And what? What?!? TELL ME!! I MUST KNOW!!!
Oh, and speaking of suicide missions:
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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115 comments | Post a Comment
On that last cake, the decorations are necessary, to explain what happened to the first 59.
Aside from the errors they are all well made cakes-
I think it was supposed to read "Welcome to NJ Bell and Verizon"
Hahaha, nice to see the incomplete "accidentally" meme step off of the interwebs.
Let's start a comment war on the best comment that's obviously missing key words.
I'll go first:
I can't believe have the nerve to make cakes so.
Adam's cake is referring to this: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-accidentally
@KatjaMouse: I know, right? All the need is another cake that says "The whole thing?"
"We accidently ____ your cake"
This could be anything! It leaves room for investigation.
It's just sad that the decorations on most of those cakes are actually pretty nicely done. I weep for the future... of cakes.
WV: bringie: Every day, this site bringie a tear to my eye. I must remember to bringie the kleenex next time.
(Yeah, I know, it was an easy one. I can't help that; I don't assign the WV!)
My cousin is named Rubye. Pronounced Ruby.
I thought that the last cake was for a plastic surgery doctor who performed his 60th female-to-male sex change. No? ;-)
Sorry Adam, we won't tell you exactly what we accidentally did to your cake.
And I always knew Dick was a tool.
Young at Go. I kinda like that. "You were young at go, man. You've always been young at go!"
I accidentally this whole comment.
Kudos for the SGA reference! YAY!
Having joined the SGA waggontwo years late, I didn't have so long to wait, but I did have a fair stretch of time before I found out how survived the first (of many) such missions.
WV Twari: Missed a word when icing a cake? Not twari, you've provided Cake Wrecks with fresh fodder.
was holding it together (except for your "ribeye" comment) until i saw the last wreck.
i have a few questions:
is dick a proper noun (as opposed to an improper noun)??
if so, is dick a handyman or does he just prefer tools (not that there's anything wrong with that)?
if not, why aren't there 60 screws on this cake?
just askin'.
Is it really a cake wreck if it's just referencing a known meme? Hm!
Arg, this suspense is killing me! Why don't you just send Sheppard out on another suicide mission and make me wait six months to see if he lives or not? Huh? How 'bout that, funny boy?*
Oh, you're not the only one to still be scarred by that.
Poor Dick!
I accidentally Spaceship Earth.
Sometimes, I feel like I could be a cake decorator after looking at all these cakes.
I know an older guy named Dick. He's a carpenter, too. Maybe it's his cake...
I started watching SGA in the third season, so I *knew* he survived...and I was still traumatized. The later missions were just icing on the cake, as it were.
Maybe it was just missing the "l" and should have read "Welcome NJ Bell to Verizonland"
Hey all,
Yup. The Adam cake is apparently some obscure meme. But it's fun to think of what they might have actually done to the cake accidently.
Oh yeah. And accidentally is misspelled so there's that. I guess this would be a meme wreck then...
What exactly does "accidentty" mean?
I ____ when they forget important _____.
I really had no idea we were supposed to celebrate the number of..um...relationships we've had with cake! My bad.
I figure that one says "Young at 60." But it's a bad-looking 60, if so.
Poor Shep? Poor us. Where is that alleged Atlantis movie anyways?
Shep rules!
Dick is a totally tool! LOL
Re: the, er, "tool" cake-- just how many chances should Dick get, anyway? Isn't there a waiting list for stuff like that?
And as far as NJ Bell, Verizon and... sounds like another merger's about to happen they haven't the guts to announce yet. So if your job is found to be redundant, this cake's also your goodbye.
I love cakewrecks, Jen. You're the best. Turned my mood right around today. Thanks for the daily giggles! I've been a reader almost since the beginning and you never fail. luv ya!
I accidentally a coke bottle. Is this bad?
Maybe that's "Happy Ben and Jerry." As in, "Get out the ice cream, we've got cake tonight!"
Just celebrating cake again, with cake.
@Blue: Well-made cakes? Are we looking at the same page? I wouldn't pay $1.99 down at wally world for a couple of those.
The Welcome to NJ Bell and Verizon got me thinking.
I did not get a cake when I signed up for my phone service!
Did anyone else get cake with their phone service?
Or should I take it persoanlly?
