Sunday, February 1, 2009

Come to the Dark Side: We Have Cake

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Could this be the coolest shower cake EVER?

I think so-ooo! [sing-song voice]

Seriously, let me count the ways this cake kicks every other baby shower cake's butt:

1) Darth friggin' Vader is holding an adorable little beribboned baby girl on it. Really, we could just stop there. (But don't worry; we won't.)

2) Airbrushing that's actually... pretty? [gasp] Wait, you mean that's actually possible?!?

3) Best. Use of sprinkles. Ever. Baby want sprinkles? Baby gets sprinkles!

4) The lettering! The outline! The ruffly border! The itty-bitty baby bottle!!!

[pauses to catch breath]

5) Say, did I mention that Darth Vader is holding a baby on it?

Case closed. Maximum awesomeness has been reached.

Well, until someone makes a cake with SPOCK holding a cute baby girl, that is. Aw yeah.

Many thanks to Erica for sharing her kickin' cake, and to Woullet Bakery for making it.
Anonymous said...

Impressive ... most impressive.

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. God.

I want that cake, even though it would be for me and not a newborn. Darth Vader could be holding anything and the cake would still be awesome.


tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

But is he her father?! :0)

I love that you're such a *dork* (in a nice way- I am too as is the love of my life) and that your blog is sooo popular. That's a kick up the *&^% of all those "cool" kids at high school! YAY!

martinstone said...

we sooo need the story behind this cake!

Alison said...

Really? I mean...there's nothing inept or incompetent about this cake...and, yes, the rendering of the baby is, indeed, adorable.'s just so...busy. The message gets lost in the galactic whirl.

Jennifer Good said...

Please tell me this was intentional!!!

Krystle said...

Oh my! I can only imagine the fans this cake was created for. I like it-very clever. The airbrushing and sprinkles top the cake (PUN intended).

Colleen said...

Oh, I love it! That is an awesome cake!

Anonymous said...

I want Spock.

Anonymous said...

Wait a sec, how bout Worf?

Anonymous said...

Yeah, except that Darth Vader head looks a little crunchy.

Angie (from over at

Ros said...

It's all in the eye of the beholder, I guess. I'd have that one down as a serious wreck.

Anonymous said...

THAT made your Sunday Sweets?!?! Total disappointment

Jamie said...

OMG, that cake is from Wuollet?! My graduation cake was from Wuollet! We got cakes from them all the time! Had I but known the caliber of awesome of which they were capable, I would have asked for SO MUCH MORE.

Now I know. Now I know.

C. Beth said...


Now I'm inspired to try to think of a way to make a Battlestar Galactica cake for my baby's one-year birthday coming up....

Beth (I blog here and here.

Anonymous said...

The baby bottle is a sugar comes in a pack with a bunch of baby-colored diaper pins, and alphabet blocks...very cute, though!!

the ginabean said...

I have no words.

Anonymous said...

My husband is drooling...and he just asked me why our shower cakes never looked like that!

Anonymous said...

You forgot one:

6) Correct use of an apostrophe.

That, in and of itself, is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Love it. (Is there any more to say?)

Anonymous said...

My shower is in April. And THIS will be my cake...with Spock for sure.

Ellie said...

Way cool, Woullet's is my local bakery they are pretty much an institution in the western suburbs of Minneapolis.

Ellie and Werther Blog

Pink Sith said...

OMG. THIS CAKE WAS MADE FOR ME!!!! Sorry for shouting! I am so getting this cake the next time I have a baby!

Anonymous said...

Chiming in on the disappointment with this Sunday's Sweets; it's a pretty cool cake, but really, the grocery store down the street from me could have done it. Nothing spectacular.

Also, I have questions about the composition; why is Lord Vader crouching in the very bottom of the frame? Was the decorator too intimidated to portray his full length, or even a reasonable portrait from the waist up? All he's got is a head and two hands creeping round the baby. It would have been 1000% awesome (and worthy of Sunday) if it had at least been a sort of Madonna-and-child pose.

Julie said...

Usually I'm so with you on your Sunday Sweets post, but tell me that you're being tongue-in-cheek! The colours, they hurt my eyes! And what parent wants Darth Vader holding their child, anyway? Isn't that just a bad omen for the future?

Say it ain't so, Jen!

foldreformer said...

If my husband had been involved in my baby shower, this would have been my cake. Having a hubby a little obsessed with Star Wars has given me a Star Wars themed wedding (musically) and a battle over giving my second daughter the middle name "Chewbacca", no joke.

Nikoli said...

The Force is strong with Woullet. That is indeed bad ass, and absolutely hilarious!

Hey, how can you tell the Christians at a Star Wars movie/convention? When someone says "May the Force be with you," they reply "And also with you."

*rimshot* Thank you! *crickets* Tough crowd.

Anonymous said...

That is HIDEOUS!

Anonymous said...

I'm seriously disappointed. The cake is way too busy.. too many colors... too many sprinkles (and I LOVE sprinkles)... too much.. DARTH VADER holding an infant girl??? seriously?! The cake isn't a total disaster; but it's definitely not a Sunday Sweet.

