Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Something Here Doesn't Add Up

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

We all know Wreckerators have trouble with the English and the spelling and whatnot.

(I don't know why they have trouble with the English, but they do.)

Well, turns out they aren't so great with numbers, either.

See? I tried to tell you cupcake cakes (patooie!) are all backwards.

"You're celebrating your 75th birthday? Meh, here's a quarter. Call someone who cares fractionally more than me."

(Oooh, math puns are FUN!!)

There's an unwritten rule in Wreckerating: every number ends in "th." Yes, every number.

The irony here is that's the "fixed" version.

Oh, and speaking of irony...

The kid on the right totally knows. He's just being polite.

Sarah J., Annette H., Dao, Janie, Jessica B., & Mike V., you're all number 1th to me.
Jules AF said...

Maybe "EO" are someone's initials? Can we hope for that?

Anne said...

I LOVE the expression on the one kid's face in the vintage wreck!

And I love the many, many ways wreckerators manage to find to mess up even the simplest things.

jengersnap said...

Happy Birthday, EO!
And many moreth to them all.

Taylor said...

Almost every time I see a "2th" or a "21th" I think of someone with a lisp.

Missy said...

Suddenly, it's a good day.

Stella said...

wow...Never seen that coming. -Wreckiness in numbers. Personally I like eleventy myself. :)

KJ said...

The "th" wrecks are contagious! The sign at our high school has May 31th listed on it right now. DH drove back around the block last night to make sure it actually said what he thought it did. If a school can't get it right, how can we expect bakeries to do so?

Anonymous said...

Pick a Number. Any Number. Threeve? Eleventeen?

Anonymous said...

Pick a number. Any number. Threeve? Eleventeen?

Half Assed Kitchen said...

I know if I were turning 75 I'd LOVE to pretend it was 25.

Unknown said...

Say it out loud and I dare you not to laugh...Twenniefirth. Sixtyfirth. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Anonymous said...

Happy tooth day!

(my anti-spambot verification word is plesse...gotta love misspelled words on the cakewrecks blog!)

Ryan said...

Does the "2th" have a hammer and sickle made out of a tiara and wand? How did that conversation go?

Mom: What kind of birthday party do you want?
Kid: Soviet Princess.
Mom: Ummm.

john (the hubby of Jen) said...


So funny. I don't know why but I automatically read "Soviet Princess" in the Moose and Squirrel voice.




Anonymous said...

this has probably been sad before, but it's always so extra-sad when a really and truly well done cake is ruined by something like "21th". That Hello Kitty cake is super cute!

Jigsawdiva said...

It's Captain EO! Must be an Epcot cake!

Kati said...

I was proofing the program for the graduation ceremony at the school where I work. On the front page it said "133th Annual Commencement Ceremony"

It was really the 113th.

Little Lovables said...

Wow, so funny! That Hello Kitty cake is adorable though, aside form the craziness. It's # 1th

DaMattafan said...

Give the 75th birthday cake a break! We all know that 5 out of 3 people have a problem with fractions anyway.

ThatDeborahGirl said...

I was honestly trying to figure out why they had a hammer & sickle logo on a child's birthday cake until I realized it's a tiara & magic wand.

Ken said...

The 61th cake was obviously for Elmer Fudd's dad.

"Happy Thickthty-firtht birthday, father!"

And the princess cake... maybe Elizabeth is the Tooth Fairy!

"Happy Tooth Birthday, Elizabeth"

Anonymous said...

I totally thought the same thing! Epcot FTW!

Tricia L said...

Is anyone mildly concerned about the amount of food dye cake eaters are consuming? The glow-in-the-dark blue on the EO cake and the red roses on the 75th birthday cake should qualify for Brownfields Reclamation funds from the EPA.

Connie Moreno said...

Thanks to you and your blog, I know have coffee all over my monitor, LOL!

Joy said...

Maybe the 2th one was trying to celebrate a first tooth? Or...maybe not.

Anonymous said...

That white sperm balloon on the backwards 3 makes it look like a Vermicious Knid from "Charlie And The Great Glass Elevator". Only a Vermicious Knid has better spelling.

---Blue Jean

Jenni said...

