Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Every Breath You Take...

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

This was ordered by a medical center to celebrate their Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs, see?). The bakery no doubt felt very clever outfitting the nurses with giant mallets in addition to the needles ("the better to knock you out with, my dear"), but when you couple those with the stalker-ific inscription:
"Every heartbeat...
Every breath...
Every second...
We'll be watching."

...the creepiness factor pretty much goes off the hilarity scale.

Submitter Anony M. would also like me to point out the giant crack down the middle where the two cakes were cemented together, the black and yellow icing bleeding into each other, and the fact that this cost $150. That may all be true, Anony, but in my mind any cake that lets me reference old Police songs is well worth someone else's hard-earned money.
Anonymous said...

Wow, that's something. They look like little elves.

Anonymous said...

What about the fact that the "we'll" is a completely different color?

This cake is wreckerific.

Boozy Tooth said...

Silly me... I thought they were leprechauns drinking massive mugs of beer.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I thought it was suppose to be an open book at first. I didn't know it wasn't intentional...

Ros said...

Is there a reason why "We'll" is in a different colour?

Whiz Bang Boom said...

I thought this was a cake celebrating leprechauns with giant beer steins at first glance.

Hyena Overlord said...

That'd be a great cake for St. Paddy's Day. Assuming the leperchauns that are stalking me get together and celebrate St. Paddy's.

wvotd. unlist...I'm going to unlist my number so that damn leprechaun will stop calling me.

Rebecca said...

I seriously thought those were leprechauns until I read the commentary!

loisgroat said...

I just spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out what St. Patrick's Day had to do with anything. Then I realized that those are supposed to be scrubs.

Aimee said...

Wait, what cost $150? The cake??


Debbi said...

$150.00????? Are you kidding me? Someone actually charged $150.00 for this? And worse, someone actually PAID $150.00 for it??? WTF?

The Courteous Chihuahua said...


Anonymous said...

But I can't go to sleep...they'll take me Lucky Charms!

I'm sorry I totally didn't see nurses in scrubs with mallets at first peek. I saw leprechauns with steins. I thought maybe the unit had a drinking problem or this was a very early St. Patty's Day cake.

Anonymous said...

Why mallets?? Do leprachauns need mallets? Can leprachauns be gainfully employeed as nurses? Hmmmmmmm. I don't understand why the "we'll" is in white letters either. Way to go wreckerator!

Anonymous said...

$150 for a sheet cake?!? That looks like it was from Wal-Mart, no less! I'd like to know what brands of flour, sugar, and cocoa they're using to justify the price at that talent level.

At least you can tell the characters are nurses, but the rest of it.. Bleh.

tim h said...

With the face masks and green gear, I thought the cake was for some South American rebel's birthday. Or maybe Mario's terrorist brother.

HorribleLicensePlates said...

I hope they got a refund. The mallets are hilarious though.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh! A mind is a beautiful thing to waste........and someone must have been wasted when they thought up this sentiment!

Anonymous said...

What no comment on the white "We'll"?

Angie McCullagh said...

Where are the stereotypical white uniforms? And why not put the woman in a mini skirt while we're at it? And, OMG, they look like evil little lephrechauns.

Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)

Unknown said...

And why is the word "we'll" in a different color than the rest of the inscription?

Kate said...

Prior to actually reading what was written on the cake, my first thought was..."Who the Hell would put Keebler Elves on a cake?" Now that I know it cost $150, I'm even more baffled. Ridiculous.

joyce said...

Eewww. I thought they were leprechauns or something. But, mallets and needles? Huh?

Anonymous said...

How could anyone possibly demand $150 for this with a straight face??

Anonymous said...

They're supposed to be nurses? At first glance I thought, it's a bit early for St. Patrick Day, Killer Ninja cakes, isn't it?

Unknown said...

$150.00?? Is it filled with solid gold coins? Dang.
I thought it was cute, though.
~Amy B.

kjl said...

My initial reaction, before reading anything about the cake, was that these were elves.

Unknown said...

I think this might be one of my favorite cakes. I can't image that the decorators didn't see this as a creepy cake when they were designing it. Mallets? Really?

Sparky said...

