It has come to my attention that there's a bit of controversy brewing over at The Weblog Awards in regards to the number of votes Cake Wrecks is receiving there. Why? Well, I think this has something to do with it:

Yes, within mere hours of my post asking you to vote, Wrecks was catapulted into a hefty lead as thousands of you did exactly that. However, what I see as an outpouring of loving support from you loyal readers others see as possible fraud. Apparently there are those who find it hard to believe that a goofy cake blog could garner such support - so much so that there is now a discussion on TWA's boards where accusations are flying hot n' heavy. (Although I must say that TWA moderator Sean is handling it extremely well.)
Now, personally this little "issue" doesn't bother me. I know that about 48,000 of you read this blog every single work day, and since The Weblog Awards allows you to vote once a day those numbers are not unreasonable. However, my darling, dear husband is, shall we say, "affronted". He seems to see this as a point of honor which must be defended. How? By doing it again, of course!
That's right, so in case you haven't already, please, for the sake of my dear affronted hubby John, go vote again for Cake Wrecks. Let's show those negative-Nancy-nincompoops that it doesn't take a hacker or automated scamming whichydoodles to get a landslide victory at The Weblog Awards; it just take a kick-a$$ blog audience. This is the last day of voting, so let's go out with a bang, shall we?
To kick a$$, CLICK HERE.
Oh, and not to beat a dead horse or anything, but could one of you nominate Wrecks in the more appropriate category of "best humor blog" or "best new blog" over at the Bloggies? Nominations close today at 10pm EST. Thanks!
130 comments | Post a Comment
Um...that "your welcome" in your intro..that was an intentional, self-referential bit of irony, right?
In your face negative-Nancy-nincompoops!!
I voted for you every day and I'd testify to it!
Psst... "you're welcome."
Aww...I like being a henchman. It's the only time I can really justify doing "walk this way" jokes. (Yeah, that's right, I made a Young Frankenstein reference.)
That's an insane number of votes. But if you're seeing 48,000 people on the site per day, that's probably not even close to all of the people reading. After all, if I'm not commenting, I don't click out of my RSS reader and I imagine many others don't either.
You've got a very large, devoted following, now if only you could use them for something other than getting votes, like seizing power. Oh, sorry. Back to thinking like a henchman again.
Congrats on the landslide! I think it's funny when people at other blogs get all worked up over awards like these when another blog takes a noticeable lead.
The same thing happened on another award site when Wil Wheaton took offense that Rosie O'Donnell was whomping his butt in the Best Celebrity Blog category. He acted like it wrecked the whole experience for him, and later withdrew his blog from the running (I think he claimed he didn't want to support the commercial nature of the award site, as his official reason for pulling out). Interestingly, I notice his blog has a big lead in this contest this year...
Anyhow, to all the naysayers... come join us at Cake Wrecks, and see what all the fun is about. That's it... eat the frosting... become one of us...
"Your welcome"?????
Oh Jen, say it isn't so!
In the spirit of cake wrecks grammar, in your opening sentence for this blog, you say:
Greeting, Wreckies! (Yep, I've upgraded you from "henchpeople". Your welcome.)
My welcome what? :)
Love the blog, but have we learned nothing from the wreck-tasticness of this site? The opening of today's blog: "Your Welcome."
I'll let you ponder the grammatic correctness of the contraction of you and are!
It's not controversial, it's a vote-getting technique, and it clearly worked. I love it when people complain that democracy works TOO WELL.
Nominated, baby!
Sounds like jealousy from the LOSERS!! I enjoy checking cake wrecks everyday,it is one of those sites I get a kick out of. Yes, I vote almost every day for Cakewrecks. I come here for the laughs I get.
Seriously some people will complain about the most insignificant thing at the slightest opportunity.
Awards of this nature are just popularity contests. If people really liked it, many will vote. If one person REALLY liked it, they might make sure it won at all costs.