Morgi said...

Hee, I know a few couples who would TOTALLY have that cake. I also know someone who had Godzilla and another monster on his wedding cake. :)

shawn said...

Well, I am from Minneapolis, and I just wonder which Wuollet's this is from.. Not that I would want a Darth Varder holding my baby, but it is incredible

Anonymous said...

I must respectfully disagree here. You are excused, because we are aware of your obsession w/DV. I think that his mere presence on the cake has held you in thrall; indeed, has blinded you to all else: the indifferent and uneven ruffle border, the odd little white snake outlining the lettering, the weird border-within-a-border pink squiggle thing. Shudder. I will say, the baby face is cute, but if a regular old person were holding the kid, you'd have piled on the wrecky derision w/glee. Admit it! :D

HorribleLicensePlates said...

Aw. Darth has a softer side.

PeeJay said...


I want to go get preggers so I can have a cake like that. First step...find a man...hmmmm.

Unknown said...

Now if the baby girl's name is Leia that would be perfect. Love this cake.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Classic example of a cake too pretty to actually EAT.


Kristin said...

That cake ROCKS! But, you are right, it would be way better with Spock!

Sandi said...

Don't listen to the nay-sayers; this cake is pure Sunday-Sweets awesomeness! Hasn't everyone been complaining that there are too many fondant Sunday Sweets? The only thing that could have made this cake better is if it were for TWINS

(there is another....)

Anonymous said...

twin cities represent!

I would like to know the logic for Vader being the daddy on this one though.

Will the submitter please stand and tell the story?

Anonymous said...

I love, "Come to the Dark Side: We have Cake." Hehehe! Awesome. It's a really cool cake. And it'd be really neat and most fitting if the baby girl's name is Leia.

mom2jjk said...

I have to agree that it is not a true Sunday Sweet. I am hoping you were being a bit sarcastic?

Darcy said...

If I show my husband that, he is going to want a second child just to get that cake. Oh wait, I want a second child, this might work out nicely....{rubs hands together}

Averna said...

This is an AWESOME post, however, not a Sunday Sweet. In my opinion, anyway =D I actually thought you had just posted it and had forgotten that it was Sunday, but you did in fact tag it as a Sunday Sweet.

Don't worry. I still love you! And that cake is AMAZING.

Just disagree with your categorizing, that's all ^^


Anonymous said...

Where is Sunday Sweets!?
I love Sunday Sweets :[

Anonymous said...

OMG that is the most awesome cake I've ever seen. If you dont get why, the force is not with you. Move along.

K. said...

One word: WANT.

It is the all-round perfect cake.

Jeenyus10 said...

Oh yeah, I am all over round two with Spock as the star this time!

Kateri said...

I must admit, I am one of those who just doesn't get it. Usually I am totally wowed by Sunday Sweets (my favorite posts of the week). This is okay, but I'm not wowed.

SeaShore said...

If Darth Vader is holding a baby girl, then she must be a princess: Princess Leia, of course.

Anonymous said...

If I ever have a baby girl, or really, just another baby, I'd love to have this cake. My boys both think this cake rules the galaxies- one is a StarWars freak and the other is a future NASA employee and Mars colonizer, so this cake has something for both. Heck, they just want this cake for themselves. That cute lil baby could certainly turn Vader back to the Light Side of the Force.

BG said...

The only thing that would make this cake more awesome is if the cake said, "I am your father."

Serena said...

Umm... I have to admit that I am not such a fan of the cake, but I am SO curious as to WHY... lol.

Although, Spock holding the baby would be great, I agree there--especially if Spock=Sylar from Heroes. :) (He's the one playing Spock in the new movie.) THAT is a cake I would want.

However, when my husband saw it, "Oh my God, that's amazing" were the first words he said. Maybe it's my lack of caring about Star Wars..

Neen said...

A Cake Wreck, this is not.
With this decorator the force is strong. Mmmm good this cake is.

Aviatrix said...

Some people would feel about this cake the way you feel about the camo cake with deer head toppers.

I can imagine a mirror-universe Cake Wrecks blog where the car off-roading up the wedding cake was a Sunday Sweet, while Darth Vader holding a baby with sprinkles and planets in the background is a much derided wreck.

I'm glad to be in your universe. A baby would look really stupid with a goatee.

TheDaughterOfTyr said...

*grabs her hubby and points at cake*

My god, they even used appropriate punctuation!

Christa said...

I love it! All these people asking what happened to Sunday Sweets...hello you're looking at it in all it's out of this world glory! I agree that it could only be made better by a "I am your father" quote. And the ruffle orber freakin awesome I want to know how to do that, it looks like double ruffle ribbon!

Anonymous said...

I must admit that I was confused for a moment, as this is Sunday and I was expecting the usual Sweet. Ah, well. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all.

-- Sonja

Erica said...

Ok, so here's the story behind the cake.
This cake actually was inspired by a wreck which was, sadly, not captured on film.

