Friday, January 22, 2010

Isn't It Ironic? Don't Ya Think?

Friday, January 22, 2010

I guess there wasn't room to add "In Math."


Take heart, Peter; you only have to turn one once.

Amy M., Aliesha K., & Melissa M., this is like 10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife. Only, you know, in an ironic kind of way.

- Related Wreckage: Sweet, Sweet Irony
Hanah said...

LOL and that first one didn't know how to spell "teachers" either, haa TeaTchers. :D The "Peter," cake now that's just horrible!! Poor little kid! Let's hope that's not why his parents named him that. What an awful cake!

Deb Geisler said...

Makes me proud, damned proud, to be a teatcher.

Anonymous said...

Special people indeed!

And Peter, poor poor Peter. At least he won't notice the inappropriate-ness of his cake. Untill he is older and sees pictures and the pieces of his life all seem to come together...


mn_me said...

re: cw#3 - peter may only turn one once, but wait until he turns eleven!!!

the poor kid.

Anonymous said...

Is it me, or does the penmanship on #1 (heh!) look suspiciously like the penmanship on the "Under Neat that" cake???

The original wreckorator strikes again!!!

Tammi said...


Anonymous said...

I think two of those were sickly deliberate. But the "are" that looks like "one" is not.

Daniel and Tiffany Ward said...

I don't have words for 'Peter'. I am speachless.

Trevor said...

Really? Do you think the last one is SUPPOSED to be a 1? I think not!

These are total classics. Thanks, Jen, for bringing a big smile to me on a day when I really needed one. I know I can count on CW for that!

Just For You Sweets said...

Oh my gracious!!!

Anonymous said...

I think "Peter's" dad is a little proud of his "boy"

and I wonder what "special" people "vaulanteer" for. clinical trials perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Well, at least Peter isn't old enough yet to get the joke.... lol

Anonymous said...

Anyone think Peter's future career as a Chippendale dancer? or something similar? Especially if he goes to the same school where the teatchers cake was celebrated. Poor peter.

Tigerwolf said...

#1 & #2. Apparently these wreckerators graduated from the LOLcat Academy.

#3. I’ve heard of blue balls before, but never the whole dang thing!


Unknown said...

Is the photo of Peter's first birthday going into the baby album??

I can just see it sixteen years hence: his mom opens the album for his prom date. "See how cute and goofy he was? Oh, and here's his first birthday cake!"

Anonymous said...

And I have definitely found my status for the day... Special People Vaulinteer!

WV: Commythy- where the vaulinteers go.

bassgirl said...

Maybe cake #2 is a play on words, honoring the wonderful unpaid helpers who work on a horseback riding vaulting program for handicapped kids. Or maybe that's a stretch....

Fluffy Cow said...

Um, wow.

Anonymous said...

Peter might only turn 1 once but I think 10 if given the right twist can be quite a wreck.

Marie said...

Had a good laugh at the cakes today. Poor Peter...I honestly thought it was a joke porn cake until I saw the candle.

Anonymous said...

The cakes gave me a good laugh today. I honestly thought that poor Peter's cake was a joke porn cake until I saw the candle.

This is my second try, so I'm sorry if both show up.

Anonymous said...

I have never laughed so hard as I did on the "Peter" one.

Unknown said...

That second one made me gasp out loud. *shakes head slowly*

R2P2 said...

If that's Longwood as in Longwood University, that pretty much makes my day.

Shirley said...

aaahhh! The second picture won't load! And a couple from yesterday's post either! What's going on?! I think I'm going through withdrawls...

Half Assed Kitchen said...

What do special people volunteer for? Hmmm?

Anonymous said...

Not completely related, but you do know that Alanis was blasted for her "irony" not being actually ironic, but simply unfortunate, right?
Then again, maybe that was what you were going for since, really, misspellings on this site aren't really "ironic" at all. Expected, actually. ;) (which is the best part of this site!)

The Mithspellings always make me laugh (and cringe!) But the Vaulinteers has to be the best! Hahahaha.

WV: tharid - I think we should tharid of these cakes before someone sees them!

Karen Valinda said...

I had to go back and try to see the word "are" on the first cake... that's what happens when you read comments before posting your own!
I was going to be a Math Teatcher when I grew up, maybe it's just as well that fate intervened. There is NO hope for Peter if that picture goes in the photo album...

Jules AF said...

You'd think cake decorators would own dictionaries and utilize them. But on such an easy word like teacher, should it be necessary?!?

robincgonz said...

That "vaulanteers" cake looks like it's made of wax! I've never seen frosting that weird color...

