Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sunday Sweets: So Stinkin' Cute

Sunday, January 30, 2011

This week we're featuring some of the sweetest, cutest, most adorable, lovable, um... [consulting thesaurus] darling, bewitching, and fetching baby animal cakes you ever will see. Why? Well, if you must know, I'm feeling a bit sensitive this week.

This is john, by the way.

So, let me just get my box of tissues and we'll do this thing. Starting with Jen's favorite:

Found at the 2008 Orlando ICES Convention; baker unknown.

The hand-painted shading here is amazing. And the animals are adorable. And the lion isn't eating the zebra or the giraffe. So it's a win-win-win.

This cake is slightly more realistic:

Sub'd by Hilda F., and made by The Sweetest Thing Cake Studio

See how the monkey and giraffe cower in fear as the mighty tiger stalks his prey? Can you feel the tension? Can. You. FEEL IT?!?! No?

Maybe it's just me.

And now... sweet sleeping dragon!

Sub'd by Amelie B. and made by her sister Helene

Awwww. Okay. *sniff* I'm all verklempt. *sniff* I promised myself I wouldn't cry...

[blowing nose]

Hey! Look! Pandas!

Sub'd by Aljona and made by KralleCakes

And not just any pandas; these are the rare Russian Nesting Pandas. The mostly eat eucalyptus leaves and borscht.

Preeeesenting, the sweetest giraffe ever!

Literally. I think the lack of neck really adds to the adorabletude, don't you?

And because I have an inordinate affection for tigers:

Sub'd by Jade D. and made by Theresa Gue

So. Cool. Jen says this reminds her of some Lisa Frank folders she had in middle school. Which she claims is a huge compliment. So there.

And you know what else has stripes? (I am the king of segues)

Sub'd by Brenda B., and made by Lilo Taart

I'm digging the bow and the vintage 20's hair part. Just dandy!

And speaking of bows. (I'm on a roll!)

By Aletha B.


And get this: this is Aletha B.'s first cake. Yes, really! Mike, Duff, and Bronwen better watch out, 'cuz Aletha B.'s coming, and she's got a Cthulhu.

And speaking of... cake. (Okay, that one wasn't my best work.)

By Ann N.

Adorable. And hip. Oh. Yeah.

Another of Jen's favorites:

Sub'd by Orna G., and made by Odelia

Hand-painted rosebuds, cuddly teddy bears, and a miniature cake on cake? I can bearly stand it!

And finally, for your viewing pleasure, allow me to present...

a unicorn with a comb-over:

Sub'd by Elizabeth A., and made by Sachi Swick

You're welcome.

Now, who wants to WIN SOME FREE BOOKS?!? Huh? Awwwww yeeeeeeaaah.

Zooborns, one of our favorite so-cute-it-hurts websites, has given us two of their new books to give to two of you loyal wreckies!

One's for little kids:

And the other's for everyone else who likes cute:
(Click on the pics for more info)

We'll be giving away one copy of each, so feel free to tell us in the comments which you'd prefer. Two winners will be randomly chosen from the comments tonight at midnight EST, so stay tuned on FB or check this spot again tomorrow for the announcement of the winners!
UPDATE!!!! The random number generator hath spoken! The winners are:

GrammaR @ 2:20 PM for the first book and
Ai @ 8:51 PM for the second!

Please email your addresses to comments (at) so we can mail out your prizes. And thanks to everyone for your great comments!

Wreck On!
-john (the hubby of Jen)

Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.
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Jenny McClamroch said...

I like the first Zooborn book. Sweet baby animals!

Cara said...

The unicorn with the comb over is just...ummm...John used all the good words...adorablywonderful?

Katelyn said...

The pandas! The baby Chthulu! The dragon! The unicorn! The overwhelming adorableness! Cuteness overload!

I might not be able to stand it if I received the second book... But I'm ok with that.

Adrianne said...

Oh my goodness! Those teddy bears are amazing!

Niki Q said...

I'd like the second book, but honestly would take either. So, so cute.

Emily S. said...

They both look adorable! Tough choice...
I guess I'd like the one for kids, and I'd give it to one of my little cousins. :-)

Suzie said...

We would LOVE the 2nd book - newest babies from zoos AND aquariums around the world! Very cute!

Shy Exhibitionist said...

