Something about the exuberant inscription paired with this pathetic Wrecky mess is totally tickling my funny bone. I'm not sure what Ashley is "Freeeeeee" from, but evidently it's not melting Wrecks with wonky candles and wax drippings.
Thanks to Monique R., Wreckporter extraordinaire.
UPDATE: Aha, we have back story! Thanks to Melissa for providing the original link.
48 comments | Post a Comment
How much did she charge when she was 25??
That is the UGLIEST thing!! What is up with the boarder? IS it only cool now to have a nice boarder on part of the cake and then let it trail off down one side and who knows where it went in the back--very strange!!
Ok here's the thing, it's true that this is a cake from a store and should have looked professional, but since the official cake decorator didn't show up, what was the choice? No cake at all, or a valiant, heart-felt stab at it? IMO this should still fall under the made with love kinds of cakes.
Btw I love your blog and it has inspired me to start making home-made frosting for my cake-mix cupcakes for all future birthdays.
Still, you gotta admit, those candles are pretty cool.
Without that back story, I was going to say that there is no way that was paid for...I wouldn't have left without a refund and a different cake. I feel bad that these businesses have such a lack of common sense.
Oh, man! This happened to AshleyG?? I recognize her from Etsy. Wrecks are just so much sadder when they happen to someone you know (or to someone you stalk on the internet).
Awesome! I love the backstory too! Poor girl! ;)
I was going to say that there is no way this isn't homemade, but reading the back story, I'm actually kind of impressed that the shift manager took a stab at it. No way should they have charged her though! Even at its wreckiest, a Ben & Jerry's cake still tastes delcious!
You know, seeing these professional cakes gone wrong makes me glad I have never, ever ordered a custom cake. :D
I like how Ashley is so lighthearted about it. At least her other presents were awesome.
It seems rare that an ice cream cake ends up on the table without any wreckage. Thank goodness it has ice creamy deliciousness to make up for it!
O.M.G.... Never mind the cake. I must have that cat dish!!! Best part of the whole story. *grins*
OMG, I love how the frosting is just melting off the sides and all.
I'm most impressed by the uniform sheen of glow that appears on the surface of the cake from the candlelight. Yikes.
I love that the kid left in charge took "a stab" at it...and the boyfriend [baby daddy] bought it. Too cool.
It is a complete wreck, but the love is there and the kid at B*J's tried.
Do they deserve their money back? OH yeah, but she seems to love it on her blog, so all was not lost.
So bad it's good!
Without the back story it would be hard to believe this was not homemade. It wasn't made by a professional though, so I'm not sure it counts there. The writing is pretty good IMHO considering its a first attempt.
The cake said, "Helllp....I'm melllting!"
Me, Ben, & Jer...my favorite menage a trois!!!
Ben and Jerry's ice cream?? Was there a cake in there somewhere?? Yuck. Icing and ice cream. Double yuck. She should have received the "cake" free of charge, in my opinion. Poor Ashley. At first glance, I thought she might be free of a husband or lover or disease?
I love how the little pink things look like they're trying to flee the scene. AAAHHH! Run awaaaaaaay!
Go little pink things! Be free!
I know those candles. I wanted something more than just plain candles for my BF's recent birthday and got those at Wal-mart. The first one was unrecognizably melted before we were half done with lighting the rest of the letters :-( They are a cake wreck waiting to happen to some unsuspecting party-planner. Fortunately, I didn't make a cake, though - just un-iced brownies. But seriously, stay AWAY from those candles.
I love the placement of the candles. It's like "oops, we ran out of room! I guess we'll just drop those last few letters down the side."
The backtrack totally makes this cake great! Hope that not only did they get their money back but also some extra.
Oh my sad sad looking cake. I can understand that someone who does not do cakes would well not do the best job and hey he did spell everything correctly right? Of course you would have thought the manager would have looked at the end resultes said ummm there's nothing I can do about it and at least offered it reduced or free. Oh well....
WreckTACular cake, fabulous birthday story. Definitely one for the scrapbook! :)
Why am I suddenly reminded of the Wizard of Oz?
"Look what you've done! I'm melting! melting!"
Love the blog, too funny, but seriously what is wrong with people that they buy the cake, take it home, eat the cake! and THEN seek a refund??? If you want a refund get it then and there if you take it you bought it, too bad for you, I hope it tastes better than it looks!
I'm guessing the white icing is ice cream? Mostly I'm dumbfounded how the border slid off :)
And even if the cake decorator didn't show up, I say take one for the team, call the person who is paying money and say "hey... our cake decorator didn't show up. You don't owe us any money."
And then go to the grocery store and get a pint of B&J and put a candle in it :)
Freee! I hope the cake was freee.
~Amy B.
It sorta looks like the Happy Birthday is missing the d or the a at the end.
But if it's ice cream, I can see why icing is sliding off the sides.
If I wanted a poorly done cake, I could do that myself. For freeeeeeeeeeeee!
Wow. WOW. I mean, good on the people for making the attempt when they got left in the lurch by their decorator, but it should have been free or severely discounted!
That original post now really makes me want to make a mustache with a mustache cake, though :-D
Is that a bra there in the upper right corner of the photo? Maybe that's what she's free from.
This site is great.
And my own 26th birthday is on the 20th. I hope my cake fares better.
My own 26th birthday was last month, my husband bought those same candles for me, and he also could not center them on the cake. Cracks me up.
I try to tell people, start with the center letter and work your way out, but do they listen? Of course not...
Beth`s comment has me ROTFLMAO ! Omgosh that is too funny.
I think the cake should read 26 and this cake is free.
Honestly, why would someone leave the store with that? Why would any self respecting employee allow that cake to leave the store?
I honestly think either of my kids could have done a better job.
Aww... I think it's kinda cute.
Hello, It seems rare that an ice cream cake ends up on the table without any wreckage. Thank goodness it has ice creamy deliciousness to make up for it!
Goji Berries | GoChi
Okay, to be fair, it can be assumed that although the cake decorator obviously did not exactly go all out on the effort of decorating this...oh my gosh, a star border and some plain writing,...must have raken her all of 5 whole minutes... but the rest of the disaster may have occured in a hot car on the way home.
BWAHA! The back story is pretty funny, but my naughty mind was DEFINITELY coming up with way more interesting storylines...
There is an Ashley on a cloud.
I like to go there when she's freeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!11
Nobody dares to laugh out loud
When they see Ashley's horriblecakethatlookslikeas***tycloud
I used to decorate ice cream cakes. Almost all ice cream places universally use a frosting petrochemical called "Better Cream". You have to whip it for just the right amount of time so that it turns from a gloopy, oily mess into a fake-o whipped cream. If you don't whip it long enough, it comes out like this- Shiny, wet plastic. It's horrible stuff.
Scott :
One word: Pyrophosphate
One of the ingredients in Betty Crocker Frosting.
I win!
that looks strikingly similar to the ben and jerry's cake I ordered and was charged for on my 25th bday...I too sought and received a refund....gotta find that photo!
The cake is just pathetic, but the backstory behind it is freakin hilarious! And the fact it came from a large establishment. What happened to stores and restaurants being too embarrassed of letting things out of their kitchens looking like that?
I just want to know if it is a take off on Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets where Dobby (the house elf) is freed and he says "Dobby is Freeeee" (ok so maybe I'm the only one with Dobby's voice in my head on this one - blame Pottercast having that clip in their intro (or is it the end - well whichever)
Dude, that is just SAD! LOL The back story was pretty hilarious.