Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Sweets: Castles & Fairies

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Continuing in our fantasy theme, here's a gorgeous cake from Suka that also could have gone in last week's dragon post:

But hey, it's got a sweet castle on it, too.
(Thanks to Adrianne P. for being the first of dozens to send this in!)

Shallyse G. sent in what I'm going to call a fairy castle, just so I can include it here:

(By Sarah of The Little Bakehouse. More pics in her Flickr stream.)

Addie F. found this adorable little garden fairy, although I can't tell if she's on a cupcake, cake, or is just a topper:

(From Dulce Decoracion's Flickr stream, where there are lots more amazing figurines and cakes.)

And Reginia B. found this funny little "crashed fairy" number:

(By Sandra of Socake)
Heh, you can almost see those little feet kicking and hear tiny muffled shrieks, can't you? :)

Oh, hey, we need some more castles, don't we? Ok, check out this cutie out from Sang of Sang's Cakes:

She made it for her daughter's 4th birthday. I like that it's so colorful, and all the little details like the furled flags.

And Michele L. found one of the coolest compositions I've seen: a castle coming out of a fairy tale book:

It's by Let Them Eat Cake, and I'm sorry I don't have a larger photo to share. I bet the details are gorgeous.

Thanks again to all of you who submitted fantasy cakes! Tune in next week for some Lord of the Rings Sweets - and feel free to submit any LOTR cakes you think are Sweets-worthy.
Word Ninja said...

Wow, once again I'm amazed! I love the wrecks during the week, but Sunday's works are just so stunning! That last pop-up book style one is just gorgeous!! Can't wait to see what LOTR's interpretations show up next week!

Anonymous said...

Wow - those are impressive. I'm always amazed by what people (the ones who know what they're doing) can create.

Tia Paula said...

They're so cute I wanna die!

Bedlam said...

Those are so beautiful, am sure they put an everlasting smile on some childs face.

The Courteous Chihuahua said...

Even though the mushroom tops are a *wee* bit phallic, I absolutely ADORE the one by The Little Bakehouse. In fact, maybe that's why. ;-P

Anonymous said...

Those are crazy-beautiful. I especially love the fairy wrecking into the cupcake.

Angie (from over at

Anonymous said...

Are the crashed fairy's hands on backwards?

LOVE the pop-up book!

Boozy Tooth said...

Dreamy as always, Jen. I love the grandeur of all the lofy Cinderella castles, but my favorite is the little mushroom capped fairy cottage. So pretty and imaginative with the cobble stones and the mushrooms popping up everywhere. Delightful!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful cakes. Although, the first fairy has her legs a little too spread eagle...and you don't like the decapitated baby cakes, but decapitated fairy cakes are it.

Jennifer said...

I love the cupcake... I love it, love it, love it!! They all not only look delicious look absolutely stunning! KuddoS!

Anonymous said...

Last one is really especially beautiful - but how can one eat such a work of art?

Hyena Overlord said...

Love Sunday Sweets. The links take you to more glorious cakes and cupcakes. There's a hippo in a polkadot bikini that is too precious. A Fairy with black filigree wings that is just stunning. Sunday Sweets renews my faith in cakekind...until tomorrow that is!

wvotd deping. "to dress up like characters played by Johnny Dep."

Hayley said...

I absolutely love that last cake, though all of them are gorgeous!!! I can't believe what some people can do with cake...

Anonymous said...

Alright, LOTR cakes!!!
I can't wait until next week, this will be epic ^_^

Kelley said...

Those cakes are beautiful! I'm a little dubious about the nipple-like mushrooms, but the rest of them are outstanding! I want crashed-fairy cupcakes for my birthday!

Stevie said...

Ahhh, yay!!! LOTR is my favorite trilogy EVER! I can't wait :)

Sara said...

How do you slice the last one, I wonder? Do you just start hacking at the towers?

Mella said...

They are all too beautiful to eat

WM said...

As always, Sunday is the biggest treat. These are gorgeous...but I would so buy dozens of the upended fairy! Incredibly clever.

Kristin said...


curiousceridwen said...

Oh the diving fairy! What a way to go.

Chris said...

The cupcake fairy's hands are right. If you put your arms down by your sides palms to your back. That would mean she crashed head first without trying to stop herself.

sassy101 said...

Those are amazing!!!!!

KidsCakes said...

