Not all Cake Wrecks are a result of poor construction, as you can see from this example. Some cake artists just seem to forget that, at the end of the day, their creation is meant to be eaten. Can you seriously imagine being told to slice up and serve this cake?
And baby shower cakes seem to be the worst offenders in this vein. People, try to think outside the box, will you? Just because the occasion has "baby" in the name doesn't mean the cake has to BE a baby, mmkay? You don't see bridal shower cakes made to look like the bride, do you? Oh, wait - scratch that example...
But getting back to this cake - I think the worst part is that the baby is staring at me. No, really - check out the right eye. [shudder] Dang, that would be spine-tingling even if it were a real baby, you know? (And can you imagine being the person who gets served that eye? Eeeek- I'm going to give myself nightmares.) Call me finicky, but I really can't eat anything that looks like its looking at me.
Still not creeped out? Then watch the video of this cake's construction. The final few seconds are the stuff horror flicks are made of ("The eye! It's opening! Aaauggh!!!).
111 comments | Post a Comment
For some reason the name Rumpelstiltskin popped into my head when I saw this cake.
My daughter literally jumped back from the computer screen when I told her it was a cake.
That's some scary shiznit right there.
it's the left eye that looks a slit open. creeeeeepy!!
In all fairness to the creator, the cake wasn't meant to be served and eaten. It was for a sculpted cake contest: Cake 2006 at NEC Birmingham, UK by Michelle Wibowo.
But, it IS creepy. ;)
The artistry in this cake can't be denied but the "Chucky Factor" just so creeps me out. I'd feel like a baby killer cutting into this cake. Eeeuuuwww.
I remember seeing the video some time ago and thinking "eck!" who the HE** is going to eat the baby! Okay, so it was made for a competition, but still, in general cake is meant to be eaten, so even a competition cake should be tasteful enough to be eaten (no pun intended).
I agree with anonymous....cakes are meant to be eaten! Competition or not!
If I were to make a cake that looked like a baby though, I'd at least make a CUTE baby. This one looks like it's had a hard life and has been hitting the "bottle" just a little too much......
but if you cut into it, is it red? are there bones?
Yikes! Not sure if I'd want a piece of this cake either.
I've seen similar stuff from Asia, bakery that makes products to look like human body parts.
So, do you think it was a red velvet cake?
I'll never be able to say "Why you just look good enough to eat!" to a baby again!
How *perfect* would it be to serve this cake to a support group for moms with post-partum depression? Just think--a safe way to act out your fantasies ;-)
Your site is great! I arrived here courtesy of a link off of joemygod.blogspot.com.
I personally think almost her entire portfolio of work are eligible to be cakewrecks! I mean, it's great that she's apparently making a handsome living off of this stuff, but it boggles the mind who orders these things. I've seen some weird similar stuff on "King of Cakes" on the Food Channel, but nothing as creepy as this baby!!
Ooh--I call the soft spot!
Golly Jeepers! Totally grotty. And the WORST PART??? The cake maker is NOT wearing a HAIR NET!
There are lot of things beyond babys and bunnys and stuff... really mean things...
Not everything has to be all cute and and adorable...
...ya seen Trainspotting?
Well, if your a cannibal looking for a birthday cake, this would work. I'm Sure Dr. Lecter would serve it to his patients!
Silence of the babies!
Quit being sissies. I would love to take a knife to this cake and devour it!
How cool would that be?
M-M-M! That's some gooood baby.
Who the heck would eat that?!?!
I'd eat it. To paraphrase Dylan Moran: "I just want to eat the face, I like to interact with my food, and if you eat the eyes first, you'll always win the staring contest."
The best part is, when I watched the youtube video, I honestly thought the information said "The Making of a lifeless Baby Cake for sculpted cake competition"
Somehow, the fact that it looks like Mother Theresa as an infant disturbs more than anything else.
I think it's a changeling! Can't you see? The slightly wrinkly appearance, the eerie facial expression. All says "changeling" to me.