Awful. Just awful.

Terry Lee said...

there is nothing, absolutely nothing that i love more than misspelled wrecks.

unless it's misspelled wrecks with a big ol' dose of irony.

the "teatchers" cake reminds me of my days as a school nurse. more often than not, our school marquee would contain misspells, backward letters or incorrect grammar, etc.

after pointing out the mistakes (which i found embarrassing for an educational facility) several times to administration ... and receiving either blank stares or icy cold responses, i started snapping pictures of our marquee and sharing them with friends and associates. hmmmph.

favorite post of the week! thanks, j & j!

Stephanie said...

My best friend would get a kick out of the Longwood "teatchers" cake since she went to Longwood. Thankfully her spelling is better than that. :P

HouseOfEstrogen said...

Love your site! Any chance you could change your feed back to being full posts? I love being able to read full posts on my reader rather than having to click through to read them. Thanks! Keep up the cake wrecking!!

Stella said...

poor, poor Peter.

Bekki said...

Love the blog!

Echoing the above commentator, the past two days my RSS feed has only showed the email/facebook/digg/twitter links but not the full post. I don't mind clicking over, but having everything in one place is nice...

SiriusSchwartz said...

LOL! The Peter cake is peter-shaped.

WideAwakeWife said...

I think the Peter cake may be my new favorite. Subtle yet hilarious!

Anonymous said...

OK, I also saw "one #1" and assumed the Teatchers "won" something and are therefore #1.

wv - menty: a shade of green much beloved of wreckerators

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, the Peter cake is one of the funniest you've posted in awhile!


Ella said...

I'd say the Longwood Teatchers have some spelling lessons to conduct, starting with the bakery staff. I'd like to say they added the extra "t" for visual balance, yep, I'd like to say that...

lol! How does basic design keep eluding these people?

Special People Vaulinteer? Is this some discount version of a volunteer? Get your value with a vaulinteer? Wonder if they're anything like a Mouseketeer?

Normally people are horrified when their significant other is shown nude baby photos of them. Peter may be equally horrified when the pics of his 1st birthday cake is shown. If they go with the same bakery on his 11th birthday, that might embarrass him too. On the other hand he might get a kick out of it & strive to live to the ripe old age of 111.

Amy said...

HouseofEstrogen, I agree - up until yesterday I was always able to view full posts in Google Reader, but now it's only showing the title.

These cakes today are hilarious!


Anonymous said...

His 11 cake will be bad? Try his 10 cake!

Amanda Mac said...

Oh, my... took me a good thirty seconds to realize that the, er, Peter was supposed to be the number one and not something else.

Poor kid. That brings blackmail photos to an entirely new level. I can only imagine when he's a pimply 16-year-old on his first prom date and Mom whips out the first birthday pictures!

whitneyvegan said...

What about when Peter turns 11?

Felicia said...

The upside is that Peter will probably find this hilarious when he turns 18 or so!

Anonymous said...

A blue peter is a flag flown on a ship in harbor announcing that the ship is getting ready to leave and all hands should return. [Bridge borrowed the term; I'm not an old salt.] That's all the third cake is: a blue peter flag. There's nothing to gawk at, keep moving.

M M said...

Peter will look back on this years from now and laugh at the unintentional wreckage...unless it turns out the 1 represents his size downstairs.

Amelia Antwiler said...

Peter's peter cake petered out....

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for Peter's birthday #2... hehehe

Anonymous said...

Peter's parents FINALLY get what everyone was warning them about, and now he goes by his middle name, Richard.

jj said...

Doesn't a kid named Peter have enough problems these days without paying someone to spell it out in cake?

Nil Zed said...

I don't suppose it's worth mentioning that the RSS feed problems were explained yesterday, because people who don't actually read the text of the blog surely can't be bothered to read comments that were posted after their own.

But, I feel better.

Anonymous said...

C'mon, what makes you think that last one is a birthday cake?

Maybe it's just an homage to the #1 Peter! And the candle is also symbolic. Or just adding a bit of inspirational light.

It's got nothing to do with a birthday, if you ask me. LIly

Carmen @ Life with Sprinkles on Top said...

*shakes head* That's all I can do! What in the world...

Pilgrim said...

Oh, dear.... there is nothing to do today except groan...

Mooblue said...

It's got nothing to do with a birthday, if you ask me. LIly
But look at the pic, there are cookies and what seems to be part of a party hat.
Hopefully he'll find this funny one day

Little Lovables said...

poor poor Peter, the blue phalic depiction of his poor poor name... oh peter, so glad he is not in high school.