I'm rather ignorant in the medical field and didn't know immediately what "CRNA" stood for. That being said, until I read your description, I was under the impression it was a cake celebrating homicidal leprechauns.

Trevor said...

He also left off the detail that for some odd reason the "We'll" is in a different color than the rest of the inscription. You can see what someone left off intially.

Anonymous said...

You forgot to mention that the nurses look like leprechauns!

Anonymous said...

I thought it was about the horror movie, Leprechan!

Anonymous said...

I totally thought those were leprechauns at first.

CEW said...

Holy cow! Those are supposed to be nurses?! I thought they were little stalker leprechans with mallets and stakes to drive through the hearts of vampires. I thought it was a little odd that they were holding the stakes pointy-side up, though....

Alex Getts — Art & Illustration said...

I also like how the "We'll" in "We'll be watching" is white, rather than green...

Tammy said...

CRNA here....and this is hilarious!

Unknown said...

Wow, $150??! I hope it at least tasted alright...
and I definitely do not understand the mallets

Lizard said...

and no one is disturbed by the fact that the nurses look rather more like demented leprechauns? because that was really the problem for me.

that is one creepy cake.

Lisa Chin said...

I thought these were leprechauns with large mallets. Either way, it's creepy!

Sandi said...

When I first saw it--before I read the comments--I thought they were leprechauns with beer mugs!

Howard Tayler said...

Okay, this didn't feel all that wrecktastic until you cited the $150 price tag... at which point I realized the hospital was being taken for a ride.


Anonymous said...

At first I thought it was two leprechauns drinking beer from giant steins and I couldn't figure out what that had to do with nursing. Thanks for clarifying they were mallets in the commentary. :)


Anonymous said...

At first I thought it was two leprechauns drinking beer from giant steins and I couldn't figure out what that had to do with nursing. Thanks for clarifying they were mallets in the commentary. :)


Anonymous said...

At first glance, I thought those were two garden gnomes with green beards attending a workers' union strike...with nothing to protest...

Anonymous said...

Why is "we'll" in white when all the rest of the writing is in green?! $150?! Highway robbery, I tell ya!
What is UP with those mallets?! LOL

queenb said...

Apparently, these are leprechaun CRNAs. Instead of taking care of the pots of gold at the end of the rainbow, they make you see rainbows by bonking you on the head with giant mallets.


Anonymous said...

$150? Really? Really?!?! Is this cake just incredibly big?

amyd said...

I thought they were leprechauns too at first glance. Just weird. The most shocking part is that thing cost $150.

Melissa said...

I think I'd be intimidated into paying the $ just because the mind that could come up with homicidal leprechauns and also asking for that much $ for something so obviously wrecktastic obviously belongs to a sociopath.

wv: wracke...this cake is everything that makes up a good wracke ;)

Anonymous said...



Alyson said...

I totally thought they were dwarves/elves/gnomes, as well. Even after I read it was to honor nurses, I still didn't see scrubs, I saw dwarves. It wasn't until you said you loved that they'd given the nurses mallets that the lightbulb went on. Is that my fault? Or the decorator's?

Anonymous said...

I too thought it was a saint patrick's day cake...lots and lots of green.

Baking and Mistaking said...

Every breath you take....we'll smash you with a mallet.


Anonymous said...

I must continue...I guess the line down the middle is to glue two sheet cakes together. NICE. and what the heck it up with the border.

Should have cost $1.50. That is a terrible cake.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was an open book about leprachauns! it just needed some four leaf clovers and it would celebrate Paddy's day!
I don't think it would keep until then though because the boarder is already looking past it's use by date!
How do these people make a living?

Abbie Nelson said...

Wish they'd been watching me when I quit breathing...but was still conscious...during my gall bladder surgery. 'Cause THAT's what it reminds ME of.

Umm...I'd like to order the mallet next time?

I Love Food said...

Don't you hate when your nurses come in with mallets?

"Oh begorrah! Hey O'Malley, go grab me mallet, Mrs. Johnson won't go to sleep. While you're at it, grab me a pint, too!"

Why not throw in some pink elephants too? Because the cake wreckerator must have been inebriated.

L. Simpson said...

Am I the only one who thought, "Finally, a Zelda-themed Wreck!"

Anonymous said...