A few years ago, my mom called up wuollet (my favorite bakery) to order a cake for my bridal shower; she asked for a simple sheet cake with blue flowers that said 'Congratulations Erica'. We have been ordering all of our cakes from this bakery for almost 20 years with no problems whatsoever, so my mom was absolutely shocked when she arrived at the bakery to see a cake with a big, black, frosted Darth Vader on it with 'Congratulations Erica' in red writing. No offense to Star Wars fans, but I myself have never gotten into Star Wars (although my husband is a huge fan) We unfortunately do not have a photo of this cake as my mom was in a rush and made the bakery scrape off the frosting and re-decorate the cake. This cakewreck story became infamous amongst my family and friends, and so when it came time a few years later to order my baby shower cake, my mom decided it would be funny to order a cake with a darth vader holding a baby in homage to the bridal shower cake disaster.

And no, we didn't name her Leia ;-)

Missy said...

I am from Minneapolis and I am shedding tears of glee and tears of pride for this cake.

Unknown said...

Now THAT'S a work of artistic cake genius.:op

~Amy B.

Anonymous said...

I like it and I'm not even a SW/DV fan. It's different and the whirling galaxy/sprinkles thing is awesome. The ruffle even looks real because it's not perfectly even.

Besides, it's YOUR blog and if you deem this worthy of the Sunday Sweet title, you got it. Even if I didn't agree with you (which I do..) you do all the work, you get to make the call.

Lauren Winsor Stenmoe said...

That's from Woullet's? You just made my Sunday, they are my favorite hometown bakery! I grew up on their sweets.

So I can assure you, not only does that cake look awesome, but it will be the best cake that you have EVER had. They are so amazing!

Anonymous said...

Both my geek of a dh AND my 11 year old daughter saw that and gasped, in unison, "That is SO COOL!"

Unknown said...

The wavy border is ok, but the baby blanket is awesome!

Anonymous said...

That cake rocks! I love it that it's not been done....

Dani said...

Awww that makes me want to have another baby....eventually.

Darth Rob said...

Lord Vader has a weakness and it has been found. The Rebellion will surely make fun of him now and post the picture all over the galaxy. The empire is... Doomed!

Anonymous said...

hot mess

Anonymous said...

Nope, that cake is just weird.

Diana said...

I just sent it to Darth Vader via Twitter. He will go nuts.

Rob Froelich said...

I find your lack of cake disturbing..

GeekByMarriage said...


My geeky freak hubby looooves this cake.

Anonymous said...

That is the awesomest cake ever! I love it and I want it!

Unknown said...

For the record, I HATE everything about Star Wars, but my husband and FIVE sons, LOVE it. If we ever have a girl, this cake would ROCK at a shower. Too cool.

That having been said, I totally agree with Flartus: "Really? I mean...there's nothing inept or incompetent about this cake...and, yes, the rendering of the baby is, indeed, adorable.'s just so...busy. The message gets lost in the galactic whirl."

Judi Hahn said...

Can't agree with you on this one. I think it's hideous. Who would ever let Darth Vader, the "force" of evil hold their darling baby girl. And the cake, even with the air brushing, looks amateurish to me. Looks like something I would do, sans Vader, and I make really ugly cakes.

Anonymous said...

Wow. I started laughing when I saw this cake, only to scroll down and see that people love it. To each their own, but I think this cake is a hot mess.

Just Me said...

My cousin is a cake decorator at Woullet's! I will have to find out if I can learn more about this cake - if he did it, or knows anything. I'll post here if I find out!!

Anonymous said...

My mouth is watering thinking about Wuollet Bakery. I have to drive my daughter from school in St. Paul through Mpls at breakneck speed during rush hour (not an easy task) so we can stop at the Robbinsdale location before organ lessons. Yummy! Great cake and I think worthy of Sunday Sweets. Loved hearing the story behind it, thanks Erica.

nolongeruse said...

It is quite "busy" with all the colors. But I'm a dork and I'm totally obligated to say that this ISNT a wreck at all :D


Zombie Edward said...

d0rks unite! This cake is amazing and Erica's story behind it makes it even better.

Anonymous said...

You know, I think this cake is more of a wreck. It's too busy, and it just looks kind of bad overall. Honestly, I think this cake would've been in the wreck pile if not for the fact that it had Darth Vader on it. Favoritism much?

Megan said...

Tongue in cheek or not, I LOVE THIS CAKE. If I ever have children, I want this to be my shower cake. Too hilarious! It's nice to see Sunday Sweets that don't take themselves so seriously sometimes :)

Nikki via The Scarlett Rose Garden said...

I too was dying to know the background story to the cake, I'm glad I read all of the comments and found out!

For what the client asked for, this cake is SUPREME.

I never thought I'd like sprinkles on a cake, but these rock!

I want to know how they did the freakin ruffle too! Amazing yet simple, wish we could see it from the side.

And how could that precious babe NOT be a Sunday Sweet!?

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

Whimsical meets Sci Fi, who would have thought it would work.

FreedomFirst said...