Um, the third to last cake was clearly intentional. The 'accidentally (noun)' is an internet meme. =) Just thought you might want to know.
I accidentally that post.
Hey, now... My mom's name is Rubye, although this is the first time I have ever seen it spelled that way by anyone else.
Awww. I still miss SGA. Off to read fanfic and eat cake now.
For some reason I just pictured William Shatner yelling "KAUN!"
Accidentty (noun) what happened to my rear fender when I accidentally (adverb) ran into a light post.
I so love when you make obscure SGA references ! <3 :D
It makes me glee everytime ^_^
LOL! I alternate between laughing at the cakes and despairing of all the bad cake decorators out there!!
Your book, btw, was great and the friends who got copies for Christmas liked it too! Just thought I'd mention it whilst I was here!
And yay for SGA! Though for me it was the next season's cliffhangar that got me! I mean, Rodney trapped on a hiveship?!!! And I had to wait several months for the resolution?!!! Argh!!!
But then, I am a semi-rabid McKay fan!!! *vbg* Though Sheppard's cool too!
Oh my gosh Jen
I love you.
5th is karen not kaun, but still confused on what they are happy about... maybe that it is Karen and Jerry and some fella named Kaun
The "We accidentally your cake" is a bit of geekish/meme humor, so that was either on purpose or a hilarious coincidence.
Rubye is a snowflayk spelling of Ruby.
That first cake is actually really pretty. Too bad someone frakked it up.
The last one is a birthday cake, but pretty damned funny considering the birthday guy's name! How does one get the nickname Dick out of the name Richard anyway? Or Peggy out of Margaret?
I accidentally the cake is a lie.
Oh, that last one is just naughty...
Or we could just crash-land the entire city in the San Fran bay and leave it floating there indefinitely while the Wraith are still tearing up the galaxy.... *grumbles* I'm still bitter that SGA got canceled in favor of SGU, because it's just not nearly as fun!
And I hope that someday I can still be young at go like Rubye and Eddie.
It's very serious, Sarah. Very serious indeed.
The only way you can fix it is by commemorating it on a cake.
I submitted the first cake from my brother's wedding and I do have to say that, despite the wreckiness, the flowers were beautiful and it was probably the best tasting cake I've ever eaten.
Oh my god that last one, especially paired with the tools. I guess that is an important milestone in any young man's life...
Since "Young at Heart" usually means "really old, but still moviing," does "Young at GO" mean they are so old they need diapers? AND...how many nuts can a Chucknuts chuck?
The tool cake is cute. The name Dick on ANY cake is unfortunate, however.
Um, yes, it's still a wreck even if it's referencing a known meme (although unknown to me until today) because "accidentally" is spelled wrong!
What's SGA?
Happy Kaun and Jemy! Is this a new holiday I haven't heard about yet?
My guess is that it was supposed to be Verizonland. I'm omitting the remainder of my comments in honor of today's cake topic.
could the last one be celebrating some kind of new prostitute's goal?
just wondering....
maybe she gets a raise in her rates...
LOL I like the idea that it's supposed to say "Welcome NJ Bell to Verizonland" to celebrate some kind of merger where Verizon dominates. What would Verizonland be like? can you hear me now?
And Happy Kaun (Karen) and Jerry what? Happy anniversary? Happy birthday? Happy 3rd Tuesday of the relationship? Happy successful crime spree? Happy hookup? Happy successful rehab? Happy meatloaf? WHAT ARE THEY HAPPY ABOUT?
I didn't read closely enough; I thought you were waiting for Cmdr. Shepard (only 1 "p") to go on a suicide mission in Mass Effect 2 instead of waiting for SGA to start up again!
A word of caution if you think you spot a wreck because of a mis-spelled name. Sometimes it's not the decorator who can't spell, but the parents...
I speak as someone who had a young girl named Gorgia in my class once.
I accidentally a whole Cake Wrecks Blogger.
SGA! I am still upset they canned it....and where IS that movie they promised us?!? Anyone....anyone....Bueller?
Anywho, my fave today is "young aT GO" Hee! I think it is a "subliminal" cake for someone that is unwelcome....wasn't there an SNL skit about Subliminal Man....
Watching SGA on the computer, right before the series ended in a two-week stretch eliminates the worries about Sheppard dying- but man, does that boy love suicide missions. Kind of like Janeway in the first few seasons of Voyager- always activating the self-destruct.