At first I thought they were leprechauns drinking from huge beer mugs but on closer examination I see that they are leprechauns drinking from huge beer mugs while holding tiny collapsed umbrellas...

April said...

Every breath you take...every move you make...every single day, every word you say--GIANT MALLETS!!!

Aaron said...

A little off-topic, but "Certified" "Registered" Nurse Anesthetists? Isn't that title-riffic overkill?

CRNAs, step right up and receive your Certificate of Redundancy Certficates!

UnitOfForce said...

I thought they were elves holding signs. Or dentists. Equally as creepy.

WV: Prook; pretty spooky. This cake is prooky.

Anonymous said...

Okay....I thought it was cool. Not $150 worth of cool, but still. Yes, at first glance I thought 'Leprechauns?' but once you look at it you can see the scrubs.

Also, I totally thought the idea of anesthegologists (sp?) with mallets was hilarious.

This is definitely not the worst Wreck here. The characters are kinda cute, the lettering is neat enough. On the whole it was poorly done, but not catastrophic.

Trudi said...

People, people, people, if this is a full sheet cake, and it looks as though it might be, that serves 108 servings. $150 divided by 108 = $1.38ish per serving. That's NOTHING, any custom cake decorator worth their salt charges at least $3.00 per serving. Now, I'm not saying this is an excellent example of custom cake work, but at $1.38 per serving, you get what you pay for!

Anonymous said...

LOL! Working in a hospital I thought this was pretty hilarious. Anesthetists have a rep for being kinda quiet and reserved. Who would of thought they have a deliciously wicked sense of humor? Love the mallets!!

Anonymous said...

Leprechauns was my first thought, but with needles? "You'll NEVER find my pot of gold, NOW!"~~> bwahaha! $150.00 is really what they paid? WTF? highway robbery!

Lildonbro said...

I think the bleeding icing is very appropriate for this particular cake.

Totally creepy and I kind of want to order it for my sister's birthday.

debit13 said...

This is what happens when you don't have insurance. Insurance would've written off $148.62 and the cake would've really cost $1.38. Oh well.

@wendydesigns said...

And I thought this was a cake to celebrate the newest shape of Lucky Charms... Hearts, Stars, Rainbows, 4-leaf Clovers, Horseshoes, and MALLETS!

TheDaughterOfTyr said...

Leprechauns and Elves and Striking Gnomes...

Oh My?

I wouldn't mess with nurses with syringes (or mallets) for a cake this wrecked I'd give it away for free!

Kateri said...

As a nurse I think this is hilarious! I don't love the cake, but I love the posting.

Anonymous said...

$150 for a heinous brown, black, yellow, green & white cake with Notre Dame mascots? It had better be half the size of my dining room table for that price.

Anyone notice the tri-colored writing palette? The "be" is in black. Fail.

gigi said...

Wow! $150.00 for that!!!

Anonymous said...

You know, when the song was popular, we used to add our own doggerel to it, including "Every leaf you rake," "Every corn you flake," and of course "EVERY CAKE YOU BAKE!"

If you squint a little, the one on the left even looks kinda like Sting in the bleach-blond days.

Double A Training said...

I'm another one that thought it had something to do with St. Patty's Day.

The fact that those are nurses is VERY creepy. I guess they were going for the "knock the patient out" with the mallets???


Oats said...

What would possess them to make green scrubs and blue booties?

I guess it goes along with the whole stalker theme of standing out with hammer and needle for every breath you take.... every move you make... every bond you break every step you take... they'll a be a watchin' you!


Heidi said...

No no, $150 was what they "normally" charge. I'm sure their insurance was only billed $47.59.

Or maybe they got the money up front.

Anonymous said...

$150??? Tell me you're joking.

Meg said...

I refuse to believe someone actually paid $150 for this. Or that someone in their right mind would charge $150 for a SHEETCAKE. That's right, I'm calling shenanigans on Anony M! Stop lying! ;)

Sihaya said...

Whenever I have to wake up from anesthesia my head hurts so badly that I *wish* someone would hit me with a mallet. That said, I feel bad about this one - it looks like someone worked so hard and stretched his creativity so far, then screwed up so much. I'd tell the wreckerator to keep taking risks until someone appreciates his art, but first he needs to practice smoothing out his foundation layer and study the color wheel.

