This is your brain:

I'm not sure this next one is professional, but I didn't have the heart to cut it:
And this last one is reeeallly gross, so don't scroll down unless you have a LOT of intestinal fortitude.
I mean it, now, this sucker is GROSS.
What, you still wanna see it? Ok, but don't say I didn't warn you!

Maren A., Louise F., & Monique R., my diet plan thanks you.
246 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 246 Newer› Newest»omg
Wow! Are these yummy looking...even cannibals needs a cake.
BTW- update on the Hitler family cake...
Wow...who in their right mind would order an intestinal tract cake? "Congrats on your gastric bypass" I suppose.
who, who on earth could EAT this stuff? With the last one, I just imagine the smell of rotting meat! EWWW! Lord help us all....
word verification: yescri
"Yes dear, go ahead and cri now. I know it looked horrific!"
I expect that last cake to squirm and pulsate. Nasty! And I wonder how the decorator got it to gleam like that.
Angie (from over at
Flashbacks to Gross Anatomy class. Yuck!
The color of the heart was beautiful and it seemed so realistic. FOR A MODEL not for FOOD. Ew.
$20 says none of those cakes ever got eaten.
oh. my. god. i seriously gasped out loud in class.... *raises hand* my i be excused?! im going to..*runs*
my only question ok..i actually have two.
That brain is definitely food for thought, perhaps only for thought.
I would totally eat a kidney. I will pass on that last one though. I think its the shiny-ness of the organs that are bothering the most on that one.
Why? Why? Why? Why? Why?
WV= quams. I have a few quams with the spelling of my word verification
That is too sick! Who thinks of these things?
Errr, I meant that kidney, not a real one.
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww I think that for the last one, it's the shiny effect that get to me.
Those cakes are awesome! The kidney one is kind of a wreck just because they didn't try that hard but the rest are perfect. Each clearly took a lot of time and effort by the decorator and they did a brilliant job on accuracy.
As a researcher, I'd be thrilled to have any one of those at a staff party! Even the last one! I used to work in digestive diseases. Everyone would think it was a total hoot!!!
And really, who could eat any of those without gagging?
OHGOD OHGOD I splorfed all my coffee into my keyboard and went through a stack of napkins and a pack of Wet Ones cleaning it up and my cubicle smells like coffee now.
Dang, y'all...these morgue cakes are terrifying!!! @___@
Just one question, why???? I think the intestine cake has to be the most disgusting cake I have ever seen!
Wow! And, I thought face cakes were bad.
Oh dear. I think I'd rather eat the baby butt cake.
seems like every high school biology teachers dream cake. wow.
I must say that I was compelled to scroll down and look at the last cake. The only thing that would have made that cake worse is some fondant "skin" hanging off the edges a la autopsy style. YUCK!
That brain is gross, but I can't stop looking at it! Ugh!
I wonder how many people actually have an appetite for cake after seeing these? I'm mildly nauseated, personally... Blech!
The SHINY on the intestines might just be a bit too much.
So what's with the heart? It looks like it's had a bit of an infarct there with the darker colored area on the bottom (I'm guessing dead tissue?) So is this a cardiologist's cake or is it a "Congratulations on Surviving your Heart Attack Now We're Going to Stuff You With Buttercream" cake?
I also wish I could see the ugly one (let me clarify...the last ugly one) better. Is that a tourniquet on the lung? Is that even the lung? *scratches her head*
These cakes look like a cruel joke the folks in Pathology would play on me.
Incidentally Jen, this may be a good lead in to your funeral cakes since these are obviously the autopsy cakes.
Wait a minute...I've seen that last one somewhere before. Oh, wait! It was here!
I like the kidney cake!
I really had to hunt to find a kidney-shaped cookie cutter... I eventually found one being sold as a jelly bean.
People actually ate these?!?!
well now - there goes my appetite
The first brain looks like it's got some kind of worms. Awesome in an autopsy sort of way.
The kidney? Hmm...for your fave Nephrologist?
The last one..A & P Lab end of year party! Yep.
Okay, okay, so I like the macabre.
~Amy B.
I wonder when anyone even needed organ-themed cakes?
I don't understand the controversy here... What's the problem with a disemboweled body cake? Doesn't it just put a fine point on loving from the insdide out?