That said, I was literally on the edge of my seat at certain points during The Siege. That's never happened before. I love SGA and I miss it- someone above said it best- Where is our movie?!
...SGU is just not as fun.
"If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in tha mornin', hammer in the evenin', all over this land!"
for Dick.
Had an aunt called Rubye... it happens. Oddly enough, it's pronounced 'Ruby'. Weird.
The "we accidentally your cake" is definitely a geek reference :D
But I love the last one! Happy 60th Dick! How many does a guy need, anyway? haha!
Rubeye is more formally known as conjunctivitis. Too bad the wreckorator left out the first "e."
Hey, Crystal:
When you get ready for "Happy 100th," I'll make you a cake with tools all over it, OK?
Or, if it's already too late for that, maybe your 200th? Your 500th?
The accidentally one is actually pretty funny. It's not an unfinished one, though, so I don't see how it belongs here.
(For anyone who has no idea what I'm talking about, look up "I accidentally the whole Coke bottle". And study up on your internet memes already!)
Hi there. That second cake is like that on purpose. I know, I know, it seems strange, but it's a meme.
"We accidentally your [x]" to which you respond;
"Accidentally what?" and then they say;
"Your [x]"
Maybe not. Look it up.
The cakes were actually pretty nice this time around. I think I would go for a "...thing missing" cake as long as the cake itself wasn't screwed up. It would be amusing. I would demand a discount though.
And on the comment about that episode, the second you said it I knew what you were talking about. One of my all time favorite shows.
My favorite part of these cakes is
Your comment about Adam's ca-aake made me laugh til I cried. Thanks, I needed that!
Stargate: Atlantis is MADE OF AWESOME. I keep starting over at the beginning and trying to watch straight through, instead of skipping around, only to be horribly traumatized by the Genii. Nobody tortures John but John!
And what? :)
ROFLMAO! My stepdad's name is Richard and he's a contractor. I need that last cake! XD
"Why don't you just send Sheppard out on another suicide mission and make me wait six months to see if he lives or not?"
Ah Jen, I thought I loved this 'blog before, now I know that was only a shadow of the true love I could have for Cake Wrecks. *sigh*
I love you, you great big geek!
I absolutely adore you for making (a little bit weird) references to Stargate: Atlantis ... (And I am even happier that I get them!)
And me, too, would have been devastated about that suicide-mission-thingy if I hadn't watched the entire series on DVD. (Just for the record.)
The "I accidentally" with no proper finish is actually an internet meme. It's kind of nice to see it making its way into the world of pastry.
loooove the accidentally cake!
Looks like that first one may have been requested as 'Happily Ever After To Mike and Louisa', maybe the wreckerator is into cryptic crosswords and read into it a little too much?
Frankly, "young at Go" waas wht I found most interesting.
(yes, I know it's supposed to be a "60")
Great cakes!! Love the Stargate reference. I'm an old school SG-1 fan myself. Not like SGU at all :-(
Dick is a tool.
Young aT Go?
I just realized that the first one is the opposite of your book cover cake: in that case the instruction "underneath that" was misinterpreted as something to be written in icing, while in this one the 'after' of "Happily Ever After" was misinterpreted as an instruction as to where to put the names. They're lucky it didn't say "Mike & Louisa To Happily Ever."
I'm surprised that first cake doesn't say "Mike and Louisa to Happily Ever"
Y'know, because the order said "Write on the cake: To Happily Ever *after* Mike and Louisa"
Get it???
I love the Stargate reference!
You forgot to mention the misspelling of 'accidentally'.
Quote: "Why don't you just send Sheppard out on another suicide mission and make me wait six months to see if he lives or not? Huh? How 'bout that, funny boy?*"
-Hahahaha ohmigosh I totally am with you! That made me insane! On the one hand, there's no WAY that he could die, but how are they going to get him out of this one? Tell me NOW NOW NOW! Hee hee hee hee... I love that you're just like me as a sci-fi geek girl, Jen. Wreck on! <3
It appears from your issues with the names Kaun and Rubye (you say ribeye, I say Rubye, Let's call the whole thing off ...), that you and I share an absolute disdain for the current trend in "unique spellings". I used to type up the birth announcements for the local newspaper and, through the years, this problem grew to astronomical proportions. I think Katelyn/Caitlin/Caytelynne, etc. is the name that started it all. Your follow up to Cake Wrecks should be a web site called Name Wrecks ... and we'll start with Jaxon. (Disclosure: My son's name is Riley but the boy on the next street is named Ryelye - not kidding. I used to pronounce it like Jai-alai)
Huzzah for SGA! My love for Stargate: Atlantis has no bounds, much like my love for cake wrecks.