Sean does have a sensible head on his shoulders and Cake Wrecks is awesome sauce...keep up the good work ;)
As much as I apprecite being upgraded from a henchperson to a wreckie...
It should have been "you're welcome" (Not "your welcome").
I (placing hand on Bible) have voted EVERY SINGLE DAY! It is my duty to support this blog in anyway I can.
Voting again now...
Well, I voted when you initially posted about the competition. I just went back to vote again and it tells me I already voted within the last 24-hours. Some sort of time warp? :P
So that you don't end up a 'wreck' yourself, it should be 'You're welcome', not 'Your'. Otherwise I love the blog!
I nominated you for most humourous, mkay???? :)
Link to Vote isn't working. 915am est
Psst, Jen! Fix "your welcome" in the first paragraph.
It's working now, but S>L>O>W>L>Y. I think it's choking on cake.
Intresting - I voted for you on the day you originally posted, and haven't been back since. But when I followed the link today I got a "you have voted within the last 24 hours" message.
This is what they get for mis-categorizing CakeWrecks. Humor blogs will always have more readers than food blogs, and their readers are much more likely to vote than the, um, epicurious. THAT'S the reason for the ridiculous difference in votes. The awesomeness of us readers is just a contributing factor. :)
Never voted over at The Weblog Awards before but as a show of solidarity this morning I went over and clicked my support, you deserve it!
Another option to prove your goodness would be to ask everyone to give ONE vote on ONE day for one of the other sites. Personally, I'm totally hooked on Foodie at 15 (now 16) and would love to see everyone give a vote to him and thrust him into second place.
You're right- this blog ISN'T a food blog, it is a humor blog. Few come here to learn about cake decorating- we come to laugh.
The voting site isn't loading for me.
Too many people trying to show their support?
I've been voting for you everyday. And, you are nominated for best humor blog in the bloggies.
Wow. I'm shocked! They think there's fraud!?!?!?! Idiots.
You know, it would really show them if you picked another blog to tout and had your readers vote for them! One of the slower ones with a lower readership (not Serious Eats or Epicurious -- the latter isn't really even bloggy enough to be nominated!).
Although my loyalty and laughter belong to Cake Wrecks, I'll admit that these awards have exposed me to Foodie at Fifteen, and I'd love to see you catapult him into SECOND place!
I think that would really prove your readership and influence in a more indisputable way.
Whadaya think?
"Your welcome."
Too many Wrecks, I think. Don't fail us now!
Well, I'm not surprised at all. I've had a look at some of the competition, and while they're OK, none of them made me bookmark them and come back every day. Personally, I've been casting 2 votes a day for Cake Wrecks (2 different computers). Wreck on.
I can't get the page to load correctly on either Firefox or IE :(
Sounds like a lot of sore losers to me. This blog is hillarious and deserves to win every award they have! I've voted again and nominated you for a few Bloggies.
Girl, 48,000? I'd say you're the one kicking a$$.
Ah, bwoops,
I'm gonna call the "your welcome" my fault since I asked Jen to write it somewhere around 2 am. Then again, maybe Jen put it there as an ode to Saturday's post and will put it back later. Who can plumb the depths of her mind?
And thank you all again for being so awesome.
Hey, it's not our fault if the other writers don't get their readers to vote for them... A blog with that many people reading and actually RESPONDING to the writer's requests DESERVES to win... all the others? Ninkumpoops
Having trouble voting, I should prolly just wait a couple hours, huh? Their site's choking on henchmen :)
don't they know Cake Wrecks rocks??!!
forget the anti-depressants - subscribe to cake wrecks!
Woot, we appear to have broken their website again going to vote again. I think that proves your point. For the record, I voted several days.
In the gracious & hilarious words of Tina Fey, the pooh-poohers can all "suck it."
I voted every day, too.
Your welcome ;)
I voted again for you!
It makes me laugh because your % is still about the same if not a bit higher!