Adorableness! Just love all these cakes. As for the books, I prefer the second book. I mean, imagine those big, fuzzy ears in cake form? Sweet!

bunnyjen said...

I like the children's book!

Haley said...

Is that a fennec fox on the second one? Because I love fennec foxes. So that's totally my choice unless the Russian pandas suddenly become available in book form.

Deanna said...

I like the second one. And I was waiting for a baby announcement at the end of all that. What the heck?

Julie said...

Oh my - adorable cakes and adorable books. Thank goodness I'm not hormonal lol.

I'd love either book, but would probably prefer the second one.

Heather said...

The Zoo Born book for kids is adorable and my boys would love it!

Unknown said...

I love the baby Tiger prowling on the lower tier. Almost as much as those awesomesauce pandas!!!!!

Elissa said...

I like both Zooborn books :) And my favorite cake above is easily the baby awesome is that?!

Unknown said...

I love the baby tiger prowling on the lower tier! Almost as much as the awesomesauce pandas!

Unknown said...

I like the 'everybody else' book. so cute!

Daisy said...

The animal on the 2nd book is great! Love it!

Jessie said...

Love them both, but the first (with the tiger) reminds me too much of when i used to fawn over big cats.
Which is probably the main reason why I ended up in wildlife biology.

:) Happy picking!


A said...

These cakes are so cute! And I like the second book, but my daughter would like the first!

Karen said...

I like the second one, with the animal that looks like a teeny chihuahua.

Cole said...

Awwwwee :) I want the first one too for my sweet baby girl. We took her to Sea World for the first time a couple of weeks ago and she LOVED the animals, and she loves books, so I'm sure she would just adore a hole book on baby animals!

Kylie said...

Love the animal cakes!

My daughter would love the first book shown. - Kylie H.

Sarah said...

I really don't care! And I might just send in the first cake I made. It's a grand piano and it's not that special, but I feel proud of it.

Kristina said...

I would like the second one!

Unknown said...

Adorable! I would love the Zooborns for the kids.

Kristina said...

I want the second one!

Lisa said...

If I'm picked, I'd like the second version, please!

Wordwitch said...

Ohmygoodness! The second one please!

Dianne said...

My little girls would love the first book!
- Dianne van Kuik

Jeanette said...

Ahhhh! Those are too cute to stand. I've been having a crazy week but somehow baby animals, no not just baby animals, but baby animals made of CAKE (!!) just made everything better. What a good day to stumble on to this site, especially if you are giving things away....or does this happen often?

tiny purple elephant said...

I would love the 2nd book. I'm a regular visitor to the zooborns site and love the baby elephants, giraffes and otters. The giraffes have inspired me to work on a long term cross stitiching project with a mom and baby giraffe. Oh, a mom and baby giraffe are not helping me, the design is a mom and baby giraffe. Cheers,

Unknown said...

Oh, I LOVE Zooborns!! Please enter me for the second book!

Killian said...

I would the adults version, although the tiger on the baby version is ungodly sweet.

Phenomenal cakes today!

Language Arts Lady said...

I think I'd wantthe second one... But honestly, they're both so adorable it doesn't matter!

Sarolea said...

Love all these cakes!!

We would love either book in our house - my 3 yr old son loves animals, espeically baby ones!!

Anonymous said...

OMG soooo cute-makes my cold feel better. I would like either, but the second one is better. Mindy A

The Vosslers said...

lol, those were really darling. And the first book would be my favorite.

Still can't believe that one cake was her FIRST! Amazing!

Chunky Dunk said...

I'd like the second, more adult book. Squeeee!

Terry Golson said...

Zooborns for adults, please.

Stephanie said...

I would love to win that first book for my twin boys, they love animals!

Unknown said...

I love all the cakes today. And either book is great for me, because cute = cute = cute!

Cammie G said...

Both of the books are adorable but I'd love the second one!

Amy said...

Love the baby hippo cake--I wish I was that talented!

I like the book for the kiddies, but would gladly have either!

Explosivemarbles said...

Ohmigosh! I totally had Lisa Frank notebooks and folders in elementary school. A unicorn, a panda.... I loved them! I blame those for my tendency to doodle a rainbow every time there is a box of crayons handy. It's all very strange because as girly as those were, I was very anti-girly when I was young, so I have no idea why I wanted them. Now I miss them! Make me happy to remember them!

Molly said...

