Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fan Wrecks

Sunday, September 7, 2008

We've officially come full circle, folks: people are now making Wrecks on purpose, either in honor of the site or just to recreate their favorite specimens. Check it out:

This wrecktastic design was the brainchild of readers Alissa, Elisa, Phillip, Gail & Tara. Hey guys, shouldn't the baby be riding one of those carrots?

Msyendor was more musically inspired: here's a song to the tune of "Working on the Railroad":

"I've been looking at some Cake Wrecks,
And laugh until I cry.
I've been looking at some Cake Wrecks,
So glad one isn't mine!

Visions of sweet disasters
See 'Toe Jams' 8/11/08.
Missed spellings gaily plastered
Ferule to, uh, pree, she aaaate!

Baby butts upturned,
'Wachungas' -what a word,
Effigies invite you: Slash away!

Psychedelic dreams,
Done in tasty butter cream,
I'm putting in an order today!"

Readers Aimee C., Amy G., Jessica S., & Amanda K. threw a Cake Wreck Decorating Party:

A "patchwork quilt" of "wreckish elements". (If you say so, guys...)

And a nicely inappropriate use of quotation marks. "Excellent!"

"Run, Wall-E, Run!"

Here's an official Wreck, since it was professionally made for an Army guy. Submitter Lena had the decorator replace the original inscription with the most famous of Wreck mistakes, and then swapped Eve out for a toy tank. (Which is especially funny when you realize the blue is supposed to be the night sky - it's a Hover Tank!) Believe it or not, though, the space poos are part of the original design - proving that it wasn't that far off from wreckiness to begin with.

And lastly, the quintessential Cake Wrecks homage:

Not only is the inscription referencing at least five separate Wrecks, it's also rocking some extremely unbalanced sprinkles distribution and crazy clashing red dots. Score!

Teresa B. and gang, you rock. Totally.

snowroses said...

Good for dieters

Anonymous said...

that last cake... for some reason it disturbs me more than anything to see quotation marks unmatched. Maddening. In paying homage to this site, they made something more hideous than anything yet I've seen. said...

I just love this site. Always good for a laugh and a sigh of relief that none of my OWN cakes are on it!!

joyce said...

It was just a matter of time. I must confess that I have had the same order a cake with cake wrecks on top. I was one of those too cheap moms, and made birthday cakes at home. Now all my boys want pineapple-upside down cakes that take no icing, so I am off the hook.

Amanda said...

Those cakes are all good, but the last cake the best. What a fantastic job mixing tons of bad cakes together!

Anonymous said...

i really like these cakes. i've never seen any like them before. great idea for a blog!

Anonymous said...

Awesome, everyone! Great jobs!

Hyla said...

LOL, these are great! A cake wreck party, how fun!


Momof4 said...

Wow! That means you're officially "famous"!

These were "fun."

Erin said...

Bad quotation marks: they're not just on cakes anymore.

Anonymous said...

I thought the Wall-E one was the beach and water, not the sky and hills! I thought, 'Amphibi-tank!'

Dea said...

Effigy in Icing - delicious!

Lauren said...

Just thought I'd throw out this little gem as it occurred to me:

cake wreck decorating party -> cake wreckorating party

Cheesy, yet appropriate I think ;)

Anonymous said...

I think my favorite part of the "We 'Read" Your Blog" cake is the purple spermatazoa with the yellow tails.

The baby on the carrot cake appears to be wrestling with a squid. I actually kind of love that concept because it's very nearly as wrong as the baby carrot cavalry.

Anonymous said...

I am now addicted to your blog and have to check it every day. This morning, I laughed so hard, I started to do the ugly know, the snorting, cannot breathe, drooling down my chin laugh! Love it!

Moominmama said...

OMG! Meta-Wrecks!

Anonymous said...

The final cake was a thing of great beauty. Go Cake Wrecks!

Anonymous said...

On the last wreck, I counted 7 references.

'The Cake That Started It All'
'Speaking of Weeding...'
Almost ALL quotation mark cakes.
'There Is No Black And White...' (I got that impression based on the dots.)
'What We Have Here is a Failure to Communicate'
'Extra Terrible'.

There's probably more, but that's all I could count. xD I LOVE your blog, by the way!

CaliGirl9 said...

I hate to confess that I think the patchwork quilt of wreckish elements is kinda cute ...

I am on my way to pick up my daughter's 25th b-day cake. It is coming from a reputable boutique bakery staffed with English-speaking, culinary school graduate professional bakers and decorators, and it will be decorated with (feminine) dragonflies and ladybugs with my daughter's name in Tiffany blue. I am sure it will be very nice, but I have been having "cake wrecks" nightmares since I ordered it on Tuesday. There are many opportunities for wreck-ness in this one.

xoxomirr said...

bahahaha this is the most hilarious blog idea ever! I love it!

Persnickety Ticker said...

That last one was CakeWreckTastic!

Thanks for having a such a great site!

CharmCityChica said...

Gotta say, the cake-wreck decorating party is a pretty awesome idea...

whywouldyouknitthat said...

