Anyhoo, I promised you lovely twits on Twitter that we would extend the celebration here on Wrecks and have a whole Earth Week. So that's what we're doing. [putting on green & purple party hat & blowing on noise maker] Yay, Earth!
Now, where's the cake?
What? I was supposed to bring it? Oh, I see how it is: I've got to do everything around here, don't I? [rummaging through photos] Fine. I'm sure I can find an Earth cake in here somewhere...
Ah! Here we go:
UPDATE: To the scores of you telling me this is supposed to be Disney's Epcot Center: Um, yeah, I know. See, the ball at Epcot is called Spaceship Earth, NOT Epcot. Give a Diz Geek a little credit, eh?
[returns to rummaging] Let's see...Earth cakes...Earth cakes...
Moving on...How about some earth movers?

Although I must say, they're getting quite generous with the cake toys these days, aren't they? Just look at the size of those things! Pretty soon they're going to start slapping Big Wheels on cakes and calling it a day. (No, I don't know why they'll call Big Wheels on cakes "a day", but trust me, they will.)
Here's my favorite - and probably the most appropriate - Earth Day confection, though:
Glitter, Katie T., & Quenby S., have you hugged a tree yet today? And if not, may I recommend this one?
*This joke (and yes, it is a joke) was shamelessly ripped off of Matt Barnette. Thanks, Matt!)
260 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 260 Newer› Newest»The first cake is supposed to be Epcot from Disney World.
The writing underneath is the Disney Script as well.
Just so you know, the first cake, while wrong in color, is actually a cake from a Collette Peters book. Hers is more green, and she adds royal icing for the thorns, but I recognize that cake a mile away? Why? Because I tried it myself. I can send you pics if you want them. They aren't wreck pics however (or, at least, I don't think they are, but I'm biased, obviously. Oh, andI love commas, can't you tell?)
The first one isn't supposed to be the earth, it's Epcot Center at Disney. See the script they used? Might want to fix your post.
Alas, if only the cake creator had realized your entirely unwarranted hatred for the Epcot Center.
Okay forget the cakes the "have you hugged a tree yet today? And if not, may I recommend this one?" link was really cool!!!!
Thanks Jen!
Isn't the first one supposed to be Epcot?
*L* batteries in the lake, and earthquake.
Great way to recycle a stale cookie. Slather icing on it. Bonus.
wv..cablesup..what we yelled the day the repairman replaced the wires to the house after a dumptruck ripped them off.
You do know that that first cake is supposed to be the Epcot Center, right? The card below it even has the Disney typeface and everything.
The last cake is great, not only because it reminds us to recycle but because it looks like someone recycled their St. Patrick's Day wreck.
I can only assume that... thing... was once intended to be a shamrock.
Yes. Shamrock. that's slightly less disturbing that mushroom cloud of uncertain doom.
The first pic is Epcot, notice the "Disney" font. :)
So, I guess it's appropriate, being a small world after all.
I have to admit, I love the randomness of the "earthquake" cake. It looks like there was originally a figure in front of the palm trees, but is now gone. Bummer. Wonder what it was?
Love the fiery mushroom cloud cake. Thought for a moment they were trying to make the recycling symbol... you know, the arrows thing. It's so... basic and simple. Yeah, that's it.
A fine collection indeed and you're right the amount of 'toys' on cakes appears to be increasing exponentially.
Isn't that first cake the thing from Epcot?
The first cake is the Epcot Center (note the Disney script on the card). Hence a giant grey ball. I wouldn't peg it as a wreck -- it's just a very poor choice for an interesting cake.
That space earth looks like the big globe thingy at Epcot Center at Disney.
That first one (at least judging by the Disney-style lettering) is probably supposed to be the Epcot Dome. Doesn't make it look any more hairy, but does explain the grey-ness. Actually it's probably not too bad...
hehehe, love the mushroom cloud.
I think I found the first one under my bed the other day.
W.V.-- refress
Um, yes. These cakes definitely need to be refressed.
Is that first one supposed to be Epcot Center?
from the Disney font used on the first "fuzzy golf ball" cake, my guess is that it's supposed to be Epcot Centre
I'm pretty sure that the first one is supposed to be Epcot, with the words written in Disney script. Still pretty wrecky, though.
That first cake is actually Epcot... and a very good Epcot!
Love the wrecks!
I think the first one is supposed to be Epcot Center... It has the Disney font on the card, too. :)
That first one is the Epcot globe. The writing on the bottom gives it away and it actually is is a pretty good match... although someone has to be a wreck for thinking that's a good cake idea.
That first wreck is actually the Epcot Center, which is now owned by Disney. it is actually a pretty good replica!
I'm pretty sure that's Epcot Center in the first one. The Happy Birthday message is in Disney-style writing.
I think that first one is supposed to be Epcot.
I think that first cake is actually a well-done rendition of the Epcot Center from Disney.
Surely that big gray sphere is Epcot.
That's an Epcot Center cake. Pretty good one too I think.
I'm thinking that the first cake is the Epcot Center in Disney World. If you look at the writing on the card, it is the way Disney writes. BTW Long time "looker" first time poster. LOVE the website, I laugh out loud frequently...
The Spaceship Earth one may look like a fuzzy golf ball (a little more fungal than I prefer my cakes) but the handwriting is *awesome*. Whomever did that has really mastered the art of recreating Disney's font-family in frosting.
