Wednesday, April 1, 2009

In Honor of the Rick Roll

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Rickroll has officially been beaten to death, which is why you won't find a 'rolling link here on Wrecks today.* However, it's still pretty funny, and some folks are still doing it, so in honor of those who have or will be rolled today, here's a lovely little accompanying cake:

Carl found it here; it was made by The Bleeding Heart Bakery, and is one of the nicest Rickroll cakes I've seen. I think the decorator really captured the hair height and patented "Rick Astley Dancing Elbows" quite well, don't you?

And while I'm posting April Fool's related news, I've gotta give a birthday shout-out to my big brother, Ben. Yes, my brother was born on April Fool's. And if you think I didn't get some serious teasing-mileage out of that growing up, you are quite mistaken. [wicked grin] Happy birthday, Ben!

*After today, though, all bets are off.
Redd said...


Even if I don't get Rick-rolled today, (and I'm gullible enough that it just might happen) I'm going to have that song stuck in my head for the rest of the day.

Thanks, Jen. Thanks alot. ;)

Boozy Tooth said...

I have actually been Rick Rolled. That crazy Perez Hilton! But I don't mind. I'm old enough to remember Rick Astley when "Never Gonna Give You UP" was a new hit. Heck, it's on my iPod.

So, yeah, I'd pay for that cake. What the heck.

Half Assed Kitchen said...

I want the elbow piece!!!

Angie (from over at

Laura Dotson-Thomson said...

That's just sad.... The cake I mean, not the people being tricked into clicking the link :D

Nicole said...

Best thing I've seen all day.

Kara said...

I was Rick Roll'd by Google today... burn.

Karen said...

My brother was born on April 1st too!! And he's the baby of the family. You're right, serious teasing material.

StuffCooksWant said...

Ha Ha....I already fell for a Rickroll today. You think I'd learn. The cake is lovely. The hair is spot-on. I would totally eat this cake.

Baking and Mistaking said...

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and DESSERT you.

ChiaLynn said...

The only thing that would make it better is if the cake were styrofoam. My father's an April Fool - and he swears he can spot a styrofoam cake at 100 paces.

Val said...

My cousin's birthday is April 1st. My family tells the story of my uncle calling everyone saying "It's a boy!" and everyone saying "Yeah right, ha ha April Fool's" and hanging up on him!

Giusi. said...

bahaha that's awesome. i'm so rick rolling everyone today ;D

Bluepaintred said...

wow. rickroll is SO over! the cake is neat but....rick roll...sigh.

Hey,. how do you submit a cake for this blog? I found an AWESOME..ok wait. maybe awesome isn't the word to be used here...anyway... check it out :

(dunno if that will make itself into a link or not, I'm not all HIP and Up on that HTML stuffs!)

Pink said...

I like how if he was human-sized, his right arm from shoulder to elbow would be about 4" long. :P

Paige said...

Hey kind of looks like if Rick Astley and Beavis had a love child!

Never gonna give you up (breakin the law, breakin the law)...

Scraplin said...

I have to say I have never been Rick rolled, so all of this was new to me..LOL Great blog, as usual!

Anita said...

I want that cake ... but I want Rick on an Apple OSX computer, not a Windoze.

Etiquette Bitch said...

okay, how is it that i loved Rick Astley in high school, and i've never seen this supposed rick-roll internet thingy? i know i'm way out of touch, but this proves it. i also don't twitter. yikes!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised the 'here' link wasn't a rick roll.

I love being rick rolled.

Alison said...

Just for credit to the baker, it's a Bleeding Heart Bakery creation! (I just happened to find their flickr the other day and saw that while looking through it all!)

Marji said...

Thank you Cakewrecks. I'm a middle-aged mom who doesn't get out much and you are my go to link for pop culture references. How did I go this long without knowing about the Rickroll. I lived through the Astley era, had the smooth dances moves, could complete a pretty fair hair flip ala Rick's bitchin' hot dancers, but was living in ignorance until today. You make me laugh. I am indebted. I'm hungry for cake.

jessica said...

This is my fav rickroll cake:

The cake is a lie... because it's a rickroll :)

LizH said...

"Never Gonna Give You Up" is my ringtone! You should see the smiles and laughs I get every time I get a call out in public. My daughter calls me when we are out just to see everyone's reactions.

Tonya said...

It's MY birthday today too! Yay for all us "fools"!

I love this cake, so funny!

Pink said...

Shame on you, Marji! I lived through the Rick Astley era too. I love the 80s! But I would never in my wildest dreams call myself middle age! I'm only 37. :P

Wolverine Girl said...

I've been Rick Rolled once, but I love the song so it was all good hehehe. And I agree with Paige - it really does look like Rick Astley and Beavis's love child.

Haiku Joy said...

Rick-rolling comments
in the "rick-roll cake" blog post -
so original.

ressu said...

Rick Roll'

I was so bummed today. I spotted a Wreck...and I DIDN'T HAVE MY CELL PHONE WITH ME TO GET A PIC!!!. Just damn.

angelatini said...

I Rick-rolled all of my wedding reception guests. They have almost all told me that it was their favorite part of the event! hahahaha

You have no idea how rad it was to have everyone singing along then!

angelscairns said...