That is too funny! Love the quilt cake. I have probably made some similar looking cakes in my day, only on accident. LOL

LadyCiani said...

Ok, on the tank cake, I'm not seeing Wall-E, I'm seeing Johnny-Five as in "Number 5 is Alive!" from the (old-ish) movie Short Circuit. Something about the robot's head/eyes/eyebrows.


diddlesgirl said...

i love it! i just bought my sister's birthday cake and the next day thought . . why didn't I have them write that cake-wreck style? we are both quite addicted!

CaliGirl9 said...

Not a cake wreck, but I turned the bakers at Icing on the Cake in Los Gatos, California on to your blog. I confessed that I'd been worried all week about this, even though I saw the clerk write down everything correctly and even said for the decorator to have fun...

My daughter's b-day cake:

Her name in Tiffany's Blue, no quotation marks, no "name in Tiffany's Blue"!

Thank you for the new neurosis! I will never order a decorated cake the same way again, and definitely never by phone!

Zitny Clan said...

I love, love, love your blog! I saw your original cake wreck on Failblog some time ago, and didn't know about your blog until last week. I'm so glad I found it! Thank you for feeding my silly quirky sense of humor like no one else can!

Anonymous said...

Great Blog, came here via Blogs of Note, which I don't normally follow, however for some perverse reason, I did today. Who would have thought that Cake Wrecks could have made such a successful blog, congratulations.
I won't pick on a particular wreck, merely to note that all are within the bound of a disaster. Will post a note at my place to spread the wreckage.

Heather said...

Just when I think this blog can't get any funnier...

dlyn said...

The We "Read" Your "Blog" one totally cracked me up!

Shoshanah Marohn said...

I wish I went to that cake wreck party! I mean, they ate the cakes, too, right? A good laugh and a good cake. What could be better?

Anonymous said...

The quotations marks one is amaaaaaazing. I only wish it wasn't done purposely.

Colleen Hawley said...

Love the blog...being a consistent creator of culinary wrecks (

Wish I'd taken a picture!

Jacq said...

That final wreck is inspired!

JRM said...

I had a dream about Cake Wrecks last night. What does that say about me?!?! The decorators were arguing whether the babies were supposed to be on the carrots or next to them. I think they wound up going half and half...

Becky said...

The font on the babies one is so creepy. You were featured in today's Boston Metro in the recommended blogs section, BTW. Congrats!

Lindy said...

The 'we "read" your "blog"' needed one more element - adding "you're" - as in 'we "read" you're "blog"'. That would be another great homage to wreckedness.
So glad I found you through Blogs of Note. The first day I read Wrecks I laughed so hard the tears wouldn't stop coming. It wouldn't be the same without your great commentary - you are absolutely hilarious! Thank you!

John Thai said...

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm i love cakes

Leslie said...

Well done Wreckers! I just peed my pants at the ETs.

Anonymous said...

God when I saw the title for the Wall-E cake I swear I held my breath for a moment....I made one of those a few days ago at work. Thank god that one isn't mine. That "Wall-E" cake is a disaster...Looks NOTHING like the design is supposed to. Maybe I should send a link of this blog to my employers, maybe they'll raise my pay! LOL!!


Anonymous said...

On that first one I thought it said "Eat Rabies". Um...okay.

motivated said...

Okay, I've been stalking your site now for a little bit after a friend blogged about your blog. :) I love it! My mom has been a cake decorator for years, so anything dealing with cake catastrophies humors me. But I feel really dumb... what does "ET" mean? Somebody please explain!

Alison said...

don't forget that on your "weeding day, you get murried. COMQUADULATIONS!!

Anonymous said...

Crazy Mcwife, to know the ET reference, please refer to 'Extra Terrible' that was posted on 8/9/08. This will explain all! :)

Jennifer Good said...

Isn't this breaking the rule of what can be posted? =P Still amused, though. I like the last one best.

fug estate said...

Comgradulations cake FTW!
Put Some Babies On It for runner-up win!
*wipes away tears of gleeful laughter*

HomeRoamer said...

This is just perfect!

Unknown said...

Was this cake intended for a gardener? That's the only way I can account for congratulating someone on their "weeding".
Hilarious as always.

Last night I had my husband close to tears when he got to see the mohawk-baby carrot jockeys for the first time!


The Girl Next Door said...

Oh my that last cake is just too funny! What were they trying to say!

Covered In Crafts said...

OMG!! I just love this site. Seriously. Priceless. Love the fan cakes!

Tania said...

Love your blog. I found what that Wall-E cake was supposed to look like here

It's a Wilton cake decorating set so it should have been a no brainer!

j3nm4k said...

the white poo on the wall-e cake are actually star-shaped sprinkles...

rebecca said...

that was staged. no one, and i mean no one, could mess up so awfully.

Anonymous said...

this has to be staged. its impossible that this cake is legitimate.

Anonymous said...

Is the background in this one the background from Antoine De St Exupery's 'Petit Prince,' (the bit at the end where he talks about his favourite landscape)?