Friday, January 8, 2010

Funny Business

Friday, January 8, 2010

NOTE: Getteth thine kiddies hence! (Translation: today's post is not for the youngun's!)

These clowns seem pretty excited about their cupcakes.

No, I mean really excited.

No, no. I mean REALLY excited.

"Oh! Uh. Hi, guys. Heheh. So, what's up?

"What are we doing? Who - us? Uh...nothing? Yeah, nothing. Nothing at all. Sooo....yeah. Listen, can you close that door again on your way out? And turn the Jimmy Buffett CD back on? Thanks. Yeah. You, too. Ok, then. Bye!"

"So I says to her, 'hey, baby, don't let the tiny clown car fool you; it's not the way you throw the cream pie, it's the way you put the tutu on the dog!' And she was all, 'What?' and I was like, 'never mind.' Yeah."

And then, just when you thought it couldn't get any worse...

Something like this comes along:

Whatever you do, DO NOT click on this picture to see it full size. Srsly. Don't do it.


Ok, now that you've clicked on the picture to see it full size - care to join me in a "I could've gone my whole life without seeing clown tinkle toys" scream? Groovy.


Keith R., Will B., Jane O., Amy F., & Nicole V., I nominate "tinkle toys" as the new clown-bits euphemism for 2010. Any seconds?

- Related Wreckage: Coulrophobia Cakes

Note: The tinkle toys in the last picture were supposed to be buttons. Pink buttons.
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Sparky said...

That was the most horrifying cupcake I've ever seen. Thank you for burning that into my memory. Lol!

CHristine said...

Spit take with the coffee when I enlarged the pic. Great start to my day!

Damon said...

CLEARLY in the last one, they are bubble wands that the clowns put down to have a picture taken, not realizing that the whole body would be included.

It happens more often then you'd think.

Anonymous said...

uhm... ah... AUGH? yeah I did NOT need to see that. but it was like a car crash. you couldn't help BUT to look at it.

Waugh. (Shuddering noise)

bev said...

As if my clown phobia wasn't enough to give me nightmares! ;)

Sara said...

You know, clowns and cupcakes have needs, too. It's not our place to judge.

Rose D. said...

What the heck were those "tinkle toys" supposed to be? Was that a naughty bakery?

Anonymous said...

oh. my. wow, these are. um. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

Big Mama T said...

Gah! WHO wouldn't NOTCIE this?!?! Eek! Thanks so much for THAT nightmare tonight, lol.

Pooh's Pics said...


Michelle said...

Note the blue icing in the last one. Clearly, these guys were bathing and minding their own business when some psycho wreckrator just burst in and started decorating cupcakes in their image. What I don't understand is why they posed for so long before kicking him out...

MerinSun said...

so how x-rated would it be to eat one of those things anyway? Would you have to be, uh, alone with it? Would you feel slightly ashamed? Would it ever call you after all was said and done for the date it promised you? These questions are going to fry my brain if I think about them too hard.

wv: Traliki *snorts*

Sarah said...

I've seen some sick things in my life, but that...that was disturbing beyond words.

The Jerseymooners said...

I am pretty sure that putting any one of these clowns on my food would be a great way to lose weight. not only would you not eat the food, but you'd burn calories from running away from it.

Deirdre said...

Nice restraint on not commenting on the flotsam. Too much horror for one cupcake--in so many different ways. Aaaagh!

vw: pressi "Look what happens ven ve pressi ze icing tip like zis . . ."

Unknown said...

Glad you explained that they were supposed to be buttons, because I thought it had to be a bakery prank for sure.

In fact, I'm not entirely convinced they were supposed to be buttons after all...

Christina B said...

The last one shows equality... some of them have Va-jay-jay's until the the very first clown in the front row... I laughed so hard..I almost choaked on my Coffee.... Thank You for so many Laughs even whn I didnt feel like laughing.

Viewtiful_Justin said...