Boo to the negative-nancys!!
I'm happy to vote for you again Jen, and I did!
It was interesting to read the discussion. I thought John did an excellent job of defending our votes and our dedication the to blog. I am not surprised that Cake Wrecks is off the charts, and even of some are fake votes, you will still win.
I think the number of comments on this post is indicative of the support for your blog. I can see why people might think there was some foul play, but can't they just look at the number of people referred to that URL from here? If someone were trying to stuff the ballot box, you wouldn't think they would take the time to send every request through this site first.
Anyway, that's what they get for putting you in the wrong category. More people read for a bit of humor than a true love of food, so your humorous take on cakes is clearly more popular than "real" food.
Well I voted every day that I remembered. All those other food blogs are great, but this is the one that is a daily goto.
Voted yet again today and I even registered so I could tell those hootie patooties to bugger off. They obviously don't understand the power of Teletubby poo!
i voted in the beginning and then everyday for 3 days ...everytime i went back after that it said i had already voted in the past 24 hrs. Guess they had already decided to "throw the vote" but too late for them huh? I went to vote just now and i wont show the vote box! its just a blank box...oh well ...we had you at "undeneath that"
Your winner!
I did my bit. Glad to be part of a kick-a$$ blog audience, it made my Monday! :-)
cake wrecks is one of only a handful sites I visit every day. Keep up the good work.
Okay, Okay, I'll vote! Geez. Although it doesn't look like you need any help. :P I kinda feel sorry for everybody else. Better watch out they don't find some way to ban you from future contests, just to give the others a chance. Lol.
Let's send the carrot-riding babies over to those whiners and show them the power of a good cake wreck!
I had not yet voted, but I sure did today!
Your welcome :)
I love your blog and I read it in my google reader every single day. You keep me smiling and I appreciate it!
HAHAHA... Evidence once again that Cake Wrecks is made of much more than just sugar, flour, and eggs... Cake Wrecks is made of WIN!
Done. Thanks for the reminder. This one is for you, John.
And don't let the turkeys get you down. Even if they're cake-wreck turkeys. :-)
there are a total of 4 computers in my house, so I do what any good wreckie would do--I vote from each one ;-)
As one of your faithful readers, I went to vote in the weblog awards when you posted it. But like any good person, I decided that I should at least check out the competition, it's only fair. I was highly disappointed! It could have something to do with a poor category choice ;) I had no problem voting for you, at least twice!
I bookmarked the site and have voted every single day! That's blasphemy. Jen you've got what my sisters calls "hatas"!
Word verification: duche
Anyone that thinks so little of Cake Wrecks is a "duche".
The problem is that the people who are concerned are the legions of dedicated (and awesome) fans of Serious Eats, of which I am part. (Is that English?) While I truly love CakeWrecks (I vote for each on alternate days), the confusion arises when you realize that Serious Eats fans love SE just as much as the Wreckies love this site, they're just a different demographic. Serious Eaters tend to be a little older and more food-centric rather than blog-centric. I can see Wreckies dutifully voting every single day, whereas only SE'rs who happened on the site on the day the call for votes was at the top of the page would have known to vote. I definitely think that SE has just as many (if not more only due to its age) loyal fans, which might be why people are so confused as to the skewy results. But in any event, good luck to CakeWrecks =)
BTW that "rocks" guy in the discussion is being quite mean. He even said Jen and Jon found a "need to defend themselves" and called on their readers to go and defend Cake Wrecks! WHAT!?
Someone had an unhappy childhood...
I just found your website and was happy to vote after reading your whole blog in two days. My boyfriend now wants a Doctor Who cake for his birthday.
I just read the comments accusing Cake Wrecks of cheating. I was impressed by your husband's response. He did a very good job of expressing what needed to be said in a calm and put together manner.
Also, I've voted for Cake wrecks a few times now. This blog helps get me through my hard stay at home mom days. Thanks for the humor and keep it up!
