I can see that I'm going to have to be a
lot more specific with Sunday Sweet Assignments: giving you guys free rein on the Fantasy theme has resulted in hundreds (and hundreds) of submissions. Don't get me wrong: I LOVE that you guys are responding so, er,
enthusiastically, but I'm going to have to narrow down the criteria in the future.
Since I've got so much good stuff to share with you, I'm going to break it up into categories. Today's feature will be dragons and unicorns. Tune in next week for Fairies & Castles.
First and foremost, here's a flat-out AMAZING dragon from - who else? -
Mike's Amazing Cakes:

You can tell this is for role-playing gamers by the
corn dogs and
mozzarella sticks in the background. Come to think of it, all this shin-dig is missing are some Hot Pockets! [cue
Jim Gaffigan bit]
Here's another angle:
(Thanks to Christine C. and Sarah, who were among the first of billions to send these in. Check here for more shots and pics of the cake being cut.)Next we have an equally impressive Unicorn and Fairy Combo from Sandra of
Sugar Fun:

Visit Sandra's site to see in-process photos.
(Laura N. was the first to send this one. Thanks, Laura!)
Next, in the "so-cute-it-hurts" category from Richard's Cakes, we have a dragon...in a tutu:

So obviously when I say "I'm drawing the line at tutus" I mean "unless they're
stinkin' adorable". Everybody got that?
And lastly, Julie W. found a not-so-great photo of a truly great cake:
Arg, my kingdom for decent lighting! Still, if you can look past the blinding flash and shadows, you'll see this is a gorgeous replica of the famous "Unicorn in Captivity" tapestry:

The floral work is exquisite, and I love the little tree. It was made by
Magda's Cake Creations, and if you visit the link you'll see a few other angles there.
And let me close with another great dragon cake. Uh, let's see, first I have to
choose one... (this is torture, guys; you sent in so many good ones!)
Ok, here, let's go with Kenya S.'s find:

I love that color. According to creator
Shoshannah84 over on Deviant Art, it was inspired by Anne
McCaffrey's Dragon Riders. Nice!
Thanks so much, everyone! Feel free to continue sending in fantasy cakes, but particularly fairy and/or castle cakes for next Sunday.
86 comments | Post a Comment
Absolutely fabulous!
I look at your site pretty much every day and have a link to it on my blog. I've never posted, but couldn't resist today. These cakes are really amazing.
Thank you for what you do!
They are all truly breathtaking. Hard to believe they're edible. I can see everyone backing away when the host asks who wants to slay the dragons tho.
Gorgeous, and the baby dragon in the tutu is just too - too.
My sister drgns4ever, who really loves this site, is going to love this particular post.
I don't suppose anyone is making gryphon cakes?
;^) Jan the Gryphon
These are remarkable. The designers deserve great applause!
How beautiful!
Those are absolutely fantastic! I really love that first dragon and the unicorn under it.
WOW, that's incredible edible art.
Thanks for the Flikr link, That dragon Cake is so cool! All of them are. My only problem would be biting the head off that little Blonde fairy on the Unicorn! Like chomping on Stevie Nicks!
That first one! OMG! Even as a gamer I wouldn't be able to cut in to that! Wow!
Awesome cakes!!! I must say I LOVE LOVE LOVE the tapestry cake! What a wonderful, beautiful, cakey interpretation of pre-renaissance art!
is that a marinara fountain next to the mozzarella sticks?? how...creative.
rachel h.
Gold...dragon...cake...*awe* *has visions in his head of a wedding cake with blue and green dragons on the top*
For my next birthday though, I think I'm just going to ask for a giant, chocolate D20.
Whoo hoo, something I submitted made it onto Cake Wrecks! I feel special now... :D
I love that first cake, though, and the unicorn tapestry. Hm... my sister makes cakes, I wonder if I should be cruel and request something like these...
Even more than the corn dogs in the background, the D20 in the first dragon's claw screams "gamer." It also screams, "You know you want me!" Amazing cake.
Kudos to the person who did the unicorn/fairy cake for not make the uni horn look like a piece of... coprolite. We've seen way too much of that kind of thing recently.