Thank you very much. I can NEVER UNSEE THAT!

Malisa Twelves said...

just when I thought it couldn't get any worse...

Devika said...

Oh my lord, I hope I never see anything like that for the rest of my life!

M. Lilly Grohman said...

Holy cow. I think my favorite are the humping clown cupcakes. I'm giggling like a 10-year-old in my office.

Anonymous said...

Tinkle Toys Unite!!!!
Thanks for my morning chuckle/nightmare as I start my day!! Your site is hilarious. Pam

Culinarychiq said...

Now this is a first, never did I expect to come on this site and find CLOWN PORN! This is truly a new low for Cake Wrecks... keep it up;)

These are beyond tragic (what's with the compulsion to sprawl clowns across baked goods?) and those cupcakes? Pink buttons huh? uh huh yeah ok:-P

PS for anyone who actually might be offended by today's blog, well ya'll need to get hooked on phonics. Go back and read the first line of the page VERY SLOWLY, it's ok I'll wait... feel silly dontcha? Off with ya now! said...

LOL! love these!

Kelly said...

This post earns the biggest WTF ever. Who would make these or buy these? Especially those last ones. I think the last clowns were made by people who were trying to get away with something, like hidden items in The Little Mermaid cover art.

Mandy A. said...

Okay, the clowns were awful! Did anyone else see the chocolate cupcake in teh background with the green gummy worm on top? Clearly this bakery has some issues!

Albatross said...

Those are just all KINDS of wrong.

Megan said...

That was seriously an amazing lol to get me through the rest of this COLD, Wet, day teaching children!

Anonymous said...

*waits for obligatory "THIS IS A KIDS BLOG WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU SUCK" comments*

Those last clowns were . . . HOW did they not notice that? Really? Even my little mind isn't so innocent as to not notice something like that when I screw something up . . .

Abby Normal said...

Oh come on, like you’ve never dressed up as a clown and made sweet, sweet love to your sweet sweets. Am I right?



Fanboy Wife said...

I never had a fear of clowns... until today! Thanks a lot!

sarah k. said...

No freaking way. The color match is especially disturbing/remarkable.

Sarah said...

I really should stop reading your blog at work. I normally try to stick with silent laughter, but today I couldn't help myself.. and the loud guffaws coming from my desk area does not help the illusion I'm trying to create of being a normal, relatively sane, capable secretary.

Anonymous said...

The clowns in the last photo look like they are in straight-jackets. Add that to the tinkle toys ((shudder))...

Shalmeno said...

Wow. These are, I don't know.....absolutely AWESOME!
Thank you for the huge laugh. :-)

Craig-Jen said...

Best. Post. Ever.

Robin said...

What were they thinking?!

Anonymous said...

I second the Tinkle Toys moniker, but I pray that it never has to be used ever again. That was beyond disturbing!

Jessica said...

I guess everything really does float down there, who'da thunk it.

Anonymous said...

Obscene clown cupcakes. I think that I've now seen it all. EYE BLEACH!!!

(snicker, snicker, clown tinkle toys...)

Kelly H said...


Just one more reason why there shouldn' be clowns.

Jenn said...

laaaaugh. 'tinkle toys'. Priceless.

Anonymous said...

I have just seen things that cannot be

hansueter said...

You have spoiled a pure mind! *Shifting eyes upwards and raising a finger to my lips, shhh!* I didn't see how the last one could be considered clown porn until I read the rest of your post... I just thought, thet were horribly, hilariously put together cupcakes that were supposed to look like clowns... Oh ok, so thats a lie, I first thought the feet looked like grandma had spent a little toom much time outside and now her nips were turning blue, but can you blame me? Two big blobs with blue spots in the middle? Come, even a child could spot that!

Kosmic Freeway said...

If I wasn't scared of clowns before, I surely am now!

Ella said...

See, see, there is a reason to be frightened of clowns.

