cake isn't a Thanksgiving cornucopia wreck?
This was so funny! Thank you. The diorama is at least entertaining, but I really don't know what to say about the so-called soccer balls. I mean if I know a soccer ball is difficult and I don't feel cofident that I can actually produce a realistic soccer ball then I would tel the client NO!... as opposed to handing them crap and calling it soccer. LOl oh, well
check out my blog:
Oh and I love the honeybees throwing up orange goop... even if that's supposed to represent honey, why would you have the bees trowing it up all over your cake?
check out my blog:
I agree with Falze. It's a Dune sandworm... after a head butt... with the giant orange whistle... lost by the officials on the track field... of zombie leprosy cheerleaders... after eating mutant molecules.
It always delights me when I read new reader comments saying what I did when I found this blog: it makes me laugh. I must visit daily. Everyone should.
I think that second cake has grapes smushed into meatloaf for a topping. Yum!
It's FOOTBALL please and there aren't cheerleaders at matches. Some matches play as late as 2:30am local time and our menfolk (and a lot of womenfolk) do stay up late to watch these matches. (Hint: football betting)
These cake wrecks just made a wreck of the beautiful game!
Well, clearly you have the picture of the orange CCC upside down. It is a one-eyed, one horn, flying orange people, one horn, flying orange people eater...
As far as I'm concerned, Jen, you really made a GOOOOOOOAL with these cakes in honor of the world cup!
The second to last one looks like the surface of the moon. And if you think of it as a Sea of Serenity cake, it's actually a lovely representation.
Also, there are many legitimate reasons to love the beautiful game but my I offer my favorite illegitimate one. At the end of the match men who look like this exchange their shirts.
Your logic is impeccable. It could be a World Cup wreck. And thank you for not caring about the World Cup either. I feel like a survivor of a zombie epidemic.
That cake diorama is kinda cute as long as you don't really look at the details. lol
Very very funny!!!
That last cake looks like almost everyone has died. Now if that is what it is like to be in the game I may just have to watch lol. That first poo bee cake made me wonder what on earth the wreckerator was trying to say. And the horn cake.. smashed and all only reminds me of some twisted alien trying to pop out of the cake.. yikes lol.
Fanboy Wife said...
If cake decorators can’t manage soccer balls, there is no hope for my tessellating M. C. Escher cake!
I'd be willing to give it a try just as long as you don't want me to sculpt for you and impossible staircase cake.
Or the staircase maze in 3D either....
I think the last one is from a track. There actually was once that kind of an event when a Finn threw the javelin out of the sector and it hit a french broad jumper!
Listen here people - you may be able to sit on the other side of the world and witter on about bees and droning and such - i live here (Johannesburg) and what the media have dubbed 'buzzing bees' is more like a chainsaw gone wrong multiplied by five million and then amplified through a crackling megaphone. And they don't stop. I heard my first one at 6am this morning and they just keep on going. Sigh. I feel better now after that rant. But otherwise yes, we are enjoying being the hosts of the Soccer world cup (we also call it soccer - football sounds sooooo european doncha think?)And Jen, I think I might love you. In a platonic, we are both girls and have significant others and actual real people in our lives too I promise kind of way. Ahem.
"perhaps they have combined jai alai and mixed martial arts to create a fight-to-death match."
Tricia L., I think I would enjoy watching that. Is that wrong?
What slays me is the placement of the strap, right smack in the middle of the "flip flop"! Seriously, do all Floridians have big toes that are half the size of the rest of their foot?? Or maybe that's just environmental adaption caused from living someplace that's always warm... Hmm... that'd almost be worth the price of living in Florida...
Anna in Ohio
Is that an Africanized Bee Hive cake? Festive AND appropriate, since that droning noise coming from the TV could make someone mad enough to kill.
There's got to be hummus on that cornucopia. Please tell me that's hummus.
And the orange whistle CCC? Well, you know how to whistle, don't you? Just put your lips together and...ANYWHO....
#2 is a puke tornado. definitely. Does a vuvuzela horn really blow chunks? and the orange/green icing splatter is probably an allusion to the fact that it's probably a carrot cake. Guess they can't make carrots either. unless they're puked carrots seeing as they're followed by the puked cranberries and all. *looks at Jen suspiciously* are you sure this isn't a mutan cornucupia cake? ;)
the messy pink neon CCC is definitely a soccer ball attempt. For an elementary school age soccer team. I'm guessing they're in Florida. They probably had pink balls or shirts, too, hence the name Flamingos. I love cutesy sports team names for girls. In our town I've heard of: Green Grape Dragons, Red Dragons, Rock stars, Green Machines, Ladybugs (this cake would work for them, too), Bluebirds, Bulldogs, Bumblebees, Dolphins, Sunsets, etc.