So that is where Kuato's been hiding all these years! Someone call Arnold.
wouldnt it be a bit wierd having to slide a knife into a newborn?? It coudld give someone an appitite for stabbing babies and or pregnant women...
That's beyond wrong. As a vegan, even if it were a vegan cake, I'd probably still consider eat it wrong... cannibalism, if you will.
Awesome blog, btw, it took everything in me to wait till I got home to read more after I got the link :)
Clearly, based on the fact that this is meant to be slices, is either to celebrate a bris, or a congrats on your abortion cake :D.
+10 experience points for sliding a knife into this train wreck!
Yea, speaking of horror flicks- the first thing I thought of when I saw this cake was the remake of Dawn of the Dead!!! ZOMBIE BABY.
Well, to be fair, the YouTube link says it was for a competition. I agree that it's way, WAY too creepy to eat, though. *shudder*
cutting into that with a knife is just too creepy
Is it just me, or does it look like the li'l baby is resting on dishtowels?
And Beth, you're right. It does look like the zombie baby from the "Dawn of the Dead" remake. Ain't nuttin' wrong with zombies.
But the first zombie baby I was thinking of when I saw this Undead Pastry was the anklebiter (sorry, I couldn't resist) from Peter Jackson's magnum opus "Dead Alive."
I think that someone took that phrase from Austin Powers "I'm gonna eat your baby" a little too far. Also that baby looks a lot like a dead baby. It is very creepy...indeed.
Yes, I would have to say this one sort of creeped me out a bit. The baby itself is a little creepy looking...but the thought of slicing into it...what were they thinking?
It looks like one of the munchkins of the lollipop guild in the Wizard of Oz....way too creepy, to eat or to just look at!
This kind of thing is precisely why Charm City Cakes (Ace of Cakes fame on Food Network) stopped doing cakes of people's pets. It just got too disturbing.
"Who wants cake?"
" I do! I do! AHHHHHH!!! We're eating Scraps?!!? WAHHHHH!!!!!"
The commentary alone on this post is well worth coming here!!
Thank you for making a truly awesome site (I would say hawesome, my highest compliment, but I'm afraid the spelling people would be on my butt about it. Alright I'll say it any way. Your blog. It is the hawesome.)
The baby looks a little like a mythological dwarf of some sort to me. Or maybe I'm just a big dork like that.
Also, does it look to anyone else like the "baby" is covered with whatever rags happened to be lying around? Like, "Well, our baby is ugly. Let's put a burlap sack over it and forget about it. Maybe it'll go away."
Doesn't this remind anyone of the line "Open your mind Quaid" of Total Recall fame?
"Quaid! Start the reactor!"
Oh my! That is just sooo creepy.. and besides that, how do you make such a real-looking cake anyway?? and why!?
It looks like an infant Yoda offered up on a platter to the Dark Lord. "Mmm, infant Jedi! Tasty!"
Can you imagine putting candles in this? "Oops, set the baby on fire!"
It doesn't even look like a baby, it looks like a shriveled old woman alien. Even those creepy realistic baby dolls in the newspaper inserts (which are weird to the extreme anyway) look more like an actual baby than this does.
Whoever wondered if it was a red velvet cake should get a prize. Especially if it also has strawberry jam filling.
just watched the video, very clever, but i agree, creepy as hell. I actually got goosebumps as it zoomed in at the end.
I sure as hell wouldn't want to watch it in reverse, that WOULD be like a horror movie!
I've just discovered your blog and cannot stop laughing at the insanity of some people! This is a friggin' scary cake. Sort of weird is the fact that several of the "related videos" on the YouTube page for the video of the baby cake are of women breastfeeding toddlers... educational or for perverts?
I'm dying, I'm laughing so hard I absolutely cannot breath. That is the scariest looking baby cake I've ever seen. I'm pretty sure it may just come alive Child's Play style, for goodness sakes it looks like Chuckie!
I just found your blog and I am laughing so hard I am crying! Makes our little "Happy Birtday Andy" cake look so peanuts. But this particular baby one gives me sympathy for the 2-year old Elmo lover I know who let out horrified screams when mommy started to cut into his Elmo cake. . . . now I get it!
