If you guessed "time to learn the difference between an old-style telephone and a clock", then you are absolutely correct!
I would have also accepted "Time to ban CCCs" or "Time to train a wreckerator". Any other suggestions?
Michelle H., call me!
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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106 comments | Post a Comment
Ha, that's hilarious! I love how frilly it is!
To me it looks like Tickety Tock and Magenta (both form Blue's Clues) had a love child.
Wrong on so many levels.
Took me a while, at first I thought it was supposed to be Magenta from Blue's Clues, then Tickety Tock in the middle. Clearly I was as mistaken as this "decorator".
That cake looks like the back of a sheep's head...a sheep that happens to be wearing a pink sweat band and have a pink clock inserted into it's skull...
OK, but seriously, WTH is that? Usually I can kinda get it, but I feel like Steve Martin saying "What in the hell is that thing?"
I'm not sure what it says about me, but I thought it was a "biological clock", based on the color and the 8th grade rendering of the female reproductive system.
could it also be time to put down the pink air brush? This is pretty random.
It looks like a naked lady with a phone in her stomach. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!
What? I am so confused. There has to be an explanation from this one. Get this wreckorater on the phone... I mean clock... I mean phone...
I love analog clocks...not this one though!
Spent too much time trying to figure out why the phone had 12 numbers on it...
Time to ban spray caking!
Phone? Clock? Maybe it's one of those space-saving combo countertop dealies.
wv: becomed
I becomed confuse when I seen this wreck.
That slays me.
My first thought: 'a rotary phone - no, wait, not with 12 digits and hands.....but I'm sure that's a telephone reference....STOP you moron, it's Cake Wrecks, do not think, you'll only get a headache.'
The first thing I thought of when I saw this cake was, unfortunately, "Is that a biological clock cake??"
If you don't see it I won't go into any more detail then that....
Is it 3:00 or 12:15?
My first thought was a telephone gone bad.
I was watching Ace of Cakes the other night and some of the girls were doing a wedding cake for a friend and wanted cupcakes. Duff refused to do cupcakes. Now there's a smart decorator lol
wv: finglyp "You can take a fyinglp if you think this is a good CCC"
What the heck was it supposed to be? It may have started with a great idea or design but I think it got lost somewhere in the process of adding way too much frosting. (Don't get me wrong, I love frosting, but sometimes there is such a thing as too much.)
Huh. Well, we don't know the occasion, right? Could be someone who got a call at exactly three o'clock that they made it into the college of their choice or are going to Africa on Safari or getting dumped by their significant other...
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
Wow, and I thought the jump drive was depressing!
How 'bout "Time to put a clock face in a poodle's head"? :P
WV: crings - what I did when I saw this monstrosity.
It sort of reminded me of that clock character in Beauty and the Beast. Think his name was Cogsworth.
It looks like a poodle clock, with all the swirls.
My 3 yr. old said it looks like a clock on a people's tummy. :)
Heh heh heh...
Shall we call you on this phone?
What a lovely ombre effect it has going on. So subtle...so innocent and unassuming...
And perhaps someone was channeling Salvador Dali when applying the clock?
What a bold and avant-garde take on your average, everyday clock/phone cake, no?
Time to go to a different bakery!
it seems clear to me that this is, in fact, the well-referenced "biological clock"....the pink, the weird curving bar across the top...sure, its not anatomically correct in any way, but when has that ever stopped a wreckerator?!
We need a new tag - "what is it?"
Maybe they are on to something...if we ever start making rotary dial phones again, it will save so much time dialing 9-11! Just think...
Time to scream and run?
UMMM....YEAH.....sorry, I just have NO words for that one ***shakes head and rolls eyes ****
Kids these days.
Wow...I thought the cake itself was funny enough; but then I started reading the comments and just about wet myself from laughing! Personally I thought it looked like one of two things: the middle of a person's body with a clock stuck in it (perhaps some sort of "it's time to pop out that baby" kind of thing), or a fanciful "menopause cake" channeling the reproductive system.
Been reading here for a while and can always count on a good laugh. Keep those crazy cakes coming! I'm no expert on cakes or anything, but this has to be one of the funniest blogs I read with any regularity.
tool time! hahah
Um..speechless. Again.
~Amy B.
If you're really 123 years old, then maybe it doesn't matter quite so much.
You mean it's not Chico time?
Am I the only one that thinks that pink strip across the top looks like when they show "cast=ff" blood from a murder on CSI?
the number dial looks like a pink record (with numbers on it for some reason).
the...ah...phone loos like...i'm not quite sure, actually. once i read that it was an old fashioned phone, i could totally see it when i squinted my eyes. but then i looked at the pink record and again became confused. you see, i have one of those old-fashioned phones. and last i checked, they don't have hour and minute hands. at all.
even for a CCC, it's fugly
I'm totally going with the Blues Clues folks on this one but...wow. That is BAD. And a bit head scratching.
