This is your brain:

I'm not sure this next one is professional, but I didn't have the heart to cut it:
And this last one is reeeallly gross, so don't scroll down unless you have a LOT of intestinal fortitude.
I mean it, now, this sucker is GROSS.
What, you still wanna see it? Ok, but don't say I didn't warn you!

Maren A., Louise F., & Monique R., my diet plan thanks you.
246 comments | Post a Comment
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 246 of 246 Newer› Newest»I just wanted to say thank you to all of my supporters here who posted links to and/or mentions of my thoracic cavity cake, even if Jen didn't see fit to include it. Not that I really have a right to complain about a blog that brings me so much joy on a daily basis. I'm just jealous. I want Jen to snark on MY cakes!
ok those are odd. must have been for a surgeons get together? or an anatomy class party? "o.k. this here section is known as.. and when operating you have to cut it just so.." o.k. o.k. that's just gross.
See, the thing that bothers me most is why the last one reads "Congratulations Drew." For what exactly are we congratulating Drew? On second thought...probably best not to ask.
all i can say is 'ewwwwwwwwww'
and 'why??????'
I would absolutely eat the intestine cake...that's all sugar, right? Watching people turn green while I dug in would just be the...uh...well it would be fun. Apparently I have no trouble separating cake from reality. :)
Aw...gross. I should NOT have scrolled down.
I am a nurse and I think these are awesome! Well, not the kidney, that one is def a wreck. But the brain and heart especially, those have amazing detail. Medical people would totally eat these and not be grossed out.
Those Rock!!! Especially the Heart & Digestive system cakes! Thanks for that, I forwarded your link to all my healthcare-working friends!
Wow! These are SO cool. Very clever. I love them.
Well some of them...are very...detailed at least.
Intestine cake - what's with the little black ties on the colon? A new disease?
Hey, most of my colon was removed coz of severe Crohn's disease - but it didn't have the little black tied it up bits along it,
Chitlins anyone?
Oh my...having Anatomy and Physiology dissection flashbacks! Make them stop!
Okay, I USED to like cake! Thanks a LOT!
As a recent med school graduate, I want the intestine one for my graduation party!
i think they're beautiful. the perfect gift for the recently certified neurologist/nephrologist/general surgeon out there.
I could easily eat any of those, I mean it is cake, once you get past what it looks like - great job to those decorators btw - it still tastes like cake.
I can imagine that a conference for specialists in the medical field might serve this as both a desert and a centerpiece. Perhaps the party celebrating the opening of a new wing in a hospital?
Once it has been cut I am sure you would get over the "gross" factor.
Are you sure that's not just a deflated football slurping spaghetti?
I have to admit, I think that the brain cake is pretty cool. But, shouldn't it be grey?
WV: medshend - yeah, these cakes are just right for med students
Off topic from cakes, but on-topic for this post...
I ran into (don't ask how) this website about organs this morning.
I'm not quite sure what this says about me, but my first thought was that these little guys would make great, simple cakes appropriate for high-school biology classes, post-op celebrations, and the like. Then, voilá. Here's this topic on Cake Wrecks.
Jen, please tell me no one has attempted this idea in cake form...
WTF is that??? eewww
I actually love these cakes. I would eat any one of them. Especially the brain one, being that I am a psychology major. It be cool.
If this hasn't been said before, it should be: Medical examiners, funeral directors, anatomy students, trauma surgeons and the like should NEVER celebrate with thematic cakes. Ever. EEEEVER.
'Hey Phil, you must've had some of that vena cava, cuz your tongue's blue."
That's medical professionals for you! We can talk about blood and bowel movements while eating lunch! It just becomes part of your day after seeing it all the time. lol
Is that even cake? Are you sure?
I love them! I want to find someone in Phoenix to make the heart and or the abdominal organs!!
WV: homisact
Actually, I forgot to retype it into the actual WV box. Now it's istings
I've eaten almost all of Barbara Jo's cake, including the thorax and the rats-on-an-arm. All were delicious! She is a master of the dark pastry arts.