"Earth Day" represented by the bulldozing of mother nature by high pollutant construction vehichles and loading the subject matter greenary and earth in the back of said vehicles to dump in a landfill is just so wrong on so many levels.
The silver textured attempt at a pentakis dodecahedron is pretty wicked though. I like the piping.
Is is possible that the "fuzzy golf ball" cake is actually meant to represent the iconic structure from Epcot Center? If so, it's not too bad...
I think that first one is supposed to be the Epcot ball (?)
While I'm sure it goes without saying that you know the first one is epcot, I'm sure you have readers who aren't aware. :) As such, I'm announcing to everyone,
"hey! Everyone! The first cake represents Epcot at DisneyWorld"
love the blog, Jen!!
The first one is definitely an Epcot cake... note the Disney font on the card!
Is it REALLY that bad, as far as silvery globes go?
That first cake may be a little less of a wreck if you know that it's supposed to be the sphere at EPCOT at Disney World! =) (The Walt Disney font on the greeting gave it away!)
Kristen H.
I think the first round cake is supposed to be the Epcot Center.
the first one is the big ball at Epcot! that's why the message is written in Disney font...
I'm not sure if you realized, but i do believe the first cake is actually Disney's Epcot Center in Florida. Notice the Disnified lettering.
Jen, sorry, but I have to defend the first cake; it is the Epcot Center at Disneyworld (look at the font they used- totally Disney)! I grew up loving that place since we lived in the area. It actually is a really good replica!
I may be missing the joke but isn't that epcot. They do science stuff in there so maybe it qualifies. me a Disney geek but I actually like the Spaceship Earth one. Tho, I would really NOT want to be the one to pipe on all those! They even used the Waltograph Font on the sign. Told ya I was a Disney nut. LOL
That being said..cake #2 confuses me **scratches head..huh? What is the cause for the cake?
#3...Ummm, isn't the point of Earth Day to conserve the Earth, not rip up trees and excavate the heck out of it? LOL comment--mainly cause words can't describe it.
Judging by the font on the card, I'm guessing the first one is supposed to be Epcot, yet it's still the best of the munch, lol.
The earth movers are probably developing something...kind of defeats the purpose of Earth Day, eh?
Also, the first one...isn't it Epcot Center?
Oh no, I think that's supposed to be the big round thing at Disneyworld - just look at the font they used.
I think they got the truck cake for the wrong 'earth day' - but do they even make cakes to celebrate the day when they start moving the dirt around on a construction site?
Yea, I'm going with Epcot from Disney on that first one. *shrugs* But that's just me.
Spaceship Earth and Epcot are the same thing... and the cake isn't that bad.
let me guess , Jeff plays golf ?
At lest that's what I make out of the first cake , a golf ball
Well, I certainly seem to be the only one who didn't realize the first cake was supposed to be Epcot! (I still think it looks like a dustball. ;))
Sadly, it looks like the "Earthquake" cake is a display in some sad bakery's window. Didn't they get the memo, they should display something that shows their skill and creativity, and perhaps even something one might actually want to buy?
Pretty obvious that no one else reads the comments first before they comment. So for the 37th time, hey, I think the first one is supposed to be Spaceship Earth! It isn't Epcot, Epcot is the whole park but I'll stop being a Disney nerd now.
Wait, one last thing. To whoever said "Epcot center, now owned by Disney" It's uhhh....always been owned by Disney.
What is up with the earthquake cake? Did the wreckerator just find some random scraps on the floor? "What have we got laying around? A palm tree, Mickey Mouse, a car...we need the bridge obviously, another Mickey Mouse...because everybody loves Mickey...just like I love gin. Why not three Mickeys?"
I got one of the "Construction" cakes (not Earth Day) for my son's 3rd Birthday. Got it from the Superstore (grocery store in Canada) bakery. The actually make really awesome cakes...pound cake and butter cream icing. My son's cake didn't look quite that bad and he licked the icing off every piece of machinery! (Yuck?)
What is an Epcot, and - does it hurt?
As a Disneyless one, I think it is hilarious.
The others remind me of mud, not a mudpies, just mud - Soggy Earth!
(Hey, its been raining here all day for several days)
and word veri is "gazingsh"...sigh
I love the truck idea. Just make a horrible looking cake, give it a few backhoes and call it a construction site. Sweet!
Angie (from over at
I'm not sure why all the corrections are coming in, because the first cake was correctly identified as Spaceship Earth. Spaceship Earth is what the "big EPCOT ball" is actually called.
I actually think that it's a really well-done cake and it represents Spaceship Earth really well.
My son would have loved the earthquake cake when he was little. At that time no cake was complete until it had "coconut trees" stuck in the frosting on the top of the cake!
For all those saying that the first one is supposed to be Epcot, "Spaceship Earth" is the ride inside it, so Jen has it right :)
I like the earth mover's cake, despite its overcrowdedness, hehe.
I guess since EVERYONE is informing you that the first one is Epcot, that they do not realize that it is actually the home of Disney's SPACESHIP EARTH ride, hence the SPACESHIP EARTH reference....goodness...
Sorry, I just had to defend you here!!
Erm, the first one is the Epcot Center. And honestly, not a bad one either.
The rest are pretty wrecky.
How many people have to point out that the first cake is probably Epcot?
It fits in with the jokes, so I say roll with it.
*jumping up and down*
Spaceship Earth!!! Spaceship Earth!!!