I just found out my brother and sister in law are having a baby!! I was so happy when I saw the post was about baby cakes! If I win the baby zooborn book, I will give it to the happy couple.

Joanne said...

I would love either one, but would probably choose the 2nd one. I teach elementary school science, and so I could use the book in sos many different ways!

The cakes are SOOOO cute! So great!

Anonymous said...

That is the cutest little Cthulhu that I've ever seen! Way to go Aletha B.!

I'm also digging the sleeping blue dragon, but that might have something to do with the fact that I like dragons and I love the color blue!

little.birdy said...

I'd like the second one for me, but I work with kids, so I'd find a use for the first one too!

Unknown said...

All these cakes are so stinkin' cute!

The first book would be perfect for my little Weasel :D

Nicole E.

Ashbuny said...

LOVE the unicorn cake!! probably more so because my son has been watching Despicable Me over & over & immediately i think "ITS SO FLUFFY!"
The Zooborn for kids would be my choice, but both are awesome! :)

Jack & Moo said...

Awesome cakes! and soo soo cute it makes your teeth hurt! Either book would be great - (The pictures are the best part!)

pat, the biped
and jack & moo, the sibes

Joanne said...

I would LOVE the second book! I teach elementary school science, and would be able to make entire groups of children (and their parents) melt in adorable-ness!

The cakes are SO sweet this week! Makes me wish I had some shred of creativeness in my klutzy hands... oh well...

Jessa Kennedy said...

I am inspired by the Chthulu cake to see if I can find a baker who will do something similar (but a tad more masculine) for my husband's birthday.

I really like that second book, but that may be because I'm an utter sucker for Fennic Foxes. *melts*

Amber said...

I love those teddy bears! They are amazing. If chosen for the book, I would love the one for kids - my son is 4 1/2 months and just getting into books.

Nicole said...

I'm in love with that giraffe cake, so sweet!! And I let my 4 yr old pick and she likes the second book :)

Tara said...

Oh my gosh I'd love either book, but I'd really rather have the second one. I cannot resist those ears!

Danielle said...

I'd like to have the second book!

A said...

I like the second Zooborn book. Also, I loved the panda cake!!!

Kari Lin McM. said...

Delightful post.

I'd take either book, thank you very much. :)

Anonymous said...

My kiddos would love the first one, but really, both look adorable!

Tara said...

So, so cute! I actually like both books - can't decide.

Anonymous said...

I like the 1st one (for kids). How adorable (both the books and the cakes)!

Jennifer H.

ejhamner AT hotmail DOT com

A said...

I love the pandas and the dragon cakes! Also, either of those Zooborn books look cool. I don't have kids, so maybe the non-kid one. : )

kimberj said...

I'd love the second book but honestly whichever book the other winner doesn't want is fine with me :) I just love books and baby anythings <3 <3 <3 I count the minutes til 10am eastern time everyday when I know you've posted!

Missus Double A said...

I would love to win the second book.

Suzanne said...

I don't think I could even bring myself to cut that last cake. Or any of them, really. Which sort of defeats the purpose of cake - so these are actually ALL HORRIBLE. I'd love the first Zooborn book!

Elizabeth said...

My 2-year-old would love the kids one!

Diane Schultz said...

Such darling cakes! I would like the second book if selected, please. Thanks!

Krystle C. said...

The first book would be great for my son!

Shanti said...


At the risk of committing an Epcot (checks, none so far), the Nesting Pandas are actually Japanese. I have a little notebook with those guys on the cover, along with lots of wonderful Engrish, including, "The source of romantic."

Christina said...

Love it! I want the cthulhu cake so bad!! Had to share it with friends since we're all huge Lovecraft fans! :-D

And both books are adorable!

Unknown said...

I would like the first one for my two nieces. They love animals.

The unicorn cake is cute, but my favorite is baby Cthulu!

Megan said...

My kids would love the baby zooborn book! Love the unicorn cake!

Rebecca Hunt said...

I like the first book! My little girl LOVES animals, so she would DIE over this book!!
And I love the giraffe one the best. I agree that the no-neck makes it completely adorable!

Lexi said...

I'd particularly love the second book, but my kids would go nuts for the first, so I'm completely undecided.


Joshua and Jennifer said...

