But in this case, nothing positive. (These were supposed to say "Dirrrty Thirty".)
Dawn P, thanks for providing us with Wrecks that give our gag reflex a break. :)
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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18 comments | Post a Comment
Looks like Drity Thrify to me.
The chocolate cake doesn't look to bad as I love chocolate -- Same here it looks like Drity Thrify oh well they tried.
I just have to tell you I discovered this blog while laid up in bed with a terrible summer cold. I credit your site with helping clear my poor old lungs (gross as that may seem!). I laughed until I simply could not breathe, then laughed even more! Laughter truly is the best medicine! Thank you and keep up the wonderful work...
Congraniations "Jen"!
What in the heck is a dirty thirty? Is it a specific type of birthday party? if so please let me know...
OMG - that's hysterical. Do you really believe that somebody paid for that?
Wonder Twin Cupcake Powers, Activate!
I'll form of a collapsed Yeti Nipple!
I'll form of the Clap!
I'm glad you explained what it was supposed to say b/c I wouldn't have gotten it, on my own.
What the heck is a dirty thirty party anyway?
In norwegian "Dritt" means "Crap". That makes it even funnier to me :)
Dirty Thirty is not a kind of party. It is just something a friend from Austin always said when people turn 30. And we paid for it because we were in a hurry and it was pretty funny. ;)
i just heard about your blog... so of course i ran right over to check these out. this one almost made me fall out of my chair at work.
The good news for this decorator is that a recent proposal was made for allowing such mistakes to be considered (legitmate)"alternate spellings"--spellings that would be acceptable in college/university classrooms. See the story here:
Sad, sad, sad.
Sorry about the link. Let me see if the rest comes through. This should be the remainder of the word "spelling" and the rest of the link:
It's a P.diddy cake!
it says drity thrity
If I could reach out
with my red correction pen - - -
Slash! Dash! Teacher Win!