She and her sister did my wedding cake, and it was freaking glorious, and not at all disturbing.
hey, these cakes are creepy yet awesome!!!! the one with the intestines was really gnarly too! my husband was very impressed.
i wonder who ordered those, jeffrey dahmer?
These are really...raw and juicy...
Brianna McCarthy
These are even better than gummy haggis. What a find!
I can understand the "ewww" reactions (mileage does very, and innards aren't everyone's slice of cake); but why the incredulity that anyone who sees and handles organs everyday of their working lives (saving others' lives in the process) are "sick" if they don't barf at the sight of these awesome cakes.
It's no odder than the donut cake for a Policeman...
gotta give kudos for anatomical accuracy, truly a certain sculptural beauty of our vital organs....but with cake? Um, not quite right. Performance art, meant to be thrown at cheap insurance executives who won't cover costly but necessary transplants...Maybe. Make mr ceo eat digestive tract cake until he agrees to cover expences for surgeries previously denied? CAKE as a WEAPON of SOCIAL JUSTICE! We may have entered a whole new realm of art, social change and yumminess all at once. "Let them Eat Cake" the cry of the borgeouise, taken back by the righteous proletariat. "yes, let them ponder the socioeconomic significane of the cake they eat! VIVE LE FONDANT!
Well, how else do you celebrate a successful colonoscopy????
I swear, it has to be the white buttercream shells along the bottom of the intestine cake and the kidney cake that gets me!
Add a buttercream shell border to anything and I'm sold!
Really? I kind of love them! The brain and heart ones, at least. Looking at those, I would've sworn it was Sunday. :-)
I want a brain cake for my birthday this year. Then again, I'm a giant nerd with a weird sense of humour.
If I had any artistic talent, I'd make that heart cake for my husband for Valentines Day. Needs moar cherry syrup / blood though.
Oh, the "why, aorta..." joke had me rolling! Can't...stop...laughing... :)
I am so glad they ran out of room on the bottom of the board that the intestinal cake rests on and thus were forced to leave off the final segment of the lower bowel.
That brain is exquisite!! Just look at the details on the cortex and cerebellum- they even included some of the brain stem! I want one.
Oh, these are awesome! xD I love the heart one, too.
Totally not gross.
... However, like the above commenter, I have at least semi-existent future goals of work to do with human anatomy, and am very enthusiastic about biology, though my young age forebodes me from actually sticking to anything yet. So...
LOL. Wow, I must say... they're very creative and very well made (especially the brain)!!
that's not just a heart cake, its a heart-attack(the black part in the apex of the heart is "dead tissue") cake...
And the kidney looks weird...where's its kidney shape!?
And what in the world is that thing on top of the liver!???
Ah, the digestive system cake is rather funny... then again, I've seen pictures of that enough in anatomy textbooks that it's routine. I can't imagine why someone would want a cake made of it, though.
That heart looks like it suffered a heart attack, down at the apex (the bottom).
LOL at the kidney. It looks pretty accurate. As does the digestive system cake. The intestines on that one are awfully shiny... hahaha
I've got to say, the heart cake wins MY heart. I've been making a human heart "Valenslime's Cake" every year for awhile now and this pretty much puts mine to utter and complete shame. I would LOVE to be able to replicate it. It may be gross to most people, but it is, at least on the level of technical cake-decorating proficiency, not a wreck at all!
Just my opinion, though. Also, I'm not a medical professional but my mom is... may have something to do with my not being grossed out.
No joke: I actually cried when I saw that intestine cake. Out of horror. Wow.
*Looks closer* The heart cake has had a heart attack and I don't think the patient survived.
Oh gross. I'll be in the bathroom if you need me.
Mmmmm...let's just hope that the fondant covering some of the cakes seen here are of good quality (MMF and the close-to-my-former-NJ-home Satin Ice being examples) icings - I want the mouth-feel of almost eating a portion of a human organ!!!
wv: lippike
*smacks lips at sight of anatomy cakes*