Saturday, February 28, 2009

You Gotta Admit: That's Way Better than "Good"

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Besides, it's easier to spell than "Captain Kirk Luck".

Candace S., you're not wearing the red shirt, are you?
Unknown said...

Umm...actually, I've written "God" instead of "good" before. Easy mistake. Just gotta be sure and catch it before it goes public!!

~Amy B

Anonymous said...

I will admit my eyes aren't too open yet this morning, but it took me forever before I figured out the cake wasn't a triangle. I kept trying to decide if Don's last name was Isosceles or Scalene, but I kept getting distracted by the curls.
Look's like Don will need all the luck he can get.

Susan said...

Streamers?? On a cake? WTF?

The Happy Medic said...

Wondering what 'God luck' really is.

Is this cake the only way to get it?

Dorci said...

Thanks for the giggle, as always.

Queen Julian XIII said...

I nominate this cake for "worst lighting effects." I just now discovered I need to see the entire cake so I can mock it thoroughly.

sharkiepatronus said...

So, I will admit that it is early, but Idon't get the Star Trek reference of the cake. hmmm...

It just isn't logical...

Ace said...

I wouldn't mind having God luck!

Doublebanker said...

Can't think of much better luck to have than that!

Daily Gif Blog


Anonymous said...

ew Ew EW!!!!
Streamers?? REALLY???
The streamers look too much like hair flowing over the cake...

Angela said...

I agree. From now on, I'm gonna have god luck. No reason to sell myself short!

jackie31337 said...

Perhaps a Swedish-speaking wreckerator?

Also, WV: blogr. How appropriate.

CD said...

Yes, please explain the Star Trek reference.

Cheryl said...

"Hey, Betty, we have all this leftover ribbon. How can we use it?"

"I don't know, JoJo... oh, wait, I'll just pipe crap on the sides of this cake in the colors of the ribbon and we'll throw it on there!"

Benjamin said...

It's implying that James T Kirk is God...
Good => God = Captain Kirk

Love it! I think I'll go wreck hunting at the local bakery this weekend...


Anonymous said...

Bones: "We were God really out there."

Kirk: "Maybe he's not out there Bones. Maybe he is right here. (Kirk points to himself)"

Anonymous said...

BTW: that quote is from Star Trek V

April said...

the dramatic lighting makes it

Anonymous said...

I suddenly feel less geeky for my comments on yesterdays cake.

Yay for God Luck!

Brooke said...

Ok at first I was too distracted by the streamers to even notice the misspelling... Then I was trying to decide it it was God or Gord with the r smashed in... Not that either makes sense...

Unknown said...

A year or two before I found your awesome blog. I got my friend a cake and it was supposed to say, "Good Luck, Stacy." Instead it said, "Gad Luck, Stacy."

I have consistently used "gad" instead of "good" since.

Mella said...

They hated the cake so much that they hid it somewhere in the dark

Reformed Supermom said...

amroyo makes Jen hot, because he's trackin' with the Trekkin'....

I, too, will have god luck from now on. I intend to live long and prosper, too...but that's a whole other cake isn't it?

Tatersmama said...

God Luck to you too.
I just hope the color doesn't leach out of those streamers! YUCK!
I mean, it sort of looks nice, even with the iffy/confusing spelling, but I still wouldn't want streamers touchin' my cake.

Scritzy said...

Hmm, I saw "Gord Luck," too.

Perhaps Don is setting out on a folk-singing career, and his friends want him to have the same kind of career that Gordon Lightfoot has had.

Streamers on a cake. I've seen them. I don't like them. You can't eat streamers.

Tama said...

I thought those ribbon streamers were carrot peelings, so I am relieved they are actually streamers.

Anonymous said...

Maybe the streamers are on the plastic top... since i can see their shadows on the actual cake... which makes this easier to digest... unless you have a cat.. then you'll be finding streamer poo all over the house.. EW!

Anonymous said...

Theory re: Star Trek reference: The red-shirted noname actor that we'd never seen before was always the one that got killed. If there was one guy that was getting out in one piece, it was always Capt. Kirk.

Anonymous said...

I don't think the ribbons are touching the cake (thank Good)!
I think there is a plastic cover on the cake and the ribbons are on that.
God luck for everyone! :)

Anonymous said...

that was kinda short.

Laura Marchant said...

I just had to share with you the cake someone in my household made today...I swear it wasn't me.

Anonymous said...

For those who make spoof wrecks, consider "God luck in China."

Julia G said...

(First time commenting!)

My theory is that they did notice their mistake, but didn't want to redo it, and the streamers are a distracting device.

"Let's make it so ugly no one looks closely enough to notice!"


Just A Midwife said...

Star Trek reference notwithstanding...BLACK SHELL TRIM? Really???

Anonymous said...

I like the hallowed beam of heavenly light shining down upon the wreckiness of God's own streamer-cake.

Word verification: praimood. That hallowed beam of light puts me in praimood, amen.

Anonymous said...

And WHOA, I just noticed that a couple of comments up is another Chandra. (I'm Chandra too; I just used my initial 'cause I'm lazy.) *fist bumps*

Jeanna said...

I would have like dog luck better.

Anonymous said...

I want a God cake!

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to tell you all this but those streamers are on the cake. I use to work for a grocery store chain that had a cake that was in our case all the time with streamers on it. Kind of nasty, but you do what you have to do...

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

My first time snoop around your blog.... had a good laugh, especially the cake where the instructions were to put a heart instead the word love.... too hilarious!!!!

I found your site at Caryn's.

Anonymous said...

A very funny analysis of the "red shirt" problem...

Oh, my geek!

jackie31337 said...

izzy.d said: I want a God cake!

I don't know about a God cake, but you just missed your chance for king cake.

Disclaimer: I am not from Louisiana, nor am I any kind of king cake expert. In fact, I managed to make it to the age of 30 without even being aware of its existence. The concept just fascinates me.

Margi said...

oh... they're STREAMERS!

Anonymous said...

Muchas gracias

Empty Promises said...

I assumed that cakewrecks had made an error of memory and thought a Gord was a Star Trek nemesis of Kirk, like a Gorn is.

Anonymous said...

I've had worse. I wish I had a photo of it but I don't...It was a gigantic cookie that was supposed to say "Good Luck..." The good looked fine BUT the L in Luck looked a lot more like a F (If you tweak a cursive L it looks like a F). I didn't know what to say when I gave it to my coworker, but had to say that it was more about the thought than the poor penmanship.