Ring ring. Ring Ring.
"Hi! It's your ovaries here. We're just calling to say YOU'RE THIRTY."
"Uh. Okay. But I thought you guys went Tick Tock."
"Hybrid technology. It's the future."
"To me it looks like Tickety Tock and Magenta (both form Blue's Clues) had a love child."
Thanks for the mental image. Lesbian dog-on-clock sex.
Actually, that's a poodle mix. It's a clockapoo. My grandma had one. Had to be fed at 6:00 on the dot.
April said...
[i]Actually, that's a poodle mix. It's a clockapoo. My grandma had one. Had to be fed at 6:00 on the dot.[/i]
Clockapoo!!?? LOL!
LOL at the pic... This may be Devil's Advocate here, but I think it's a good attempt. :D
Goodness! They could have put a face on that thing and called it santa!
I totaly didn't see it as a phone...too literal, I guess. This comes under "What were they thinking????" I'm missing the concept here.
I thought it was a "biological clock", based on the color and the 8th grade rendering of the female reproductive system.
I'm in hysterics here at the number of people who interpreted it this way. I'd love to know what the decorator was aiming at.
My vote is that this is the telephone that rings at 3 a.m. in the White House. Obama will make Clinton answer it.
Actual conversation with my 5 yr. old daughter...
H - Mom, why are you laughing?
A - I'm reading something funny. Hey, come here for a minute. What do you think this is? (Showing H picture of "cake")
H - It's a clock! No, it's a cupcake thing... What's that on top?
A - Not sure honey. Do you think it looks like an old telephone?
H - Yes! It's a cupcake clock phone thing. It's cool. I like it. Gotta go now...
There you have it - it's a cupcake clock phone thing with a 5 year olds seal of approval. :)
Maybe it's supposed to be a cloud with a clock in it, thus symbolizing the looming inevitability of death or a heavenly countdown to the apocalypse. They made it pink to remind the people eating it that God still loves them even though he's pacing back and forth waiting for them to die.
my first thought: does anybody really care? but that's really just me listening to old Chicago.
WV: coushedd.
Okay, now I am really confused. The colck looks like something from Alice and Wonderland :)
Time to get a new Cake Decorator!
What in the world was said in that ordering conversation is what I'd like to know.
I was going to try, but darn, April, I just can't top that...laughing SO hard!!
All rightie, then!
Even if it is supposed to be a clock in a phone (why? just why?), whoever decorated the darned thing could have made the clock face a little less wonky.
I was going to mention how delish the white icing on the cupcakes looks...then I realized that there was a naked pink breast in the middle of the whole thing with a clock face on it! Ewwww!
This entry just subjected me to an ad about getting the best price on diaper cakes. I'm pretty sure I know what those usually are, but considering the things often seen here... EWWWW...
I know what it is...it is a montage of things current second grade student had no idea once exisited like rotary phones and analog clocks in the kitchen. If they could have added rabbit ears antenna and a record player, it would have been more obvious. Maybe we should call it the GreatGrandma's Things Cake cause those swirly things remind me of those crochet monstrosities with dolls heads attached that were once used to hide toilet paper.
Breathtakingly horrible.
Time for somebody to take their meds I think!
WV: prebra: What you are when an undershirt will still do it for you.
Don't forget to vote for Cake Wrecks!
One vote per person (e-mail address) so let's make them count!
WV: blumi- The fact that Cake Wrecks got another food blog nomination BLUMI away!
What? was it supposed to be an old phone & the wreckorator was a young'un who couldn't understand the concept of the dial? Someone said, 'the numbers go around, like a clock'. or what!?
this is hurting my brain!
Time to call in a professional.
Time to take away somebody's airbrush?
Or. . .time to find a different bakery?
Or maybe, time to say heck with it and eat some cake?
I'm really leaning towards the last one, personally. Want. Cake.
I thought it was a Dali cake.
The CCC wreckiness distracted me enough that I didn't even realize how wrong the clock on a phone bit was until I read through the blog, then stared back at the cake for about thirty seconds. Please tell me I'm not the only one!
"Happy birthday! Isn't it about time you got knocked up?"
I thought it looked like a uterus and fallopian tubes!
i actually love this one... it made me think of the curvy swirly world of Alice in Wonderland. I'd like to think the fluidity of the face and airbrushing is on purpose. I really do love it though, an dthe cupcakes aren't all smeared together.