Yeah, I thought that was a marinara fountain also, but when I linked to the flickr site I discovered it was a ketchup fountain. They also had a mustard fountain! The dragon cake is beautiful, but how do these cakes taste? The inside didn't look very appetizing.
I really loved the dragon cakes. I tried to post a picture of my retirement cake (made by a fellow reference librarian) but couldn't get it to post. It was not as professional, but it was covered with scales. I totally loved it.
wv squaste-what you do to the end of the toothpaste tube.
Those dragons look so real I expect them to actually move! Incredible.
~Amy B.
Wow, those are nice! But I want more wrecks! More wrecks! More wrecks!
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
They're all amazing, but I'm in love with the D&D cake, the d20 clutched in it's claw, the fact that it's on a battle mat, it's wonderful. I wonder if the dice are cake too, or real dice.
WOW! I look forward each Sunday to the GOOD cakes! After a week of wrecks, it restores my faith in the ability of cake decorators everywhere! :-)
They are all amazing, and I'll admit my knowledge of mystical creatures is limited, but do unicorns have split hooves like a goat? I'd have thought more like horses hooves! They are all beautiful, though, and I'd never be able to cut one up.
The real gamer give away for that first dragon cake isn't the corn dogs and other food, though those are good indicators. Rather, notice the erasable map board that the dragon is lying upon - only a gamer would own one of those.
I wonder if any of the dragons have a maiden or knight inside, exposed whenever you cut it open.
"You can tell this is for role-playing gamers by the corn dogs and mozzarella sticks in the background."
Also note that the dragon is clutching a 20-sided die. I love it and now I'm craving some mozzarella sticks.
I love the fact that the red dragon on top has a D20 in his right front claw. Nice touch!
Wonderful! The first dragon, in particular, is stunning. I would have a hard time eating something that resembles art more than food.
However gorgeous it is, however, the wings really bug me. They're either coming out of the cake board or the dragon's stomach, which is just wrong.
I love your site, and visit every day! Can't wait to find something to submit.
Been lurking on the blog for a long time but never posted until now.
I LOVE the wrecks (of course!) and also the super fantastic cakes, like on this post. I think it would be cool if you also did a post on just how these "super cakes" are constructed, since they are in theory 100% edible. Like that dragon -- what's in the neck, is that white chocolate?
So yeah... a little background on how the heck those amazing cakes are being pulled off without being 99% frosting... that would be cool!
I adore the 'dragon in a tutu' cake, because I think it's based on the range of toys from my childhood that I used to LOVE. Pocket dragons were awesome, and if that is a recent cake I'm glad there are other people who remember them too!
Being a total dragon FREAK.. I absolutely LOVE the first one, it is TOTALLY amazing and I want one!!!
The only problem is that I don't know if I could actually cut into it and eat it...
On second thought.. probably.. I love cake too!!!
These are the most beautiful cakes I've ever seen! It would be such a shame to cut them up and eat them!
I especially love the "Captive Unicorn"...I am VERY familiar with that tapestry....I tried to do some embroidery based on a part of it once!
The second "in progress" picture of the unicorn cake (on the linked site) might give me nightmares. Oh dear!
But yes, these are all incredible.
Those were amazing and beautiful! And looked darn tasty too, if I could bring myself to slice something that pretty up. And to "anonymous"--the older unicorn legends describe them as awfully goatlike with cloven hooves, beards, and that weird tail with a tuft. It's more modern ideas that have them completely horsey.
I wuld honestly LOVE to have any of these cakes. The're are all amazing!
Crazy Teen.
Ooohh, if only I were rich! I'm not a fan of dragons, but Andy is currently obsessed with dragons and monsters. Oh well, he'll have to settle for whatever I can manufacture myself this year. I'm going to try to duplicate the pink "Pet Chopz" kitty on a cake for him. We'll see how it turns out. I do okay with basic shapes....
As a ridiculously HUGE FAN of Anne McCaffrey's work, that last cake screams "Ramoth" to me, and that makes me happy!
Thanks for sharing!
"You can tell this is for role-playing gamers by the corn dogs and mozzarella sticks in the background."