I seriously hope is last name is not something embarressing

Little Lovables said...

peter, peter, blue cake eater
had a wife and couldn't keep her!
he put her in a cakewreck hell
and ate his blue cake very well

jackie31337 said...

Blue Peter is also a children's show on the BBC. I don't think that's what the wreckorators were going for, though.

Spicy said...

I went to Longwood Highschool.

Is there more than one Longwood?

Love and Puppies, Christy said...

So, my sister in law has that same "1" cake mold and when she made the cake for her son's birthday I made some crack about how phallic is looked...she cried. Ooops. I mean, dude, you made your baby a penis cake. Not my fault! Regardless, I stole the cake mold and have been using it for bachelorette parties ever since. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Heh-heh....I had a principal who would send out directives to staff and letters to parents that contained blatant spelling and grammar errors. She was an English major for pete's sake! I used to entertain myself during faculty meetings by circling all her mistakes on the agenda. So it's not just those wreckerators who don't know how to spell. LOL Thanks for a great post today.

Unknown said...

Hahahahaa...I will have to point the Austin cake show volunteers to the volunteer cake and promise not to make them one as an additional perk (they already get discounts on t-shirts and class/dinner tickets).

WV: minden: as in, no one is minden their speeeling on thees cakes!

Anonymous said...

This is really disappointing. Not having a working RSS feed is the same as not having a blog at all. I mean, it's bad if someone else is copying your content -- but this is the Internet; that's gonna happen whether you supply it via RSS or plain, unvarnished HTML. Watermarking the pics is the only way to passively combat it; deactivating the feed just means you're losing real readers. And that's quite a shame; I just discovered the blog -- through Google Reader, I might add -- a couple of weeks ago. :(

Melinda said...

I don't know about high schools but we have a Longwood Elementary here.

Anonymous said...

The Peter cake just made me think of the British show Blue Peter. Even so, that show title always makes me giggle like a fool as well.

Miranda said...

omg ahahahahahahaha! Special, like special ed!

And yes, that does look like a peter on that cake.

Little Luxuries said...

That last cake... oh, my.

But there's photographic evidence, so at least Peter has some prime blackmail material for when he gets older.

Kaleena said...

This post is by far my favorite of recent posts :)

Allison said...

Aww, poor Peter. I love that name, too...

Amanda | Glittericity said...

I love the last one! It's so... self-descriptive :D

favoriteauntl said...

You are going to stop reading CW because there is no RSS...really? You would honestly miss this because you do not want to click ONE more thing? It is your loss. We'll all still be here, laughing, gagging and snarking away.

WV: squiconf. no ideas on a meaning but it would be a great scrabble word.

Rae said...

I can hear someone from the southern mountains calling to order the "vaulinteer" cake. Say it out loud =D
One of my favorite cakes ever!

Anonymous said...

remember to write love on her arms? they are up for $1 million from chase, to vote for them go to

Lisa said...

I have often wondered if Alanis Morrissette is having the last laugh. If she intentionally wrote a song where she called a whole bunch of stuff ironic when it wasn't, knowing it was indeed ironic that she was misusing the word ironic.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Peter's last name is Johnson? :P

Mandy said...

Oh my. That "Peter" cake is certainly..."rising" to the occasion, eh?

nora_k said...

please baby jesus let the longwood be my alma mater, longwood central school district in middle island, new york. please, oh please.

manz said...

No one that I saw commented on the erroneous apostrophe in teatcher's. It's pretty bad when there are two errors in one word!

ksaldria said...

I think this may be the greatest post I've ever read. I'm still pointing and laughing at the "Teacher's" cake.

Anonymous said...

lol! Peter piper picked a pecker :-)

Sara said...

WOW. The Peter one was just BAD. Very BAD. LOL!
On a side note, thank you so much for supporting the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation on Facebook and Twitter. My dear friend Rita emailed you, and is ecstatic that Cake Wrecks, her favorite blog of all time, supported us. How awesome is that?! In case you didn't get the news, GSF came in 6th out of 100, which means a $100,000 grant to help fund research and awareness for Spinal Muscular Atrophy. YOU have a part in that, and we so greatly appreciate it!
Way to go Cake Wrecks!! <3


Anonymous said...

And "special people" decorate cakes, too.

Peter's wittle peter... what "special" parents.

Fanboy Wife said...

I hope the "teatcher's" cake was a joke.

smilinggreenmom said...