Heather said...

I'm scared of clowns for a whole difference reason now.

Margaret said...

I thought those bits on the last clowns were supposed to be their hands, just like their feet were litte swipes of icing. If they really are supposed to be buttons, then I think it is more disturbing that they are a bunch of armless clowns. No offence intended to people without arms.

AnoelleB said...

"Tinkle toys" officially seconded.

Brain scrubbing officially commencing.

JAM said...

There's not really anything to say to that, except: Oh, my God.

Unknown said...

So one has to wonder just exactly what it was the Wreckerator thought that, that was supposed to be? Are there a lot of tri-lower-limbed clowns on his/her home planet?

There's just no way that's not 17 kinds of wrong. None.

Sue said...

That last set of clown must have come from a pedophilia's dream bakery. How wrong- how very, very wrong! Aren't there supervisors who walk around checking on their staff's work with comments or a trash can ready?

Lindsay said...

I really, really do not know how i ever went a day in my life without such a great laugh from Cake Wrecks! Thank you so much for making me laugh every day!

Anonymous said...

Those are just. so. wrong.

WHY would they use flesh colored icing? WHY?? that's not an easy color to make, unless they WANTED to make the clowns nekkid. sure they're buttons....especially on that one on the far RIGHT in the picture....It's like a nudist clown colony whack-off party.

what's the concept of clowns sprawled over cupcakes anyway (face up OR face down?)

Bojangles #2 looks like he's at a Mardi-Gras party.

wv: monalmog--apparently what a group of clowns sound like when they "come" together....

april brooks said...

That picture actually made me say "Oh my god!" out loud to an empty house. For some reason I wasn't expecting little clown private parts.

jess said...

Loved this post!

Anonymous said...

At first they looked disturbingly like armless naked clowns (right, Stumpy?) until I noticed a pattern...the icing has a seam in it that makes it look like a right arm, with the "hand" hidden in the vicinity of the "buttons" (aka as tinkle toys!)

Jasry said...

Oh, god! As if I wasn't scared of clowns enough already, now I have to picture them nekkid, too?!?!?!

sweetbabies00 said...

LOL, AWWWWWWW, LOL. Too funny.


tracy said...

I didn't know they made Joker henchmen cupcakes! Scary!

Becca said...

Wow! I am cackling enough to wake up the whole house. If this is what we get from Jen taking a rest day...take more rest days! Fantastically funny.

Bridey said...

OK, my jaw dropped (literally, not figuratively!) when I -- despite all warnings -- clicked on the picture to see it full size. Oh, MY!

Tigerwolf said...

Now I know why Wakko Warner was afraid of clowns. Of course, who’s he to talk; he wasn’t wearing any pants, either.

“It's like a nudist clown colony whack-off party.” FTW!!!


WV - anglog: The fallen tree limb where film director Mr. Lee is sitting between takes.

Betsy Eves @JavaCupcake said...

I can totally see how people could be afraid of clowns with those!

<3 Betsy

Unknown said...

I would never have thought to enlarge that photo had you not warned us against it. Sneaky, very sneaky!

Brianna said...

That was just absolutely scary! I am in shock that there were actual cupcakes and cakes like that! I have no words. I am forever scarred.

Athena said...

These are for some crazy ladies bridal shower, right? One who really loves clowns or is she marrying a clown?

Imagine the horror that would be the wedding cake...

Anonymous said...

That was scary. And I'm not even afraid of clowns. X_X

Anonymous said...

My husband made me click. I can never get rid of that image! And I love how those clown feet look like toes with rotten toenails.

Anonymous said...

tinkle toys.

i cant.. stop.... laughing....

Catherine said...

The last picture made me think "Wow, so much yummy icing. I'd have to wipe the penis off before I ate it, though."

Amanda said...

Speaking of "tinkle toys", did you know the Christmas song "Silver Bells" was originally supposed to be "Tinkle Bells"?