That's crazy that they can't understand the massive Wreckie love your blog has inspired. I've voted once a day, and I'm proud of it (and of your skills!). :)
Nominated for the Bloggies in Humor again.
They're just jealous because they want sprinkles. *nods knowingly*
Anyway, I've voted for you every day...if anything I say that's what they get for mis-categorizing Cake Wrecks as a food blog. Lots of these cakes hardly qualify as food anyway.
That'll teach them.
I'm amazed at the hostility (read: jealousy) some people are displaying. Going so far as to claim vote tampering? Yeesh. Cake Wrecks just has more dedicated voters, that's all :D
Oh, goodness...I can't believe that readers of CakeWrecks are the type of nerds to want to script-ize the vote. You're winning fair and square if I'm any indication: I've voted for you every day since you first posted!
I hardly ever comment on blogs, I usually just read them in my RSS Reader (so I wouldn't be counted in your stats). I just wanted to say I have been voting for you everyday and would step and say so if the paranoids at the Weblog Awards need proof.
It is totally understandable why you have so many votes... I researched many food blogs for my old job and when I stopped I took relief in that I never had to read a food blog again. That is with the exception of Cake Wrecks. I'm hooked! I read it almost everyday!
Awwww they are crying.
Less Q_Q and more CAKE!!
Cake Wrecks for the win!
I think it's the voters in Florida that hijacked the election for you.
First President Bush, and now Cake Wrecks.
I had trouble getting to the site. I'm pretty sure it's because so many of your fans were trying to vote at the same time, that the site couldn't handle all the TRAFFIC!
word verification: essnon = there essnon better than CakeWrecks!!!
LOL, someone is whining because they aren't winting??
okay, so I voted again, tho it's only been the second time.
Anyway. CW rocks!
Jen, we love you!
I've voted every day since your first post about the awrads!
I think yours is the only blog anyone reads... Har!
Regal Seagull may be right! I'm another FL voter who sent my support your way on every day that I remembered...almost every day. I also recruited a few friends to help with the vote casting. I have also nominated you for Best Topical Weblog, Most Humorous, Best New, and Weblog of the Year...You deserve it for all of the laughs you bring me every day!
Well, this blog got annoying fast.
That's priceless.
I tried to vote, but you're so loved I think you crashed the site, it won't even load properly!
Site is currently broken but will try to vote later.
LOL! This is a riot. I've been participating in the discussion over there. Cracks me up that the "rocks" guy walked right into the questions about whether he can see something on the servers the rest of us can't. Anyway, the admins have verified that the votes are legit, so any more whining is just that. Whining. There's no passing it off as being "helpful" or "concerned".
I have to admit that I've never voted for a blog before but this time I've voted for this one on a daily basis.
Paul Kennedy
I've voted you at least 4 different days. Proud of it!!
I love your site and have voted for it every time I can. Today th vote site lied and said i already voted but I think it's just jealous of our obsessive following. I am a major promoter of your site to people i know who could use a bit of humor and isn't that everybody? I am happy to serve as you minion in this kingdom of wreckiness and dare them to try to defeat your legions of loyal followers.
I can get a foodie recipee anywhere. What I need everyday is a funny! and you always provide. Thank you.
@ Reverend Ramona: That story about Wil Wheaton is interesting if you hearken back to the ancient, dusty days of blogging, when WW's blog was fairly new and he got his first nomination for a big blog award, and his followers DEVASTATED the voting to the point that everyone *else* felt it was entirely unfair.
Done, and done! A good blog like this deserves a little more attention. ;)
hehe i already posted ..but i came back to read the comments and saw the WV ...koplead in koplead your case somewhere else ..cakewrecks is where it's at!!!
And a side note.. i did finally get another vote in today just to spite them ;-)
Aw, those other blog owners are just pissy that they don't have many readers (and maybe that the readers they do have weren't moved enough to vote for them).