I love your blog...I am constantly showing my husband the many "interesting" cakes. But today's Sunday Sweets tops the list. I'd love to have either of the books. It'd be great to have when our 1 year old niece comes to visit. Thanks for all your hard work!

Ma said...

I would take either one! I wouldn't know how to choose...

Gorgeous cakes - I love the baby giraffe! :)


Sebrina said...

Awww these cakes are absolutely adorable! As for the books, I love them both, but if I had to choose, I think I'd go with the second one. My boys would definately like that one.

tarmarbro said...

I LOVE the Panda cake!
My kids would love a Zooborn book!

camibug2714 said...

I work with children with special needs and they would love that first ZooBorn book.

MituKagome said...

I like the second zooborn book! I love zoooborns!!

Count Mockula said...

I think my daughter would love that first Zooborn book!

Heather said...

I would LOVE the second book - baby animals are just perfect :)

Jessica said...

I would love the first book for my son! These cakes were soooo cute - great inspiration for his first birthday cake.

Samantha said...

I love the first one. I think it would be perfect for my seven-year-old niece.

CaseyLacey said...

To steal a line from Jen's playbook...

"Must have comb-over unicorn!" and the more adult (ha ha) ZooBorns book.


Paula B said...

Panda Bears are my favorite!! That cake made me AWWW! out loud:) And I think my kids would LOVE that first book!

Alex T. Valencic said...

I, too, was expecting a baby announcement at the end. Ah well. Still amazing cakes!

I'd love the second book! I work as an elementary school teacher, and books like that are incredibly useful in the classroom!

Marisa said...

The baby Chthulu really gets me. I like the second book, its so cute!

Minna said...

Aaaaawwww! I'm diggin' that cutest-ever-monster-baby-Cthulhu so much it literally hurts.

And I'd really like that second book. Because of the ears on the cover. Come on, who doesn't love huge ears? (Yes, I'm very fond of Dumbo, now that you mentioned it.)

ana lisette said...

There are few things I love more in this world than baby animals, mythical or otherwise! It's been a rough week, this post completely made my day and gave me a reason to smile. :) <see?

And I'd really like the 2nd book.

Hooray for baby Cthulu!

Anonymous said...

Too cute.

I'd like the one for little kids. I work with babies, and always looking for cute books. And I like cute.

weirdmom said...

Stop causing me pain!! I wanted to take the tiger that looks like a folder into my arms and give him the world's longest cuddle. If he bit my face off it would be totally worth it.

Both books look great but I'll say the first since my kiddos would love it.

Lexi said...

So cute today! Love the zebralicious cakes. Would love book 2. It would look great next to my CakeWrecks book :)

Lady said...

This completely made my morning, and I'd like to throw my hat into the ring for that kids book <3

Jessica Peter said...

I know someone already mentioned, but those pandas are Japanese - it's tarepanda! (The laziest panda ever, who only gets around by rolling).

And hey, I'd take that second book. :)

Unknown said...

This is, I think, the first cakewrecks post that I've immediately gone back and read/looked at it a second and then third time. These are just soooooo cute, ohmygawd.

And I'd love either book, but prefer the second one :) That would just *make* my bookshelf.

Amanda B. said...

My daughter and son would LOVE to have the first zooborn book. Adorable!

Larisa said...

The best cupcakes-on-a-cake ever! All were too stupendous for words, but the hippo is my fave just cuz I love hippos.

Book #2 for meeee!


Sabrina said...

I'd like the first one for kids, I'd give it to my friend'd 3 year old who I babysit on Sundays. She loves baby animals!!!

Anonymous said...

Vivienne C.

I'd love the Adult Zoo Borns!

OH CRAP! Not ADULT Adult. Just the one not for little kids.
The second book- in which I'm certain all the animals are doing very adorable, yet platonic, non-porny things.

House of Holt said...

I had a baby 3 weeks ago, and I know she'd love the children's zoo book when she gets older :)

Libby said...

I really enjoyed that panda cake. Too cute!
I do believe that is a baby fennec fox on the second book, and fennec foxes are adorable whether they're big, small, or smaller.

Anonymous said...

I want the second book!! squee! (Yes I did just steal Jen's catch phrase... Sorry...)

Debbie said...

I would like to win the second book.

Anonymous said...

Jessica said...

I'd love the first book because then I wouldn't feel guilty about the ten minutes I devote each day to cake wrecks. I'd just sit my two little girls down with the books and check out cake wrecks! :)

Anonymous said...

