What are you guys talking about? Our education system is fine. Really.
I just love getting the spoils after a victorious Wreckporter's first hunt. Here's what Lillian J. had to say:
"I thought that being a wreckhunter would be challenging, to say the least. There really couldn't be that many grocery store bakers that were as artistically challenged/borderline illiterate as your blog would suggest, right? After all, you have the agents fanning the entire country hunting down these elusive gems! I thought it would be months - nay, years! - until I saw one in real life. Still, I figured I'd give it a go. Imagine my giddy astonishment when I bagged this prime specimen on my very first wreckhunt!"
Excellent work, Lillian. You're a tiger. A wreck-hunting tiger.
58 comments | Post a Comment
Love it! Good work Lillian! I'm surprised it doesn't read "You're Vote Counst"
My eyes are bleeding - and yet there is so much truth in every vote counsting!
be kind, people. the dyslexic need jobs too.
Graet Wokr!
Um, Lillian, I think you meant "elusive", rather than "illusive"... it's okay, I figure you were just excited at your first successful wreckhunt: good one!
Oh, it's so bad that it's good!
Thanks for the election day laughs.
Maybe white icing instead of brown would have been more patriotic. Ha.
Or how about: Your Vote "Counts"
maybe the wrecktastic cake designer was just trying to be shakespearean?
**whispers** it's "elusive".
Illusive? "Having the quality of an illusion"?
sorry to be a spoilsport, but you might want to check your spelling as well. It would be 'elusive', not illusive. Thanks.
Wow, that is a new level of wreckiness!
Good job Lillian! Excellent. Your hard work counst.
I heart this cake and its underachieving, error-prone maker.
This is just sad. My heart hurts for the person who unknowingly buys this misspelled wreck! Don't forget to get out and vote today- your vote DOES counst... I mean counts.
So, so close.
Good wreck find, though!
See what happens when you don't vote? A child just got left behind.
That would be "elusive." Just sayin'.
- Grammar Police
Dyslexic cake decorators shouldn't be allowed to do writing.
Aaaaaaaahhhh hahahahahahahahaha!
Oh. Thank you. I needed that this morning!
Jen thanks for this 'tribute', your cake wrecks brings a smile to my face. From some of them it's not just a smile but ROFL.
And THIS, my fellow cake lovers, is why America is in such desperate need of change....
To the comments about "illusive" great catch. I sometimes think we all rely on spell check too much. At least it's a word. Not the right word but hey, who's countign?
Love it! I especially think that the icing is appropriate because clearly, much like the decorator's spelling abilities, the chocolate is a reminder of what is going down the toilet.
Ha Ha Ha! I laughed so hard I cried. I am going to the grocery store right now and I am taking my camera, yeth, I am.
Did George W make that cake?
I'm a 1st-time commenter, but long-time lurker here. I LOVE this blog. Jen, your commentaries rock my socks off. Keep up the good work!............Lyn
No child left beehind!!!
I would be tempted to buy that cake...
i'm surprised it doesnt say "you're"
Best election post I've read today!
Oh, the misery. That makes me want to cry.
(wiping away tears)
Thank you Lillian and thank you Jen. That just made all the political phone calls worth it.
this seems to be along the lines of "Can I aks you a question?"...
Remember, YoU're "voTe" counst..
Even worse, it could say "Your Vote Cunst"
Oh my!! very very funny! :-)
I think American needs a new policy of 'No Baker Left Behind'.
Give that girl a PRIEZ!
I think I'm going to have to start packing my camera in my purse.
That's awesome!
Oh, crap!! I wish I had read your blog BEFORE I went to vote. I wouldn't have voted no on the education issue on my ballot! Apparently they do need more tax money to go towards education.
LOL that is too funny!!! I found your blog the other day and have thoroughly enjoyed reading it!
(not to mention the color palette....lovely, eh??)
Every vote counts, but apparently, it can't spell.
I thought the cake said something obscene at first...
*shakes head in disbelief*
I found something for you!
Your vote counts, your spell check doesn't.
Let's be honest, it's almost a given that you're going to misspell something when you're criticizing spelling/grammar on the internet!
Great link Emily!
Semi-homemade shouldn't look 90% store-bought and 100% slopped together. Perfect for CW, though, and w/o any writing. Not always a simple feat. Kudos, semi-lady.
,,You're Vote Counst!"
All that is missing from this wreck are quotation marks and capitalized letters that are not the first.
Thank you for all of those who pointed out the illusive/elusive error, but I'd just like to AKS you one question:
Have any of YOU on the Grammar Patrol found a wreck as wonderful, as TOPICAL, and as brimming with chocolatey sincerity as this one Lillian J has bagged for our enjoyment?!
Your vote counts unless you live in the Middle Ages, then your count votes.
i am reminded of a teacher who, on a class field trip, ordered "a hot dog, without the apostrophe." (hot dog's, as the sign said.)
while my blatant disregard for capitalization drives others mad, at least i'm not trying to SELL my mistakes.
oh well... at least it was good for the laugh! keep them coming.
i am glad they didn't leave out the "o" eek.
I FIGURED IT OUT PEOPLE!!!...These bakery people aren't stupid!!! They are actually very bright...This is how it works:
1. Create a cake too ugly or misspell the message.
2. Deny any of the work done "I don't know who made that" (in case the boss asks)
3. Wait for the customers to NOT BUY the monstrosity and boss asks which staff member wants to take unsold cake home for free.
4. Laugh hysterically all the way home in the car how you wrangled yet another free cake for the family this weekend.
ps. as I write this...how ironic that the word verification is 'convic' Convict? Criminal or press charges on these cake free loaders? LOLOLOLOL
Counst - that sounds like it's past tense. Or maybe that's, "Your vote counsted." Yes, that's right.