The last one is my favorite. Although I believe the "mushroom cloud" is supposed to be a tree, I totally see how people could mistake that for an atomic bomb.
Thank you, Kristen and Tara Bergin, for stating that the iconic sculpture at Epcot Center IS CALLED SPACESHIP EARTH. My brain was really hurting reading all the "corrections." Also, Epcot has ALWAYS been part of Disney World. Also, I like that cake-- it may be colorless, but it really does look like Spaceship Earth, which does in fact resemble a giant golf ball.
The first one could also very well be science world in Vancouver
the first one is Epcot! Did you know it's Epcot? I can't believe no one told you it's Epcot! Didn't you see that lettering? It's the Disney lettering!
(ha, sorry...50 comments saying the same thing makes me giggle, I mean no harm to other commentators :))
Though even knowing that I still don't think it's THAT great. I mean it's recognizable, but it still looks rather fuzzy. If it was purple though I think it'd be a GREAT representation of these!
That last one looks not so much like a mushroom cloud, but more like vomit. Kinda brings a whole new meaning to "recycle" as it pertains to cakes...
Nothing quite like a wreck inviting you to recycle, individually packaged in a non-degradable plastic box.
It's like having a 'Go Vegan!' cake made out of lard.
Agreed with the previous post:
Well, the Spaceship Earth ride is kind of an outdated wreck inside. Maybe that's what Jen's getting at. (I love EPCOT in phones just aren't exactly "futuristic" anymore.)
I think the EPCOT Spaceship Earth cake was done quite well, actually.
There wasn't anything wrong with the first cake. It was done very well, considering its supposed to be Epcot from Disney world, not a "fuzzy golf ball".
Awesome that you all realized the first one is Epcot. I guess I won't point it out for the 72nd time.
Yeah, I agree. The rest suck.
Spaceship Earth is my favorite ride EVER !!!!
As for the rest... I'm just...speechless.
The Spaceship Earth Cake is awesome! I want one! I love Epcot!
We go on Spaceship Earth at Epcot because the ride usually has a zero minute wait.
Spaceship's a ride, at Epcot...that looks like a big ball.
The Spaceship Earth ride has been updated. It now features you in the future. They take a picture of you and the person you ride with and make a video of it and you can choose where you want to live and how. It's pretty freaking awesome!
The "earthquake" cake reminds me of the book in the Sleepover Friends series (one of the early ones... #5 or #6 maybe?) where they make a cake for Patti's brother's birthday and it ends up with a big crack in it. The SF's go with it and decorate it earthquake-style, which ends up being a big hit. This baker should have learned from them.
Whoa! THREE MICKEYS!? The world is doomed! Thankfully we have race cars to escape :P
Aw man, that last one is from Central Market. Shameful. I guess that just goes to show that no one and no place is immune to wreckerators.
Hm... should I tell those 70 kind people that the first cake is not, in fact, Epcot, but is actually Spaceship Earth (as Jen said), found IN Epcot?
I do actually really like that cake, though. I'd get it for myself. But I'm also that weird kid who inexplicably loves that ride.
Sleepover Friends reference! Love it!
I just love that there's an Earth Day Cake where they're ripping up the Earth... and probably going to put in a parking lot. Hooray!
The first one reminds me of Snowball Earth, a theory that involves climatic instability which could drive the earth to freeze over as the ice reflects more and more of the suns energy. (My wife's studying climate change here in Sydney and my job is now surveyor of interwebs)
At first glance, the first cake looked like a brain to me. LOL
~Amy B.
I like the Spaceship Earth cake. Grey frosting is not that appetizing, but I think it really does look like what it's supposed to look like.
hey, isnt that first cake supposed to be Epcot??!?!/!?
ha! kidding. :)
love the last mushroom cloud one.
I'm shocked how many people didn't catch the Spaceship Earth connection, lol. Hell, I'm a child of the 80s, Spaceship Earth and more importantly, Figment, were HUGE Disney attractions when I was a kid!
WF: Foulable: Wrong, or full of fail. As in, having 50 comments stating the exact same thing, lol.
Since so many of you have defended the Epcot/Spaceship Earth cake as a NON-Wreck, I'm going to let you in on a little secret here in the comments: John and I made it. I wasn't going to mention it because I still think it looks like a big fuzzy golf ball (and I only posted it for the joke anyway), but I appreciate all the compliments regardless.
So there's some insider knowledge for you select few who've actually read all the comments down this far. See why it's so frustrating that so many accused me of not knowing what it was? :)
I saw right away what you were doing there with the first cake, and actually, to me it looked like the Death Star. Mmm, fuzzy Death Star cake.
(And luckily no contractors to worry about when you eat it.)
First of all, I just want to say - reading is good for your health. Secondly, hey, did you know that first cake is that Epcot Ball Thingy? Like, how can you totally not notice that? It's really well done and has the Disney lettering and EVERYTHING!
(sorry, i know, I just HAD to.)
But its an -awesome- fuzzy golf ball. :( I have to agree with another comment I read around've been holding out on us with your cakey skills~
Gawd...reading that word soooo many times...kind of turns into hearing it in your head... over and over, louder and louder-- like a form of torture!
Can't we just name it "HAIRBALL" and call it a day?
Because... well, l@@k at it.
We have cats, and I swear that they've tossed actual hairballs that were prettier than that piece of work.