Anonymous said...

Bwahahaha!!! That last photo has the clowns all lined up, like the clown car has stopped at the X-rated movie theater and they all went in together. I guess it's going to be tough for the police to identify them now!

Sheila said...

Are they in clown straitjackets, or are they holding their hands behind their back, sort of like "Ta daa!"?

Lindsey said...

I know I shouldn't be surprised by anything I see on here anymore, but SERIOUSLY?!?! How can those people try to put those cakes/CCC's (ptooie) out and not see the problems? It's one thing to misspell words and make general ugliness, but this is seriously GROSS!! And clowns are supposed to be for kids, so it's even worse! Arrrrgh! The madness of some people!

Amy Ellen said...

OMG that was way too funny, and yeah like I would NOT click on the picture after that, LOL ; ) I can not believe all of those, no wonder I don't like clowns they are just ummm freaky yeah there is the right word....

Becca said...

You told us not to, but if you really didn't want us, why mentionn it at all?

Sneaky, very sneaky

Today's post was all a ploy to get the phrase "tinkle toy" into everyone's vocab! haha :)

Ahh Cake Wrecks, you make my day!

Unknown said...

On the subject of Clown Tinkle Toys, I would have bet they had stripes, but I was wrong.

Brandy said...

There is no way this wasnt intentional! you would have to be blind not to see what this looks like!

LeahTN said...

I've never seen a more crotchified set of buttons!

Anonymous said...

Omg! Clowns are creepy anyway, but flashing clowns.............

Anonymous said...

I was noticing the gummy worm cupcake next to them too... weird!

Jenn said...

Blogger Doug Warren said...

On the subject of Clown Tinkle Toys, I would have bet they had stripes, but I was wrong.

Oh. Oh, my.



Melissa T said...

Thanks for both my first laugh of the day, and my new fave phrase of "tinkle toy."

Wanna Bee said...

Is it just me or do those last clowns appear to be in straight jackets with their clown junk exposed - how twisted!

Onyx said...

My eyes! My eyes! I'm gonna have daymares alll day now.

Quick the SOS pads to scrub my eyes!

That is just so not right.

But you made me smile and I needed that. The Jr Hi kids just left for lunch (now I won't be able to eat mine)

Fluffy Cow said...

This post is precisely why we all keep reading your blog. Funny does not even begin to cover it!

And if you need a third on the Tinkle Toys?


Jennifer Good said...

That's the second time in two days I looked at something and went "Oh, that's a penis." (For the record, I was watching deleted scenes of Love Actually" and one of the Christmas Nudie Artworks was four full frontal naked guys) I don't know why I shared that with strangers or felt the need to justify myself for strangers, but there you have it.

Unknown said...

Oh. My. The naked clowns...who's idea was it to make them peachy colored? And why do their legs look like big toes? And why...just why?

Cyndi said...

Absolutely the funniest blog you have ever posted!! I was laughing so hard I'm crying - at work!! (And that was before I even clicked on the last picture!!)

(I may need to mention that I just took my first course of cake decorating and have made a few clown cupcakes since... and I'm also taking clown classes...)

Triplets+3=Crazy said...

OH MY GAAWWDD.. No wonder people have a fear of clowns.. *shudder*

Brooke said...

Did anyone else notice the clown in the very back left? What's he up to? One of the guys in the middle row has turned around to see what's going on.

Anonymous said...

The last pic is the clown convention going through the TSA to get on a plane.

Anonymous said...

You have to wonder about these bakeries, don't ya? I mean, we get a warning to get our kids out of the room here on Cake Wrecks, but do the bakeries that created these atrocities post such warnings? What kind of questions would we face from our children after simply taking them to choose their birthday cake? I shudder to think!

LaurenH said...

What I truly TRULY don't understand about the last one (other than why it exists in the first place) is how the clowns can manage to be naked AND in straightjackets at the same time!