Anonymous said...

It looks like someone frosted a piece of cardboard, right down to the fold in the center. If a flattened cardboard box is what you're going for...contact this bakery.

Anonymous said...

Wow, seems it was a good idea in someone's mind, but didn't translate well. I was figuring the green uniforms might be that hospital's dress code for CRNAs (like the OR staff at the hospital where I work wear blue-green scrubs). And the words make sense, though putting them in a way that resembles a Police rip-off is hilarious.

And WTF? $150 for that? Seriously, that hospital needs to spend its money better. Ouch.

WF: skerof. The price of the cake makes me skerof that hospital's Admin staff.

Ammie said...

I thought it was a St. Patrick's day cake. Yikes!

Eryn, Bo, Jackson, Lily, and Josiah said...

Why mallets? Why? WHYYYYY??????

Anonymous said...

Aaron, I think "Registered Nurse" is generally a title in and of itself so you can tell your RNs from your LVNs. Therefore, they would need to be separately certified to hit people with mallets. (it's a special nine week training *nods*)

"You there...cake or death?"

Anonymous said...

$150! I am obviously in the wrong business. Forget the fact that I have no talent for cake decorating. That obviously isn't a requirement!

Mary P said...

Is anyone else disturbed by the fact that the mallets look like pillows?

Like maybe they're going to smother some patients with them....

Anonymous said...

Definitely Keebler elves right there.

Glassgrrl Studios said...

At least I'm not the only one who read the caption and thought, "Nurses? I thought they were leprechauns..."

AuntyM said...

I thought they had green beards! ROFL

Anonymous said...

I thought they were beer-guzzling leprechauns too! And I thought CRNA was some Irish holiday, misspelled of course.

Lazy Mom Leslie said...

Oh my, why do people pay for these things? Oh yeah, because we're too lazy to make our own cakes!

CarrieP said...

I really liked the little people in scrubs. They were cute. I think it's pretty close to Hospital-issue green, actually.

The rest of the cake, yeah, wrecktastic.

Aaron, they are called CRNAs because they are also Registered Nurses. The title needs to have the designation "Registered" Nurse to differentiate it from a "Pratical" nurse, aka "Vocational" nurse.

So yeah, it appears redundant, but there's a method to the madness.

Anonymous said...

The "mallets" are supposed to be surgical lights.

Susan's Scribbles said...

This is seriously disturbing. And what's up with the black and yellow frosting trim? Gag!

Carebear said...

Bonnie and Alaina: Your comments made me laugh harder than the original caption!

Unknown said...

Come on! Those mallets surely eek this one out of "wreck" status. That's funny!

Kiezie said...

OMG, I don't know what's scarier: the cake or the price!! I wonder why some people are allowed to be called "professional"!! LOL!!

Brianna T said...

Aah! Horrifying! Unsanitary!

WHY is that woman's hair not under her scrub cap?!

Otherwise, hilarious cake, and my CRNA father agrees.

FreedomFirst said...

There is something very wrong with anyone who would charge $150 for a giant frosting slab with vicious leprechauns on it.

Anonymous said...

Surely someone misplaced a decimal... $15.00? Sure. $150.00? No WAY! Have the hospital call me next time. I'm sure even *I* could do better.

Anonymous said...

I love this site the cake commentary is absolutely hilarius. I also thought the first cake was green leprechans drinking giant mugs of beer

Megan (happyhippyheiferhouse or HHHH www.happyheiferhouse.blogspot.com
I am a crazy mother to two boys on a strange adventure

Unknown said...

Nice..very very nice! I work for Anesthesiologists and I know for a fact that their method of choice IS in fact the mallet needle tactic of putting people to sleep. Then to wake them up after surgery they put a funnel in their mouthes and pour in hot sauce. It works wonders every time!

Mella said...

I think it's a cute cake . I'm weird that way

Deborah Godin said...

It's the Chia Pet look that got to me.

E.A.D. said...

Wow. That's. . . . special. What gave them the idea that oversized hammers would work for this? And again, 150 bucks for THIS?

WV: outings. A normal word.

Anonymous said...