Was this a subtle dig at the baby's father? Maybe he's not liked by the in-laws.....

Unknown said...

I would have wanted a baby shower if there would have been a cake as awesome as this involved.

We are making Dalek cupcakes for Valentine's Day.

Erin said...

I think the only way it could have been cooler was if it was a shower for a baby boy named "Luke"...

Anonymous said...

Quote ros
It's all in the eye of the beholder, I guess. I'd have that one down as a serious wreck.

OH eye of the beholder that would be a wreck have you seen a picture of a beholder?!?!?!? (D&D fans I bow as you applaud, and for those of you who have NO idea what i'm saying seeee I wrecky fail)

As for this cake my DH and I love dh said "didn't you say a lady ran this blog?" I said well yeah, then he says "OMG she's more of a nerd than me...AWESOME!!!" I have another cakewreck convert!

Faith said...

Totally disappointed. My 6 yr old looking over my shoulder, on the other hand said "Wow! That must be when Darth met Leia the first time. See...he's not all bad, Mom. He loves his kids."
*sigh* Hoping for something better next week.

Anonymous said...

Quote: Chris said...

You forgot one:

6) Correct use of an apostrophe.

That, in and of itself, is amazing.

Now I have to add...
7) and there is also actually an "s" after the apostrophe!

Anonymous said...

So very ugly. Sorry, Jen. Your Sunday sweets are usually works of awesomeness (behold last week's dragons). The best thing I can say about this cake is that the punctuation is correct. Beyond that, it's wrecktastic.

Anonymous said...

It a gril!

It would be quite pretty sans Darth, but after reading Erica's explanation, I understand why he's there. :)

Lyndsay said...

While I can understand the admiration for a baby shower cake themed as such- I don't think it qualifies as a Sunday Sweet. The airbrushing is decent, but not great, the sprinkles make it look too busy, and the white base board blends too well with the white trim. Not to mention that Darth Vader looks like he is about to drop the baby down a garbage chute- creepy.

Beth said...

I'm inspired by this cake. I now want to have a another baby so I could have He Who Must Not Be Named holding said baby with the inscription "It's a Mud Blood" on a chocolate pudding cake. Wow!

Anonymous said...

This is the Sunday Sweet? Methinks Jen celebrated a bit too much at the pre-Superbowl party! To me this looks like something a grocery store bakery trainee would make to show off their "talents" at using every type of cake embellishment possible. Though now that Erica has posted the story behind the cake, it does indeed work as a creepy/gag cake.

shadow said...

I can't help but giggle at the apparent sense of entitlement that people have. They are just -so- disappointed in you, Jen. And more than half of them are -so- disappointed, they don't even have the guts to sign their names. It's terrible, truly. How dare you post something not up to their standards? Pfft.

I love this cake. Is it busy? Yes. Does it make no sense? Yes. Is it -bad-? No.

I don't like the color some folks paint their houses, but you don't see me telling them I'm disappointed in 'em. Their house. Your blog. Same deal.

Much, much love for the Vader.

Tatersmama said...

Holy Moly ! That's one awesome cake and it almost makes me wish I was having a baby!
But Spock?
Yeah, now that would ROCK!

Anonymous said...

Worst. Sunday. Sweet. Ever.

Becky said...

WAY FUNNY! Loved the story behind it, too. should SEE some of the awesome window displays Wuollets has in their Grand Ave./St. Paul location at Christmas time...incredible. Not to mention that everything they make in that wonderful place tastes incredible.

Makes me miss not living in Minnesota.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you on this being the best baby shower cake ever! But still, when I enlarged the picture to have a closer look, the words that came out of my mouth were, "It a gril!"


Anonymous said...

Okay, it's pretty, but ... I can't get over the Darth Vader thing. Why Darth Vader?

Melanie said...

Um, it's...cute and everything, but I must admit I am disappointed in today's Sundays Sweets. Usually you have multiple awesome cakes that astound and amaze. Today's cake didn't even have tiers! Just a sheet cake. And acceptable airbrushing. And Darth Vader holding a baby. But their weren't any tiers, and there was only one cake.

Unknown said...

Shame about the baby bottle

Anonymous said...

uh-mazing. i think i need one for my next child.

Anonymous said...

First comment: WIN. Not sure why people are asking about Spock and the rest of the Star Trek crew.

Suzanne Dargie said... the baby named Leia by any chance?

I AM surprised though that you're not upset about the Darth Vader (which incidentally means dark "Father" in Dutch) is made of plastic.

Also I'm glad to learn that I'm not the only one who had the hots for Spock when I was younger!

Anonymous said...

VERY surprised that an ugly sheet cake was good enough for Sunday Sweets. Along with the poorly done borders and airbrushing. Very disappointed as well. :(

Kami said...

Holy cow. I want that cake. We're having our first baby in May and it's a GIRL and this cake is AWESOME!!

(I admit, it looked potentially wrecky at first because it was so bright and crazy, but I have to agree with all the points you made. Wow.)

Scritzy said...

The backstory makes this cake hysterical.