Well... according to the fact that there is a 20 face dice under the claw of the dragon... I'm pretty sure that THIS is THE way to tell that this wonderfull dragon IS for a RPlayers guys! ^^
OMG I want one of those dragon cakes for my birthday! They're so awesome!
@ Anonymous: I think traditionally unicorns had split hooves, seeing as many early descriptions mentioned them having goat-like characteristics.
Just when I think you couldn't get any better you reference Jim Gaffigan. My husband and I can't pass the Hot Pockets at the store without dying of laughter. You're the best!!
I love the Sunday Sweets...an opportunity to enjoy incredible talent and creativity...these all are awesome cakes!!!
Simply amazing cakes...such talent artists!!
This is mind-blowing. I have the "Unicorn in captivity" poster right on my wall, and to see it as a cake is just so amazing. All I have to do is lift my gaze and there is the poster..and there is the cake..and there is the poster...
omg, the first and the last one, absolutely gorgeous. I doubt I'll be able to eat them!
I definitely, definitely need a baby dragon in a tutu. Okay, I hadn't realised till now, but now the house definitely feels empty without one. Definitely.
Yes, definitely for a gamer with the d20 and battle mat. It looks a bit like a red dragon from DnD with the fans down the back.
So now that everyone knows what I like to do in spare time... bravo on all of them, especially the first dragon and the unicorn tapestry!
Am I the only one to notice the d8?
I sent a million (not really) links in. Glad to see the red dragon made it. Not that I expected it not to.
Love the other dragons especially the kyooot one.
The unicorn cakes are fabulous. I collect uni's so I know a good one when I see one.
Thanks and I can't wait til next Sunday.
wvotd stacki...something that is stupid and tacki.
Wow, those are absolutely amazing! I love that baby dragon!
Anna Marie
yeah that bajillion-sided dice made me laugh and laugh and laugh. perfect.
I TOLD you tutus are AWESOME. SEE? SEE? SEE?!?!?!
God, I'm such a nerd, but I am compelled to comment...
It's a Colossal Red Dragon, from the Dungeons & Dragons miniatures game.. It has a 20-sided die in its hand.
Great idea how you got this one.
happy new year
My grandma has the Unicorn Tapestry hanging on her wall, so I immediately recognized the cake version. It's fabulous!
Thanks for this wonderful site!
I couldn't cut those! I'd go buy a sheet cake for my guests, and then just look at the pretty.
Verification word: foxylitc Also, adjective of the day, as in, wow, you are looking very foxylitc this morning!
Pocket Dragon Cake! (The one in the Tutu). And based in the UK as well! (sends page to husband as a little hint)
Am I the only one wondering why the red dragon's wings originate from its belly rather than its shoulders?
Truly gorgeous, if anatomically questionable.........
I am a role playing gamer! Those dragon cakes are truly beautiful and impressive. I have to tell you...I hate hot pockets. I also hate those awful pizza rolls. Corndogs good, fried cheese sticks good...there's always the raw veggies for the diabetic guy, and a bag of gummy bears that we use as enemies and consume when we defeat them...and when we have the session at my house, I like to put some fries or tater tots in the oven. Crap, now I'm hungry.
Cheetos, Doritos, or anything "itos" are of course the most classic gaming food. Sodas, strong coffee, and/or Red Bull are also present.
Ok, I get that these are beautiful ...sculptures?...creations?...not sure what I would call them...but I'm really tired of fondant. I like seeing icing talent!! Can't you do a "no fondant friday"? :)
Your blog title is "Fastastical." Was that on purpose? Or was it supposed to be fantastical? Either way, your site makes me laugh daily.
those are just amazing !!!
Now I want a dragon cake that says "fastastical!"
While I appreciate that gamers might have, ahem, different tastes than some - who spends so much money on a cake (you know it costs a bundle), then serves corn dogs and cheese sticks?? Too funny!
You are too funny! I love Jim Gaffigan's Hot Pocket's bit!
