And for more fantastic quotation mark snafoos, check out the "Blog" of "Unnecessary" Quotation Marks. Good stuff.
Thanks to Carrie Z. for sending this in!
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
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31 comments | Post a Comment
I'm in *LOVE* with this blog. I'm linking to you!! So fun!!
In Spanish, quotes are used to underline words.
I live in Miami and it both cracks me up and drives me crazy.
My cousin sent me this blog today and I've gone through all of the old posts just because:
a) You are one funny girl
b) I love cake
c) I love people who make fun of people making cake.
Even though I'm supposed to be studying, I'm happy to diverge my time for this blog. Well done!
I just found your blog through reddit, and I love it, it's fantastic! I'm subscribing.
My favorite cake is the one with babies riding carrots.
Great blog! Love it.
I think it's people trying to put emphasis on the word. .....in a very very dumb, grammatically incorrect, and confusing way.
I'll remember what crumbs said and try to feel a bit more lenient to people who speak Spanish as a primary language. But that's not the case in many "" errors.
LOL your blog is amazing. the attention to detail and commentary on day to day items is great. props for making my day funnier.
I was a bundle of stress yesterday when someone linked to this blog. Needed the laughs SO badly -- thanks!
Wow, Anber..., I'm amazed. That's ridiculous. I once applied as a cake decorator with no experience. I now know why I didn't get that job. I'm glad I didn't get it. Very relieved.
Oh, that's awesome!! Ha!
got one for you:
Ahah, this blog is wonderful!
Thank you for collecting all those images and stories and sharing them with us.
Now I know why I prefer cakes without decorations :)
Great site !!! so amazingly funny. And even funnier the "2nd" time.
This is like, "the" best blog I've ever found.
I am "doubled over" with laughter here.
I am "so linking" to you from my blog so that my friends can also enjoy the hilarity.
I just found your site today and my face hurts from laughing. This is the best and uour comments are perfect! Thanks!
OMG - this is too funny! My mother is a professional cake decorator and I love flipping through her old books from the 60's and 70's, they are just too much!
That is hilarious! Poor Anber though...
This is a great blog!
Here's another one for you. I'm a big Bon Jovi fan, but this creeps me out. Who wants the piece with the chest hair?
While it is funny to consider for English speakers, quotation marks are punctuation marks for emphasis (similar to underline/bold/itatlics).
Instead of the decorator being "ignorant, redneck, uneducated" or "very very dumb" perhaps the writers of these comments are a bit too judgemental and utterly uninformed (ignorant and uneducated, even).
OMG to funny!
You like the "quotation" "marks"? Then it's also time to head over to the the Red Pen Brigade!!!
The quotation marks are to let us know the real message is: Don't let the door hit you on the way out!!
Just had to chime in that actual quotes in frosting can be amusing, too, such as when my boss left for another company a few months back. He'd worked with us for several years, and upon hearing he was leaving a woman in my building said--in complete seriousness, without any idea that it wasn't very flattering--"I'm so sorry to hear that...I was just beginning to like you!" What were we to do but put "So long, Bill! We were just beginning to like you," on a cake for his party? : )
Thanks for pointing this out...I HATE when people use the quotes like that!
I have looked at everything, and every link, associated with this site. It is sooooo funny, and your descriptions only add to the hilarity. I can't even figure out which cake is my favorite. But about this particular cake, my thought is the person who took the cake order is not the same person that decorated the cake. The decorator couldn't read the writing on the order and couldn't decide whether the name was aMber or aNber, so decided to go with something in the middle.
Oh man! This one made me "crack up"!
OMG hilarious. I could not stop laughing.
Maybe... just maybe it was supposed to be ABNER...
I have yet to meet an Abner.
I'd just like to point out that snafoo is incorrect; SNAFU is an acronym for Situation Normal, All F'd Up.
Auuuughhh!! The random quotation marks are my pet peeve!
Also, awesome work on the blog. I've been reading for an hr straight now!
Lost your cap. Stuck bronze feather
in your cake instead.