And all day I have wanted cake with lots of gooshy icing roses because (cue whine) I had pneumonia for my birthday and didn't have a cake and I'm still quarantined and I can't go out to get one and spouse is about to have surgery so I won't have a chance to get one before his surgery and dang, I want some sprinkles, too. (/whine and run-on sentence)

Oh, and Spock can take out Darth Vadar with one pinch. Totally.

hekates said...

That this cake made it to Sunday Sweets shows how being a fan can blind you. Honestly, Darth Vader is EVIL. He's BAD. How about a cake with Dick Cheney holding a baby? Or Mao? See, its just weird.

Yanicka said...

ahhhhhhhhh man!!!!! That is a wonderful cake

Unknown said...

Spock from Star Trek, or Dr. Spock?


Anonymous said...

I must agree that the air brushing is good, and the baby is cute, but this is not a Sunday Sweet. I am disappointed. :(

Rachel said...

I know others have disagreed about this one being a Sunday Sweet but I think it deserves being included in this category. Maybe not as a "sweet" so much as a SWEET cake.

vague_hit said...

there sure are a lot of haters on the internet!
this cake is awesome. i LIKE that its busy... what the h is wrong with busy? you immediately read the meesage (which is the point, normally.. and with proper grammer) and the picture is just great, especially considering the back story provided in the comments.

all the people it was intended for loved it. all the haters (and supposed cake composition experts) well.. have come on here and given their lame little 'oh how uninspired' comments.

well, the haters are wrong. look at how much comment it has stirred up! some people are just annoyed that something they dont get can make other people leap up and say 'awesome!' (which, incidentally, was my reaction)


Serena said...

Really, comparing Dick Cheney holding a baby to Darth Vader holding a baby? C'mon, that's a little much.
Now we're ignoring the entire CAKE... really guys, so some of us don't think the cake is the greatest. OBVIOUSLY, there are quite a few people who do. We can disagree on cake. But can we leave politics out of the Darth Vader cake?

Anonymous said...

You people, sheesh!

Jen puts up beautifully sculpted fondant cakes.

You guys complain because fondant doesn't taste good.

Jen puts up very nice butter cream cakes.

You guys complain that anyone can do them and, thus, they aren't "Sweet Worthy."

Jen puts up something fun, done well and to the customers specs and fifty anonymous people complain that it's a wreck.

Perhaps, just perhaps, we should all use some of our complaining energy to find cakes that we think are "worthy" and send them into Cake Wrecks.

Oh, and please, even if you can't say anything nice, put your name down. We're all family here.

Wreck On!


Anonymous said...

Oooh, Woulett! Didn't think of them for specialty cakes!

Who knew you had so many fans here in the Twin Cities!

The cake is pretty. Wouldn't be my first choice, but well done. LOL

Other.Ben said...

Not since the introduction of the Nerf ball have I felt so undeservedly proud to be from the greater Minneapolis/St. Paul area. I heart you, Wuollet Bakery!

P.S. They have a raspberry soufflé cake so decadent it's like the Roman Empire times Liberace! *swoons*


allier said...

tell em John!!!!

Jennifer Good said...

Agreed, Jon,

This is one of my new faves. Some people are just so hyper critical. Silliness! If you don't like it, make your OWN cake wreck blog and get thousands of fans AND t-shirts. Til then, appreciate the different cakes! I liked the Darth Vader detour.

Anonymous said...

oh crumb, hubby's in love with this, baby #4 may come along just for this cake.

Pan Historia said...

I have to say this is actually one adorable cake, though I'm not really sure what the person that ordered it was thinking of!

Wyatt at Pan Historia

SunnyCyclist said...

Did you choose the same style lettering from the "It A Gril" cake on purpose? If so, that's even better. Especially with the sprinkles, since then it would be a response to 3 different wrecks (your own Darth Vader cake, It A Gril, and I Want Sprinkles)!

Anonymous said...

@Erica Love the story! A cake to commemorate a wreck--hilarious:D

Anonymous said...

I think it's ugly as all hell, but I also hate fondont with a passion. And I can understand how it's done well, etc. etc., if this is what the people requested.

I mean, if they asked for like, the father holding the baby and this is what they got, than yeah, it's a wreck all the way. But that's not the case.

Keep it comin' Jen, you rock!

Anonymous said...

Hey I went to high school with some of the kids of the "Wuollet Dynasty" ;-) I should go there for any cake I need.

Anita said...

I actually consumed a slice of this actual cake! The praise for Wuollet's bakery is much deserved. Jen, thank you so much for posting it! And of course thanks to Erica and her husband for getting pregnant with the baby that made it all possible... (and if you want the backstory, read Erica's comment about halfway thru...)

Anonymous said...

First of all I have to say I love your "geekiness" and second, I am so happy to know that I am not alone in thinking that is the coolest baby shower cake ever!


Did she name her baby Laya? =)

L. Shepherd said...

That is one of the coolest cakes I've ever seen. Spock holding a baby on my cake would get printed out, framed and hung on my wall.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a bunch of crybabies reading this blog. Seriously, I think this is a fun cake that was well-made and doesn't have the components necessary to make it a wreck. Sure, it's a bit busy, but it doesn't really take away from the cake at all.

