Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday Sweets: Valentine's Treats

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Sunday Sweets is our weekly NON-Wrecks feature, the better to remind you how wrecky the Wrecks are.

Heather R. found this gorgeous Valentine's day wedding cake with a retro vibe:

If you're wondering, yes, those are M&Ms! Talk about a tasty alternative to fondant. Yum. (By the eminently talented Dahlia of Dahlia's Custom Cakes.)

And here's an extra special Sweet for Valentines: one that comes with a tutorial so you can make it at home! Believe it or not, this gorgeous box of chocolates (including the chocolates) is actually cake:

Cool, huh? The "chocolates" are cake balls, which creator Bakerella decorated individually. Here's another shot:

Remember: love is never having to share your chocolates.

As beautiful as this is, it's not nearly as complex to make as you might think. Don't believe me? Then check out Bakerella's step-by-step tutorial. And really, you should check out her blog anyway; it's gorgeous.

Many thanks to Raquel and the rest of you who sent this in!
joyce said...

Wow--beautiful, but how did they get the M&Ms to stick? What recipe for icing that never dries out??

And the box of chocolates would be good for a wedding theme, "Life is like a box of never know what you are going to get."

Colleen said...

Amazing! I would take a cake like the second one instead of chocolates any Valentine's Day. Those are so cool!

~Colleen (

Tabitha (From Single to Married) said...

I'm in love (love - get it??) with that cake! And yes, Bakerella is a gorgeous website!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Very creative. I checked out the directions for the "cake box". I know even if she was standing on top of me, mine would not turn out that wonderful. Some real talent on both bakers part. Sometimes simple is best.

Anonymous said...

The M&Ms are pretty, but I am not a big fan of crunchy cake... the chocolate box on the other hand- YUM!

the ginabean said...

Oh my heck. That "chocolates" cake is amazing!

Dorci said...

Oooh, I love a baking challenage. I'm on it!

Tantra Flower said...

I'm going to attempt that box of chocolates for my mother. (my stomach just made a funny noise as I typed that)

Anonymous said...

My friend makes cake balls in all sorts of flavor and they are so yummy.

Anonymous said...

Now these are Sunday Sweets I can really get behind. I wasn't totally on board with that Darth Vader deal last week, but that wedding cake is precious! When I first saw it, it reminded me of cross stitch:)

I would pull off all the M&Ms on my slice and save them for dessert. Then I would shove them in my face all at the same time:)

Anonymous said...

Stunning! These cakes are testaments to the actually GOOD cake decorators out there...can't forget about them!

Anonymous said...

Wow that wedding cake is AMAZING!

Anonymous said...

That M&M technique could be adapted to all kinds of uses. You could use pixelated pictures or cross stitch or other needle work patterns. Very whimsical, very homespun. The box of chocolates cake is to die for. Really , really nice.

Anonymous said...

Zowie! Bakerella is talented. Thanks for sharing.

Angie (from over at

Unknown said...

Oh wow!
The M&M cake is awesome, and so is the box of chocolates. Sweet! Literally. LOL

~Amy B

Anonymous said...

Amazing, both of them! Love the cross-stitch look the M&Ms created, and the box of chocolates... Wow. Wonderfully sweet Sunday Sweets!

Anonymous said...

The first two pictures are not showing up, even when right-clicking/show picture - only a small box with a red x

Buffy said...

Both beautiful, but, sad to say--I think I'd rather have an actual box of chocolates!

Anonymous said...

Making that box of "chocolates" for my sweeties for Val Day! Too cool!! Hope I don't eat all the "candies" before they see it....

Anonymous said...

What a fun challenge!!!Should we send in our attempts at duplicating? Should be some wreckers at work right now.......

Amy said...

LOVE Bakerella! She rocks! :)

Jamers said...

I will SO be stealing those ideas! I also thought the M&Ms created a cross-stitch effect. That totally fits with its retro vibe. The chocolates... Eeeeee! Freaking adorable. Which reminds me... I have an awesome cake creation to send you that is also of a Valentine-ish sentiment...

Glory von Hathor said...

Both absolutely superb.

I may get married, just to have that cake at the top.

Anonymous said...

I would have been so much more impressed with the M&M cake if the artist had used the different colors of pink and red to do some anti-aliasing to smooth out the curves in the letters instead of leaving them so binary.

Anonymous said...

I love the first wedding cake! The M&Ms look like cross-stitching! Very crafty looking. I imagine it being a fun cake to cut and eat. M&Ms rolling on the floor and crunchy bits in your mouth. Hehe...

P.S. Jen, I'm giving away a handknit scarf at Pop on over when you get the chance!

Scritzy said...

My mother put a bowl of pastel M&Ms on the kids' table at my wedding reception. I wish I'd known of such a cake back then — the kids could have had their own M&M wedding cake!

As for the box of chocolates, thank you for the link to the tutorial. If I can ever get a better kitchen, I swear I'm going to make that thing for my best friend's birthday.