What are those red lumps on the molecule cake?
at least the third to last one is actually on a round cake (not a CCC or an oval) But the one after it looks like it's a round cake, that's not..quite..round. How did they manage that? and is it smeared or airbrushed or censored?
that sports crime scene is a riot. I can identify a dismayed referee. what kind of field that is (with the ramp) or what kind of sport (with cheerleaders and arrow-struck murder victims) I can't figure out.
meanwhile, I can't figure out what the guy in the back is holding or why cheerleader looks happy with her feet chopped off. The child on the left has his tongue sticking out (I think) and is in a very unnatural position.
Really, what is the story behind this cake? inquireing minds want to know.
Soccer and the world cup are nearly as important to me as cakes, and that's saying a LOT! lol thanks for the laughs and thanks be to God that there's some good futbol cakes out there too, lol. :o)
~Eryn @ MacDh'omunill Bakery
Jen, has a slide show of gamer cakes.
That first possibly-soccer wreck looks more to me like an angry alien fetus cake. But hey, I'd be angry too if I was displayed upside-down. Heck, I'd be angry being on display.
In reference to the last wreck and to football in general.
Cake #2 must contain cherries from my fridge and cat vomit from my floor.
these coaches/parents are to blame for the soccer CCCs. I bet the wreckerators do a *faceslap* every time they get an order for one, knowing' it's pointless.
chances are, the cupcakes are being given out to the kids after their last game on a soccer field somewhere where there's no cutlery for cutting and eating. pizza is a "fingerfood," too.
now, individual soccer balls would be cute, but yet another nightmare for the wreckerator. they should make it even easier--a green iced cupcake with a plastic flotsam soccer ball on each individually iced cupcake. voila. soccer celebrated.
wv: foroast. when something stupid is going to be made fun of. CCC soccer ball cakes are immediately foroast(ing). Either that, or we're talking a planned BBQ menu. or CCC bonfire.
@Keeley: "Great Flamingo Season" of 2009
LOL that conjures some funny images in my mind!
Gotta love the girly soccer balls they have out today (I saw Disney Princess!)
meanwhile, the bee barf/fire breath looks like caviar. fishcake anyone?
I GET THE SECOND CAKE!!! *proud face*
It's a sideways cornucopia!!!
Heck yes! *touchdown dance*
That second wreck looks like the creature in "Tremors" after they blew it up!
The bee cake is my favorite! My nick name is Bee and one year my sister got me a birthday card that explained on the front how bees make honey. On the inside it says "So when I say I hope your birthday is sweeter than bee barf I mean it as a good thing!" those bees are just barfing up honey! It's a totally natural occurrence in nature, I'm just pretty sure it's not neon orange ;)
LOL! I've never seen so many balls that aren't in the least bit round. (Yes, I realise what this sounds like >.<)
And the orange cake is definitely the referee's whistle (or so is my conclusion). But why it's orange, I do not know. XD
makes me feel a lot better about my disaterous football cake !
That weird orange cupcake cake looks just like a drawing my daughter made when she was 3. She informed me it was the elephant bone, you know, that it uses to make its noise.
I think cake 9 has b in gnommish.
Okay, so I'm late, but I have to post it anyway... cake #3 is clearly a failed attempt at the Hot Wheels Spin Out cupcake cake!
Can't believe I actually stumbled across the answer!
#1 The poo-bees (what a great name for a band) are puking because they saw a reflection of that wreck in the glass.
#2 is obviously the 'star' of the 'Tremors' movies, though I don't remember those things breathing fire.
#3 I really don't want to know. Bad enough that it's another CCC (quick, the mouth-bleach!) with mile-thick icing. Why not just serve a sack of sugar and be done with it?
#4 Another CCC. For the Fierce Fighting Flamingos! At least that (sort of) explains the color scheme.
#5 Heeere comes another one... At least the wreckerator got that 'symmetry' thing down. Whereas...
#6-8 are just sad. Cupcakes might have been an improvement.
#9 is in a class by itself. At the insistence of other cakes, in an effort to avoid contamination. Is that condensation on the inside of the cover? Or perhaps some sort of vapor was given off by... excuse me!
All better now -- as long as I don't look at #9 again. Ever.
#10 Who commissioned this -- Sam Peckinpah? The creator of 'Mr. Bill'? I don't know that this is the most disturbing wreck yet, but it is definitely in the top 10. It looks as though the referee's hands would be dragging the ground if he stood, but that might be stretching things a bit.
Nerts! Missed the 'Dune' reference on #2, until Falze pointed it out. It took me awhile, but I got it.
Perhaps #10 commemorates why grade schools don't offer fencing for Phys Ed. Or else civic leaders simply have to stop awarding playground contracts to the same company that builds abattoirs. I don't care that they're the low bidder, it's just wrong!
Is that Hitler in the top center of the last one?? So I guess Germany was playing?
You know, I'm so far out of the whole decorated cake loop that I wasn't aware of the existence of um, cupcake creations..until I started looking through more of your posts. The more of them I see the better I understand your opinion of them. Wow. The human imagination sure can be..interesting.
Thanks for expanding my horizons?! :s