I loved all the cakes, but as a major Anne Mc. fan I have to agree with Ali- that is so Ramoth, I want that cake for my bday.(hm... my sister reads this blog.. and makes cakes) Ellie? I want this for my bday (not that I didn't love last year's coach purse)
you could not have picked two mythical creatures more suited to please my two daughters (hard to do)
i'm sorry, i visit this blog to see cake WRECKS, not pretty cakes. please make another blog for the PRETTY [can we say "publicity!!!!"?] cakes and keep the cake wrecks blog to... well... cake wrecks!
Um Tarleton?
The original reason for Sunday Sweets was that Jen needed a break from the daily grind of writing posts, sorting through literally hundreds of submissions and e-mails a day, and trying to run my company as well. Since readership was pretty low on Sundays, she figured she'd give it a shot. Oddly enough, everyone totally dug it and Sunday Sweets was born.
So, yeah the wrecks are great. And no, its really not much of a break for Jen since she now puts as much if not more effort into writing for Sundays, but hey, we're just going with the flow here. If it really bugs you, maybe you could take a break on Sundays too and check back Monday for your daily dose of Wreckitudinalness.
Just my two cents, for what it's worth.
You can tell this is for role-playing gamers by the corn dogs and mozzarella sticks in the background.
I would have thought the dice would have given it away. Looks like the dragon is getting ready to roll a natural 20!
For my next birthday, I want my cake to be a Pocket Dragon with a tutu.
You know the problem with the red dragon clutching a twenty-sided die atop a grid map? All the party guests will be forced to pull out a character sheet, roll up a fifth level fighter and play a round of D&D before they get to eat. They'll either die of starvation or stuff themselves on cheese doodles and cola before the cake finally gets cut. Hmm, I hope the fondant lasts that long.
I can't believe I read your post asking for fantasy cakes and didn't think to send you the one from my friend Angela's wedding (courtesy of Ace of Cakes, no less)! Better late than never:
WOW! That just about sums it all up for me. My daughter would go nuts over the unicorn cakes.
I'm ashamed to say I know this, but the dragon is definitely for some Dungeons and Dragons role players. The graph paper and dice give it away. My husband is one of those nerds, yes. Thanks for the daily humor!
I love the unicorn cake based on the tapestry! I'm not into fantastical creatures too much, but my daughter watches Disney's Little Einseins and this was one of the pieces of art used for a show last year. So, i had actually seen it before!
These cakes were great!
the anne mcaffrey one looks exactly like her dragons- i was saying how much it looked like them when i read the caption. kudos to the artist!
Awesome cakes.
BTW, usually you're pretty good about things like this, but the word is rein when you're talking about giving free rein, not reign. As in horsies. We depend on you being able to keep our cakes grammatically correct!
Great catch.
Holy $#!+, that red dragon is the coolest-looking cake *ever*.
You can also tell that the red dragon is for gamers from the battle map on which it sits, and the D's 20 and 10 in its claw.
BTW, is that a marinara sauce fountain in the background???
Oh my God. OH MY GOD!!
I want them so badly! I want one for my birthday and EVERY OTHER BIRTHDAY EVER. Those are the coolest foodstuffs I have EVER SEEN!
I couldn't even eat them. They would sit around until they fossilized and swat anybody who tried to take a piece.
Dragon cakes! Really awesome dragon cakes! I'm dying of greed over here!
Sorry to post s late on this, but I was just looking at Mike's Amazing Cakes website and realized in looking at his picture that I've seen him on the Food Network in some of the Food Challenges, for cakes, obviously. I can't remember if he won, though. It looks like he may need more time than what he's usually given on there to create the beauties on his website.
Wow. These...these are GREAT. I can't stop looking at that first dragon cake.
I doubt I could actually bring myself to cut into such a work of art as......well, any of the cakes featured in this post really. I dread to think how long it took to make the Tapestry Unicorn.
Cake Expo 09
the one in a tutu IT'S A POCKET DRAGON CAKE!!! I love those things! (hence the caps lock)
See? http://www.whatadifferenceagiftmakes.com/images/pocketdragon13975.jpg
Mmmmm......Dragon foot.
I love dragons and anything mystical and mythological. These cakes are GORGEOUS!
those are freaking awesome.