LOL!!! That is so hysterical!! Oh My - Our son turns five in a few weeks and I am starting right now to look for some good allergy free cake recipes. I am even thinking of using Kamut Wheat and of course - it will be egg and dairy free! I can't wait to read more of your stuff - I won't pull a "peter" cake thought hat is for sure!!!

nikki said...

I can't see the 3rd cake. :(

lacajag said...

Ouch; yikes; and oh, my! I heart cakewrecks : )

Anonymous said...

As a middle school teatcher, I wish you'd leave the "peter" posts separate from the great teatching moment posts, aka the spelling and grammar mistakes.

I love to use your site in the classroom, but not when it gets racy. I like the racy posts, too, but they don't make it to the smart board.

Sexy Sadie said...

The people who decorated these cakes must not have had good teatchers.

Anonymous said...

Could some of the misspellings be due to the customer writing out the message for the decorators when ordering the cake? It seems like some are the result of poor handwriting.

Anonymous said...

@ Middle School Teacher--

If you are in a district with the money for Smart Boards in your classroom (really?!), you need not whine to CW because they somehow get up in the morning without your lesson plans in mind. Your life is already rich and blessed enough, it would seem.

Jen has been kind enough to organize her archives for easy access to what you're looking for, so why not go take a look around in there, if your grammar mistakes must be served with cake?

Anonymous said...

Special people vaulinteer

Really special people become cake wreckorators

shikishinobi said...

Poor Peter! It looks like... a phalic symbol. Maybe they were wishing him a large endownment when he gets older.
Enough dirty talk.
I'm not sure what was more ironic; running out of space for 'special people' or misspelling valunteer. Maybe the special people can offer their 'vaulinteer' services to the wreckorators.

Kate said...

I went to Longwood University for 3 semesters. I took some classes with some education majors. I reassure you that "Longwood Teatcher's" (possessive, mind you) "one #1" doesn't surprise me in the least.

Hannah said...

Anyway of knowing if that first cake is from Longwood University? I was the pastry chef there until about 6 months ago, so my replacement would have been the one making this...that is WAY too funny!!

Rita W said...

Okay...the last cake is my favorite wreck of all time now. Awesome!

Poor Peter. Hopefully his parents don't share his 1st birthday pictures with the first girl he brings home.

Mikewind Dale (Michael Makovi) said...

Somehow, the Peter cake reminded me of a gravestone. It wasn't until I read the comments here that I realized what else it looked like. I have a clean mind.

Lauren Borquez said...

Poor poor little Peter LOL

Julie said...

I just want to say that your blog is SO funny- I really laugh myself to tears every time I take a look!!! And while the cakes are funny on their own, it's your comments that make me LOL to the point that my kids will say "she's looking at those cakes again...(eye roll)"-
thank you!

Unknown said...

That first cake is especially bad to me as I am a Longwood graduate. Yes from the education department no less. Never expected one of these to hit so close to home.

Erica said...

The peter cake is especially funny for me because I have a friend named Peter Johnson...His father's name is Richard (commonly nicknamed "Dick".) We have group conversations about what he should name his first son to continue the tradition...Maybe he can also give his kid a similar cake on his 1st birthday lol.

TupeloHoney said...

I'm thinking maybe a shaped cake waasn't the way to go for Peter's first birthday.

Anonymous said...

It could be worse. He could have turned 11.

TerriMJ said...

Poor Peter will probably be scared for life when he turns 11

lisagems said...

I was told a story about the former minister of my mother's church. He and his wife are lovely and intelligent people. But, apparently not well informed on the changes in slang.

They named their first child Peter. This wasn't really a problem until he started school. Suddenly their happy little boy was sullen, and getting into fights.

So, they called the school to speak with his teacher, who said, "Well, Mr. and Mrs. Dick..."

(yes, really. I'm not making it up.)

wv: sconch. Sure there's enough room! Jes' sconch it all on there.

Anonymous said...

hey that 'Vaulinteer' picture is mine..hmm...wonder who stole it and put it on here! It is hillarious though!

Magnolia said...

Oh and the problem with the spelling on cake #2 was that we were stationed in Germany and the volunteer appreciation luncheon was for the Chaplain's office there on post. Well the cakes are ordered through the commissary and then shipped off to the local German bakery for the writing. So it really was an honest mistake on their part, but hillarious on ours! :)

Amanda said...

I'm a Longwood education grad!! LOLOLOL!!! I posted this to my Facebook so my fellow Longwood-ites could get a good giggle out of it.

Cupcakes Lady said...

The Peter cake...subtle yet hilarious! xx

Anonymous said...

Maybe Peter's last name is Longwood ;D ... Works for me.