Its way too early in the morning to be lookin at glistening organ cakes. Eck!
What is WRONG with these people!!!!!
Oh my gosh! I can't believe they made that last one all glossy and...wait...I mean...I can't believe they MADE that one at all!!!!
Why oh why would anyone destroy perfectly good frosting and cake by making those?
Ewwwww!!!! Hehehe! Those are pretty I never never never want a cake of my insides! hehe!
In Cake Wreck fashion...
O N B E E L E A V I B i L E !
What is the matter with people?!?
I'm only commenting to be first (-ish, if someone beats me). I navigated away to look at the poll, and this was up when I came back!
Hmmm. Kinda makes you wonder if a cake looking so realistic isn't just a bit over-rated. And hey!! I thought our brain was made of GRAY matter, not ground-beef-that's-been-sitting-in-the-fridge-for-four-days "pink".......I've heard of kidney pie, but kidney CAKE???? As for the cake with, er, intestinal fortitude, this too shall pass........
Maybe this is what medical students do when they run out of cadavers.....
Wow, that heart is amazing, and just in time for Valentine's Day!
that heart is actually quite... beautiful.
but it makes me dry heave a little.
Okay, and the baker really expected someone to eat that last thing?
Ha! That's actually very good workmanship, especially the heart...
My sister made a coconut-filled chocolate brain for her husband. The previous year, she made brain cookies. Yes, there is a story behind it....
Given that you are told to remove the black vein from prawns (as it's not a vein its an intestine) I would have thought the same rule applied for cakes.
Ewe, lets hope there is no chocolate frosting in there, eeeeww.
Ok, as a medical researcher in digestive diseases, it's not gross to me (I've seen so much worse), but they are eerily accurate and definitely weird...
For some reason on that last one, I keep focusing on that white icing shell border at the bottom and want to say - Gee, that looks out of place there....
Tracy O
Why? Why, why, why, why, WHY would you order a cake like any of those?? *stunned*
word ver: defact
Defact is, these are just plain disgusting!
Oh dear, you've asked for it now. This thoracic cavity is the most disgusting inner anatomy cake I've ever seen.
Really, don't look at it before breakfast. Not a professional cake, but a stunning subversion of virtuosity.
Why?? WHY?!?
If this is the way to celebrate a transplant or achieving doctor-hood, COUNT ME OUT.
I just can't get over how intricate the folds are on that brain cake! They are so perfect, and all different. Gorgeous! Although I think the hemispheres are not joined in the middle until you get down to the corpus callosum.
I wish you could enlarge the intestine cake! I'm not easily grossed out.
I knew that was a kidney right on sight. I'm doing pretty good!
First of all I have to say eeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Now that I got that off my chest, I do think the first one, while bizarre, is at least well done. As for the others, the only thing that comes to mind is WTF? I guess nothing says party quite like a internal organ cake - lol.
the first brain is cool but the rest of the organs make me want to gag!
Umm, I am completely at a loss for words with that last one....are those intestines???
I stand corrected. There really IS something worse than the kitty litter cakes. Barf.
The brain is adorable, but the last one is begging to be reproduced in seafood. (Like snack cake sushi, only in reverse.)
I actually like the heart cake. It's not so much a wreck. Very intricately done.
Please tell me that these wrecks are actually models for Anatomy 101. I can't think of any other reason someone would want one of these. Yuck!
Whoa, the heart one kind of looks like a half-dead octopus.
O. M. G.
Why is the brain bleeding its gray matter onto the board? Gross...
I swear there are maggots in those intestines!but i (heart) the heart cake. It's awsome!
They are actually really well done, but I sure don't know why you'd want to eat them!
Gross or not, I think they're all very well-rendered. Although a Sunday Sweets of "internal organs" probably wasn't coming up any time soon...
I worked in a lab with surgeons for years. You'd be surprised what they can stomach during lunchtime conversation!
As a biology/neurology student, I can totally see people cutting that brain cake: "And once we've removed the temporal lobes- here's a slice for you, Jen- we can get a better view of the... oh, wait, it's all white cake textured. That DOES make it hard to identify the corpus callossum! Well, at least we have a nice frosting replica of the upper medulla..."