If I have a girl when I start having kids, I so want a cake like this. :)

Rock on, Jen!

Anonymous said...

At least Erica has a sense of humor, unlike some of the naysayers here. This cake rocks, and Darth no doubt would be sending some serious Force chokes to quite a few people here.


Anonymous said...

Is Jen Okay?
I think some people take blogs too seriously!
This is Jen's blog, right? I don't think anyone overpaid for the "Sunday Sweets".
I love this blog and Jen can put up whatever Jen wants! She is kind enough to let us all see it, and this is what happens?!
Thank you, Jen (and John)! Love the blog! I read every day and now my kids join me. I'm addicted. We walked into the grocery store yesterday and straight to the Super Bowl cakes to look for a Wreck!

Anonymous said...

Disappointing.... can't believe a SHEET cake made the sunday sweets... nope not happy... sad very very sad

Megan said...

I can't help but giggle at the apparent sense of entitlement that people have. They are just -so- disappointed in you, Jen. And more than half of them are -so- disappointed, they don't even have the guts to sign their names. It's terrible, truly. How dare you post something not up to their standards? Pfft.

I love this cake. Is it busy? Yes. Does it make no sense? Yes. Is it -bad-? No.

I don't like the color some folks paint their houses, but you don't see me telling them I'm disappointed in 'em. Their house. Your blog. Same deal.

Much, much love for the Vader.


If I may abuse an oldies song, it's Jen's party and she'll post-The-Vader-Ate-Yer-BayBee cakes if she wants to, you would post too if it happened to yoooou ... and if not, at least have the courtesy to sign your name instead of anonytrolling.

And, in conclusion, I STILL LOVE THIS CAKE :D And have been craving a slice of good old fashioned sheet cake with buttercream all day ... darn my car being in the shop!

Anonymous said...

Ah, are you not doing Sunday Sweets anymore? Just kidding, lol, but that definitely strikes me as a wreck more than a sweet! The juxtaposition of the baby, Darth Vader, and the sparkly pink universe in the background is just wreckily hilarious to me... :)

Anonymous said...

Very well put John (the hubby of JEN)

I must add that I sent your blog link to several friends, got nothing but positive, not just for this cake, but the whole site

Rock those wrecks (or sweets in this case) Jen!!

tracey (aka rainbowmummy) said...

Hooray for John!!! Nicely said.

Reactor Cor said...

I agree with John! Who cares if you agree or disagree about the cake itself? Did you have fun reading the blog and seeing the pics? That's all that matters. :)

Ed Miller said...

That cake has UNIVERSAL appeal!


heartafire said...

This is absolutely fantastic.

How perfect for a baby shower too, for the right person! I love how the baker made it perfectly, darling-ly babyish, and precious and adorable, highlighting the Dark Presence.


heartafire said...

I seriously want to get pregnant ONLY to have this cake at my shower. I will put the baby up for adoption (maybe by some intergalactic specie) since we do not have any more room. But

heartafire said...

Hey, all you complainers!!!
This is definitely a Sunday Sweet.

As in...."Suh-weeeeeet."

Sleepwalker said...

Love the back story, it's hilarious, and the result of a family with an awesome sense of humor. Ignore the whiny naysayers, this Sunday Sweets rocks!

Typo Tat said...

I think this one might as well have been a wreck.The airbrushing looks fine, and the font is legible...

The Darth Vader with a baby, though? Poorly executed and doesn't match the color theme!

Anonymous said...

Best cake in the existance of cakes.
No cake has been as awesome as this one until now (that James Bond wedding once coming in at a close second)

Awwww Vader has a soft side in addition to his dark side.

Anonymous said...

My main question: I can't tell whether Darth Vader's head is plastic flotsam or edible. That makes or breaks the cake for me.

Anonymous said...

THIS CAKE IS AWESOMENESS!!!!! I love it! And I'm not even a Star Wars Fan LOL

utaduta said...

after getting the back story, the cake is awesome! i love inside joke food. ;) its still a fun cake. not wrecky. it is sweet and fun.

Anonymous said...

I must get this cake for my best friend when she has kids! Sure, she doesn't live in MN, but I do, and she would come up for that! She's a total Star Wars freak, and in love with Vader--she even made me watch all 6 in one night once! Personally, I'm not a fan of movies in space...but I like the idea of a character holding a baby...Now, how can I work LotR into it for MY baby shower? (Which shall not happen for a very, very long time!)

greenbean said...

Is this the Sunday Sweets? Wah wah wah.

Anonymous said...

Now, I'll buy almost anything Star Wars.. but this?? This is a wreck.
Not so much in the sense of the subject; people have varying tastes. But it's busy and poorly executed.

I'm very very surprised that this was included as a Sunday Sweet!

Unknown said...

