Hey Lee C., "Jean" is going to be ticked you blew her cover. Still, as reader appsnchaps pointed out, at least she got sprinkles.
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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43 comments | Post a Comment
At least "Jean" got sprinkles. . .
What an "attractive" cake.
I'm thinking they maybe should have put the quotes around "young". Is that licorice on that cake?
I think some cake decorators need to take a few english classes! LMBO! Keep up the good work "Jen". (if that is, indeed, your real name!)
At least she got sprinkles
The "J" looks funny---and just like the "Y" until the extra line was added. And are the red arches jelly or hot lava? Poor "Jean".
did anyone notice how there are random patches of sprinkles???
Poor, poor "Jean".
Nice sprinkle application...I'm laughing because that's exactly how my 5 year old would put them on. One pinch, right here, another pinch, right over there. OK, done! Poor "Jean".
my grandma puts quotes around everyone's name like that for "decoration"
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
why the hesitation on the "n?"
I don't know... looks like "Jearv" to me...
I just "love" your blog. It is so "funny".
Your "friend",
Additional penalty for clumpy use of sprinkles and awkward lettering.
The quotes still boggle my mind.
This poor cake has sprinkle pattern baldness. Sad. Maybe Betty Crocker has a Rogaine equivalent for that.
I "love" misused "quotation" marks. They make "me" chuckle.
It looks like the sprinkle fairy had the flu...vomiting small puddles all over the poor cake. At 83 years, don't you think "Jean" should have a nice looking cake? But no, alas, "Jean" is resigned to this wreck...
Oh, and did anyone ever think that maybe, just MAYBE "Jean"'s parents put the quotes around her name on purpose?? :D
My mother-in-law always signs her birthday cards: Have a "Happy Day!". I've always what she means by it! So I got out and have a good day regardless. That way, I'm either taking her best wishes to heart, or I'm spiting her. I doubt I'll ever know which!
Poor "Jean". I wonder if she had a "Happy Day!"
What is the deal with people and their "quotations"? I bet the same people use inappropriate air quotes too.
Maybe her real name is Denim.
So "Jean," if that is her real name, stuck it out for 83 years (and the last few have been no picnic, I'm sure) for this cake that not only is decorated terribly but has also outed her from the witness protection program. Poor "Jean."
Every time my mother gives any of us children a card, she writes our names within "quotes". Makes me wonder if I've been running around for 49 years without knowing my real name and perhaps I'm on the witness protection plan.
It's a good thing my mom was a "nurse" and not a "cake decorator". Or is it?
I don't think it's licorice...maybe the jellied blood of the young?
Happy 83rd birthday Jea-squiggle!
Argh! My aunt does that on every card she's ever given us! Merry Christmas, "Shannon" Happy Birthday "Amy". It's traumatic when you're already a kid who thinks she's adopted.
This just shows you....
"Jean"'s name is probably "Jean". Quotation marks and all. Who knows? It may have been her parents' favorite punctuation marks so they decided, "Hey, let's put those cute little marks around her name!" There you have it. Not a mistake at all.
Omigod! I just love how so many people said 'Poor "Jean"' :D
Ok. First for the "good." "Jean" got sprinkles. Can't be all bad if you get sprinkles. Now for the "bad." How much time do we have? The cake decorator looks like they forgot if they were doing all caps or upper/lower case when they wrote her name. Looks like they started writing the "n" in lower case, then remembered they were writing in all caps today and tried to compensate. I have no idea what happened with the "a" in "years." Those red blobs (blood? I hope not!) around the edge of the cake may be leftover from that shark CC from yesterday, from all those ripped off hands and feet. Poor, poor "Jean."
OMG! I can't stop using "quotation marks!" Help meeee!
That looks like it should be posted here:
Her Husbands name is "Denim"
ewwww! what's "with" the random sprinkle placement??
If her husband's name is "Denim" then is their last name "Jacket"?
If she's using a fake name, you know she's lying about being 83, too.
Baaaaad. It's not such an obvious wreck, but it's not that good looking either. Send it back, is what I'd have done!
Erin already posted the link to The “Blog” of “Unnecessary” Quotation Marks--that's all I could think about when viewing "Jean's" cake. I'm a huge "fan" of crazy "punctuation."
What's with the blood-colored leeches parading around the edge of the cake? Ewww.
I had a cake with quotation marks around my husband's name a few years ago TOO! We joked the whole night about it and even took pictures with us holding up "quote fingers" in honor! I knew what this post was about when I saw the title!!
I love how the sprinkles are in little clusters
Looks as though "John McCain" decorated this cake!
Did they decorate it in fake Hollywood blood? Eww!
oh dear lord I'm on the school library computers and I am helplessly crackin up!!! stifling laughter just makes it worse.
My boyfriend's mother always writes birthday cards and the like in this way! She puts his name in quotes inside the card...it makes no sense! I guess she is not the only one.