And the heart is pretty awesome! I've eaten chicken hearts, so I guess a cake heart doesn't bother me so much. In fact, it looks rather tasty!
The other organs, however, I'm not so fond of.
ok a kidney should be kidney shaped
And a question about the last cake .What is that black/dark thing which is draped over the liver
The only thing that would make the intestines cake worse is to see some ice cream melting on the top of it.....
OMG....the abdominal cavity has me LMAO! :D
I'm assuming that these cakes were for events involving medical professionals...but after looking at actual internal organs all day long who on earth would want to eat a cake-simile of one?
The brain was enough to make me sick. I hate the squiggly ickiness of brains. And the tangle of nerve endings at the bottom? Come on. That is goshdang DISGUSTING. Now i have to go find and eat a delicious cake to put this out of my mind.
ugh, I feel the dry heaves coming...
You should visit the Body Worlds exhibits and then you'd be amazed and completely gleeful to get an abdominal cake!
There are just some occasions that DO NOT require a cake!
Dear God Why?
I would eat the intestine cake.
(SSC cannibalism... om nom nom.)
Registered nurse here. I love these cakes. Any other heath professionals out there? Notice that the heart cake has dark icing on the apex, indicating ischemia & an MI? Maybe it was made for a cardiologist.
Those are just teh awesum!
I actually like these cakes for the most part. The brain cake is pretty impressive, but I could do without the weird squigglies. The digestive system cake is also notable, but the "Congrats Drew" message throws off the overall effect. I haven't checked, but I don't think I have a strip going diagonal on my liver.
They don't call it gross anatomy for nuttin'! LOL! (And I can think of a ton of people who would order these cakes - interns, residents, anyone in medical or nursing school,
I hesitate to ask what pathologist cakes look like. I would not want to give anyone ideas. If they do show up---can we save them for Halloween? Thanks.
I think these are some of the best cakes that have been featured on the site. Methinks they may have been ordered for horror and/or med-school related festivities. That intestine cake screams zombie party. The heart might come from a Poe-themed festivity. The kidney may even be connected to a dedicated Joyce fan for Bloomsday. A to the brain, kidney, and intestines; A+ to the gorgeous heart.
I just threw up a little bit.
WV: retter - the noise you will make when you look at these cakes.
That brain one...
... there are no words.
I agree with Faith (& rare others) that these are great! I'd eat them, because when you cut it up & put it on a plate, it just looks like a piece of cake.
The whole intestinal cavity, in my opinion, was made wrecky by adding the cutesy ribbon & bows at the top left. Just do your writing on the stomach!
i've never much liked cake to begin with, but that last one... *gag*
I am a big fan...HUGE fan of Halloween, and I love Halloween-themed baked goods. But even I have the rule: if it's not APPETIZING don't make it! No one wants to eat stuff that looks gross.
Let me guess--the heart one is for Hannibal Lector's Valentine's Day party, right?
---Blue Jean
Word Verification="Upragi", the sound you make when you see these cakes and your breakfast decides to revisit you.
Weird... I don't think my kidney wears lace. I'll have to ask.
New t-shirt idea! Use photo number one with the caption, "This is your brain on cake wrecks."
I must be a bit crazy. I quite like the heart. :) Yeah, I'm messed up in the head.
Those dangly bits at the bottom of the brain probably represent what would happen if you ripped the brain off the spinal cors- it's just a bunch of nerves.
Except for the kidney, all of them looked amazingly realistic. I could see them at retirement parties for a neurologist/brain surgeon, nephrologist, cardio-thoriac surgeon and GI docs retirement parties, respectively.
Wait, what? These are CAKES? Are the decorators insane? Oh wait, that's the whole point of this blog.
Hee hee, I adore these and would eat them all! I can imagine some wonderful parties for crazy students with these, and I would totally have been one of those students in high school/college.
Can someone please explain why in the HAIL someone would think intestines would make a good cake? Nasty.
Why do people think its a good idea to make cakes out of your insides? There is a reason we can't see them, lets keep it that way.
OMG...ewww...just EWWW!!!