Marty said...


Yes, metalheads read and love this blog.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Someone actually frosted penii onto clown cupcakes. This makes Mapplethorpe look like Norman Rockwell (not really).

Anonymous said...

Thanks for making my day! Of course I HAD to enlarge the last picture...I laughed so hard that it woke up my drowsy kitty cats!

Anonymous said...

"Tinkle" Toys, eh? I guess that's the 'other' thing we could be watching the clowns do here...

There must be porno movies like this somewhere. But I'm definitely not going to find out for sure.


Ahhh!!!Just just reinforced my fear of clowns!!!!

On another note, would you want to eat cake with GOBS of frosting??

Jimmy said...

This is the real horror story of clowns-- Stephen King has nothing on these bakeries.

Anonymous said...

Excuse me while I reach for the brain bleach.

Anonymous said...

Why would naked clowns need pink buttons??

Marie Cloutier said...

whoever did the last cupcakes should go to cupcake jail. srsly.

The Laws' said...

Oh, MY! I have never laughed SO hard at one of your posts in my life! (And that is saying something, I assure you!)
Also, I completely agree with anon at 10:21:
"I second the Tinkle Toys moniker, but I pray that it never has to be used ever again. That was beyond disturbing!"

Jules AF said...

They look like sumo clowns! Why oh why would they include those parts on a cupcake? Who wants to eat that kind of cupcake?

Anonymous said...

I nominate "putting the tutu on the dog" instead!! rotfl

p.s. Still singing "War Cake" today. Thanks a lot...

Gidget said...

This was hilarious!! Thanks for the laugh! I love you guys!!!

Amelia Antwiler said...

Mwahahahahahahaha SNORT ahahahahahaha snort snort snort..

That was the funniest .... hahahahaha

Buttons. .... ahahahahaha
pink...fleshy buttons...


crownring said...

Do you ever wonder if the "decorators" actually make these mistakes on purpose? Who in their right mind would BUY these cupcakes unless it was a special order? I can just see it now........Oh, Martha those poor clown cupcakes didn't sell, so I now have free cupcakes for a week!


Jen S said...

Now I remember why I, like so many people, find clowns so horrifying!

Hobbit said...

Ack! Bad clown!

I'm really hoping those naughty clowns are the most disturbing thing I'll be seeing today.
But it's a big city.

Anonymous said...

I will *never* eat a creme-filled cupcake again!

Unknown said...

My retinas! Not even staring at the sun helps.

What was seen can not be unseen!

Anonymous said...

OMG!! Those are not buttons. No way.
Amy B-H

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry I looked.

Cory Blystone said...

Thank you. My fear of clowns has reached an all-time high!

Boss: What?! Are those clowns naked?

Decorator: Oh, goodness, no! They are wearing fat suits, silly.

Boss: Uh, then what is with the little pink, uh, "thing"?

Decorator: That's the pink zipper, of course!

Boss: Oh! Good job! Carry on then, carry on.

Anonymous said...

oh man the word Tinkle Toys is already taken...

Apparently you put it in the urinal and take aim.

Hae said...

Well that was.. lovely.? Pink buttons you say? lovely.

Ignore my inability to use the English language correctly. It was those er lovely pink buttons that didn't seem to need pants to er stay in place.?

Stoich91 said...

:( What? No g-rated today? *sniff* not funneee..

Anonymous said...

isnt it so appropriate they are wearing straitjackets?

lisadh said...

This was the PERFECT birthay post for one such as me! I had quite the laugh!

Thank you!!

wv: dipro
The clown didn't need dipro because he had di cupcake.

Anonymous said...

I am trying to picture those pieces of art on display in our local Wal-Mart bakery. Holy moly.

Erica said...

Tinkle toys!
WTF is up with the green gummy worm on the otherwise-nice chocolate cupcake in the background of the photo??

Anonymous said...