I must be living under a rock because I have never heard of Rick Astley OR the term "rickrolled". I had to Google it.

I think I'll go back under my rock now and put on a Stevie Ray Vaughan CD, which is what I was listening to in 1987.

Exit, pursued by a Bear said...

erm.... did the record stick?

"never gonna give/never gonna give"

Was there not room for "you up"?

Liv said...

lol that's awesome!!
You know - I've never been of my friends did - so I asked him to send me the link! :)
Yeah...I love how they captured Rick's hair on that cake...very 80s :)
My parents had their first date on April Fools Day...who knew the joke was on them - they've been married almost 30 years!! :P
Thanks for the Rick cake, Jen!! :)

Malibu Niki said...

That is the most awesome thing I have ever seen. I'd love to have been there to see everyone's faces when they took the cake out. Rolled!

elesa said...

All I gotta say is that Rick Astley is a snappy dancer!

Cats said...

Haha! The only way to make a Rickroll cake even better would be to place the facade of a normal cake over it. You take that off, and BAM! You got cakerolled!

Anonymous said...

GD it. I was not expecting Rick at all.


Bridget said...

Is it just me, or does ol' Rick look kind of like Conan O'Brian?

sendingtheclowns said...

Yeah!!! April Fool babies are THE smartest!
Our son is 15 today, and he already knows EVERYTHING he'll EVER have to know (just ask him)!

!!Happy Birthday to Big Ben and ALL4/1 babies!!
(And what the heck does any of this have to do with Mr. Rick One-Hit Wonder?)
I remember seeing that video on MTV and muting it after the first 10,000 times...and needing a prescription sleep aid at night for weeks.

So anyway, that cake is dated 10/12/08 (? 05?)--whatever--which means that *apparently* whoever got it couldn't ever give it up.
Or eat it. Or bear to blow out the candles. And it still looks so fresh! >^-~^<

Anonymous said...

Hi I found your site whilst looking for help in icing a cake on the web. I haven't laughed so much in ages, I have been crying with laughter, a combination of the cakes and your incredibly funny commentary. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I will be visiting your blog again soon, and telling all my friends to visit too. Amanda W. in the UK.

Kristie said...

Today is my birthday, too! I have been Rick-rolled, but also love the song... :)

Anonymous said...

brack obama rolled!


StephiTwoHands said...

My birthday isn't on April Fools Day but I still want a Rickroll cake...

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but Jen and Ben??? haha :)

Anonymous said...

As an april fools' baby, I think the joke is on everyone else! I never forget what day it is, so I never fall for jokes/pranks/etc. :D It's funny to watch people try, tho!


dogface said...

Bluepaintred, I was hoping you were going to Rickroll us. At least you didn't us. :D

Word verification: scing

Seems like a good description of Bluepaintred's link. :D

Philippa said...

My little brother was born on April Fool's Day. His name is Ben too!

sendingtheclowns said...

ang said...
"... I think I'll go back under my rock now and put on a Stevie Ray Vaughan CD, which is what I was listening to in 1987."
You have excellent taste...
Mind if I join you under that rock?
Stevie Ray Vaughan's stuff is some of my favorite music to listen to NOW.

Bree said...

A couple of my friends were born on April Fools Day...always a fun day

The cake...I think I'm one of those people who will never tired of a good RickRoll...a good one that is

And this is one

Anonymous said...

The cake was "one of the best Rick Roll Cakes" you've seen?

Um...exactly how many of those things are out there?

Jules said...

Great post.;D
Happy Fools day.;D

jackie31337 said...

Somewhere on the internet, there must be a picture of a jelly-roll cake with "Rick" written on it. If not, I think I'll have to make one.

Nonoy said...

That cake looks so yummy..;D
Nice post.I'd love to be here on your blog.;D

Ester said...

I found one: from Finland. The wedding theme was finnish lakes...

Renan Lopes said...

check out this cake!

Barb E. from DE said...

Love your blog, I read it every day. Tell your brother I sympathize. My birthday is April fools day too, and I have had more than my share of jokes.

Paula said...

Funny-my little brother's birthday is April 1st. The teasing of "you being born was a joke" is fun. :)

purplewowies said...

You know what never gets old? The literal RickRoll. It has some language, but it's awesome.

That cake is OK, but I would never order it.

ladykuri said...

OK, so those of you who didn't know what a Rickroll was, did you watch the Macy's Thanksgiving parade?! Cartoon Network had RA on their float and Rickrolled the whole viewership! My kids thought it was hysterical, as is this cake!! I SO need to get one of those for my 13yo's next birthday.

B^2 said...

Yesterday was my birthday too! So please share my own birthday wishes with your brother.

April Fool's birthdays are awesome, and those of us lucky enough to born on the day know those of you who made fun/make fun are just jealous. ;)

Sara said...

I Rick-rolled my own wedding reception back in October when the bridal party, groom and I entered the hall. 'Twas a good time I'll never regret

Anonymous said...

Something tells me I'd be well advised not to click any of the links in this post...

Word verification--Ressect: to dissect a second time.

Oscelot said...

I'm amazed nobody has sent you this yet.