Then there's this one from Mary C.:

And Maggie H. provided her boyfriend Cody with a birthday Wreckplica of his favorite Wreck:

Good work, everyone!
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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41 comments | Post a Comment
I just don't think I could make myself make that first wreck! I just couldn't. The coconut icing made my stomach churn just a little!
Yeah that first one is almost TOO good.
Yay, return of the mohawked infant carrot jockeys! My day just got brighter...and weirder.
Maybe it's because I have a bit of a hangover this a.m., but coconut icing face makes me want to hurl, and I think the Magnum PI cake is cute in a cartoon-y kind of way.
Oh, I should've sent in a picture of my birthday cake! Here: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v137/vfxgirly/001a.jpg It was inspired, of course, by the "At least you're pretty" cake in this post: http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/2008/08/cakes-for-all-ocassions.html
I've seen a few car wrecks in my life, but none have made me laugh like your cake wrecks!! I'm so grateful you are a daily poster!! Thanks for sharing your humor with all of us!!! My favorite is the fireman/woman with the immense, dripping "hose".
Wow, imagine, someday everyone will be able to go to the bakery, and ask to see the Wreck selection.
"Oh, that one is so tacky, I'll take it."
Yeah, that coconut icing really does add the perfect note of unappetizing
appearance. Well done!
Just when we all thought that particular "cake" couldn't get any worse!
What does a girl have to do to get a neanderthal cake for herself, hmmm?
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
I want the Tom Selleck cake for my birthday.
It's like deja vu all over again! Bravo!
Question: do they eat their handywork?
I think that is a pretty good Tom Selleck on the one cake! Has anyone done a Hassellhoff yet?
That's hilarious! It entertains me how Tom looks so glum on cake2.
They say imitation is the highest form of flattery. Considering that the "bakers" who made the wrecks being imitated deserve no flattery whatsoever, I deem this post to be Made of Fail.
You can't do better than carrot jockey babies on a cake. No sirree, that right there's a good cake wreckplication. Gimme some o' dat!
I was pleased to read that these were purposeful wrecks. The "It's a Gril!" CCC is going to give me nightmares and has already sent me to my medical reference books trying to figure out what horrible genetic syndrome that poor baby "gril" has.
Tom Selleck and Carrot-riding Mohawked Babies are no doubt destined to become classics.
Gosh, all Cake Wrecks needs now is a tribute BAND to go with all the tribute parties! Don't tell me you wouldn't go to that concert.
That first cake is good that it could be improved only with an injudicious use of quotation marks.
I didn't "see" a single set of out of place quotations anywhere on those tribute wrecks.
Someone is slipping up. :)
those are so funny!
ohhhh, the babies are so cute.
I think Tom look pretty special on cake 2, the chest hair looks a little like leeches on a rampage but otherwise a cool cake..
You did notice that the Selleck cake said Hairy Birthday, didn't you?
And dang, I love those mohawk baby carrot jockeys. So utterly cool!
the babies are a wreck icon.
Sadly...ccc have invaded our local bakeries. When I have a second and can find the usb cord. I'll email the pics.
wvotd spect....I 'spect someone got the Wilton book as an early Xmas gift"
Dude, I totally have one of those creepy little mini Kewpies!
I was hoping for a Who reference. I saw that first one and my mind went straight to the Face of Boe. Haha
That wrectacular version of Tom Selleck looks more like Saddam Hussein.
Selleck looks a bit like a cheesed-off/drugged Inspector Clouseau with that mustache.
wvotd: bostre. I'm not sure if that's supposed to be a noun or a verb.
Ok, Tom Selleck ended up looking like Borat, and the babies now have a carrot hot tub?
Sometimes when I'm feeling low, I'll look at your Curious George/Teenwolf blog entry, Jen. I immediately feel better, because I laugh like a ninny every time.
I followed a link from facebook. Hilarious! I must say that the "It's A Girl!" cake looks a bit like poo to me. Sorry..but it does.
Now those are some loyal readers who take their wreckreational baking seriously!
I think it's a real testament to what you've accomplished here, Jen, to know that fans seek to IMITATE some of your more infamous wrecks! Mo(hawk) power to you!
I have been out of the country for a week and when eagerly opened this blog to see what I missed I was I was so glad to see my favorite wreck - steam rolled teen wolf - return in a new female form. That was the cake I originally "laughed so hard I almost went pee in my pants" over at work and caused my coworkers to wonder if I was ok. This new version caused an even louder guffaw and even some snorting. I wish I had a shirt with this... Thank you Cake Wrecks.
The first one looks like Bill Cosby to me.
I have to say that I'm LOVING the Tom Selleck meta-wreck. I mean, seriously... how do you take something that scary and make it worse?! Good job, Mary C, for making this happen.
I just have to share this moment... I was scrolling down the page, showing my boyfriend my favorite posts, and when I came to this one, I just commented "Tribute cakes". He then said the most memorable thing ever (remember the first picture of this post when reading!):
"To what? Obama?!"
That first cake with the face actually made me gasp! I can't believe ve this was once an original cake...its insane. It kind of looks like vomit with a face.
where can I get some of those babies? I want to put them on my mom's birthday cake!
This is my first time commenting on here although I am an avid fan/reader and try never to go even one day without catching up on the daily "Cakewrecks" blog.
I am commenting to say that whoever prepared that Tom Selleck remake did a creepy job on the chest hair! It looked like a infestation of bugs were running from a can of Raid or something! It literally gave me the shivers which - if we go by "Cakewreck" rules - would signify that that cake was a fantabulous wreck huh?
Kristy in Texas
Giving a tribute is a good idea. Very nice.