@ Jenn 12:09--

I was thinking they would have polka-dots, or maybe be shaped like balloon animals, but apparently not. More likely to have some dreaded clown STD instead.

"Those aren't sprinkles?!"

wv: misalur--- when you find yourself initially 'alured' by something that turns out to be disgusting instead. Like clown cupcakes.

Lori said...

Maybe if the clowns were'nt FLESH COLORED with pink buttons, there wouldn't have been such an issue. Is it really that hard to mix up a new color of frosting before piping those bodies?!


Not to pick nits, but - could that just possibly be a misplaced apostrophe in the Note? Nah, couldn't be.

Tamara Marnell said...

What on earth were they thinking? Were the flesh-colored dabs supposed to be hands that gravity dirtified?

William said...

HAHAHA! WHAT? WHAT? Wow! Just, wow.

Amanda | Glittericity said...

the last one... omg. In addition to the obvious, it also looks like they are naked and squatting on the cupcake. I do not want to eat that. If it's chocolate cake, I DEFINITELY do not want to eat that.

peewee said...

THAT was the most hilarious post EVER! OH MY GOD....Your dialogue on the one BEFORE the porno ding-a-ling clowns was PRICELESS!!!! I am going to find a way to fit that into something I say in my day. I am.

magda said...

"Hence" means "to here." Perhaps you meant "thence"?

Trista said...

totally gonna date myself but...

Coed Naked Clown Cupcake making!!!!

(yes, I was a teenager in the 90's when these t-shirts were all the rage)

Noni Mausa said...

It wasn't the "tinkle toys" that got me. It was the elaphantiasitic arms and legs, The Elephant Man arms are especially tragic, since they can't reach the... no no. I dare not go on.


vw "mentate" Shades of Dune.

Autumn said...

Oh. My. Goodness. "I Don't Understand!!" (imagine Ryan Reynolds voice in the Proposal). Flesh colored icing--never a good idea.

Little Lovables said...

turkey clown headed cupcakes wrecks need action too, just saying, don't hate on the playerz

wv: tifev
tiny lovin clown fever -slang for, well, you know

Kimberly said...

Sweet Mother Mary.... what in gods name!?!? AAAAAHHHHHHHHH.

Anonymous said...

I thought that maybe they were folded hands in the last picture although that did seem a little odd

Miranda said...

This just makes me hate clown decorations even more! Bleck! Who thought this would be fabulous to put on cakes?

Anonymous said...

Buttons my buttocks - that's an employee who's sniffed just a bit too much icing sugar having a laugh. And if you need your own Tinkle Toy, they come in twin packs and I can get you one at our local supermarket ;)

WV - Dentelov. What you're showing by eating a clown's icing Tinkle Toy

Rebecca F. said...

Well, the clowns' toys are funny but the clown in the middle certainly looks like he is pointing at the guy to the right. Hilarious!

And those are definitely not buttons......

Funny, I sort of like cupcakes now...

Anonymous said...

Based on what else we've seen going on in this bakery, I'd wager that's not a gummy worm, per se.

Pilgrim said...

"Tinkle toys"? THAT'S a new one! Thanks, Jen! Can't wait to start teaching that one to my 3 year old nephew ;)

Man, now I'm REALLY afraid of clowns.

Linda said...

Nudie clown cupcakes? Seriously? I can't even begin to imagine WHY anyone would want that...

D.B. Echo said...

While I can easily imagine most of these to be happy and delightful Dead Clown Cakes, in the last one I can't get over the huge muscles and the fact that all the clowns appear to have their hands tied behind their backs.

Linda said...

Way too funny!

Aimee said...

What.... The.... Heck?

Um, wow. Those cakes could seriously scare kids and make them hate clowns forever.

Island Girl said...

I've been a long time reader, but have never posted. I recently spent several months in the hospital with no internet access. I missed Wreaks! I passed the site addy around to all the nurses and so many told me they laughed til they cried.