I'm off to vote again!!!
This is my first comment to your blog, but I really love it! I get it by feed every day, and the ones I reeeeally like I forward to all my friends.
Not surprised you have so many fans and so many votes. I must've voted 4-5 times myself.
Thanks and keep feeding me Cake Wrecks!
Wreckies!? lol. We need that on a t-shirt!
I voted...every day. Also told 3 friends who told 3 friends who told 3 friends...see how that goes?
This is the VERY BEST sight ever...Way to Jen(and John)!
Cake wreckin'
across the blog-o-verse
Daily sweet disasters
that keep on gettin's worse
Cake wreckin'
across the blog-o-verse
Cap'n Jen, the fondant bombs
are ready to disperse
Little baby carrot-tops, carrot-tops, carrot-tops
Little baby carrot-tops
Pick 'em off, Jen!
Apostrophes are optional, optional, optional
Apostrophes are optional
Killer grammar, Jen!
ad infinitum
takes a while to load -- flash video -- Flintstones-slash-Star Trek, favorite childhood mashups.
wvotd: cosse -- the numbers are there cosse we can
*sigh* still waiting to vote
83% Yaahahahahahaha! The complainers must have been one of those kids that ran for student government in high school and complained when they didn't get elected. "It's just a popularity contest." Yes. Yes, it is. We are going to win!
I just voted to push the number up one more!! I also went over to the forum and read what was being said. I guess there are some very poor losers out there! The message from your hubby was very nicely done!
Well now I've got my dander up! I've voted the allowable once a day, because I come here once a day and see your reminder (although I rarely post). If they don't want a landslide then they shouldn't 1) mislable a humor blog as a food blog, and 2) allow people to vote more than once.
So tell 'em to put on their big girl panties and deal!
That's funny. Serious Eats and Epicurious are the only other ones on there that I've heard of. And this blog is WAY more fun. :)
Clicky click click! Suck on that, haters! (Especially haters with my name. :( )
Oh, and I bought two of your T-shirts the other day. :D
Hm, can't seem to get to the site. Perhaps they've gotten so much traffic from here that we crashed it?
A site can be Slashdotted, Farked and Lifehacked - do we add "Wrecked" to that list of adjectives? :)
I voted last time and I'll do it again! And I never vote for these things. So there.
Also I'm one of those readers that usually checks in via RSS.
Word verification: somaten.
Somaten is wrong with people who don't vote for Cake Wrecks.
I voted!
My sister and I read your blog religiously! It gives us a smile everyday, and a laugh too!
Wil Wheaton has a blog?
It was actually fun watching the counter thing go nuts after I voted, which just proves that I have no life.
"Serious Eats" obviously has no sense of humor - I mean, it's right there in their name. Serious!
Off to kick a$$.
Congrats on the 48,000 reader a day. Wow.
Apparently your kick a$$ blog audience is voting with fury because the page won't even load for me! Good luck even if I don't get a chance to vote for you tonight. I did vote at your first request, so I did my duty as best I could. ;)
Ok, that just requires a simple, internetty: LOL!
I read the blog every day, even if I don't comment. I voted once before, voted again today...and I'd do it over and over. Apparently the naysayers don't realize that when a blog is really loved by folks, its readers WANT to support it any way they can.
This is my first time posting, but I felt compelled to throw in my support. I checked out several sites in both food and humor and didn't find anything that held my attention very long. The Foodie at Fifteen blog was interesting, but seemed to cater to the "Serious Eats" demographic. Personally, if I were looking for a recipe, I would go straight to to find it. The chances of finding a fabulous recipe for a dish you are planning to prepare on a food "blog" are pretty slim. So inherently the people that will vote for a blog, won't be the people voting for a food site. I visit Cake Wrecks every day for laughs (and hoping none of my cakes show up here!!! lol) I would challenge "rocks" to spend a little time here and I think he would realize the cause of our devotion. Who didn't laugh at the "mohawk-naked-baby-riding-carrots" post?