OOh the baby animals book would be amazing. my 2 yr old is in speech therapy so im always looking for things to show him and maybe get him talking

Anonymous said...

The sleeping dragon is just too cute for words. The zebra is pretty great, too. All are too cute to cut up! Love both books, but I guess the one that's not for kids is the one I'd be better off with, sigh...

Leah said...

Baby animals are the cutest -- would love the more grown-up book. Thanks for the great sweets today!!!

riflchik said...

Gaaah, cute overload! I think the kiddo zoobook has to be the one for me!

JenniferK said...

Awww, these were soooo sweet! If I was lucky enough to win, I'd want the kids' book for my homeschool library, but honestly the other one would work too! ;)

And yeah...will there be a bunch of baby-themed wrecks this week leading up to an announcement about why you're so sensitive this week? :)

Unknown said...

I like the first ZooBorn book. And I love baby giraffes.

Jennifer M. said... hard to pick, but great inspiration for a cake for my cousin and her brand-spankin' new baby boy. I'm leaning toward the unicorn cake or the teddy bear cake. As for the book, the 1st one would be dandy.

Thanks for this site. It's part of my daily blog stroll and never fails to cheer me up.

Melissa said...

The adorableness of this post is almost too much! I need to go look at that worm cake to balance things out... hmm... then again... maybe not :)

We would love either book... but if I had to pick, I'd say the second one.

Gen H said...

Oh, how cute! My family would love the second book listed!

Bryson Mortensen said...

I would love the baby Zooborn book! Already saw the pictures online and love it!

Rhonda said...

those zooborn books are adorable. I'd love to have both of them. I'm a former zookeeper so my children adore animals by default and these would be an awesome addition to our library.

Toad said...

Adorable cakes! I'd love either book, my 18 month old Goddaughter can never have enough books.

ViolaNut said...

Clearly, I must send this link to my giraffe-obsessed coworker AND my giraffe-obsessed cowriter, and my unicorn-obsessed roommate, and my tiger-obsessed student, and - hey. There are no otter or hedgehog cakes. :-P Ah well. No wait, there's a dragon, so I'm good! Oh, and I'm a ZooBorns fan too, so I need to go see if THEY have any new otters... and I like the second book. ;-)

Lori said...

Awwww Cthuluuuuu

And I'm demanding a nesting panda cake for..... any occasion. I don't care. I just want nesting pandas.

Zooborns are awesome! I'd love either book. Of course, it would mean that I'd never accomplish anything ever again ever.

Blanket said...

Oooooh I'd like the second book! I loves me some baby animals.

Unknown said...

I MUST have that unicorn cake!!!!

Krishna Chavda said...

that unicorn was just too cute for words. i'm leaning towards the second book, but either is fine!

shang09 said...

Oh, Man!!! They are both SO. CUTE!!!

Summers School said...

Oh oh oh! The first one! It'd go perfect in my school library!

Linzie A said...

The baby Cthulhu cake is amazing!! I absolutely love it!

Unknown said...

So much cuteness this morning! I love the first zooborns book, although I'd probably go into a cute-coma over it. :)

Jessica said...

They are all so cute! My 4 year old was oohing and aahing over them with me. Either book would be good here, we all love baby animals.

Mel said...

I would love the first book. So cute.

Unknown said...

So cute! Love todays post!
I'd like Zoo Borns, my daughter would love it!

Mikia said...

That Cthulhu cake is the best thing I have ever seen and I think I will have to recreate it at some point.
ZooBorns for adults sounds great too. (;

Rachael said...

I absolutely love the cakes and as such love the baby zooborn book.

Angie said...

I just tried the one "for everyone who likes cute" from the public library this weekend. My nieces and nephew would love it. And so would the kids at my school library.

Excellent examples of cute baby cakes today!

PastryTiff said...

These are all so adorable!! The only thing missing is more monkeys (I have called my boys monkeys since before they were born).

We LOVE all things animals around here so would treasure either of the books.

Emily P said...

The first book would be perfect for my little brother! Whether or not I would actually give it to him is another question entirely.... :-P

Anonymous said...

Either of these would be wonderful. I'm a sucker for the cute.

Melaina25 said...

I'd love the Baby version!


Christina said...