What I love about the last cake is that it tells you what to DO with it. First thing!
Right from the bakery to the bin!
Save the planet, indeed.
For the one tearing up the earth...doesn't it say "Happy Earch Day?....and is that hair in the back of the dump truck? ew
Also, today it was like an echo in my brain to read the comments! I'm going to be repeating all day...epcot, epcot, epcot....
Anyway, really love your site!
wv-dismen I read the word epcot dismen-y times
My first thought, upon seeing the Spaceship Earth cake, was also of Snowball Earth. I'm also a bit disturbed by the number of people able to identify Disney font! I think the Recycle cake is a recycled St. Patrick's Day cake. The mushroom cloud is likely covering up a shamrock. I like the concept of an earthquake cake, but I doubt that is for what the decorator was originally going.
Ah crap,
Jen. I think the big silver ball is that doohicky from Epcot. I can't believe we didn't notice that!
Better take the post down.
JEN....Kudos on the "the big golf ball" Like I said, more power to ya for piping all those little stars (they were stars right???)
And just to get on the bandwagon(has anyone ever really been on one and was the band loud?) LOL---PSST...Epcot hasn't been called EPCOT Center for a while now.
Both the ball and the ride are called Spaceship Earth. Sorry, Disney fanatic speaking..LOL
***1 million points to whoever can say what EPCOT stands for? GRIN!
*Sigh* I've never been so glad I've haven't been to Epcot/Starship Earth.
As for the "Recycle" cake, I also envisioned a mushroom cloud. If that's a tree, it's a sad, brown-leafed dying one. Not the best image on a cake. Almost looks like a herbicide logo... *shiver*
the last one looks like a recycled st patty's day cake!
AWWW Figment!!! I forgot about him.... "imaaaaaagination, imaaaagination" I loved that song.. ahem.
Spaceship Earth rocks and touch screens are the wave of the future along with upside down plant growing. Ok I haven't been there in 20 years but I have fond memories.
I also agree with the tree/mushroom cloud
EPCOT==Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow
Gotta love folks who don't know what Spaceship Earth is trying to educate Jen ;)
Nothing says earth Day like a strip mining cake!
And hey, isn't that Epcot? (ducks and runs)
Experimental Prototypical Community of Tomorrow ! ! !
Peggy, RN
That's a really good Spaceship Earth. Though it would have been better in gleaming white! How long do you think it took to apply that icing?
The "Recycle" cake would have been bettwr if it included reused plastic decorations from Halloween, Thanksgivibg, Christmas, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day...
I'm really surprised there aren't a lot of "Comment Deleted By Author" lines on here =)
Awesome cake Jenn!
Let's see? Roses? Palm trees? Mickey Mouse? Customized cars? Offset freeway bridges? Huge freaking fault lines?
Yeah, sounds like southern California!
Now I have to wonder if the earthquake cake actually /is/ a celebration of the Golden State supposedly tumbling into the ocean, with Pocahontas there representing the North American Plate. Or something. (More likely, I am giving the wreckerator too much credit.)
(Also, I am now tempted, as a student of earthquake physics, to make some sort of actual conscious effort at a quake cake. Please, someone hit me in the head before I think about this any further.)
I love the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow! (WOO! 1 million points to me!!) LOL @ everyone pointing out it's the "EPCOT Center/Ball/Globe/Dome/thing" I LOVE Spaceship Earth. Specifically, the smell when Rome burns. It's the ONLY thing I remember from my Dad. He died when I was 4, but we went to Disney World when I was about 3 and I remember that smell vividly.
Oh, now I feel bad. I'm sorry, Jen and John! (The safari cakes were beautiful.)
VIX - Epcot stands for the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. And an extra Disney nerd tidbit: Walt Disney never intended for Epcot to be anything like the park is today. He actually wanted it to be a self contained community where people would live and work. He planned for it to have it's own police force and everything.
Reading all the 'that ball is Epcot' comments made my head hurt!
I am always amazed how no one seems to read previous comments before posting their own. Today just really drives that point home.
no need to be rude about people not knowing what spaceship earth is's an honest mistake. everyone was just trying to help the author out. plus comments have to be approved, so a lot of people probably didn't see the other comments saying the exact same thing. chill.
I got the Spaceship Earth joke, Jen ;)
I would be ticked if that was my cake though...there is simply not enough of it there. haha.
I love this blog.
Smurfette, I agree with you. :)
And so you all know, that 'globe thingy from Epcot center' is called *Spaceship Earth*, so Jen was right on the money.
Jen, I <3 this site. Thank you for the daily laugh in the morning!
Jen, as much as I love your blog, the comments section leaves a lot to be desired. It's the moderation of ALL comments that is killing the fun. Fifty identical comments pile up in the review queue, and nobody has any idea that 49 people ahead of them have made the exact same comment.
It's really tiresome, and it's the reason I stopped reading your comments a while back (only looked again today because of the Spaceship Earth/Epcot nontroversy).
Can't you allow registered users to comment with the hand-holding? Goodness.
The comments up to now have been pretty thorough, but I have a few things I'd like to add:
1. Isn't EPCOT a separate park from Disneyworld? EPCOT is a Disney park, but I'm pretty sure it's not part of Disneyworld.
2. I like to think that someone specifically ordered the bulldozer cake for Earth Day in irony. It's still a wreck, but at least it's an ironic wreck.
