Note: You're dying to try that link, aren't you? Knew it. Well, it turns out if you include the final forward slash you get a broken link - but without it, voila!
Alexey F. & Guahar, https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiaMeogwZ4MR2kVzZX9VyGRK3nMuQ03od1hAJWxQz9aTUhReEga1_j0bvFdBqmO6Xmi9J2K0wksbY23kAdd-zu_wG19-qawArtZabxg-0qMWhlk_qX9rj2AGPrQuHg9fZk2Z6ZHcS2sgTo/s1600/Carolyn+.+ow+.+misspell.jpg
- Related Wreckage: Proof That Computers Will Never Rule the World
61 comments | Post a Comment
Thanks for the "save your time" warning. I was just going to check it out!
I honestly don't get it. This might take a while.
At least they have really clean edges.... :)
A new post!! I'm still trying to figure out the weird peacock under the brown rainbow!
I beg to differ--I immediately typed that baby in, and got some non-English-typing place of interest! They offered me the English version, so I clicked, and got the English version!
I still have no inkling of what the thing IS, though.
Here are a couple of statements from the site:
"An average Kharkivite is quite
an accomplished, intellectual person interesting
to talk to"
"Kharkiv residents have always
been very
Well, then. What are we waiting for? I see more outsourcing in our future...
We would like the following logo on our cake.....lol this is great!
Here's the link if anyone wants to see what was ordered.
I dunno, I kind of like the url...
Okay, I clicked your link. *Facepalms himself.*
Need more coffee.
That's kind of cool. I mean, I know it's supposed to be a wreck, but if you never mind the disastrously hilarous mistake, it's actually kind of slick and minimalist.
This is my favorite kind of wreck!
Love your blog-I came to it via your book, which I loved, and still laugh out loud over the anniversary cake, the librarian's cake and others when I picture them in my head!
Really? Really really? O_o
And as for the cake behind the link; I'm going to start saying that to people. Best invective ever.
WV: Reysie. (I see your wreck and reysie a CCC of Christian Bale riding a tractor.)
oh that is hilarious!!
I definitely would have looked it up....thak you...erm, Thanks...
Wow, that's a really pretty cake... pretty wrecktastic!
I'm sure that logo would have been a wreck, anyways...
and no borders or color or anything...just a plain white cake with this dead link on it. *shakes head*
Look at Cake Wrecks now! Appearing now on the last page of Reader's Digest!
My Russian co-worker translated. The top word is "Photo opportunity" or something similar. The bottom word is town.
The logo says "Photo shoots in Kharkov", if anyone is interested.
Hmmm...maybe the one I found was something different...
Oh well~~ I've never been one to always take anyone's word for something...I'm a "gotta see for myself" type of ornery!
I get it from my cats.
But hey--no matter what, it IS a clever way to advertise!
Acording to Wikipedia, Kharov or Kharkiv is a city in Ukraine, not Russia.
I thought you geeky types might like this tidbit from the wikipedia article:
Kharkiv is the unofficial capital of Ukrainian Science fiction and Fantasy. It is the home to popular writers like H. L. Oldie, Oleksandr Zorych, Yyriy Nykytin and Andriy Valentynov. Annual science fiction convention "Star Bridge" (Зірковий міст) is held in Kharkiv since 1999."
Ow, "Cynepmapketbi Poct" made my head hurt until I went to the site to figure out what it meant.
It's more like "Supermarkety Rost" if you transliterate, and it just means Supermarkets by the brand name of Rost (growth. the good kind.)
The logo actually seems to be for a photography company in Kharkov, which is a city in the Ukraine.
So much for saving me time... I had already a) entered the link as it's displayed on the cake, b) removed the slash at the end to see if that worked, and c) read your comment that the link was broken and was getting ready to tell you the correct link.
Then I scrolled down... /sigh
Haha, yeah, something definitely didn't click there...
Your witty commentary just makes it all come together, too.
This is one of my favorite CakeWrecks! LOVE IT!
I'm pretty sure that means "Christ Is Risen" in Russian, but I can't remember the exact spelling.
Oh who are we kidding, the bakery would have murdered that too.