I'm home now and as soon as I could get online I read back through all the months I've missed.These clowns caused me to spray the monitor with a mouthful of pepsi! I'm still in tears!

Thank you for all your hard work. I can't wait to see less maybe thinking of those clowns,,,,,

Katy ~ Island Girl

Shayna said...

Oh god. That last one is someone's nightmare in cupcake form!

Gina said...

I shouldn't laugh this hard at work.

Anonymous said...

If you do enlarge the last photo, look at the upper right hand side. There are brown swirl cupcakes with gummy worms on top.

Anonymous said...

How do you eat these cupcakes anyhow? Remove the head pick and then what flatten the load of icing with a spoon It all can fit into my mouth at the same time..

sarah said...

omg! Maybe I shouldn't have seen them full size~

Gary said...

As I keep telling ya, clowns are just too dadgum creepy.
'Nuf said.

Anne S. said...

Hahahahahaha!!!!!! That. was. hilarious!!!!!

wv: hyporwood (snicker)

Mary said...

I was afraid of clowns before. Now I think I need therapy!

StefRobrts said...

Clown junk on cupcakes? The internetz really came through for us this time. I pity our grandparents, not having access to this level of quality entertainment :)

joyce said...

some of those tinkle toys need antibiotics

Kristin aka Trekkie Gal said...

I have no words for that last picture.

Pam said...

That last one is: Just. So. Wrong.

Jess said...

Buttons my hiney! That decorator is a sicko. HooHas hanging out on clowns in straight jackets. It's just not right.

Unknown said...

Um…buttons? Who decided to say those tinkle toys are buttons and did they think we are really that gullible that we would think those clowns were NAKED! Hmmm…maybe it was for a party at a nudist colony. Yea, let’s go with that….

And at no point the wreckerator didn’t realize there were one too many appendages on the clown cake!? I mean she added orange dots to the hands and feet when she got to the tinkle toy did she just say “hmmmm maybe nobody will notice”.

twenty_two14 said...

What the heck! How were those last cupcakes even allowed to be sold? There's only one store where those cupcakes MIGHT be appropriate, and even then they're very, VERY disturbing. I can never unsee what I've just seen.

DigsRetro said...

And why are they wearing straighjackets? And what's the blue stuff stuck to the bottom of their shoes?

Mary Kirkland said...

They were suppossed to be pink buttons? Yeeaaah sure they were. lol

Fluffy Cow said...

I believe we have just discovered the use of the cake derator...

WV- wakeigor

Someone wakeigor and show him these clowns!

Anonymous said...

Clowns have always scared me, but now I think it's safe to say that fear is NOT irrational. They are perverted, crazed maniacs!

Whimsical said...

Oh my goodness.. this was just tooo funny!!!! It's not often this happens but I'm lost for words lolol

Unknown said...

As if the "tinkle toys" weren't bad enough, that's enough frosting to put one in a diabetic coma! LOL!

Want some cupcake with your frosting monstrosity? Yeesh! :D

Moriah M said...

Mwaaaahhhhhh...gasp for air...more hysterical laughter ala Peanuts cartoon...gasp, gasp. Ok you have TOTALLY made my Friday!!!!!! Return to hysterical laughter and repeated viewings of this post like it's the last chocolate on a desert island.

Amber said...

BUTTONS???? Pink, crotch buttons on a flesh colored outfit??? No way the decorator is innocent in this.

Anonymous said...

Yay! You got BoingBoinged!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Wow. I mean, holy cow. I did not expect that. And if you expect me to believe those were supposed to be pink buttons, you got another thing comin'

Mo said...

Oh. My. God.

I wonder if my insurance will cover the therapy bills after this? I'm not sure I'm covered on clown-related mental breakdowns.

How could the baker not realize the horror they were creating?!?!

Anonymous said...

Those pink "buttons" are looking pretty flesh colored to me!

wv: dinodud The 3rd Jurassic Park movie was a dinodud.