Oh my goodness, those cakes are! Too much! I would love to get either one of those books for my daughter. She's 2 and LOVES animals! She was loving looking over my shoulder at the post today and naming all the animals. :) She's pretty adorable herself so seeing her getting all excited about all the little animals just made my morning.

Chris Wright said...

I was just thinking of going over to zooborns before I wandered over here, and I'm a sucker for fennecs...

Lauren said...

This is one of the cutest posts ever! It's so hard to choose a favorite, lol.
I'd love to snag the second book, then my entire family could enjoy it.

Have a great week!

Resplendentquetzal said...

Love the one for little guys. My 3 would totally fight over that book! And the baby Chthulu cake, so awesome!

Erin D. said...

The unicorn and the panda are competing for my favorite! Ooooh so cute!

The second book looks like it is the most adorable thing in the world...and informative too!

Kiara said...

I love the dragon so much! It's so colourful and fantastical and happy-making!
I also love fennec foxes, so the second book's my favourite!

Margaret williams said...

Oh the cuteness!!! Loved the last cake with the bears.

I would love to win the second book. All that adorableness in one book would make a crappy day go away!! Thanks for the contest guys!!

Margaret Williams

Jessica said...

Would LOVE the first book for my classroom. I agree with Jen, Lisa Frank was AWESOME!!! And also with commenter Deanna - I was expecting a baby announcement at the end of this post!

Terra F. said...

I love the animal-plushie-cake theme. The giraffe is my favorite, but not by much. I'm glad I never got cakes like this because I probably would have gone right in and given it a big squeeeeze. Then it would have been icky.

PS. Baby animals??? How can you ask me to choose? Although I'm sure my baby sister would give me a million hugs and kisses if I was to bring her the one for kids. And that I couldn't refuse.

Renee said...

Love, love, LOVE the baby hippo cake! If I win, I'd also love the first zoo born book!

Renee said...

Love, love, LOVE the hippo cake! I'd also love to have the first zoo born book if I win!

Lydia said...

Awww! My kids would love either of these books!!! We collect animal books- we love all creatures, great AND small! All these cakes were adorable!

Marebabe said...

So sweet! Regarding the Zooborns books, my first choice would be the second one (the "for everyone" edition). But if I received the children's edition, that would be cool, too!

Tara W said...

The kid one!

princesslila said...

Aww all the cakes are so adorable!'re making me decide between cuteness and adorableness?
I'd take either!

Tina said...

What a wonderful way to wake up on a Sunday! Those cakes were too cute.... If by some miracle my name is chosen, I'd definitely go for the second book! But you can't go wrong with any book about baby animals <3

Felicia Lynne said...

Second one. This has been one of my favorite Sunday posts!

Unknown said...

I love the pink hippo and the nesting pandas who eat borscht! I would love the first zooborn baby animal book! Love Cakewrecks!
Erica F. Columbus, OH

Zombie Edward said...

Those cakes are super adorable! I heart the tigers.

Um, uh, the second book? Yeah.

Chocolatier said...

I would love to get the Zooborns. And I love the panda cakes! Amazingly adorable and I kind of want that cake in stuffed animal form.

pearljammies said...

I fully expected this post to end with a pregnancy announcement.

SO ADORABLE. I particular love baby cthulu and the stackable pandas...awwww.

Magistra said...

I feel a maternal obligation to show a preference for the first book. Then I could read it to my baby, who has been dubbed "cuter than baby animals" by his older brother.

Tricia L said...

The teddy bears are so freaking cute! I'll take either book and enjoy it immensely. I suspect my cat will also enjoy seeing the photos.

Whitney Mortensen said...

I love these cakes! The giraffe cake is just so cute! I would love the first Zooborn book. I'm pregnant with our first child, a little boy, and it would be a great addition to his nursery! Thanks!

Liane said...

Absolutely impossible to decide which book is cuter. I think my cute-o-graph has broken after all those cakes.

Kate E. said...

Love the animal cakes! They bring the "awwwww" and make want to spend ridiculous amounts of money on my daughters next birthday cake...

I'd love either book!

Kate E.

Bing said...

Uh. I can has fennec foxy?

That redheaded one said...

The giraffes on cakes are AWESOME I now know what I want to ask for as my toddler's 2nd birthday cake.

Speaking of Toddlers the first book would be awesome on many a level for our little guy.

Kirsten said...