3. That earthquake cake looks like it started life as some kind of budget alternative to a tiered wedding cake. Perhaps the cake reflects the outcome of the wedding: it all fell apart, and now the poor cake is doing the best it can with what it's got.
Can't you allow registered users to comment withOUT the hand-holding? Goodness.
(Comment editing would be a nice feature, too.) ;-)
I actually like the spaceship earth cake. I knew right away what it represents, and it doesn't really feel like wreck to me.
Julian said Also, I am now tempted, as a student of earthquake physics, to make some sort of actual conscious effort at a quake cake. Please, someone hit me in the head before I think about this any further.I saw some National Geographic documentary where geologists were using the most psychedelic layer cake I've ever seen to demonstrate some concept in geophysics. I don't remember what it was supposed to illustrate. I only remember the cake wreck that ensued. Beware of geologists with cake!
I LOVE how everyone takes the time to LINK to Epcot things, but doesn't take the time to READ their own links.
The PARK is called EPCOT CENTER. The round ball building is called Spaceship Earth.
That's why it was picked up in a search of "earth" cakes.
Read links before you post them, DUH.
Ok, for all of you who posted that the "ball is Epcot" repeat after me - Epcot is a theme park, not a single attraction or building.
It's almost as annoying as people who think the Magic Kingdom is Disney World.
Epcot stands for - Every Person Comes Out Tired. : )
Hi y’all – I just stopped by and I haven’t had a chance to read all of the other replies, but I really need to point out that the first cake is definitely the big spaceship ride thingy at Epcot.
(Runs and hides underneath swarm of thrown, dismembered cupcake cakes.) Kidding! I’m kidding!
Jen, you made that Spaceship Earth? I really like it! I think it's ballsy personally, to try to make something soft and squishy (cake) in to a shape it's not going to happily hold (sphere) and make it work. And all those STARS!? I don't have the patience to pipe a zillion little stars. I like can make ME one, and I won't complain! We'll eat it together, just you and me and a pair of forks. :)
EPCOT: Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow
Every Person Comes Out Tired
Every Pocketbook Comes Out Thinner
Every Parent Carries Out a Toddler
To all the "that's Epcot" comments:
Epcot is a theme park. Spaceship Earth is PART of Epcot. Yes, it is iconic and the "symbolic" ride of Epcot, but it is NOT EPCOT. This would be like saying the Tree of Life at Animal Kingdom IS Animal Kingdom. Maybe before you offer "corrections," you should make sure that you are correct.
Ha Ha EPCOT!! I'm so old I watched em build that sucker! No really, I lived there and it was totally AMAZING to watch it go together. When you cut into the cake does it have all kinds of cool stuff inside it? I cannot even imagine making a cake like that - it would be all woggly and lopsided. I'll do the flat ones :)
WV brityp = writing pen with glow in the dark tip.-
Jen, that further shows what talent you have that you submitted the Spaceship Earth cake as an earth day wreck.. and everyone defended it not knowing it was yours.
I'd like to see more of your and John's work in the future! Hopefully not as a wreck though ;)
Crud! I feel like a real BUM calling the Epcot Center a hairball--now that I know my HEROES made it!!! (NOW ya tell us.)
Talk about "open mouth, insert both feet"!
It's just that it's so... GRAY, and all...which is unappetizing.
To me.
You know, the BUM.
Guess I'll shut up while I'm behind...................
Hey, is it too late to say that I LOVE it?
*Ducks away from flying shoes*
The only thing better than reading today's post? The comments for it. Wow! Spaceship Earth? Hello? Besides, it's Jen! She's referenced so many things prior to this post that even on the off-chance she DIDN'T know what it was supposed to be, she would have figured it out from the Disney font like everyone else. Apparently we have 50+ special snowflakes here.
I lied, the best part about the post was after those comments knowing that Jen and her husband MADE the cake. That's the beauty of it! Also, I agree it's a non-wreck. Great job, guys!
(Note: Someone said it should have been silver, but if you watch the show Ace of Cakes in one episode even Duff and his team had a hard time creating a true silver icing which they finally achieved through some trial and error.)
I can't believe this many people recognized the fact that cake 1 was FROM Epcot, yet didn't know it was called Spaceship That's sad.
Recycle, or die in a fiery mushroom cloudHahahahahaha!!
EPCOT is a park in Disney World. DW is made up of four parks (again, EPCOT is one of them). Because SPACESHIP EARTH is so large, it has become the main identifying feature of EPCOT, just as the Tree of Life is for Animal Kingdom, Cinderella's Castle is for Magic Kingdom, and the giant Sorcerer's Hat is at Hollywood Studios (formerly MGM). EPCOT was always a part of DW, and it was one of Walt Disney's last great ideas. Unfortunately he never lived to see it become a reality. In short, the first cake is a bit of a joke, as it represents Spaceship Earth (no one in their right mind thinks the actual earth looks like that. There is no cake wreck that bad).
I would bet money that tomorrow when I check Cake Wrecks there will be new comments saying "hate to point it out, but that's Epcot! The Disney writing gives it away! :D"
Let it be known that I would spasm with glee if I had a Spaceship Earth cake for my birthday. I think it looks fantastic! I want the "planeterium" slice off the top!
I can't believe how many of you didn't know that it's called Spaceship Earth, not the Epcot Globe, the Epcot Center, etc. SPACESHIP EARTH!! :)
I once baked a sheet cake for a friend, and it broke down the middle as I was frosting it in white.