What happened to the first 59 Dicks?? What makes the 60th one so special?
I've never - NEVER! - posted here before, but that Atlantis reference was priceless!
*sigh* Stargate Atlantis. I miss you so. Thanks for staying real for all your viewers Jen. We like knowing that blog writers are funny geeks too:) you do a great job EVERYDAY!
The Verizon cake was my mom's and was supposed to say...drum roll... "From NJ Bell to Verizon and Beyond" to commemorate the company's name change and celebrate a get together of Verizon employees old and new. Welcome.. AND WHAT!?
I'd finally convinced myself that I'm entirely too attached to my favorite SGA fanfiction site and should go find something else to surf. Hey, I thought, there was that cake blog. And, suddenly, the cake-girl is talking about Sheppard too. I shook my head, blinked my eyes, reread, thought "Naa, can't be SGA". Kept reading. Yup, she meant Col. Sheppard. Sigh, How bizzare. I can't escape.
As for the movie, I read on IMDB a few weeks back that due to the economy some projects were being "indefinitley postponed". The SGA movie among them (sniff).
As for the cakes, oh yeah, almost forgot about them. Got a little side tracked...
Forrest Gump voice: "Rubye, I'm not a smart man, but I know what love is."
Messed-up inscriptions are my favorite kind of wreck :D
It made me giddy to see a Season 1 SGA reference. Gone from the SciFi network, but not from our hearts...
Is that a Stargate Atlantis reference in MY Cake Wrecks?
John Sheppard is delicious. No wonder he's on a cake blog.
Waiting for the outcome of that mission was horrible. :)
My friends and I are so geeky that we're making t-shirts for a sci-fi conference that say:
(mine) John is my Sheppard, I shall not want.
(Jan's) Hey Carson, wanna play doctor?
(Katie's) Call me McKatie.
At least there's one for each of us.
@Katie - "I accidentally the cake is a lie." Hilarious! Heeeee!
Really, the whole post had me giggling, and then the comments were also awesome. My favorite Cake Wrecks post...so far.
Actually, the "accidentally" cake may not even be an accident. It's a relatively well-known internet meme where a person will say the fragment "I accidentally *noun*." Might just have been a cake for someone internet savvy.
Read more here: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-accidentally
Actually, Rubye is pronounce like Ruby......just like it looks :)
I think that one cake should have said, "We accidentally your Mom."
Wow! Came here by way of a mention from another SGA fan. How have I overlooked this site so long?!? I know what my sister's getting for her birthday ('cause I love her & she decorates cakes & needs more belly-laughs in her life :-)!
Oh, & thanks to those who commented for educating me about a meme I hadn't run into yet. I would've looked really silly when I went all grammar-Nazi on someone's ass....
:: runs off to scroll through oodles of past posts ::
The meme about "accidentally" was about a guy who shoved a glass jar in his behind, and the joke was GUYS I ACCIDENTALLY A GLASS JAR IS THIS WIN Y/N? I was there, I saw it happen.
I accidentally a fleshlight. The WHOLE fleshlight.
Is this bad?
... YES!!! I am I am NOT crazily obsessed!!! I saw "Sheppard" and, being the Stargate geek that I am, thought, "Colonel Sheppard!" followed quickly by a feeling of disappointment when I concluded it likely wasn't the one I was thinking of. So I checked the reviews just to be sure. ^^ But it WAS who I was thinking of. And now, I can happily share that I began watching it late in the game. I bought the entire first season on DVD, without ever having seen the show. Just to show you dedication to my fandom. ^^' But I found I preferred it to SG-1. You should have SEEN my frantic scrambling when I reached the end of the season. Within 16 hours I had located the second season online, for free. I just had to navigate the Chinese script to watch it. :P NEVER underestimate the power of globalization and yahoo.
Maybe Adam was turning 8 and the candle would make it read We accidentally 8 your cake....but that makes no sense either as the cake is there. What a wreck!