I also love The Little Bakehouse cake. So pretty and with a real old-world fairy tale look.

Julie from and

jeana said...

I just found your blog and I love it. Inspiring and HILARIOUS all in one :)

Anonymous said...

OMG! I could SO live in the fairy house cake! If only I were 2 inches tall.

WV: estes Hmmmm, definitely no comment.

joyce said...

That crashed fairy cupcake--wow---just in time for the Tinkerbell movie?! Surely, she lived, because if she was done in by frosting, her legs would go limp, right?

Anonymous said...

Okay, I wanna know how you're beating everyone out with your blog? It's now offense, one-dimensional? Hmmm..

Anonymous said...

No, the crashed fairy's hands aren't on backwards. For the last time people: hands, unlike feet, can rotate 180 degrees to be either palms up or palms down. Depending which way you have your palms, your thumbs will either be on the inside or the outside of your hand. You've had hands (presumably) your whole life, you've never noticed this?
Awesome cakes, all. But Mad Hatter, I don't need to see your lingerie, or your breasts, thanks.
WV--stortg: slang for pregnant among people who believe the stork fable.

12 hour pills said...

I love them. That last one is so amazingly beautiful. I love how it's sort of spilling out of a faerietale book.

Suzanne Dargie said...

Those mushrooms ARE a little odd looking....I was thinking they were almost like little gnomes with floppy hats....because one of them seems to be lurking in the front doorway of the house! But it really is a cute cake...AND the first one with the beautiful dragon. Once again, they're almost too beautiful to eat!

Unknown said...

Some of these cakes look way too gorgeous to eat!

Rhonda said...

That last one looks similiar to the one he made for a competition on the food network. he lost creativity points from me. HAHA

Reginia @NotSoModern said...

YAY "I" made it! haha
The Crashed Fairy was my fave and I am happy it made the cut :)

Can't wait till next week!!

Brianna said...

The last one is awesome! I love the book and all the flowers going up it. I mean how do they make the "Once Upon a Time" so perfect? It doesn't even look like a cake. WOW!!!

Trini said...

Oh wow..
I would have wigged out if I had gotten that cake(#5) for my 4th b'day.
What excellent work :)

Neil J Murphy said...

Regarding Sang's cake, I need to point out that the flags you like so much are unfurled; a furled flag is rolled up to its mast.

You may all carry on now....

apparentlyjessy said...

I dont know how anyone could attack those cakes with a knife to eat them? I know I couldn't! It would sit in the kitchen for months while I fight the flies and ants away!

Vodka Mom said...

I love the fairy taking a header into the cupcake!! love it.

Anonymous said...

The one coming out of the book is the coolest thing I've ever seen, and I totally wish it had been my wedding cake.

SweetThingsTO said...

Wow - those castles are so amazing! And I was actually proud of my first princess castle :-)

I'll have to practice more. :-)

Thanks for the Sunday Sweets! Juanita

Anonymous said...

I am, yet again, completely impressed!!!!


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but the fairy crash cupcake reminds me too much of the baby butt cakes. It is well-made, though.

Nulono said...

Anyone else turned on by the crashed fairy?

rlopez said...

The last one from Let Them Eat Cake is funny, cause it wasn't supposed to be a fantasy cake at all! That's the design they created for a Challenge. The theme was 'Sports' and they chose to try and convey the Tour de France...The castle is a French Chateau but I forgot what the book is for

Unknown said...

Those are just beautiful.
~Amy B

Anonymous said...

Actually the flags are unfurled. Furled means folded up.

Anonymous said...

Even my cake-philistine b/f enjoyed these, and he's the kind of guy who PREFERS my ugly home-bakes monstrosities for his birthday, to something nice from the bakery. Something about more personal, made a special effort, blah-blah... >.^b (yeah, I guess I'm bragging how sweet he is, even if he does prefer my home made proto-wrecks)
We agreed the cupcake crash-landing was me...there are no screams. She says 'Om-nom-nom-nom!'

Anonymous said...

Hi I am the owner of Suka and feel I should point out that although I made the castle and dragon cake as seen, it is a copy of photo brought to me by a client! I would love to give credit to the designer but alas I do not know who they are the true credit belongs to their ingenuity and eye for design.

caroline said...

Oh wow, I took a couple of Sang's Wilton classes-- her work is so impressive!

Anonymous said...

You may be surprised but for the really colorful to the Wilton Castle set.