After much hand-wringing, I filled the breach with light-blue icing, slapped on a little bridge and piped "Bridge Over Troubled Water" on the cake.
My friend was a major Simon and Garfunkel fan, and she loved it.
I never told her it was a mistake.
So maybe I can give a LITTLE leeway to the cracked cake. A little. Not much.
Looking at the Recycle cookie, I immediately through there was some yucky point being made here about what happens to cookies after you eat them. As in ... eventually it might help fertilize a tree?
Is this just me hanging around too much with a 6-year-old boy?
Or maybe the suspiciously poo-colored "tree"??
Oh wait, EPCOT is a place that contains a building called "Spaceship Earth"? And you totally knew this, because you made the cake yourself? And can I also assume that you understood the Disney connection since you MADE THE DISNEY FONT CARD YOURSELF?
Reading is essential, folks.
I can't believe how many people on here think that spaceship earth is called "epcot center." Now that is pretty wrecky. ha.
Gobs of black icing yesterday, grey icing today.....delicious. And I especially like the San Andreas Fault Tribute cake. There's nothing like a natural disaster wrought into a dessert!
I'm sorry, but that last cake doesn't look like a tree or an atomic bomb to me... It looks like, um, recycled food... ie: poo.
Sorry, but that tree you suggested people hug, was destroyed in February's "Black Saturday" bushfires in Australia. It was at Bruno Torfs' Art & Sculpture garden (not Bruno Turfs as the URL says)
I love the Spaceship Earth cake! I knew what it was before I even scrolled down and saw the Disney lettering. Definitely not a wreck, just not "the Earth". You were just making a joke with that, right?
Epcot epcot epcot ella ella ella hey hey hey....
(What? Too far?)
Gorgeous job on Spaceship Earth, Jen!
(and I, too, got the references even without recognizing the font at first)
So, here is the deal: YOU HAVE A BUTT-LOAD OF COMMENTS!! Which means TONS of views. Yay!
That is your Silver Lining in the EPCOT/Spaceship Earth.
Tragically, most of the people don't know how to scroll, so be sure to place ads near the top!
*dies laughing because only 392420398243 have mentioned EPCOT*, people.
Thanks so much for letting everyone know that Epcot is the park, not a ride. Spaceship Earth is awesome...not so sure I like the rehab tho!
Also, I'm loving the comment about how "Disney now owns Epcot." Teehee. ;)
I too got the construction cake for My son's bob the builder party. The brown icing wasn't right.. looked very unappetizing.. He cried and hid under the table during the birthday song. Wrecks will do that.
@ sendingtheclowns,
Please, no worries, my friend! I happen to agree that it's a big gray fuzzball - that's why I posted it! Heh. At the time I was just looking for an excuse to try out my Wilton ball pan, and it really was a fun experiment.
See, it's actually a complete sphere: John made the legs to support it, so the cake was set up off the base entirely. We were psyched that it stayed together even after a car ride to Jeff's house! Of course, *cutting* it was kind of tricky...
Ok, geek-out time over. Suffice to say, I'm not in the least bit offended by anything said here today, so don't worry on my account.
The best part about the whole post was the fact that everyone kept saying "Epcot Center," something that does not even exists! Yes, that is Spaceship Earth, but the theme park is called Epcot. It's not even an abbreviation now. There just is no Epcot Center. Trust me--I used to work there. :) Anyway, it just makes me giggle that people were trying to correct you, Jen, and they were waaaay off base. Yay for you!
Whoever eats the cookie will eventually *um* recycle it anyhow, so by golly, at least they were told to do it!
This blog has me laughing every day! Thank you!
First, I'm laughing because of the Recycle cake--in an aluminum pan that recyclers around here won't take unless you've (wasted water to) scrub it completely clean of all food particles and covered with a plastic lid that is not considered a recyclable plastic, at least not by our local service.
Second, I'm laughing because I checked all the 136 (as of right now) posts before posting mine, because I didn't want to repeat something that had already been said...and all the people who didn't do that!
The earthquake one is my favorite. LOL!
I also got the construction cake for my son's 4th birthday and it turned out real cute - much better than that one!
I still cant figure out the mickey/bridge/earthquake one though.... hmmmm....
Aw, Jen--you have GOT to be the sweetest person EVER!
I really felt bad, and now I feel better! Thanks.
A spherical cake really IS an amazing feat, now that I actually ponder it; being able to frost one all the way around seems to almost defy gravity. If *I* were to try that, it'd come out looking like the Moon--probably plastered quite messily with finger-shaped frosting craters!
I'm thinking one way to slice it just might be with a nice thin wire, maybe through the middle horizontally, then into wedges, but-???-things in my head rarely come out resembling reality.
In memory of all of the IDF soldiers and victims of terror (Yom Hazikaron Israeli memorial day)
OMG I totally got the biggest laugh out of the post about how Disney now owns Epcot! I work for Disney and I don't think I realized that many people don't know what Spaceship Earth is! Then again I used to work at Magic Kingdom and have people ask me where the castle was, or Spiderman...
What I love most is that the cake is for Jeff and that is my fiance's name and his birthday was two weeks ago. I think I may have let him down in not making him that cake, maybe next year.
Wow, the "earthquake cake" reminded me of in 4th grade, when our teacher taught us about the different types of earthquakes by having us split into groups and decorate cakes with frosting and little plastic figures, and then simulating the earthquake. I couldn't name any of the types of earthquakes now, but I remember the cake, so hey, at least I learned something that year, right?