Aaron said: A little off-topic, but "Certified" "Registered" Nurse Anesthetists? Isn't that title-riffic overkill?
CRNAs, step right up and receive your Certificate of Redundancy Certficates!

The "Certified" and "Anaesthetist" go together and the "Registered Nurse" goes together. Due to the wonders of the English language, the C-R-N-A word order is the only combo that works (try it! Fun for the whole family). All nurses are Registered Nurses (RNs--unless they are Licensed Practical Nurses, LPNs), but not all nurses are certified to give anaesthesia (only CRNAs); it's an intense specialty program earned after earning an RN.

I'd like to mention the laugh I got re: the Certificate of Redundancy Certificates being handed out by a guy named Aaron... Also, wouldn't those be Certificate of Repetition Certificates?

Cheers, Know-it-all Jjen

Caroline said...

Holy Cow...they look like leprechauns with mallets! That cake just scares me!

Anonymous said...

AM I the only one who did not think they were leprechauns?
I actually thought this was kinda clever!
...just took my daughter to the hospital so the oral surgeon could pull some baby teeth..(sigh)..and the Nurse Anesthetist really could've used one of those bad mallets! We settled for Versed instead and then the "sleepy gas"

The ONLY things that bug me here are the borders and the crappy joining job down the middle.
Why black and yellow???? Maybe those are the colors of the hospital logo...?

Anonymous said...

Deborah Godin thought of chia pets--I think she's close, but it must be Irish moss.
Also, somebody had just too many colors of frosting left over from other projects. Hence the many color text.

Scritzy said...

Considering the musical inspiration, all I can say is STALKER CRNA!! With needles to drug you and [whatever your interpretation of the rectangle things] to finish you off!

My 50th-birthday cake, designed to feed 80 people, cost $125, and it was done by a professional baker whose work takes my breath away (pun intended). It was beautiful and tasted divine. I would NOT have paid $150 for this mother of all wrecks.

Word verification: nolikery. The rule against sampling in the lollipop factory.

Anonymous said...

Throw in some Jaws music and its perfect.

Persnickety Ticker said...

I am giggling at all the people that misspelled leprechaun.

Also, what do you want to bet that the last name of the submitter is actually Mous?


And my word vert? Oh I couldn't even possibly be making this up and it is too appropriate: UNWREK

the ginabean said...

Ok, so at quick glance, I honestly thought that the mallets were pillows...which is almost more creepy than the mallets.

Also creepy? The nurses have this scary look in their eyes...makes me uneasy, and they're made of icing.

Oh yeah, and I'm not even going to MENTION the $150...

Anonymous said...

You never cease to amaze me with the awfulness of these cakes. Seriously, $150?!?! I wouldn't have paid $10.

Anonymous said...

Was I the only one who thought leprechauns?

Anonymous said...

I know a few doctors who look like that!

Aviatrix said...

I have no problem with this cake. Anesthesiologists (wow, spelled it right on the first try!) knock people out--hence the very appropriate mallets--and monitor their vital signs to make sure they don't kill them, and it IS creepy. They are basically administering drugs to keep you in a constant state of not quite deadness. I'm certain the requester knew exactly how creepy that was and agreed on the price in advance.

The only bakery cakes I have ever bought are the deeply discounted undecorated sale cakes, like a little Black Forest Cake for $12. I have no idea how much a custom cake should cost, but as soon as you go asking for custom artwork (I'm sure you don't get mallet-and-needle-wielding medical personnel out of a catalogue) I don't think that seems completely out of line, especially if the number of servings described by Trudi is correct.

I'd be interested in a future post that outlined what people could expect to pay for various wrecked and unwrecked cakes.

Anonymous said...

I don't know, my first reaction was that they looked liked they were masked people ready to do a robbery and that combined with the stalker type wording.....why couldn't they make the face masks the same color as the shoes....that nice blue color....because with the green it also almost looks like they have are sporting green beards!!!
Melissa D. SC

Steve Harkonnen said...

Actually, most of these cakes look really good. Maybe a couple were wrecks, but seriously, most of them were awesome to me.

Anonymous said...

I'm actually surprised you said nothing about the leprechauns drinking mugs of beer.
Or the we'll.
Or was that just too obvious?

sendingtheclowns said...

