Someone really needs to pry the airbrush out of the hands of these cake decorators; it’s impeding the art. I can almost see the commercial now…
“Spending too much time designing and decorating your cakes? Want a fast, easy way that requires absolutely no forethought? Buy an airbrush! Yes, folks, that’s right: just load any random color in this little beauty and spray away to your heart’s content – no rhyme, reason, or pattern necessary! Is your cake lop-sided? Icing cracking or runny? Are you artistically challenged, or even color-blind? NO PROBLEM!! Once your customers see that you actually own a food-grade airbrush, they’ll have to think you’re a pro! So call today!"
This unhealthy dependence may call for a nation-wide intervention, folks.
20 comments | Post a Comment
I think those rainbows are kinda purdy. I like rainbows.
Hey, imagine if the guy who made the knockoff braveheart cake had an airbrush cake thing! haha!
I find the cake tumor in the lower left corner more offensive than the airbrushing, but all-in-all, some little girl would probably like this!
Poor Molly - how WILL she ever show her face in public again.
There's something for you on our blog.
Wow. I've just looked through all of your archives (of which I was wishing there was more of) and was relieved to see none of my cakes featured. ;) Fabulous site. My new favorite.
I would need sunglasses to eat that cake...
Just looked at the above link.
I don`t really want the answer, but still I ask WHY
Sorry - had to remove the comment with the cake link in it; it was pretty graphic and gory. [blechh!]
That cake - it actually HURTS to look at it!! Maybe it was intended to be an exaggerated hippie joke of sorts?
WTF when did these people get hold of my "bored at work" MS paint file?
The lettering on the other hand is near perfect. I'm guessing that was done by the senior cakemaker... :-)
You should see what those vandals also did to the cake owner's garage!
this cake is more offensive than the birthing cake. .. at least we didn't need sunglasses to view the birthing cake. . .egads!
While it's a sad looking cake to haev paid for, nothing about the cake made me say WTF until I saw the candle layout.
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Candles are a bit suspect but I think it's a cute cake!
I actually thought it was cute in a Hello Kitty kind of way.....BUT 15 candles, in a row? They just take away and distract from the candy flowers.
I dig it!
It's really colourful...trippy but pretty.
I like it!! It's trip-a-delic!
Who wreckerated
rainbow-rastic cake?
Alice B. Toklas.