I believe this is to Star Wars fans what the Deer-Headed cake is to hunting fans... the beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I, too, am a Star Wars fan - and LOVE Star Trek - but find the idea of Vader holding the baby a teeny bit creepy (is he planning to interrogate her?). Spock on the other hand, thumbs up - can't wait to see it - if it's out there. This one is an odd selection for Sunday Sweets, but I get why it's here from a fan standpoint.

zekesmom10 said...

I love this cake. It is like a "daddy's little girl" moment that Vader never got to have. But it is NOT a Sunday Sweet.

Anonymous said...

My friend sent me an email with a link to this blog because she saw the cake and thought of me. This site rocks, and I wish I had this cake when my daughter was born. Total awesomeness! Thanks for sharing. And MTFBWY!

SarahBellumQuilts said...

I can't wait to see what happens when others order a cake like this from their local bakeries! Just imagine the "missed marks" wrecks that will follow! It will be awesome!

Keep up the good work Jen!

Kate said...

This is many kinds of awesome. Pretty colors, proper punctuation... and Vader-as-babysitter. Love it -- and I'm totally waiting for the Spock version. :)

dizzy mom said...

BODY DOUBLE! Seriously, check out the Tax Cut ad on your page. It is right next to the zoomed in photo of the baby on "it's a girl" cake. It's almost like you planned it!

jengersnap said...

This is such a well executed cute gag! I'm looking forward to a "Live Long and Prosper" Spock cake :)

Anonymous said...

Now, how can I work LotR into it for MY baby shower? (Which shall not happen for a very, very long time!)

Well, you could always have Gandalf holding the baby (though if you put the galaxy background in, people might think it's Obi Wan Kenobi). Might have to find a decorator who's a fellow LOTR fan.

Yes, this is definitely a Sunday Sweet. I find others' lack of faith disturbing.

--Blue Jean

Anonymous said...

I love your site but you can be so bias! TRY telling me if this cake had someone besides Darth Vader on it that you would not throw it right into the Wreck pile! AND as a Sunday Sweet?! Not even close!

12 hour pills said...

That's so adorable! I love it!

Nakia said...

shadow, couldn't agree more! Took the words out of my head.

Besides, all the folks grumbling about putting "evil" on the cake apparently haven't seen the original Star Wars movies? Ends up Darth actually isn't so evil after all, cares for his son and all :p

Hourglass Keeper said...

This is a Sunday Sweet?

This is not the quality of a Sunday Sweet I have come to know and love from this site. This is a clear wreck, and I'm a Star Wars fan. I agree with the previous poster that the "wreck" redneck cakes you presented earlier in the week were better.

Also note that Darth Vadar is holding the child in a totally awkward fashion. The baby looks like it's going to be dumped forward any moment. Then again, Vadar was never a very good parent.

Lauren said...

We are expecting twins and I am shocked, SHOCKED, that my hubby didn't demand this to be ordered for my shower!!!

Stephanie said...

Seriously!? I kept re-reading the post, hoping I was just missing the sarcasm.

And man, I didn't realize how many women are in to Star Wars! I thought it was just a nerdy male thing.

The back story is WAY better than the cake.

Oh well, I still love the blog!

toyboxgreatone said...

I want that cake! If I had gotten that cake when I was born, THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME!!

Anonymous said...

I read this blog all the time, but I never comment. However, I have to comment on this one. That cake is freakin' awesome!

Love + Sugar said...

I think this cake is cute and amusing, but I do not understand why it is considered a Sunday Sweet when the "redneck" cakes were considered wrecks. The "redneck" cakes did have a generally unpopular cultural focus (hunting), but they were well-made cakes and they weren't THAT bad. After giving the Darth Vader cake a MUCH closer look and reading what you liked about it, the cake did grow on me and I now appreciate it. However, I won't first thought upon glancing was, "WRECK!"

Kath said...

Eddie Izzard did a skit about Darth Vader offering his foes cake, or death. They all chose cake unsurprisingly. Wonder if it looked like this one?

MegzyTred said...

Awesome! My husband carefully picked out which Star Wars t-shirt he would wear to welcome our daughters into the world... he would've killed for THAT cake! :)
I love it! Not enough to have another baby... but I still love it a lot!

~ Megzy

D.B. Echo said...

To answer the question you raise in #2, I offer this quote from The Empire Strikes Back, along with Darth Vader's deleted response:


Vader: No it isn't.

Mary said...

Now of only the baby had pastry-snail hair. :D

Anonymous said...

Oh if only they would name the little girl Lucy!
"Lucy, I am your Father."

The Narcissist said...

The child in question is obviously in for a seriously psychologically damaging upbringing.

Also, the cake is a lie.

Anonymous said...

This is a Sunday Sweet?

This is not the quality of a Sunday Sweet I have come to know and love from this site. This is a clear wreck, and I'm a Star Wars fan. I agree with the previous poster that the "wreck" redneck cakes you presented earlier in the week were better.

Also note that Darth Vadar is holding the child in a totally awkward fashion. The baby looks like it's going to be dumped forward any moment. Then again, Vadar was never a very good parent.