That neckless giraffe is the cutest!!! I would love the second book! It looks like the kind of book everyone in our house would 'ooh' and 'aww' over. :-)

Erin said...

I never thought I'd see the day when I saw a Chthulu and said "Awwwww!"

I'd prefer the book for children- I have a 2 year old who would love it!

Jenniffer said...

Oh, all those cute baby animals!! If I won, I would enjoy either, but I would prefer the second one!

Jessi G said...

The baby Chthulu did it for me. I'm officially done for the day and it's not even 10am! Ah! And I'll take either book! If I *have* to choose, it'll be the babies though. My own babies at home will love it. <3

Jessica A. said...

I would ♥ the second book. Whatever that cute little animal on the cover is, it's so sweet!

When you see such cute pictures, your stomach goes all mushy and you get that cute overload feeling. ♥♥♥

vgracebutterfly said...

Those nesting pandas are pretty cute even if they eat bamboo, not eucalyptus. Adorable Koalas eat eucalyptus. But they're both cute so who cares. I want the adult Babyborns book!

Anissa said...

Oh must have panda cake!

And I'd take either book but if I must choose then...the grownup version.

Nicole said...

Definitely digging the second book! And everything else in today's post. My heart is about to burst from all the cutieness!

Anonymous said...

I love the second book! So cute! (Just like todays cakes)

Dedi said...

I like both but the 2nd is too much.

Megan said...

the hippo cake makes me sublimely happy. probably b/c i want a hippo for my very own. i have a plan!

and i'd love either book, but i'll be a selfless aunt and ask for the first, b/c my niece would love the cuddly baby animals.

Kelley said...

I'd love to have the first one for my daughter - she's wild about animals!

Chelsy J said...

I would absolutely love either book, but would prefer the first (I'm a daycare teacher, the kids would LOVE it)

Rebecca said...

Oh! How sweet! All the cakes were just awesome today!!

And the books? My son would love the first one!

Linda said...

Love the teddy bears, just as I would love either book!

Anne said...

So sweet! I would love to win the second book - the one for grown ups. Because I am a serious grown-up lady who wuvs the sweetie wittle faces of the babies!!!

Christine said...

How embarrassed am I that I don't know what a Chthulu is? Google, here I come. . .

And for the record, I like the first book for kids. I have a toddler with a baby animal fixation.

Ramona said...

I LOVED the dragon cake! Just remember not to wake it, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup!

I'd like the first book with the tiger.

Anonymous said...

The second book looks choc full of cuteness.

I cannot get over Unicorn cake. It's my birthday tomorrow and I kind of wish it was my cake D:

Cori said...

Zoo Borns for little so cute!

Annie said...

Cuteness! Starting my day with the Sunday Sweets really is the only good thing about working Sunday mornings...
I'm probably of the age where I should prefer the second book, but I would take either! *crossing fingers*

Unknown said...

I love Zooborns! I put the grownup version on my xmas list, but nobody came through for me. It's hard to resist baby animals!

Pam said...

Those are adorable cakes!!! Thank you for sharing the sweetness!!!

That second book would be awesome for my kids!

Pamela said...

OMG...Baby Chthulu for the win! <3 That baker is crazy talented.

As for books, the animal on the second one is so cuuuutte!!

Pam W.

Emily said...

My toddler would love the ZooBorns kids book.

Linda said...

Love the cuteness cakes! Especially the Pandas! I am a baby animal fan! Would love either book,but the first would be good for my kiddos!

Millard Care & Rehab said...

such sweet sunday sweets.

I would like either book, cause I'm just that easy.

K said...


Jill said...

Pick me! Pick me! My kids would love the kid Zooborn book!

Samantha said...

I'd gladly accept either of them! Too cute

Millard Care & Rehab said...

well that wasn't the account I meant to be signed in as :-0


Anonymous said...

I like the first one, but would be happy with either!

KrystineM said...

I like the second book, and also the cake with the tiger stalking the monkey and giraffe :D

Krystine M

Unknown said...

The 'everyone else' second book if I win please!

but holy mother of all things cute and adorable! no one should ever make me a cake as cute as those because I would try and hug it and that would be messy and awkward :(

also omg your book was on UK tv on friday 'The Graham Norton Show' and Kate Hudson totoally loved your book haha! I was all yaaaaay for Cakewrecks!

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