I'm a terrible person and had to look at the rest of the entry to realize it was not in fact just a poorly-painted ugly phone CCC. I completely missed the fact there was a clock on it somehow. I feel so wrong D:
On the upside, the clock is properly made if you don't pay attention to the accuracy of the circle (face plate?). Although, after reading some of the comments here, the 2 was beginning to look like a sperm.
I think I have a third suggestion;
Time to ban wreckerators that make CCC's. And if they do not agree.............
Bi-bi money
AND cake
I agree with the Tickety Tock/Magenta love child idea...though I do hate to conjure that image. I -think- I could actually tell that it was a phone, but the numbers really confused me...
WV: echami: A state of confusedness, such as one brought on by this CCC.
It's a Phock silly!
WV: logre....
The logre I think about these wreckorators and their creations, the more I think that my cats are more qualified to work in a bakery then those who have wreckorated anything seen on this blog.
just wanted to let you know I'm a huge fan of your blog!!
What time is it? Time for this wreckorator I mean decorator to get a new job.
I was thinking it is a Biological Clock...the cake looking a little like a uterus and folopian tubes. Haha1
Seriously... these people DRIVE AND REPRODUCE!!!
*pulling covers over my head*
How about "Time to ask for help".
Very frilly clock/phone.
wow! You find amazing terrible cakes! I'm such a fan!...plus...where's the bottom of the comment list?
...it goes on...like forever...
After reviewing all of the possible excuses for this cake up to this point, I have come to the semi-conclusion that maybe we are all wrong in our diagnoses. There just may be no One True Explanation for this cake; not for us, anyway.
We've got nothing to work with here! No motive, no background, no history of violence or poor taste.
Sometimes, a cake is just a cake.
A kiss is just a kiss.
A cigar is just a cigar...
The cake's creator could possibly (and thoughtfully) take this secret to his or her grave (I hope they don't hurry on my account--JUST KIDDING!)in which case we will simply have to move on,
forever wondering...wondering....
Love your blog; always good for a laugh out loud.
But have you seen this cake or Oprah's head?
my hubby says it looks like a clock under an old British costume wig
I say it's time to ban airbrushing!
Doesn't anyone else see a plain old alarm clock -- the kind that came with the bell right on top of the clock? This simply seems as close as you can come to that when you're working with cupcakes.
How about "Time to take away someone's airbrush!" I mean, what is that pink streak up at the top supposed to represent?
ring ring ring ring
*blinks* Okay. So at first glance... I thought it was an abstract (or deformed) poodle head. O.o
Kind of reminds me of the Clock Tower/Flux Capicitor scene from Back To The Future - AFTER the tower got struck by lightining.
Just taking a wild guess...
could it be
"24 hours on call" ?
....the time is three hours past midnight?
Whatever that was supposed to be, the decorater failed. Unless it was supposed to look so silly, in which case the decorater gets a nice shiny star sticker.
Maybe someone fell asleep the afternoon their kindergarten teacher taught the difference between phones and clocks?
I do like the colors though!
I asked my husband what this was...and he said "Biological clock?" which I didn't get until he pointed out the that tha "phone" bears a strange resemblence to health book drawings of a uterus.
My first impression was a poodle head, with a clock instead of a face.
Actually having lived in the south I know this is supposed to mean "Jesus called" meaning someone has died. Jesus called them "home".
What? MY phone has a clock in it ...
-girl with the lime
Oh hey, my cake got posted! (not "my" as in I made it, but "my" as in I took the picture.)
I send this to people via text message when I want them to call me.
Or tell me what time it is.
How about "time to throw a (for want of a better word) cake and its Wreckorator out of a large and preferably high window"?
Just found this blog... Needed something to keep my mind off the water rapidly rising up my driveway... Thanks so much for the CCC relief!! Time to fill some sandbags...
It took me a while to figure out what this was about--I saw a hideous design but never heard of a "jump drive"! Hilarious, loved the comments, but if the decorator was some little old lady from another country and was handed this--maybe she thought it was a joke for some geek. Makes sense to me! I never heard of someone dropping off a device like this at a bakery! I'm sure the person who said to bring in the device never gave instructions to the decorator.
I'm at an airport right now and I literally laughed hysterically when I saw this one! I was thinking how I use my cell phone as a clock, but I'd like one of these instead! Now everyone is staring at me...
I forced me to take time to review and review the image. At first, I don't understand it. But a self opinion of mine says that a telephone user should be alert of time. Of course it's a clock on the phone. Crazy funny.
Its shaped like a phone, with a clock center...its basically...a nightmare! xx