This is my first time playing the word verification game.

Kris Kanenwisher said...

well done.

Bernadette said...

I think those clowns are in strait jackets, the keys are the the pink...Sadistic decorator!

Angie said...

Those are the most disturbing things I think I've ever seen. And I've seen some disturbing s**t in my life.

Carrietastic said...

Omg. I really shouldn't have shown my husband that last photo while he's still getting over food poisoning.

DeAnne D. said...

Oh dear lord. To paraphrase Bart Simpson, "Can't sleep, clowns will boink me!"

Anonymous said...

OMG. I literally just screamed! Burned into the memory banks...forever...aaaaaauuuuuuggghhhh!!!

tyames said...

Oh my I could have gone my whole life without seeing that. I really wonder what goes through peoples mind sometime.
Thanks for a great blog. I look at it everyday and am amazed.

tottergirl said...

Note: The tinkle toys in the last picture were supposed to be buttons. Pink buttons.

Yeah, Right.

worker 32 said...

AAAAAAUUUUGGGHHH!! My eyes they burn! Yes I clicked and I set it as my co-workers wallpaper Ha ha! Next time he won't steal my sodas.

Unknown said...

Best. Post. EVER!

Anonymous said...

I...I fear clowns...and...and now I'm paranoid...

These decorators...I just...just don't know anymore.

mn_me said...

between the last picture, the exhortation NOT to click on it, Jen's comments, and the running commmentary here, I've had a great laugh till I cry tonight..

I did look at the blog at work today, but didn't click on the picture till tonight. Given how tired I was today, it's probably a good thing. They probably would've put ME in a strait-jacket ...

My question would be simply, WHY?

Molly McK said...

Why are they all in flesh colored straight jackets with their wang 'tidbits' hanging out??? WHY????

Meteorsummoner said...

Those...don't look a thing like belly buttons to me... D:

Yup. They're all "excited"... xD

Mrsblocko said...

I just laughed so hard I think I peed myself a little.

Sabrina said...

OMG, I laughed so hard when I saw the full size image...hahahaha Hilarious!

Anonymous said...

"whoever did the last cupcakes should go to cupcake jail. srsly."

No, they should go to CLOWN jail-- think how creepy and crowded (like 100 to a cell?)that would be. And how clowns would get after they've been in prison awhile... In fact, I think maybe that's the kind of clowns we're seeing depicted here today. Clown jail-type clowns-- the worst kind of all!

Makeup and Beyond said...

Confession: I HAD TO look. I think some trousers are in order, especially for Mr. Right.

Love your work. I can always count on a good laugh from your blog.

My fav is still the balloons on a child's cake - Since then I've never looked at a birthday cake with balloons on it the same.

L!ND$EY said...

Oh.My.Gosh! I'm so glad you clarified the "buttons" thing, b/c I never would have guessed that's what they're supposed to be. I thought perhaps maybe they were custom cupcakes for a very weird bachelorette party. You have to think to yourself: a) what store would actually sell those, b) what kind of person would actually BUY them!?

Anonymous said...

The first thing I think of when someone mentions the book Angela's Ashes is how Frank McCourt referred to his teenage, er..."personal time" as "the excitement."

Thanks to today's CW post, I now have transferred that idea, and for the rest of my life when someone mentions clowns, I will think of "clown excitement."


Tiffiny Felix said...

OMG! It just kept getting worse! And I had to laugh in silence, my sides splitting, so my kids wouldn't come see what the halla-baloo was all about..*too*, *too* funny!! Who approves things like that to go on the shelves?! Love it!

Anonymous said...


Tía Hillary said...

I think we have a new catchphrase ... humping clown cupcakes ...

ksaldria said...

I look forward to the years of therapy it will take for me to recover from this incredibly disturbing post.

The Speeding Turtle said...

>_< Oh no.

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