Another wrecktastick smile on my face.
Thanks for the time saver - I was just about to start typing it into my browser.
As always, this site freaking RAWKS!
cool! i go to kharkov, ukraine every year! what are the odds...
yeah i was pretty stoked to see a cake w/ a ukrainian website on it and a little russian vocabulary... nothing beats it... ?
Oh man - I was just going to send you the most over-the-top cake I have ever seen - for a Bridal shower - posted by my friend on Facebook. But, it's a wee bit obsence - not horrible, but still! Another day!
The person who ordered this might be partly to blame. If he or she included that final slash (it's a forward slash, not a backslash - a backslash, "\," would never belong in a url), then the decorator may have tried following the link, seen the 404 error, and assumed it was supposed to be literal.
At least the cake doesn't read: "Not Found
The requested URL /temp/logo.jpg/ was not found on this server.
Apache/1.3.33 Server at www.rost.kharkov.ua Port 80"
Thanks for this!!! I'm having such a wreck of a day, I'm finally able to smile. But now, back to (my soon to be last day of) work.
For what its worth, there are no backslashes in that URL.
I love you for including the final pic as a link.
At least the handwriting is nice and it's centered! A little squished at the end, but what do you expect, perfection?
That's it! I've seen it all now. I can peacefully die and go to heaven.
Thank you for sharing this. You made my year!
Amazing...and what an ugly cake behind it, even.
I got a warning (from Google Chrome) that the site hosted malware!
Everyone is making me laugh, sadly, esp. the wreckerator. Taylor's comment is the best!
I need to make sure I read through things ALL THE WAY...
I was just about to type in the link to see what the picture was SUPPOSED to be when I saw the logo...
so, yes...you KNEW I wanted to KNOW!
It will never get old- "Hey this is what they asked for- that is exactly what I am printing on the cake." Oh, wreckerators you make me smile.
Nice icing penmanship, too.
hahahahha some people just DO NOT THINK!!!
I wasn't going to click on your link at the bottom -- but then I read someone else did and earned a facepalm...
I had to see.
I cackled.
Brilliant!! Simply Brilliant
Thought process of wreckerator:
Oh, here's the url of the picture. Huh, doesn't work. Oooh, maybe THIS is their logo. Makes sense to me! What do I know, I am naive Ukrainian cake maker in the capitol city of Science Fiction and Fantasy!
Ppphhht. (sound of icing farting onto white cake)
Huh. Weird logo, though. Perhaps it is modern.
Can I have sprinkles with my link?
On the upside, the wreckorator has very nice writing and actually managed to get the whole busted link on the cake without squishing it up too much.
I'm also still trying to figure out yesterday's brown bunny/turkey/peacock...I'm missing the big picture somehow
I still don't get it. What is wrong with the link on the cake? How does the 'thak you' cake relate?
I'm originally from Kharkiv...and I've worked at Epcot...how awesome is that? So yeah Spaceship Earth is definitely the capital of Ukraine :)
Oh man if anyone bought that cake I will fall off my chair laughing at them. I cannot believe anyone in their right mind would actually buy that cake with a link that doesn't even work properly lol. Man, I would fire all the wreckerators for that one. Then again they didn't really decorate it just frosted and linked the poor cake... takes pity and eats it lol.
And to think that 30 or so years ago, we would have thought this was some kind of foreign language with not even a clue of what someone really intended. Robin
betcha anything they found the logo and thought "wow, that's a LOT of work...why don't we just print the link on the cake instead??"
Don't they have doilies in Ukraine? What IS that thing the cake is on, an extra Rubbermaid lid?
Ha! Love the link cake. It's like an inside joke that no-one gets.
omg i saw the cake and immediately opened a new tab and typed in the adress!! then i scrolled down.... hehe...
OMG! That was freaking HILARIOUS! I love it!
Hilarious. Considering how many people I know who can't even type a long URL like that without screwing up, props to the decorator for piping it so well.
I do wonder why the person who ordered the cake would even bother supplying a link. Why not just print out the logo and hand it to the baker?
Well duh, of course you can't see the logo yet - you haven't clicked on the frosting.