Yes, indeed, the best thing about this one IS flashing back to the Police (except now, I won't be able to get that song out of my head for at least a week).
While it is very reassuring to know that the CRNAs are actually keeping tabs on someone THAT well (which is their job), WHO CARES? It almost seems like a response to a bunch of disgruntled CRNA's whine session about getting no respect or something, you know?
("Listen, we've GOT to get them something NICE, you know-- to let them know we appreciate ALL and EVERY thing they DO! Kiss a few butts...Jeeze, we don't want'em hitting us up for a RAISE right now!")
And, for crying out loud, that must be one big ass cake (the size of a twin mattress?) to cost THAT much denero!

Sister Christine McCracken said...

Maybe it's just me, but the wreckporter's name "Anony M." seems a lot like "anonymous.

Anonymous said...

I need a humor transplant, I guess.
Scrubs don't have skirts.
Hospital green is so traditional they're getting away from it.
"We'll" is in white because it's for emphasis. And frankly, I _want_ my anaesthetist to be watching me very closely indeed! It's their job!

The masks do look like beards at first glance, even though they're green and the hair isn't green.

Samantha said...

Somehow this doesn't conjure up the image I'm sure the cake orderer intended.

$150. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

I thought those were leprechauns!

The Small Town Girl said...

I'm just very confused as to why the word "we'll" is in white...they obviously didn't run out of green...so confused...

Anonymous said...

Why do the nurses have big green beards?

Anonymous said...

i think the persons name who sent pic in, anony m., means anonymous...as in they were ashamed they paid so much for it.

Diamond said...

First, I saw leprechauns. Then I saw Luigi.

Anonymous said...

Look what I found on your blog:

What a hilarious ad.

Candice Black said...

Poor things are being eaten alive by carnivorous grass.

wordv: jilletem. Why'd jilettem charge you for this?

Anonymous said...

How shocking that so few people thought of Zelda's Link! It's all I can see!

Kerry said...

I thuoght they were leprechauns!

WV: chwinte; It was very hard to chwinte this cake because the frosting had solidified.

Anonymous said...

One phrase: Creepy stalker happy smiling hammer wielding demented leprechauns.
Read that out loud and try to say you aren't laughing. I DARE YA!!!!!!!!

Ms Unreliable said...

I'm voting for the leprechauns too, I was wondering why they had green bears and pints of beer. Don't be so hard on nurses!

Unknown said...

I love that the word "we'll" is in white, and all the other words are in green. Nice.

Anonymous said...

Mc elf's hammer time!

Angie said...

Oh the horror!!!
The last one brings back memories, horrible stick my head in the sand like an ostrich memories, but memories non the less.
My mother and now mother in law wanted to surprise me with the cake topper for my wedding. They kept saying oh your going to love it. Well it was similar to the topper on the last cake. I wanted to die when I say it.

Anonymous said...

I thought they were leprechauns with odd facial hair and protest signs. I couldn't figure out why the signs were blank.

Anonymous said...

I own a bakery and honestly, the price tag was unreal....it is an ugly cake. Forget the art work, pretend like that was all good, everything else my course 1 students can do better, smoothing, borders everything!
And sheet cakes aren't going to sell for $3 a serving unless they are amazing. It's not the same as a 100 serving wedding cake, come on! This is junk and shows why our hospital bills are so high! People stick it to businesses and those with good jobs....sad.

Anonymous said...

I thought they were leprechauns too... Yikes!

little gator said...

Every breath you take, WE'LL be bashing you!

Anonymous said...

Looks like they got the propofol right...

Shawty said...

Does anyone else beside me see the resemblance between this cake and CARDBOARD?!?! No? Hm.

But, of course, it's a piece of cardboard with LEPRECHAUNS who want to attack you with their mallets, so understandably it's 150 dollars. Of course. Just slap some leprechauns on and the price is instantly upped.

Anonymous said...

another crna, here--at least they got recognition for "crna week"--something that goes unnoticed where i work, even/especially by the docs i work for...

i'd even love a wreck cake. it's something, at least!

statistically, crna's give about 80% of all anesthetics in the usa. we are one of the best kept secrets in the profession. so, gimme a cake!!!

Cupcakes Lady said...

Leprechans, I thought that at first too! xx