HAH! You never know, maybe the 2th cake is for a girl who likes pretending to be a pretty 2th(two-th) fairy!

Too bad my next birthday is the 26th, so the "th" actually works. And now that I really try to think of someone to make a "th" cake for... every one has "th" birthdays this year. Dang!

WV: diqua. I'd like to see THAT word on a wrecky cake! Maybe someone will order a diqua...d cake?

jo said...

I'm in the mood to give benefit of the doubt:

#1th: It was supposed to be an 80 and they ran out of cupcakes. since CCCs are usually mortared to the cakeboard with icing, they could not move things around. Look at all the happy balloons! It looks like it's for a kid, not a grown man. And well, as people get into their older years, there's that "regression to childhood" thing. You know, where you really celebrate every year you make it to and you sometimes wet your pants.

2th: is a math problem. He's really 100. they just didn't have the right candle numbers. so it's 75 + 1/4 century (25) = 100. Definitely.

(either that or the 3 on 3/4 is REALLY sloppy)

btw, doesn't this count as an insult cake?

3st: I love how the number is on the SIDE of the cake. That way Dad doesn't have to be self-conscious about his age.

(Convenient that it didn't fit on the cake. He must be having a really small party. Or have cheap kids.)

4rd: The Hello Kitty is for a 12 year old. The wreckerator is dyslexic with numbers. Hello Kitty? for a 21 year old? seems a little too juvenile (sorry HK fans. we're doing benefit of the doubt for wreckerators today!)

5st: very hard to "fix" combed, airbrushed icing. I wonder what was "wrong" before.

6rd: looks like the wreckerator doesn't understand how templates work.

wv: proud. These wreckerators should be proud.

Anonymous said...

@Ryan: "Does the "2th" have a hammer and sickle made out of a tiara and wand? How did that conversation go?

Mom: What kind of birthday party do you want?
Kid: Soviet Princess.
Mom: Ummm."

Hilarious catch! and a little creepy....

so is 3st pronounced "thirst?"

Alison said... I the only one who feels the least bit sorry for these poor non-native speakers trying to keep straight all the "st"s and "nd"s "rd"s and "th"s? I mean, if I were trying to write cakes in, say, German, I can't say I'd do much better.

Of course, I might actually buy a dictionary in that case...

Shelley Dayton said...

I love "61th".

Maria said...

Happy Twenty-Wunth Birthday! Oh and happy tooth birthday to you!

Andygirl said...

Maybe the first one is a Captain EO cake? You know? Disneyland and Michael Jackson? The 80s? Anyone? Is this thing on?

Anonymous said...

ok, I just have to know. Some of you commenters post FTW. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???

A Girl In Her Kitchen said...

I think that 1/4 century is what is left of the goal of living to 100. In that case, someone needs to visit a cardiologist. I'm a little concerned about all those spots in the heart.

Anonymous said...

hee hee!

Mary Connealy said...

That cake for Elizabeth's 2th birthday? Is that a headband?

Because it looks like a hammer and sickle.

Yeah, it's a COMMUNIST birthday cake. I'd put these folks under surveillance if I were you.

Goueznou said...

Hey, you're right! Math puns ARE fun!

I'm reminded of the joke from the Three Stooges:

Q: When's the best time to go to the dentist?
A: 2:30 (Tooth-hurty)

Damon said...

My Highschool's homecoming banner said it was on the 21th.

Someone taped notebook paper over it with a "st".

Gary said...

This must be the twoth or the threeth time I've seen number wrecks like these, but they crack me up just as much as they did the oneth time.

john (the hubby of Jen) said...

Ah Flartus,

But are you sure that English is not their first language? I am good friends with three high school English teachers and they would be the first to tell about any number of student who could have gotten these wrong. Just saying...

Oh and Anon? I think it means "For The Win." But I am neither young nor hip so I could be wrong.


Gary said...

Anonymous said...
ok, I just have to know. Some of you commenters post FTW. WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???

Usually "FTW" means "For The Win," but I've also heard some less family-friendly elaborations that I'll leave to your imagination.

Jo said...

@Flartus: You make a good point. You'd think that with this epidemic they might actually post a cheat sheet at the bakery to avoid these perpetual screwups.