I don't usually comment, but I am commenting today to say that I have voted EVERYDAY for Cake Wrecks, because I truly do visit the site DAILY!
Please keep doing what you are doing! You are hilarious! THANKS!
The thing is, this blog appeals to a TON of different people; cake-makers, people who like humor, the 'lolcats' crowd, moms who cook, kids who like delicious things... etc.
I will probably never bake a cake in my life, but this blog is well worth reading and subscribing to, simply because the cakes are that funny. Not to mention CCC's.
CAKE WRECKS ROCKS! Brightens even my worst day!
not only have i voted for you everyday, but i also nominated you. i would imagine that many, many people did that, too.
Got my vote! With a deployed hubs and 3 little kids at home- this place is a necessary daily stop.
Of course it's also turned me into a cake snob but that's okay lol
At first glance without looking at anything else (uh, like the blogs in question...) I can see why it would look fishy.
But once anyone took, a cursory look at CW - even without knowing the number of visitors - just look at the number of comments for each entry. If we assume 10% of the readers comment, which I think is pretty generous. It's probably more like 1% or less. But if you assume 10% of the visitors comment, anyone would easily see CW has a huge following. Since we can vote daily (that seems weird to me, but whatev), it would not be difficult to imagine a huge block of votes going to CW. And the admin has already said the votes check out. Give it up, doubters! :)
Oh, I voted, and I'll keep voting. I only found this blog Sunday and I love it! I am a moderate foodie (love the halfassedkitchen site I found here!), a horrible baker but admirer of cakes, a lover of laughing at spelling and punctuation errors, and someone with an over-active funny bone. So CW appeals to me on many levels. Wreck on!
BTW, as the Suite 101 writer who interviewed you, I can personally attest to my PVs jumping by several thousand the day you posted the link to our chat. I do not think there is any fraud at all.
however, perhaps next time, they will consider placing you correctly in HUMOR blog instead of FOOD blog....
I like the Denver Broncos/John Elway reference. Maybe you can do Football Theme for Sunday Sweets with the Super Bowl coming up.
I think we crashed the voting site! It won't load...
This controversy will probably lead to cake wrecks getting even more votes, eh?
Unfortunately, there was an error when I tried to vote. I'll try again later.
It took forever to load, but Cake Wrecks is up to over 30,800 votes.
Perhaps cake pics posted by your readers in the Weblog Award forum with Wrecks on them, i.e. "This ones for you, Rock's" or "Happy Voting! Under Neat Rock's"? Oh, use candy rocks, too!
Yes, all misspellings and incorrect grammar is intentional--otherwise it wouldn't be a Wreck!
As it turns out, it's okay to say "ass" on the internet. It's not as though using dollar signs is fooling anybody (although it does remind one handily of the people who think it's clever to write "Micro$oft").
It's good you're not taking it personally, this kind of drama happens every year at those awards.
I still prefer Evil Henchwoman if you don't mind.
Don't hate the player, player. Hate the game. Hate the game. Lol.
oh boy, i wonder if it was my comment (that never got posted, sigh) about the bloggies that alerted you to them! probably not, but it can't hurt to dream. ;)
i nominated you in every category that fit! best new blog, best humor blog, best food blog, nest topical blog, and weblog of the year! :)
What a silly argument! I come over every so often to see your finds and read the blog. Great fun. I wasn't over in time to help out by voting as I don't visit every day (though I would have voted for you anyway). You totally deserved to win. Thanks for the fun.
I did nominate you over at the Bloggies for "best humor blog" well before you even posted this request. I hope you get it too.
I excitedly clicked over to re-cast my vote, only to find the voting was over on Tuesday. Oh well, Cake Wrecks readers proved it again, so I was happy to see the results!!!
For those of us whose real name is "Nancy"...and who love your blog I know how those cavemen feel on those car insurance commercials...