And also, I find it a bit funny that the first half of comments is saying that the cake is the epcot center, and then the second half is saying how everyone who said it was the epcot center is so dumb that they didn't understand that the epcot center was the same as spaceship earth. But hey, great minds think alike or whatever, right?
(sorry about the super-long comment)
I am from Orlando. I lived there for 15 years. I now live in Gainesville, only two hours away. My father is a 20-year Disney employee and I am a 6-year Universal employee.
Someone make an educated guess at how much my head hurts after reading all these comments.
In the interest of fairness, calling the park Epcot Center is not as off the mark as calling Spaceship Earth itself Epcot or saying that Epcot is not part of Disney World or was at one time part of Disney World. The ball has always been called Spaceship Earth and the park has always been part of Disney World, but Epcot was called Epcot Center until just fifteen years ago.
the triple cloned Mickey Mouse one just about made me die laughing. oh Jen, your commentary is the cherry on top (of a tasty cake masterpiece, of course).
At first I thought the "Recycle" cake was a recycled St. Patrick's Day cake!
Or EPCOT (according to cast members *ahem*) could stand for Employee Paychecks Come On Thursdays.
Can I have 2 million points just for that?
I'm sorry everyone commented the crud out of this. It's very simple, and a lot of people have already made the right corrections. So, I guess all that's left to say is... Happy belated Earth Day!
I think the first cake is the Epcot center from Disneyworld - basing that off of what the Epcot center looks like plus the fact that the script below is Disney font.
Wow. Epic-Epcot-Comments.
There needs to be a new meme for this - to Epicotment, which refers to when a gazillion people post the same, mistaken response.
Anyway, I support your use of comment approval. I can't imagine that you'd give yourself the headache unless you were filtering out spam and filth. Plus at least we know you read (sorta) our comments.
It's your blog, and plenty people still love it.
Thanks for clearing that up, Jennifer (April 29, 2009 1:38 AM). Wow.
These comments are pretty funny. Spaceship earth is the RIDE inside of Epcot. Just like Cinderella's Castle is INSIDE The Magic Kingdom. Tree of Life is inside Animal Kingdom and so on... oh nevermind.
I'm from Canada and never been very far in the States, but we have an environment museum in Montreal called la Biosphere that looks a bit like it :
Still doesn't look like a cake I would like to eat. Too gray for me!
I LOVE how there are almost 200 people who don't think you KNOW that the first cake is the Epcot. OF COURSE IT'S THE EPCOT! People either can't take a joke or are really that dumb.
I really cannot believe the number of morons that felt the need to correct your "Spaceship Earth" comment. So quick to judge without all the information. Dear readers...that huge globe at EPCOT is called Spaceship Earth.
I am feeling superior to the majority of your readers who commented here because I knew that the first thing was Spaceship Earth, which resides in Epcot Center. :)
I guess no one understood your humor on the first cake....
That first cake is definitely Space Ship Earth from Epcot Center. Ignore those silly commenters who don't know it's proper name!
You are all wrong on the first cake. It is clearly white fothergilla in bloom. Sheesh.
*snicker* I like how so many comments give the link to the Wikipedia Epcot page, where the caption on the sphere picture is "Spaceship Earth is the icon of Epcot."
So many people feel strongly about the Disney cake yet they are so uninformed. The Theme park is Epcot and has not been called Epcot Center for several years. The ball is Spaceship Earth and is an attraction at Epcot. Google your facts before you post like a know-it-all. Cake Wrecks Rules!
Look, I can understand your frustration but in the interest of charity here, I'd like to point out a few things.
1. Obviously there are many people who are not "Diz Geeks" and don't know that thing is called Spaceship Earth and have never heard of Spaceship Earth, only EPCOT Center. So, when you interpret your witticism in that light, it sounded like you were saying it looked like a spaceship shaped like the Earth which implied (to us) that you didn't know what it really was.
2. Since your comments are moderated, we have no idea how many people have already commented or what they have said which is why you get 50+ people all saying the same thing. Apparently there were A LOT of us who didn't know that it was called Spaceship Earth but WE didn't know that.
3. And this one might be a little redundant... the only reason we didn't get your joke was because WE didn't know what that big golf ball thing is called other than EPCOT which means that even though we wrongly assumed you didn't know what it was, apparently many people DON"T know what it's called. Nobody was accusing you of being addle brained. Can you cut us a little slack for not being Disney freaks and how about a slice of cake while you're at it?
Now, finding out that you and your husband made it and that you knew exactly what it was all along makes us feel a little foolish (especially since it is nowhere near a wreck and you know it) but I am happy to swallow my pride and say "Oops! Sorry! Silly me!"
Hope that and the Chunky Monkey helps get you back to the keyboard!
I am so glad to find out you made the Spaceship Earth cake, because I just couldn't see why you were considering it a wreck! Way to go; it's lovely. Tasty-looking, too.
I wanted to let you know that I completely support your use of comment moderation. We used to have an open forum on a site where I work and it had to be taken down because of what was being said. My daughter reads this and it makes me happy that I don't have to worry about what she might see.
For the person that called Spaceship Earth (which is always closed when I'm there and I've never got to ride)a pentakis dodecahedron, it's not. It is a geodesic sphere, the first (and maybe only?) one ever constructed.