There's a chocolate place in town that does a realistic model of a heart; they even consulted with a nearby hospital when creating it...but it's chocolate (dark, milk, or white), not colored to look real
they say you are what you eat...
wv: dipterm - someone who flunked midterms at cake school
Oh, come on - you'll post these, but you won't post my thoracic cavity cake? ( No fair! I admit I'm not a professional, but you admit that the heart might not be either!
And for all you doubters out there, I have served cakes just as gross as these (maybe grosser - mine ususally bleed when you cut them) to numerous people on numerous occasions, and only once did anyone refuse to eat them. He was a 4-year-old boy who was expecting a cupcake and could not be persuaded that the miniature human heart that we served him actually was a cupcake. His 2-year-old brother, however, devoured his heart cupcake with glee, after first breaking off the aorta and drinking the raspberry blood within.
I will admit that my cordial cherry eyeballs ( do occasionally meet with some resistance.
Oh my. Just ... Oh My. I can almost see the brain (there are brain-shaped jello molds available), but the last one?
Word verification: puces. I nearly puces when I saw that last cake.
If you really want a gross cake...
those are pretty cool.... I could see having those in an anatomy class ... excellent cakes!
Excellent work on the cakes. The only one I'd eat would be the brain. The sheen on the others kinda puts me off.
Good to hear that those kids are out of the house. Their parents need a smack with the clue bat.
wvotd wingles: "they used the Wingles technique to add a sheen to the G.I. tract cake."
I'm actually kinda digging the Anatomy cakes. Maybe it's because I plan to be a nurse once I get into school, but I thnk these are mostly well done. That heart one especially is nicely made. I never thought anyone would ever make organ-themed cakes, but hey. The Internet has Rule 34, why can't cakes?
The only one I have issues with is the last one. Why does it look like bugs are crawling over it?
Another RN here, and I agree these are great for a hospital party or a fellow staff member birthday. The ribbon on the intestine cake is inappropriately placed, and should be moved off the organ entirely, it is taking away from the masterpiece of the human anatomy!
Is it just me, or does anyone else imagine they are smelling formaldehyde?
these are great, perfect for medical parties.
My stomach is churning...
Im just... speechless.
I guess if you can't bear for your cake creation to be eaten - this is the route you go? Or maybe they're made for research professionals who like the idea of celebrating birthdays in the lab - but know cake is not the healthiest thing to eat...
Wooow. Unbelievable! It adds a whole new dimension to feeling guilty when you eat cake! Do you feel like you are eating someone? Eeeew! P.S. The "why I aorta..." was HILARIOUS! I laughed out loud.
P.S. My husbands says the heart is a 'heart attack'...regarding the black part at the bottom. So, someone made a Heart Attack cake??? Congratulations on your Heart Attack???
Cut me off a piece of that bowel! Yum. Human tripe!!!
Is the white icing on the kidney supposed to be mold?
WV: "beelywow"--amazing in the manner of bees.
Someday I'll send you photos of the brain cake I made.
That is SOOOO nasty! I was eating when I stopped by! Sick, sick, SICK!!
The brain is not supposed to have wiggly parts at the back.
The second pic is definitely a very flat kidney.
The intestines look very unhealthy.
Let's hope that intestine cake isn't chocolate--who'd want to cut into an intestine, find it filled with brown material, and then eat that brown material? Blech.
"Seven Pounds" in cake form?
Whoa! I need a warning before I see a gross blog post like this!
I happened to read this while eating raw hamburger meat for breakfast. Thanks a lot.
pooping brain, that is.
Wow! That heart cake reminds me of a patient I had this week who had blown out her apex (due to an MI [heart attack]) just like that cake represents. Spooky!
Ok, I have to admit: my friends and I occasionally hold zombie-themed parties (zombie games, zombie movies, zombie drinks), and if I could make a brain cake like that, I would do it in a heartbeat. A cold, undead heartbeat.
But those intestines are just gross.
Dare I ask, what is making the intestines glisten?
I'm so glad no one bought me a similar cake when I had my gall bladder removed.
Ewww the shiney organs are the worst. Who thought that was a good idea?
Wow. These are awesome. I now have ideas for when my brother graduates from med school and my other brother graduates from nursing school. Sweet! ;)
My 4 year old said "is that food? eew, gross.."
My son is going to love it when I show him those.
Who would order a cake like these? Totally unappetizing!