For example:
If the number ends in:
1 = 1st
2 = 2nd
3 = 3rd
4 = 4th
5 = 5th
6 = 6th
7 = 7th
8 = 8th
9 = 9th
0 = th


Please confirm spelling of NAMES. Remember, we are a serious baked goods business. We are NOT Wreckerators. We do not want our cakes to appear on CAKE WRECKS!
Do not make URINE yellow icing, poo brown globs on cakes, and never use brown and yellow together! Use a color wheel to coordinate your colors!

Airbrushes and plastic flotsam are to be used with DISCRETION.

Do not attempt a cupcake cake of a round object. Use a cookie or a round cake pan.

Heart shaped cake/cookie pans to be used for HEARTS.

Ladies, please consult me before construction of SPORTS related cakes!

Thank you,
Bakery Manglement

wv: summe. "In summe, don't F*** it up!"

john (the hubby of Jen) said...




Anonymous said...

thanks for the clarification, Gary and John!

I was thinking it was a dyslexic WTF :)

Anonymous said...

Jinx to A Girl In Her Kitchen, except my thought was 1/4 century til death. Which is sort of a negative positive thought, I guess. But still 100 would be awesome, even if that were it.

Sharon said...

I'm confused. The fixed version? Did Hello Kitty 21th Birthday Jane get turned into the princess Happy 2th Birthday Elizabeth?

sendingtheclowns said...

KJ said...
"If a school can't get it right, how can we expect bakeries to do so?"
Worse than that: How can we expect the children IN those schools to get it? PIT TEE FUL!!!

And if 75 is 1/4 of a century, then a century is now 300 years. Inflation, much? Who has THAT kind of time?!

As for Elizabeth--she's barely 2, so she likely won't notice the "th" . So SOMEONE will have to teach her to do it that way. That's IF she
has any hopes of becoming a cake decorator.


Anonymous said...

We know that right brained, highly creative people tend to be somewhat dyslexic, but even the artistic delivery is wonky, sigh. It all smacks of minimum wage. And the comments are the absolute best with this one. Thanks everyone :-).

Siouxzr said...

I am trying to reconstruct what the wreckerator was thinking when he was writing on the 1/4 century cake. I think he was so impressed by his own math skills cursive writing that he just had to go and throw in a little heart...filled with birdshot down in the right corner because he was so awesome.

Anonymous said...

Maybe it's 1/4 of a century...left?

Anonymous said...

LOL @ Mary. Under surveillance! I'm picturing FBI agents lurking in the bushes of a backyard birthday party. Good thing the icing wasn't red, too.

so, in addendum to the Bakery Manglement cheat sheet,

"Make sure your balloons do not look like sperm! Also, make sure nothing resembles a phallus!"

Jo said...

Thanks, John! I tried to remember as many transgressions as I could. Commenters, feel free to embellish if I missed something!

wv: diste. I love insult cakes, when someone gets really diste.

Tricia L said...

Until reading the posts, I thought the 75th birthday cake said "2/4 of a century". Like that makes any sense either.

sendingtheclowns said...

Siouxzr said...
"I am trying to reconstruct what the wreckerator was thinking..."
Well, you're a brave one, I'll give you that!
Personally, I think I'd rather French kiss a light socket than get inside THAT brain. =^~.-^=

sendingtheclowns said...

Jenni @ Project Cookie 365 said...

" Maybe someone will order a diqua...d cake?"
That's too funny!
(But can we change the "qu" to "ckw"? Because "diquad" could mean two quads, or half of one quad. Depending. (On WHAT, I have no idea.)

C H said...

@ Jo- I loved you until the "Ladies, please consult me before construction of SPORTS related cakes!"

Just because your jockey is riding a carrot and mine is not, does not mean you know more than sports!

Courtney- a fanatical sports fan

john (the hubby of Jen) said...


I got the impression that Jo's a girl as in Jo Ann. I could be wrong. Jo, ya wanna weigh in on this?


The Beaver Bunch said...

As the PROUD, PROUD former owner of the "Happy 2th Birthday Elizabeth" cake (I say former because, well, we don't STILL own it) I'd like to clarify the "fixed" version if I can remember it correctly.

