Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hats Off for Graduates!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Ok, enough misspellings.

Let's see what happens when Wreckerators unleash their artistic sides.

A road sign being licked by a yellow frog?
A graduation cap.
Yeah, and John says *I* don't keep things in perspective.

(And don't think we don't see that "class" screw-up, Mr. Wreckator, 'cuz we do.)

Just to give you an idea, here's a good drawing of a grad cap:

And now back to the Wrecked versions:

In this context, "graduate" = "butthead."

(And you're not imagining it; I did feature this same "design" last year.)

Do you suppose if you turn the crank the dragonfly takes off?
(Give it a minute. You'll see 'em.)

Apparently this Wreckerator mixed up graduation cap with graduation hood:

That, or maybe s/he's a Star Wars fan?

Hey, I'm sure the Senate Guard have graduation ceremonies, too.

I never knew grad caps came with ear flaps:

Must be a Canadian thing.

Here's a good reminder to always use protection:

So be smart, kids. Always use a towel to catch those crumbs.

(Brought to you by Towel Day: Do you know where your towel is?)

Christine M., Jyap, Reena B., Jared C., Ashlee A., & Emily L., way to use your heads.
Jules AF said...

I'm kind of sad I didn't get a cake for my recent graduation. That would've been fun.

Taylor said...

Is the last one a pink Mayan temple graduation cake? That seems like a pretty specific request.

Tricia L said...

If they don't sell those cupcake cakes by Friday, they can always scrape off the writing and turn them into baseball diamonds for Little League practice Saturday. See, they are thinking ahead.

Studyaid said...

Apparently the towel is protecting the 's' from making it's way on to the cake.

Anonymous said...

Why is there a gigantic blue nose on one cake?
Is it Dali-esque?
I agree with Taylor on the pink number.

Unknown said...

you just HAD to drag the Canadians into it didn't you? Don't blame US for random cake wreckiness, we do just fine with our own wrecks! :)

jo said...

"Must be a Canadian thing" LOL
as always, too clever!

It's almost like that cap has been personified with little arms.

Meanwhile, the Butthead cookie is too funny. Notice how the "d" in
"graduate" is so perfectly aligned to suggest a butt-crack.

That cracks me up! poor graduate. To be the butt of so many jokes.

(but those cookies are delish!)

Maybe the hood cake was supposed to be cap AND gown. they got confused.

Anonymous said...

why is there a ring with strings on a pink tiered graduation cake? very girly Mayan temple indeed.

wv: dotsha. A type of wreckerator punctuation mark.

sendingtheclowns said...

Oh, were you talking about the cloth under that cake??
*I* assumed your statement was referring to the handy-dandy condom on TOP of the cake.
It's a tradition -somewhere--maybe---to send the grad off with a few of those.
("Congratulations!Have FUN!!! But be CAREFUL!")

Naomi Zikmund-Fisher said...

I notice that the condom on top of the pink cake seems to be leaking in several places. Not good. Not good at all.

Jim Todd said...

"Don't Panic"! I know where my towel is... :)

Keeley said...

That butt has some severe acne problems. Maybe from sitting too much studying for finals?

Canadian ear flap CCC FTW! Who says you can never wear your graduation cap again? Come September, that thing will be handy.

Jenni said...

Happy Towel Day, you Hoopy Froods!

Very interesting interpretations of Grad caps! Hah!

drumnate said...

The first one is actually a red superbowl trophy.

I think making a CCC requires that you relinquish any sense of dimension.

Keeley said...

Wow, I didn't know today was "Towel Day"! I know where mine is, and I'll make sure to celebrate.

Thanks, I now have "Pop Goes the Weasel" in my head from looking at the crank for that dragonfly.

AND I can really see the yellow frog licking that horrible red thing. WHY it would want to is another matter.

Andygirl said...

I don't get the last one. What is it supposed to be? A Barbie patio?

Anonymous said...

The Towel Day website lists happenings around the world but one in the US caught my eye...as a tribute donate a towel to a homeless shelter. What a great idea!

Christina Wilsdon said...

Oh, I do love the cheapo grad-cap/valentine heart cookie reuse thing. Reminds me of the old Tom Carvel ice cream shop ads in which clearly Fudgy the Whale was repurposed as Santa Claus at Christmastime (Santa wore a bifurcated hat to make use of the whale's tail). Like we're not going to notice.

Renee said...

It is important to always know where your towel is... They are just using the cake to hold it in one place...

sendingtheclowns said...

The earflap cake made me think of Margie, from "Fargo."

Because of the earflaps.

"There's something wrong, here. Don't you think they're asking just a teensy BIT too much ($15.98) for a cake that's a year old? Yah?
Well, I do. Yah."



Rochelle said...

Has no one else noticed that the butthead graduation cookie actually say's congratulations 'draduate'? It said 'draduate' in the post a year ago too.. presumably wrecked by the same person.