I'm clearly in the minority here, but I don't think these are wrecks at all. They're all (except the kidney) expertly executed. After all, you can't hold the decorator responsible for a customer requesting a gross subject matter.
I sent this to my friend who's a med student, and my niece who is a surgeon. They loved it!
I can handle the brain and heart cakes (I think they're pretty awesome!) but the kidney is abit icky. As for the intestines? EWWWW I don't want to imagine what's the filling if I take a bite. GROSS.
to cake # 1: is that brain poop?
to cake # 4: what ARE those little red things?!?! tumors? parasites? leeches? little hemorrhages that might burst in your face as you cut the cake?
I'm pretty sure only a coroner could eat these cakes without wincing...
i think that second cake is actually a manta ray with an infection...
I'm a pathologist and deal with this all day. What a treat to see it celebrated! I'm impressed with the anatomical correctness of it (except the brain). Oh, and that's not a lung, that's the liver.. in the last one, Leslie. So they might not be appropriate for everyone's christmas party, but are these really wrecks?
OMG! Big EW, big ICK...I guess there really IS a cake for everything. Just EWWWWW
FYI for Jen: There was an article about Sugar, Butter, Flour Bakery in the SF Bay Area newspaper San Jose Mercury, AND...included in the sidebar was: "The opposite of Ace(of Cakes): Gallery of hilariously bad professional cakes,"
Way to go!!!
WV: ungsivel... These were very ungsivel designs.
I kinda like 'em.
I just want to say that I have seen a real brin before and it doesn't look like that at all! If we are going for realistic here people, at least do it right.
Omg that is ddddiiiissssguuuussstttiiinnnggggg! get my point?
Cool. Now I know what to get for George Romero's next birthday. (Just be glad that we're not making cakes for John Waters or Peter Jackson.)
Well to give them credit they were pretty well done but why.....just why?
Um, why?
I've never commented before but that last picture has forced me to say...
Who orders a cake like that AND then eats it? (Shudder)
Off to vomit in my mouth again.
I thought my nausea had eased up ... and now it's baaaaaaaaaaack ...
Word verification: bedum. These cakes bedum.
Unless you're a forensic pathologist.
The Tin Man and the Scarecrow need to check out these bakeries!
Seriously, The brain and the heart ROCK! That's some skill right there I tell ya!
I wouldn't call these "wrecks" - I think they're (mostly) gorgeously executed. The exception is the kidney - it's a little flat and malformed looking. The abdominal cavity only weirded me out because it's too *square*. Well, that and the banner draped over the liver...
(Then again, I'm an MD, so I suspect I *am* the target audience here...
*looks at intestinal cake*
Are those...Are those sparkles covering it?
New CakeWrecks theme: Odd Concept Done Well. We've had a lot of those lately.
Eww. I've made cakes for bachelorette parties, but it was always the outsides of bodies, not the insides. Yuck. Yuck. Yuck.
Kidney... ovary... eh - it's all cake. Don't think I'd eat it either way. Ick!
is there GLITTER on the intestinal cake? Seriously.. Well I guess if you go all the way to make a cake that looks like that.. edible glitter is another way to make it look realistic..
the first brain looked really good.. Maybe a birthday cake for that smart alek would thinks they know everything?
Enough with Hitler Children!
Mmm. hot, grilled old-fashion sausages; fried liver, onions and mushrooms; blatwurst; breaded, deep-fried hearts & giblets; brain pate; soysauce & marrow on toast ... Where'd I put my turn-of-the century cookbooks again?
Oh, this is human? Nevermind.
Okay. So I'm one of those ghouls. These are great.
The heart cake looks like it is having an aneurysm.
OK, those cakes are just totally cool...but then, I'm just a big geek.
I'm assuming the black part on the base of the heart is from an infarct? (That's a heart attack, for the lay folks).
I want one of those for my next birthday! I love anatomy and physiology.
The intestine cake reminded me an awful lot of the hot dog cake a few posts back. Mind you, I use the term cake loosely in both instances.
How about a thoratic cavity cake, complete with instructions:
but you did not have the human thorax cake seen here....
Word verification: dowired
How you feel after drinking too much Mt. Dew.
I've taken anatomy class, and I have to say, those are pretty good.
Disturbing, but good.