Forgive me, I've had 5 more kids since then so this may not be totally accurate. J or J, correct me if my email was different than this b/c I submitted that a while ago.

When I ordered the cake the lady put on the paper, "Happy 2rd Birthday Elizabeth" I leaned over and said, "Don't you mean SECOND birthday?" She said, "Oh yeah..." then scratched out the "rd."

Which in my head sounds like, "She scratched out the terd."

Anyway. Thanks for making me "famous." I'm warm and fuzzy inside.

sendingtheclowns said...

The only thing that I'd add would be, "Have a nice trip! See you next Fall!"
(Get it?? Huh? Trip/fall?)

But that only *works* if you can manage to stick your foot out in time to catch 'em as they're heading toward the cake to blow out the candles. It's very tricky and requires a lot of finesse.


Anonymous said...


sendingtheclowns said...

C said...

"Just because your jockey is riding a carrot and mine is not..."
Can I use it?? Huh? Huh? Can I??


BADKarma! said...

Im glad to hear that 75 is the new 25. O_o

sendingtheclowns said...

Honestly, though...the last cake shouldn't feel too bad. If the kids would just stand in front of a mirror with it and read backwards, the "1" will look fine.

Unknown said...

In addition to the communist wand and tiara on Elizabeth's 2th Birthday cake, let's not overlook the wreckiness of the 70's swirly ceiling frosting.
What Up With That?

Anonymous said...

The software that came with our scanner at work scans the "1th," "2th," etc. page on multi-page .pdf scans. I thought it was the result of a lazy programmer, but now I think it was a wreckerator who changed careers.


The Whiz Kid Forte said...

The last cake reminds me of a Russian TV logo for some reason...

sendingtheclowns said...

@ The Beaver Bunch:

Why would you need to be forgiven for having more kids? That's entirely YOUR business!

(LOL--just being silly, here!)


SyracuseWolvrine said...

Cake #1 ... Maybe his birthday is on the (glorious) day that Captain EO returns to EPCOT Center?

(Now where's the "Welcome Back Horizons and Dream Finder" cake?)

Jo(anne) ;) said...

John, you are correct. Jo is short for Joanne. I'm a lazy typist.

The post was supposed to be from a hypothetical male bakery manager to his hypothetical staff. We have seen many sports blooper cakes, including a lot of WTF ones (like the baseball X, which is probably my favorite). The comment was to poke fun at sports-clueless wreckerators (since we've seen their work). The "manager" blames the "ladies" but I know some guys who are sports-clueless too!

Not all men are sports fans, and not all women aren't. But more men are probably sports fans than women and the "manager" makes this assumption. ("It's not me, baby, honestly!" (Austin Powers ref.))

Most of the post was the "cheat sheet" and note from the Manager/Mangler. Besides, I remember the adorable post by Jen where she merges all kinds of sports lingo into one jumbled post in a self-deprecating "I'm not into sports" kind of way.

So, lighten up, Courtney! I don't have a carrot either ;)

Just read the post again from a "male-chauvinist" manager point of view to his underlings in an awkward attempt at "damage (wreck) control". Why do you think his whole "note to staff" was impeccably spelled? until we got to "Bakery Manglement." The misspeling of Management is to make fun of the Manager too, and to poke fun at wreckerators/wrecks by using a word like "mangle."

so, C, do you love me again? it's all in good fun! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm oft tempted to write a reverse dictionary after reading wrecks.

And then we find the 'word recognition' portion of the verification on the post....

'dessesm' -- ??? Pronounced disses 'em? As in what we all do to these wrecks above?

I also find it hilarious that CCC creators have the need to slather the icing into one big blob, rather than leave each minicake on it's own and let our minds fill in the blanks.

Or should we fill in the blanks? I'm so confused.

~~Di (who still can't remember her Google password to log in)

Aliza said...

@ Beaver Bunch (aka Elizabeth's mum): so, you mean to say that the bakery corrected 2rd with 2th?! Wow, from terd to twoth... I guess they're both related to orifices o.0

@Jo: don't forget no realistic baby cakes. But, there is one problem with a "Pledge of Quality Cake Decoration"-- if too many bakeries and cake decorators sign off on it, we'd all be deprived of daily giggles!