Anyone claiming to be a Star Wars fan but can't spell Vader correctly is a liar. You are obviously a redneck in disguise trying to promote your pro-hunting agenda.

Anonymous said...

I don't get why some have to be so defensive about this one, really. My not being an SF fan is completely beside the point; I don't find this cake aesthetically pleasing. Carry on.

Nikoli said...

Hey, made the StarWars blog!

Jillski said...

I didn't realize James Earl Jones was having a baby. I'm sure that's it... that would make perfect...

Anonymous said...

Too bad it wasn't fraternal boy-girl twins.

Anonymous said...

What's up with all the concern re: DV holding a baby girl? It's not a real baby and DV isn't a real person. If they had..oh, say Ted Bundy holding a baby, then I might be concerned.

Even after a few days, I still agree that this cake is awesome. My 16 & 21 year old sons agreed and they of the ages not ususually impressed by baby cakes.

Anonymous said...

Haha, Holly, I was thinking the same thing! It's FICTION (on a cake), people, get a grip. It's not like it's Hitler or something. Besides which, there are many people who enjoy dark and humorous over traditional and clichéd.

Anyway, I think the cake is rad, and I think it's hella sweet that there are a lot of women expressing their admiration. From one sci-fi nerdgirl to all the others: Live long and prosper! Ladies who don't like it, kindly take your stereotypes and gender bias and shove 'em. There are more of us than you think, and we're really happy being us

Dorci said...

Oh my gosh, my son and I stood there staring that "girl's" baby shower cake laughing for about 2 minutes. Then I started making my way through some of the favorites cakes. Laughed myself to tears. I can't take any more.

Anonymous said...

Totally love this cake :P

Unknown said...

Tricked out awesome! Must blog this.

Volleymaniac said...

Wow, i would actually buy this cake. AND OFF THIS WEBSITE. wow. that is really a first.

Anonymous said...

A cake decorator friend of mine made me a cake for my baby shower that said "The Force is strong with this one"...had a baby in the center and Star Wars characters all over. I'm a HUGE SW fan (I'm a stormtrooper in a largest SW costuming club) so this was an awesome treat. Glad to see others following suit! :)

Denise Kieu said...

Makes me wanna get knocked up.

Jen said...

That's awesome!

Nikki said...

It should have been ackbar.


Alpha 1 Cowboy said...

A jar jar binks cake would top that!...ok, maybe not.

Hungarican Chick said...

I think if I ever get pregnant, I knwo where I'm going for my shower cake. Yeah baby.

Jacob Lyman said...

Now if we could get some TIE fighters, x-wings, clone troopers, death stars and all that stuff in there we would have the most awsome cake in the galaxy.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I've gotta put in my two cents.

I've only watched the first Star Wars movie (yes, I know, I'm a heretic), This is just amazing on so many levels.

I'm only 16--FAR too young to be a mother--but when I do have kids, I certainly hope I can get an awesome, geeky cake like this.

ShortieOrigami said...

This is my favorite sweet. You can see awesome cakes all over the internet that are perfect, pretty, and tiered (an apparent necessity) but its fun to see a cake that's just damn awesome for none of those reasons. I find it amusing to read the comments of the "dissapointeds" I mean seriously, even if it is favoritism of whatever, hey guys it's her blog it's her deal. I think it's a cool and fun cake (I totally die for a Spock one though)

Mr. Winston said...

Sorry, but in my bakery this cake just would not cut it!
It would end up in the rum balls.

Bettina said...

Oh for heavens sake. It's JUST A CAKE not the bl**dy Mona Lisa. Have a BIG reality check. It's kooky and fun and not likely to be put in the Louvre any time soon; you'll be quoting a la "comic book guy" about what's missing from Darth Vader's costume and frothing at the mouth and missing the point entirely. When a client comes in and wants a design, who the hell are you to nay say it if you want the business; as crass as it may be?
It made me laugh and feel good and isn't that what cake is supposed to do? Make you feel good?
All those nay sayers need to get out into the fresh air more and check their reality meters.

You would have to eat this cake carefully. You couldn't use a knife or a spoon you would have to use (drum roll) THE FORKS! (wah wah waaaaaaahhhh!)

Jasry said...

I realize this post was done over a year ago, but I just wanted to come back and relive it. Plus, I am now expecting my very own baby girl, and I'm trying to figure out how to either get my friends to recreate this cake for me, or do it myself, but I must have this cake!
Still the best baby shower cake evah!

KatjaMouse said...

Dark Side? More like "Dork" Side! HAHA *snort* HAHA!

/I'm lame, I know...

holly said...

I'm with Jasry. Two years later and I had to come back and take a look at this cake again. I still love it. It's *not* smooth fondant, tiers and perfect gumpaste flowers it's *just* a pretty cake. Sometimes, the perfect gasp-worthy, 'that's CAKE???' cakes just don't do anything for me. A simple sheet cake with pretty colors, interesting story (and SPRINKLES!) is good enough.

(I still use that line sometimes - 'Baby wants sprinkles? BABY GETS SPRINKLES!')