I'm the first!! Nurses Unite! These all had to be for Nurses in training - Doctors are GOD, so they don't need the help!!!! This site is the greatest!! Keep Wrecking!!!
Wrong. Just wrong. Just very, very, wrong.
Barbara Jo-the tinyurl I posted was to your thorax cake.
Aw but the end of the large intestine has a lovely smiley face on it! Like a snake!
I would eat any of these, and I'd buy one for an office party to if I was a surgeon or med student. They were done very well, and people who deal with these real organs all of the time would not find them revolting.
It'd be funn to cut them up also.
word verification:
I cracked up at "splorfed".... did you coin that term, and may I use it?
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWW! Who could actually make oneself take a bite out of any of these? Especially the last one? (It looks like it was cut fresh from a human body, all wet with bodily fluids and all. EW!)
The kidney cake looks like a giant whoopee cushion to me!
The heart one looks like an engine block with those fancy, hot-rod style, colored manifold thingies coming out of it; neither is something I'd want to consume, have under my hood OR in my chest cavity.
I'm impressed and slightly disturbed by these...impressed because they look enough like the real thing to be identifiable, and disturbed because I can't imagine what occasion might call for a giant internal organ cake.
I have to agree with the other posters who pointed out that the kidney is too flat, although I am impressed with the addition of the renal artery & ureter, out of proportion though they may be...btw, I manage a nephrology practice. :)
Jen, I'm impressed that you had the, er, guts... to include that one [G].
Damn, I would love to have a cake like these.
These cakes are perfect for nurses who think nothing of sitting at the table & talk 'work' stuff - vomit, bowel movements, snot etc, etc wouldn't bat an eyelid & appreciate the work/detail involved.
Nurses would totally be all about those cakes. I love them!
Wow, those cakes are really awesome! I would totally eat them.
Barbara Jo, your cakely efforts are off the wall amazing. WOW!
Great brain.
I like the brain cake with the exception of the squiddly things at the bottom.
Those intestines really do not look cakey at all! The top with the lungs etc looks like cake but those intestines look like sausages!
A closer look is definitely needed.
I wasn´t even sure of what the kidney cake was supposed to be at first! It didn´t look quite like a brain to me.
How can I put this delicately? The intestinal one....the large intestine looks like someone botched a whole bunch of circumsions and then a cannibal stole the parts and made them into a necklace. Wow.
WV: dosess - I will need three dosses of beer after seeing these cakes!
Some of them look downright pitiful, but the heart and first brain looked great, imo.
What does the colon one say? Congratulations? (Or congradulatons?)
ewwww.. The first one actually looks pretty neat, but the others are just plain gross
Wow. Those are great. The heart in particular is really nicely done, and I love the concepts...though I'm not sure I'd want to eat the intestine cake. Eep.
I think it's time to remember what criteria a cake must meet in order to be considered a "wreck." "A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons."
So...Yeah. These all work. *shudder*
WV: cobblept: adept at cobbling together strange decorations and calling it good. As in, those mohawk baby carrot jockeys sure were put together by a cobblept.
I'm not queasy, but thinking about eating that made me sick.
These cakes belong in that Body World exhibition of traveling preserved body bits. I am fasinated yet it gives me a headache. I want one!
Oooh reminds me of a cake I may or may not have tried to send you the link to, which has a few organs in a white chocolate ribcage. Can't remember it now, don't think it was professional. But it sure was interesting... if you like to pretend you're a cannibal by making cakes look like people parts, I guess.
Perversely impressive....
WV: exessen. I can't think of a better post to have had that one.
the brain and the heart are totally love em long time, but then, i worked in e.r and o.r. for a million years. hospital people would love those cakes...even the intestines! yumyum num nummmy
I dunno...being an OR nurse, I think they're kindof cool. And there would be good opportunities to have a cake like that--passing one's board exam, having an organ transplant, etc.
Personally, I don't find these to be gross at all, but amazing instead. Of course, I'm in school to become a doctor, so maybe I'm just really into things like that.
Mmmm, brains...
Ack! And people actually ATE these???
That last one is really cool!
Disgusting. Ok, WHY would anyone want such a cake (any of them) and WHY make them? Yuk. That last one - gee, a cake for science class or what?