Did they catch the serial killer that asked this to be made?
That is so damn wrong. And it totally looks like an "early" baby so it's double sick that they are going to eat it.
What's next? Placenta cake?
How do you figure out you can create this sort of thing? The creepiest part of the video is the construction of the baby's right arm. It took soooo long & there was so much detail. Something about those tiny baby-hand fingernails is creepin' me out man! UCK & Shudder...
I just found your blog and I am laughing so hard! As one who has a hobby of cake decorating, I see a bunch of examples of "what NOT to do!"
Jade, show me a cake that's not meant to be eaten, and I'll show you an utter waste of cake.
This cake is an abomination. The demon child must be destroyed! And eaten! Mmmmm...
The love child of E.T.?
Also, the music in that video is so frenetic and ominous that it makes it seem like something TERRIBLE is about to happen - and it DID.
This blog is awesome, LOL....I have been sharing some of the worse ones with my husband and when I showed him this one, he said, "Hmm...wonder if it's a red velvet cake?"
Reading the comments, I see he's not the first to ponder this, LOL....Just had to share. Great site!
That looks like Quato from Total Recall!!!
Wow. I could not imagine eating that. Does anyone else see that its like a deflated baby?
Looking through her portfolio I have to say it is pretty impressive, Id rather see her have a show than Charm City she definitely has much more talent. Sorry to all hte fans but a cake decorator that uses rice krispies as a short cut is not one to me.
It is very interesting but I can't decide who it resembles the most: Author Truman Capote, North Carolina Senator Jesse Helms or composer Paul Williams.
Snort... best caption ever... tears are flowing, I'm rolling... wooo... hilarious.
thanks :)
I actually went to this person web site to look at her cakes. And while I have to admit she can spin a frosting bag. She does not seem to have a grasp of what looks normal, fake or out and out creepy. Her animals are strange looking some huge dinosaur with eyes that look like they are human eyes. Then what got me was a BMW car cake with Happy 30th to Michael on it. You have to see the two people standing next to the car. One looks like a pimp and the other male is half the size dressed in pink shoes and a pink sports jacket and nothing else. I gave that five Whisk's for being just freaky and in poor taste. As far as the baby cake goes, give me the knife, anyone care for a slice.
~Chef in a Box~
This cake will give me nightmares.
If it was red velvet I would totally eat it! Mmm... red velvet. Totally fits, though. XD
It looks like the offspring of a highly ill-advised union between E.T. and Mother Teresa.
Cake is not sculpture. Anything you make is going to be eaten (unless it is such a wreck that no one will touch it.) IF IT CREEPS YOU OUT TO THINK OF EATING IT, DON'T MAKE IT OUT OF CAKE!
(If eating that wouldn't creep you out, you are sick)
That cake has Fat Bastard written all over it lol.
What would Duff Goldman say...
This brought to mind the old Tom Petty music video "Don't Come Around Here No More" which had an Alice in Wonderland theme. At the end, Alice became a life-size cake and they ate her. Well...at least THAT was fantasy. This is just...ew.
Awww I think it's gorgeous!
I went to this site, the woman who made this cake actually won an award for it!
I watched the video. This woman is a genius. It's too bad she hasn't learned to use her power for good instead of evil. And what's with the 8 layers of fondant and a cake solid enough to carve, I'm sure it was "tasty."
Open your mind, Quaid. Open your miiiiiiind. Open youuuur miiiiiiiiiind. Ooopen your miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiind!
Ewwwwww! Reminds me of those dolls that really look like live babies. Maybe I'm alittle extra touchy since I went to an infant funeral 3 weeks ago.
And that music! I know Flight of the Bumblebee is used for speed, but that version just makes the video even creepier...
Does this remind anybody else of Benjamin Button?
I just found the link of how it was made lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFx2hSkuWk8
It looks like a 70 year old baby.... it's too creepy to eat
Is it wrong that I really want to eat a baby cake? I'm going to have to find one, and get some friends to help me eat it.
Mm, delicious youth!
