Well, apparently they got the message:

Thanks to Camilla C. for the update!
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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33 comments | Post a Comment
That first cake looks like the Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors.
omg that is sooo funny! its wrong on so many levels, but sooo funny!
I especially like the jungle it's growing in.
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
Looks like they got it figured out!
Word Verification: gagnesse
Well now I don't need to comment, the word verification summed up exactly what I was going to say.
I'm starting to think that some bakeries are making things like this just to get on here. They are obviously paying attention!
Are you sure they didn't just turn it around? It looks like the same cake, but maybe the first pic was of the back!
You mean someone bought the first one?
My wv is on the wrong post: mosesin
Mosesin the other post was pretty funny,
The cakein this one added an Easter bunny.
(BTW, how did they match the colors of the bunny and frosting so well--like camoflage there.)
The animal head perched on this cake looks kinda like a cat at first sight, not any kind of rabbit.
Um, are you sure that is a bunny? It looks more like a kitty to me.
No, it's not the same cake; this new & improved *cough* model is not served up on a bed of biley vomitus, as is the first one.
This one is soooo much more festered--I mean, festive!
Look, they even slapped some lettuce leaves on the sides for the bunny (whose head looks more cat- or foxlike than bunnyish) to snack on while it waits for an innocent stomach to turn.
I agree with karmapearl: the only thing I could think of when I looked at the pod and tentacles in the top pic was "Mean Green Mother From Outer Space."
Are you SURE it's an Easter cake and not a "Little Shop Of Horrors" cake? It would make more sense if it were labeled Audrey II
How did they take the ruffly green icing 'ribbons' off to replace them with orange and yellow?
It looks like the bunny is violating that egg! FIRE! FIRE!
@ anonymous
That's not the same cake, the streamer shoelace-things on the first cake are green, and they are yellow and orange on the second cake.
Yeah, I notice stuff like that...
wv: angsh--what I feel when I look at these cakes.
When I first saw this post I was thinking it looked like an egg from Jurassic Park, and now it just confirms it. The dreaded (and often cute) Wabbitsaurus emerges from the egg, ready to wreak havoc.
Peter L.
I think little children would cry if they were served that first one at Easter!
Cake Wrecks saving the worls one ugly cake at a time.
is that an easter...fox?
Did anyone see "Prehistoria?" This looks suspiciously like a dinosaur egg. Let the mischief begin.
I'm pretty sure that the plastic plant is Virginia Creeper..... a ground cover that can sometimes block out the sunlight and kill other plants. Why they would have this type of plastic foliage in stock at a bakery is anyone's guess.
I swear, that first cake looks like it could split open at any moment and send a facehugger leaping at me.
Holy heck! that's the funniest thing EVER!
Seriously...lettuce and cake? ICK!
To me it looks like the eggs from the first Alien movie...
I seriously don't see any improvement from the first to second cake. They are still both BUTT UGLY!! They could slap on a multitude of Easter do-dads and it won't change the ugly. Well, except maybe elevating it to ugly AND tacky...
I don't think I could actually stomach injesting any of this farce of a cake, but by the time you removed all the inedible crap I wouldn't be hungry anymore anyway!
This comment might fit the previous post with this cake better, but it occurs to me that this might have been a half-baked (ha ha) attempt at portraying a crown of thorns?
WOW!! That's just bad! At least you know bakeries read your blog! Though the fact that they don't understand sarcasm is funny!
JEN-with great power comes great responsibility.
Use it wisely. Sure, you can influence bakeries. Can you do anything about the economy?
The first cake reminded me of the canned hams. The hams are that triangular shape, meaning not pointy. Then I thought of the ham with icing. YUCKY!!!
While they may not be the same cake, the first one does have the bunny on it...if you look in the picture on the right side is the reflection in the display case and there is a bunny there on the back side of the cake....:)
Melissa D. sC
Someone call Ellen Ripley before the first one hatches. Oh well, better a facehugger popping out than a Barbie.