Elkman said...

Actually, on that third cake, if you turn the crank, the whale smacks his tail against the water and makes a huge splash, washing the "2009" out of the way. Sort of a design fluke, if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

I guess my standards have dropped, because I'm just proud that they all spelled Congratulations correctly. Way to go, bakers!

Aliza said...

What's with these designs?! The caps are so bad, I don't think the designer's ever seen one. The whale tail/dragon fly is a mystery to me. The butt cookie defies logic. And as for the pink protection cake-- I don't see the link to graduation, unless it's a special school for a colleague of Amber's??

At least the bakery staff can actually spell "congratulations graduate". They should be promoted to designers since clearly the wrong person got that job!

As for the Canadian ear flaps: must've been a winter graduation! FYI for those who think we're still wintry in June, Ottawa's currently warmer than Florida - low 90s. Just sayin' ).

teacher lady said...

Crystal, you did OK in school, but not enough to warrant more than one congratulation. better luck in grad school!

Anonymous said...

Rochelle, that's how many of us were taught to make a capital cursive G. Would have been a very funny wreck, though.

Anonymous said...

I'm always amazed at what passes for professional cakes, and that people will actually pay for them.

The pink, one... seriously ... I read it as Congratulation .. Cry Street Alabama. ??? Ok, yes, later realized that it was 'Crystal', but spacing leads one astray.

Anonymous said...

Why are people so overly ambitious?! Can't they just pipe on a small grad cap instead of trying to make an ENTIRE CAKE resemple one? Geez

check out my blog: nikkiscakery.blogspot.com

Kell-Dawg said...

Is there a comma in the ear-flap cap? Class of 2,009?

scrap happy girl said...

Ok I thought the one cap was a boat with oars. Ans lastly cant you tell that's the rising sun!

sendingtheclowns said...

"Let's see what happens when Wreckerators unleash their artistic sides."

Still WAITING....


Vicki said...

That's a dragonfly? I thought it was a whale's tail. Oh, well, either way, what does either have to do with graduation?

The Dream Police Person! said...

The first one looked like graduation cap for traffic cones, the second one looked like it was mooning me, the third one looked like it had a dolphin tail holding the yellow scroll thingy together, the fourth one looked like grandfather clock, the fifth one looked somewhat like a futuristic space ship, and the last one was weirdly specific and looked like it was made out of drywall and cardboard.

Jessie said...

I'd totally get a Senate Guard cake!!

Cloudy said...

Oh, Jen, thank you for the Towel Day nod!!! I came her crossin' my fingers, and you came through. I am sitting here, laughing at wrecks, with my towel. One lady asked me this morning if I was going swimming later--I forgot I was wearing it when I went to he front desk.

Roland said...

The "road sign" and "hood" CCCs are meant to be cap AND gown, as they look when not being worn (no perspective = they're just laying there).

"Ear flaps" might have been going for the same thing, but if so it failed.

Molly Merula said...

You should make your own cake for Towel Day! :o

'Or I shall rend thee...see if I don't!'

BecBec said...

I like the pink Mayan cake. There's a stack of matching napkins right on top. Or maybe those are soaking up the 's'.

Anonymous said...

What you called a yellow frog on the first one - I saw an egg that had squirted. Kinda gross.

JennieB said...

I completely missed the towel! Read about PROTECTION and I zeroed in on what appears to be a PINK CONDOM on top!


caferacers66 said...

the Wreckorator on the last cake looks to be desperate for a triple yatzee score based on the word placement. me so tired..up since four am
thanks for another bright moment guys!

Ruth said...

Yes! A Hitchhiker's Guide reference!

Anonymous said...

And here I thought the wreck was that its 2010, not 2009.

Lupin said...

Happy Towel Day :)

Arlene said...

The only good thing about these cakes is they spelled congratulations correctly. That butt shaped cake I would really wonder about the sanity of whoever ordered it unless they think their kid is a butthead. Lol. That first CCC is trying desperately to pretend we won't notice it no matter how big they made the cap.

DW said...

Poor Crystal only gets one "congratulation" for graduating. She'll be scarred for life! At least her tummy will be happy after eating some of the pepto-bismol cake.

Anonymous said...

The butthead seems to have a fuse attached. Is it explosive?
The 'graduate' also to me looks more like Dracluate. Maybe it was originally intended to read 'Draculaette'. That could explain the dominant black.

Harmod Jørgenson

megan said...

i worked at mrs. fields for 3 years...and that heart cookie cake? in the order book. yup. people actually ordered it. i don't know if corporate noticed it looks like a butt...but yeah. it's pretty bad.

Melissa said...

confused on why there are no 2010 cakes? Did no one graduate this year? It is 2010 right.....???

Unknown said...

The "butthead" cake is really a bird's eye view of a graduate with massive cleavage.

Unknown said...

its just funny how when people make such horrible mistakes.