Benjamin Button???
my god, that is terrifying!
Anyone else think it looks like E.T.?
I couldn't eat a baby! it's way too realistic
The cake maker got an AWARD for the cake,I wonder if the judges actually ate a slice,or declared her a winner at the spot so they wouldn't have to slice it up.
this is god-awful. lol. very well put together, but if someone presented this cake to me at a babyshower, I would be horribly frightened...
Reminds me of something some stand-up comic said about a newborn once. "That's not a baby, that's a junkie!"
Oh my. Is it sort of a voodoo cake? I'm not sure what anyone would have against a baby this young, but it's either a voodoo cake or someone trying to quit cannibalism cold turkey.
And to Sara: "I call the soft spot"? really? EWW!!
I'm not eating that thing, it's been dead too long. Euw.
Ugh, this is solidly in the Uncanny Valley.
Ignoring the obvious squick factor...
After that much fondant, you may as well switch your artistic medium to Sculpey; at least then you won't have the ramifications of it being edible! (Not that I consider that much lightly-sweet crayon wax to be edible anyway...)
Call me old fashioned, but I would think cakes would have to be at least 51% actual cake by weight to be eligible for competition.
I love the cake, but I just couldnt cut into it. i'd feel like I was committing a murder!
Linda Wadsworth
I just showed this picture to my hubby and he said "is that Benjamin Button?" Hahaha...
Hi! Sorry, I know this is an old post... you must get enough comments to moderate as it is... but I just wanted to say how much I looooooooooooove your blog!
Ok this is a VERY cool job. That being said - what's with that frigging eye?!?!?! Freaks me right the heck out.....
Gives a whole new twist to the saying of having a baby in the oven, don't it?
What is the material this thing is made of? Plasticene? Silicone?
I'm trying to imagine what would be firm enough and plastic enough to sculpt in this way, but still edible. Something tells me it would be like biting into a big chunk of sealing wax.
What is the material this thing is made of? Plasticene? Silicone?
I'm trying to imagine what would be firm enough and plastic enough to sculpt in this way, but still edible. Something tells me it would be like biting into a big chunk of sealing wax.
Augh! *twitch* THE CAKE IS A LIE!!! (Portal reference for the win!)
Wow, watching that video was the longest 3:15 of my life! I looked down at the time-counter thinking it had been at least eight minutes! Thanks for giving me a laugh today. I found your blog from the Merci Beaucoup website.
Its Benjamin Button!
When I saw this video it reminded me of the poem "Dreadful" from "Where the Sidewalk Ends" by Shel Silverstein. The last stanza goes:
"Someone ate the baby.
What a frightful thing to eat!
Someone ate the baby
Though she wasn't very sweet.
It was a heartless thing to do.
The policemen haven't got a clue.
I simply can't imagine who
Would go and (burp) eat the baby."
I also think the decorator's talents are impressive, but I wouldn't want to slice or eat that cake. (But I feel a little bad about eating chocolate bunnies and lamb cakes.)
it would be SO ironic if that cake was Red Velvet-flavored...
The baby looks dehydrated or extremely aged for some reason. It looks as if it has been too long out in the sun. Doesn't look very healthy... If appetizing.
I've got to stop looking at these baby shower cakes - your comments are making me laugh so hard I'm forgetting how to breathe.
Oh my goodness! It's like something out of A Modest Proposal.
Baby: It's What's For Dessert.
I really hope that wasn't made out of red velvet cake.
(Remembering the armadillo cake from Steel Magnolias ...)
Creepy! This is what my baby nephew looked like in his casket.
It looks like Bert Newton. IT LOOKS LIKE BERT NEWTON! Aaaaauugh!!!!
Half human...half E.T...scary! ;) x
I seriously thought that was an old lady on the cake at first...
Looks like Benjamin Button....lol
It reminds me of Yoda, for some reason.
Guide! I loved it hope you like mine
And the baby seemed like an old guy! Uggly!!!
Cake baby loves you.
Cake baby wants to hold knife.
Cake baby needs bloooooooood . . .