The 75st cake (sorry, just had to do that!): I think someone was using that old "Quarter of a century" joke from when someone turns 25. And the wreckerator was so busy thinking about the line, that they forgot to modify it for the actual age in question.

the 30 cake: Why am I singing "E-I-E-I-O" as I look at it??? Or of the donkey in Winnie the Pooh

wildmaven said...

8/7 of the population doesn't understand fractions...

Jana @ Weekend Vintage said...

ha, ha,'s hard turning 30

Vinca said...

As a maths student, I feel I can clear some things up: clearly the first cake is in greek, a lowercase epsilon and omicron. Which is still a wreck, cause no self-respecting mathematician would use an omicron in an equation. It should be a delta, that's much more common with epsilons.

Jen said...

No captain EO and no greek, the first cake was supposed to be a for a guy's 30th birthday.

Anonymous said...

2th? You can't handle the 2th!

Marnie said...

Well, you know, 7 out of 5 people have trouble with fractions.
(And that Hello Kitty cake would be cute if they hadn't messed up the inscription.)
WV: thympa It thould be thympa to write the correct number on theth caketh.

Anonymous said...

@ Amy,
Wow! A brainiac. You certainly 'settled my hash'.

Is what you wrote true?
(hmm wonder where my dunce cap is)


wv ponsoca
Her definition is a ponsoca scheme.

Lunar Eclipse said...


Anonymous said...

!syad dab evah lla eW

Blithe said...

The Number 1 cake is my fav! My daughter's first cake was shaped like a number one, but hubby was so intent on making straight cuts and layers lining up he didn't notice that the wax paper template was upside-down. He was so embarrassed when he stepped away from it that the only pic is the one of our daughter looking vaguely ill, and the tell-tail tail is conspicuously missing :)

Mish Meow said...

Ohhhh the HK cake was a really sweet cake and well done until the th.

Green said...

Awesome entry to have on my 27nd birthday. L5 (That's twenty seven upside down and backwards. Give it a minute...)

agent99 said...

Is it just me, or does anyone elth think it's odd for asn 21 yr old to have a Hello Kitty! cake?
I'm a pug, what do I know anyway.

sarah said...

is it just me or does the 61th look photoshopped?

john (the hubby of Jen) said...


Nah. They probably just used a 50mm lens to make it look all "artistic." Why they wanted it to look artistic given the subject matter, I don't know.


Roland said...

@ Jo's "cheat sheet":




Anonymous said...

It's... it's... umm... Oh! It's a Gundam Wing cake for somebody who's favorite pilot is Trowa Barton. See, 03!

Wait, no, then the writing is upside down.

sigh. It was a reach to begin with, but I tried.

lisa said...

maybe the first one was supposed to be somethign along the lines of "E I, E I O" but they couldn't afford the "I"

Sand Mama said...

So I cant say I'm EO years old then? Darn.

Jo said...

LOL @ Aliza. (EIEIO!)

You're right. luckily, the wreckiness continues, to our amusement. Meanwhile, we can use the "cheat sheet" to make fun of the bloopers we see.

but how would we word the warning against realistic critter/baby cakes that are too gross to cut in to?

@ Roland: oops! nice catch :) that's what I get for trying write comments while I'm at work, between phone calls and interruptions. *BLUSH*

see, Aliza? never fear. The cheat sheet would still make wreckerators screw up for the tweens!

disclaimer: it was Bakery Manglement's memo to staff! apparently, he's not part of the solution.... ;)

Cat said...

I'm thinking the wreckerator of the Hello Kitty cake is dyslexic. Hello Kitty might've been my choice for my 12th birthday, not my 21st. But what does an actual quarter-centarian really know?

krnelson65 said...

SyracuseWolvrine said...
Cake #1 ... Maybe his birthday is on the (glorious) day that Captain EO returns to EPCOT Center?

(Now where's the "Welcome Back Horizons and Dream Finder" cake?)

You are a person after my own heart!! I want a "Welcome Back Horizons and Dream Finder" cake!! PLEASE Disney!

Kathleen said...

I'm almost willing to forgive the #1 because they DID at least use you're correctly.

Unknown said...

This posting was absolutely hilarious! Thanks for the laughs! :)

Anonymous said...

