Thursday, January 1, 2009

Year of the Tongue?

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year, from a pig with the world's longest tongue:

Or I suppose it could be an ant-eater. Or a wild boar. Or an anthropomorphized vacuum cleaner.

Or, if you turn it THIS way, a Billy Goat wearing a balloon hat:

Heh, it's like an ink blot test. What do YOU see?*

Thanks and belated birthday greetings go to Amy C., who suffers from having a birthday between Christmas and New Years. Like many kids growing up with such a birth date, she never had a birthday cake of her very own. So last week, after years of waiting for someone else to buy her a cake, she decided to go out and just get it herself. [standing and applauding] Plus, she ALSO bought this cake - with no intention of eating it - solely to share with us here on Cake Wrecks. Now that's a Wreckporter.

Amy, you just keep wreckin' on with your bad self. And thanks for the reminder that life's too darn short to not buy your own birthday cake. Live it up this year, my friend, and enjoy that cake.

* You know,
besides the obvious but not-so-creative pink elephant. ;)
Dee said...

Is it a pink elephant for some inexplicable reason??

CRRE said...

Egads. That's almost pornographic.

But happy birthday and waytago to Amy. :)

Kelley said...

I think it's a pink elephant... although that giant pink booger/tongue/member/thing coming out of its trunk is frightening...


Pam said...

I thought maybe it was a pink the kind you see after drinking too much champagne!

Special Sauce said...

Pink elephants, which is what you'll see after you drink too much?

Anonymous said...

I see a fireman wishing me good luck in China.

H. L. Dyer said...

I'm almost positive that is meant to be the proverbial "pink elephant".

The fact he is also spouting champagne (in an identical shade of pink) from his trunk is unfortunate.

Hyena Overlord said...

I thought it was a pink hippo with a ermmm "firehose" sticking out of it's head.

I would so buy a wreck for the sake of having it posted here. in St. Saniver Ganache..patron Saint of Wreck Reporters.

Anonymous said...

i see a pink fish trying to eat a pink worm. or something like that. ^^

Anonymous said...

It's a pink elephant, fer shur!

HappyEverAfterGirl said...

I am hoping it is an elephant with really small ears.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a pink elephant, which would almost make sense for New Year's Eve drinking.

WM said...

OK...could it be an elephant? Huh? Maybe? Except the tail is kind of short. Or maybe a pig blowing one of those noisemaker things? Weird, just weird.

A. Comfort said...

Could the pink thing be a gastric bypass, for someone who's going the surgical route to their New Year's weight loss resolution?

Feisty Irish Wench said...

My brother's birthday is the day after Christmas. My sister-in-law's is Dec 30th. They get screwed big time. Mine is in January. I stopped waiting for other people to give me a good birthday and started providing a good one for myself about 10 years ago. Best thing I ever did for myself. Everyone is recovering from Christmas spending and I get cheap, cheezy gifts or I get forgotten.

I also applaud Amy C for taking charge of her birthday. It's so much better that way than relying on other saps to celebrate in your honor.

H. L. Dyer said...

Googling "pink elephant cake" brings up many odd things, but I think this is what they were going for:

Pink Elephant Cake

MarieA said...

this was too funny for words.My own birthday is 3rd in less than a month - my oldest daughter - starts off the Taurus stubborn feast, then 13 days later... her younger sister, and then 14 days after that me! Three Taurus girls... now all PMSing a week apart....
By the time my turn came around... we were admiteddly tired of cake, but even at that...the soon to be EX spouse... just never bothered... (reason #15 at least to deserve the EX title)
Like your fearless and intrepid Wreckporter... I shall get my own BD cake and perhaps find a feat for the eyes as well.
thanks for this. Helps start the New Year right!

andie said...

Happy Birthday, Amy!

Laurie Black said...

Perhaps it's a heffalump...I've always wanted one of those. :)

Anonymous said...

It's a Slowpoke! :D

Debbi said...

Yay ~ Amy got sprinkles! Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Could it be an attempt at a pink elephant?

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's one of these?

Either way, HAPPY NEW YEAR! and keep on Wreckin!