Love Sunday Sweets!

A Slice of Concentrated Love said...

That M&M cake gave me a great idea for my daughter's cake. Thank you so much.

Me! said...

The wedding cake is stunning. It must have taken a huge amount of time and a very steady hand. Its funky and hip, and what could be better when you are young and in love?

The heart shaped box of chocolate cake is actually quite an old idea - theres a version in "Jane Asher's Calendar of Cakes" which was published in the UK about 12 years ago.

I'm not sure about the "And the box of chocolates would be good for a wedding theme, "Life is like a box of never know what you are going to get." comment - surely one must be fairly certain of your partner by the time theres a need for a wedding cake?

WM said...

Wedding cake is so incredibly clever, but the candy box cake...numnumnum.

WV: sedurrec "sedurrec?" "No. its a Sunday Sweet Cake"

Lisa Chin said...

WOW!!! Those chocolates are beautiful! I bet they even taste good. I think I'm starting to drool. . .

Heather said...

I have a daughter who was born on Valentine's Day. When she is old enough to appreciate it I will make her that box of chocolates cake!

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

How long does it take to decorate an entire cake with M&Ms? How does one keep from eating more M&Ms than they put on the cake. Cool cake tho.

Anonymous said...

Are tehre supposed to be two more pictures? I am only seeing red x's.

bandthropologist said...

I have to say, if there was one cupcake cake idea I could get behind, I think that the 'box of chocolate' theme lends itself very well to them. (Small round things decorated with more sugary goodness and generally nestled in wax paper.)

Anonymous said...

The second cake is amazing! If you didn't say so, I would never have believed that they weren't really chocolates.
The wedding cake is absolutely adorable, too.

Kara said...

I thought that V-Day weddings sounded kinda cheesy until I saw that cake. Wow.

Anonymous said...

The "box of chocolates" cake is pretty, albeit yet another fondant cake, but if I were making it, I'd use actual chocolates rather than go through all the trouble to make little cakes that look like chocolates. Far easier, and in my opinion, far tastier.

Lisa (I have no idea how to leave a non "anonymous" comment.

WV: amess-- what far too many of the cakes on this site are!

In the Meantime said...

The box of chocolates cake is amazing, and the tutorial really doesn't look that terribly hard! Although, honestly, I've done such minimal cake decorating in my life that I worry that it would all be hard for me!

Now the wedding cake, THAT is creative. I can truly say I have never seen a wedding cake like that, and in this day and age I feel like everything's already been "done." It's such a refreshing change

Great picks!!

Maggie said...

Eminently. Hehe! :D

TAL said...

Wow that Valentine's wedding cake is definitely one of a kind. I can only image just how long it took to strategically place all the M&M's on this cake.

That's the great thing about wedding cakes...they no longer have to be the traditional "white" cake. They can be fun and creative.

Anonymous said...

Though I so appreciate the skill on the chocholates cute...I think I would be dissapointed to learn that they weren't actually chocholate. Cause....ahhhh, chocholate.

Anonymous said...

The box of chocolates is amazing!!! There is hope for cake makers!

Anonymous said...

The first cake looks like it was made of PixO's (child's toy). If you haven't heard of PixO's, lucky you. Turn on Nick or Disney and wait about 10're guaranteed to see the commercial.

Anonymous said...

If Keith got that cake for our wedding I'd KILL him!!!!!!!

I have to admit the chocolates are cute though. :)

Anonymous said...

Keith's MG by the way. I forgot to put my name on.

WV: suedu If you made that cake for me I would sue du.

E.A.D. said...

The box of chocolates looks so real. True evidence of artistry at work. I wish I could bake that for a fellow volunteers who's leaving for a new assignment tomorrow. She's a cake fiend and I'm sure she would love it!

Carrie said...

I'm in charge of the birthday cake for my friend's Valentine's Day birthday this year and am so going to attempt the "chocolates" cake. However, I'm going to use actual chocolates instead of making cake ones... and I'm thinking I may leave an empty wrapper and cut one piece to look like someone took a bite out of it. Because, you know, it just can't be helped!

Deylah said...

"By the eminently talented Dahlia of Dahlia's Custom Cakes."

It'd be funny if it said "By the MnM-tly talented..."


Brittany said...

so i think dahlia's cakes are great, but did anyone notice on this one
that the name is Natan? Think that's a typo? either forgot the H in Nathan or replaced the S with an N in Satan? hehehe reminds me of the church lady on SNL back in the day....

Anonymous said...

Amazing cakes. Nice designs. Do you also cater for wedding cakes?

Drisana said...

Oooh! I adore that retro one =)

Anonymous said...

I love the first cake with the M&Ms!!

Michelle Luevane, CPA said...

I'm totally going to make the chocolate box on Valentines Day for my hubby. He'll probably think it's girly but that's just too bad! ;D