I actually had a friend try to SELL me a CCC the other day XD He mentioned something about ordering cupcakes by sheet cake size and I'm all excited, thinking, "Oh, nice, I can get as many cute, little, individual cupcakes as equivalent to the sheet cake size!" But, oooooh no! As he tries to explain exactly what he means, things start to go south until hitting the fan with "slather buttercream across the tops of all the little suckers...." Sounds delicious, looks like crap, and SOUNDS like it would LOOK LIKE CRAP XD Gotta love the passion!


Jimma said...

The first cake reminded me of the Wizard of Oz; you know the scene at the Wicked Witch of the West's castle with all the guards??

Maybe just me then.

WV: glanne; as in "The wreckerators must have a glanne problem that causes wreckiness!"

Arlene said...

That princess cake looks like Pepto Bismol spilled all over it. Gross! Do they even try to get these things right? Not only can they not spell they can't count.. oh man lol.

Anonymous said...

Was the 'Hello Kitty' cake REALLY for a 21st? It seems more likely that it was for a 12th birthday, instead.

Anonymous said...

Crystal said...

The first cake doesn't mention an age; maybe it is celebrating an often negative but inevitable milestone of aging: ED...erectile dysfunction.

Anonymous said...

At least the last cake had the correct use of "you're". That's gotta count for something.

Anonymous said...

@ john (the hubby of Jen)
Sorry- just got back to reading the new comments and had to LOL at your explanation at 11:37 about what you thought FTW meant. Yes, I was using it as For The Win, but alas I am neither young nor hip (more like old and geeky, but I digress). But I am flattered that you gave me the benefit of the doubt. :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe Elizabeth is expecting the 2th fairy

Gary said...

Jo said...
"... but how would we word the warning against realistic critter/baby cakes that are too gross to cut in to?"

Hmm ... Maybe, "Try to avoid creating cakes that make people want to puke. And whatever you do, steer clear of cannibalism."

Gary said...

That "You're Number One" cake is heartbreaking, because it comes so close: "You're" is spelled correctly (a very rare feat on cakes), the lines are straight, the colors aren't disgusting ... but ... Oh, well (as the kids in the picture must be saying to themselves).

C H said...


I know its all in good fun, and I never really stopped loving you, since I signed my post that way.

Of course a wreckery manager would be be biased like that. He probably calls the girls sweetie and leans over them as they frost. :)


sarah said...

i guess i just wondered why anyone would go so far as to 'shop something so awful onto a cake. but then i remembered people are crazy.

Anonymous said...

No matter how many times I tell her, my daughter still insists she was born on the "Twenty-One th"

Anonymous said...

Your blog is so funny! Every cake makes my jaw drop.

Denise said...

Happy tooth birthday, Clizabeth!

And math puns are the best!

WV: bockiest

That icing on the second-to-last cake is the bockiest I'd ever seen.

Unknown said...

Now, how do we know the creators of the EO cake aren't just ecstatic that Captain EO has returned to Disneyland? That's something to celebrate with cake, right?

LittleSnowflakes said...

My kindergartner and I had fun looking at this one. She said "Momma, didn't those people go to school?!" LOL! Out of the mouths of babes :-)

Brenda said...

Hey, it's the 2th fairy!

Craig said...

'Soviet Princess' belongs on a shirt!

@Sand Mama, no one can be 'E0' years old until they hit the ripe old age of 224. Although as a programmer, I think stating ages in hexadecimal on cakes would rock. Someone who is 80 would be '50' for instance.

On second thought, someone who is 79 would be '4F'. Ok, scratch that idea.

Morgen The Amazing said...

The "0" in the 1th pic looks kinda like a startled or worried face. Tee-Hee!

Cupcakes Lady said...

Hello Kitty cake, thats cute. xx

Sheila said...

Reminds me of the time my 4yo granddaughter told me that she was threeth. I said, "Don't you mean third?" She replied, "Grandma, it is threeth!" LOVE Cake Wrecks!

Anonymous said...

It's just like my Grad certificate! I graduated on the 28nd of May!

Haiku Joy said...

"t" in century -
a man witnessing a wreck.
Stop the fraction! Nooooo!