Anonymous said...

now are you just being silly or didn't you come up with a pink elephant? i know i saw mine last night :)

Anonymous said...

O.O I see something slightly resembling a hentai tentacle monster with, er, only one strategically placed tentacle.
Please delete if unsuitable :P


Grandma J said...

umm...I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be a pink elephant, which is what all good drunks are supposed to be seeing on New Year's Eve. It is a pretty long trunk though. Jeannie

Anonymous said...

"I could stand the sight of worms
And look at microscopic germs
But technicolor pachyderms
are really too much for me."

DivaLea said...

Happy Birthday, Amy!
I can't believe anyone wouldn't jump at the change to add some fun and more cake in the week between Christmas and New Year's!
Good for you for doing it for yourself!

Word verification: addrysec

ADD ruins your silly elephant cake!

DivaLea said...

Marie A.: I have a STB ex, too, and for MANY reasons not unlike yours!
Here's to a new start for us! Delicious cake we buy ourselves, GO!

Mari said...

I see... an ephelant!

JohnnyB said...

Whatever it is, someone stepped on it and squeezed all the toothpaste out of it.

ofnadwy said...

Is there any reason it couldn't be a pink aardvark? Happy New Year! Pink Aardvarks for everyone! It symbolically eats the... um... the bad... ants... of the previous year, allowing a fresh start! Happy Aardvark!

erika325 said...

Uh, yeah, that kinda scared me for a moment. Yikes.

Happy Birthday to Amy though and bravo for buying your own cake!! Hope you got to eat it too ;)

Anonymous said...

It looks like a facehugger from Alien.

Angie said...

Perhaps most people overlooked your disclaimer "* You know, besides the obvious but not-so-creative pink elephant." at the bottom of your post. However...even though it is an elephant...I'm seeing Horton Hears a Who....maybe after accidentally swallowing his speck?

Love the wrecks....I'm always on the lookout!

Mrs. Flax said...

I think it's a New Year's Baby. Like Baby New Year in "Rudolph's Shiny New Year," except instead of ridiculously huge ears . . . well . . .

Summer said...

Maybe that pink thing is a New Year's Eve noisemaker?

Scritzy said...

That's ... vaguely obscene.

JohnnyB, your interpretation rocks!

Mella said...

I see a pink elephant after a horrible car accident

Anonymous said...

The Transformers fan in me is rearing its head... I'm seeing a pink Quintesson with only one tentacle...

Calamity Cookie said...

When it's upside down I see a pink hippo with a fluffy white pompom tail wearing a very silly hat.

Stephanie said...

that's an ELEPHANT??!

Anonymous said...

A collapsed pink elephant with only enough energy left to blow a noisemaker?

What does it say when your hallucinations are collapsing from fatigue?!

captcha: inallys -- where this cake should have been found :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm not seeing the goat.
Comment number 6 made me laugh!

Thank you for such wonderful posts. I don't think any other blog has made me laugh as much. The cakes and commentary are a hoot. All the best to you for 2009.
I wonder what wrecks await us?

Anonymous said...

Uh, I think it's supposed to be one of those party favors that you blow.

But I don't think it looks like a trunk, a tongue, OR a party favor. It looks like something TOTALLY different. LOL

Wolverine Girl said...

Like many others I saw a pink elephant, but upside down it looks like a hippo to me. And I don't even want to know what that thing is on its head. And happy birthday Amy! My hubby and I have a friend who's birthday is January 2nd and we always try and get him something nice.

Donna M. said...

Haven't you ever heard of the New Years Elephant? (with white whipped cream doodie)

Anonymous said...

i can't believe that no one else has identified what this obviously is.
it's a snardvark. just like that game i used to have when i was a kid.
there's a not-so-great picture here:

the little "snards" had to run down the tongue so as to not get eaten.

Anonymous said...

I think it's an extraordinarily poorly done pink elephant, which is what you're supposed to see after you're drunk.

FreedomFirst said...

I was thinking pink elephant... But that trunk needs some wrinkles, otherwise it might look like something pink and smooth that you don't want on a cake.

E.A.D. said...

It's a pink tapir who got his tongue caught in some undergrowth while looking for food.

wv: voidines - The dark side version of saltines?