Oh my goodness, this is ridiculous. All these people, up in arms over something so silly. Ignore all these haters who have no sense of humor - I think they are all wreckerators who are either jealous of your skillz (the Spaceship Earth cake is awesome. And the font! So perfect!) or have had their cakes featured in the past and are therefore cranky. We (my husband, sister and I) did not know that the globe dealio AT Epcot was called Spaceship Earth, but we still thought the post was funny. Thanks for teaching us some new Disney trivia, and for the humor, as always. Happy Irthday!
I'm late in posting -- and only read a few comments -- but had to tell you that you rock for knowing that Spaceship Earth is not Epcot.
There is sooo much in epcot. It's amazing at how that one things is so iconic and people are getting it totally wrong.
On the other hand --
That mushroom cloud joke had me LOL'ing. That was too funny. Because when I saw the brown and the word recycle -- I thought it was going to be poop.
I can't believe you didn't recognize the LAST cake (that you called a "mushroom cloud") is clearly The Beast, from Disney's "Beauty And The Beast." Sheesh. The font gives it away.
Seriously, though, let me just express my utter hatred for the millions of writers and their Epcot self-righteous ignorance.
Just wanted to add to the voices acknowledging that your "Spaceship Earth" reference indicated to me that you did, indeed, know that the first cake was supposed to be the giant golf ball building at Epcot. And you should get props for knowing the proper name of the attraction!
Jen, I am sure at this point you probably don't want to hear any posts, but... I really feel for you. I can't imagine how bad your hand hurt after piping all the stars on Spaceship Earth. I once did a fuzzy bumble bee and had a claw for a week.
You rock, Jen. Thanks for the continued laughs.
Aw, Tamatha stole my thunder! When I did the Walt Disney College Program, we used to say "Every Paycheck Comes on Thursday" but it's close enough to Tamatha's phrase.
BTW, peeps...Epcot is no longer capitalized. They stopped doing that in the late 80s, I believe.
And Jen, I literally LOL'd when I read your post. I totally got the Spaceship Earth reference (being a former cast member, and all).
I didn't know you could make cake into a sphere. You are amazing.
Charlotte, as a "Diz Geek" myself, I can understand what you mean when you say there are many people who don't know the name of the attraction. HOWEVER, that's the time when the not-as-knowledgeable-in-WDW-attractions people need to refrain from trying to correct someone on something they know nothing about. And if it's going to be met with a post of "well WE didn't know!" then I have to wonder why so many people were acting as if they did. So much backpedaling.
Hey Jen - I understand your frustration. I used to work at the Disney Store and it never ceased to boggle our minds the number of guests we had that would try and correct our information on Disney. They ranged from being convinced that the Magic Kingdom was the only park in Disney World to the belief that Universal Studios was part of Disney and we just refused to sell them tickets. Amazing.
In all charity and kindness, you totally missed my point. Try to look at this situation from an non Diz Geek perspective; someone who is familiar enough with the iconic symbol of Epcot center (which should still be capitalized if it is an abbreviation but whatever!) but not knowledgeable about the specifics of the subject. Since I really can't speak for everyone else here who commented, I can only say that for myself, I interpreted Jen's comment in light of my own (lack of) understanding and offered her information that I thought I had that I perceived that she didn't. I was not correcting her or slamming her or accusing her or schooling her. Simply offering information. I can't know what I don't know. It was an honest mistake and I would feel awful if I thought it contributed to any kind of real angst on Jen's part. I can't imagine that anyone here was trying to slap her down. I enjoy her blog very much but then, I don't read blogs that I don't enjoy and maybe some people do. Like I said, I am only speaking for myself. Have a great day.
Thanks Jen for throwing your own cake in for the sake of a joke. Hil-a-rious!
I think the mushroom cloud might have been a recycled leftover from left over St. Patrick's Day wrecks. Yay recycling!
No wonder Jen had a nervous breakdown. Listen people and be educated. Spaceship Earth is th NAME of the large geodesic dome INSIDE Disney's Epcot center. Jen is entirely correct. Thank you! Hope you can recover quickly. I read the blog religiously
A cake that says "recycle". Ugh. We all know what happens when we recycle cake. Not so much recycling as it is, well, poop.
10 trazillion billion points to EVERYBODY! I am feeling "JEN"erous today...(I am also feeling punny apparently
LOL--forgot about the paycheck one, the tired one is usually me. LOL
Jen--wanna share the B & J's? I will even loan you my bunny slippers if you let me borrow some tylenol. My head hurts from seeing the "E" word so much. LOL
Spaceship Earth is indeed a geodesic sphere, however geometrically, it is also a pentakis dodecahedron, with each of the 60 isosceles triangle faces divided into 16 smaller equilateral triangles (with a bit of fudging to make it rounder)
Montreal Biosphere is also a geodesic sphere. It's pretty cool.
Boy this thread has been a real derailment...
I love how nobody reads the previous (incorrect) comments before leaving the same (incorrect) comment themself.
Epcot is what the park is called, "Spaceship Earth" is the big shiny ball that is the major visual of that park. Kinda like all the other parks. You wouldn't refer to the Tree of Life as "Animal Kingdom" or Cinderella's Castle as "Disney World" so, Jen is right and drop it!
Love the blog, Jen! =)
I think i would love a t-shirt that says "Recycle, or die in a fiery mushroom cloud."