Heather said...

I think it's an elephant blowing one of those party noisemakers.

And by noisemakers I mean... Yeah.

Anonymous said...

That thing looks like a hippo. I know it's a pink elephant (as everyone on this board has already said. We get it) but it doesn't have big enough ears for it to be clear that that is what it is.

It is a bit vulgar though...if taken that way.

ksaldria said...

I'm voting for naked anteater.

Anonymous said...

24 hours post New Years Eve fun- I believe I'm looking at a deflated Elephant who only has enough energy to raise his strangely phalic looking trunk, sadly I don't have the energy to do the same I'm going to sleep...

Anonymous said...

Someone needs to tell them that 2009 is the year of the COW not the PIG lmao DX

Anonymous said...

Aw, it's kinda cute. In a snuggly-animal-having-an-erection kind of way. And I apologize for any traffic you get from that E word.

Angie (from over at

Anonymous said...

Wait, wait, wait...that's supposed to be an ELEPHANT!?

I would have never ever ever figured that out.

M.D. said...

"Dude. Your pink beer bong keeps lookin' at me."

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Amy!

I was thinking it looked more like a pink elephant and what better way to have a birthday than a fantasy come true. I hope all your Birthday wishes come true.

Unknown said...

Pink elephant!

emzeegee & the hungry three said...

Maybe it's meant to be one of those blower things?

I totally feel for Amy C, because my birthday is ON Christmas Day..and I'm Jewish. Pretty much the worst birthday ever, and this year I asked my hubby to buy me a cake... because I'm a professional pastry chef, and dammit, sometimes I don't want to bake.

Yes, he screwed it up royally:

Thanks for the ongoing laughs!


Anonymous said...

I agree with Eeeek!

fireman all the way.

"Good suck in China!"

Alison said...

I think maybe it's related to this nermeatean or whatever worm at Ugly Overload:

Unknown said...

I agree with Crystal RR Edwards.

Or else I've got a really dirty mind, and didn't know it.
~Amy B

Dani said...

Awww now that's just wrong, her parents and/or signifigant other or whoever should have been buying her a cake all these years should have gotten coal in their stocking. My daughters b-day is 12/21 and I made her a cake geeze!

Lulubelle B said...

a pink elephant
for the boozy and sober
to greet the new year

Anonymous said...

Um, I see, well, I think you can guess. Let's just say that is a very "manly" cake. :(

Keeper of the Zoo said...

My 2 year old says it's a lollipop... with eyes! LOL


Anonymous said...

Eh, my birthday is 12/29 and people have always thought it would be terrible. It really hasn't been, I always had a separate party and I always had my bday to look forward to after Christmas when I was little instead of being all disappointed that Christmas was over.

Anonymous said...

My 5 yo just looked at that and said "Ooooh Licky Licky!"

punxxi said...

omg! it's a pink alien cake!

Anonymous said...

I just saw all of the comments wishing me a Happy Birthday and I wanted to say thank you all! :)

I totally got the pink elephant/firehose thing when I saw this in the store. If it hadn't been chocolate I would have eaten it!

Anonymous said...

C'mon, Jen! That was a PERFECT cake for another guess-a-wreck, like the "Superdome"! A whole wreckish opportunity wasted! I'm disappointed in you, Jen!

Rowenna said...

Pink elephant--the classic symbol of seeing something alcohol-induced. So, is it really on the cake or are we drunk?

Carmen said...

My three year old says it looks like a throw-up monkey.

Anonymous said...

My 4 year old just saw the picture of this cake and asked for it for her birthday. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

I used to buy my own birthday cake!

I'm known among my friends as a great baker, especially cake, but prefer not to bake my OWN birthday cake. Perversely, I kind of LIKE store cake, although some stores' frosting is better than others. It was usually the only time I got to eat store cake all year.

Happy Birthday, Amy!

Cinnamingirl said...

But, this is the year of the cow...

Anonymous said...

Wait a minute, if it's laying on it's back, (look at the legs in the second picture) why is its head in that position? Is it just me? Am I seeing things?

Current Resident said...

I'm kinda surprised that nobody got that this is an anteater, and the little sprinkles are supposed to be the ants!