Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Nose "No"s

Thursday, April 2, 2009

These nosy Wrecks are certainly nothing to sneeze at.

We can always count on the drug companies for body part cakes, can't we, Amy S? Let's just hope that applicator isn't fully loaded. Oh, and that the cake isn't pistachio with lemon-glaze filling. Heheheh.

Ashley P. sniffed out a model that looks like a retro-fitted Space Invaders blaster:

To quote that guy from Geekologie: PEW PEW!

Celebrating a nose bleed: just one more occasion you never knew cakes were perfect for.

This next one may look like an adobe hut or cave entrance, but it's not.

I said "IT'S NOT." Work with me here, people, will ya?

Anyhoo, this gratuitous up-the-nose shot was found by Jessica G., and I'm lovin' that white shell border. Because you always want your giant schnoz to have a delicate finishing touch.

This next one's a lousy photo, but only because Tara H. had to take a picture of a picture to get it:

Ah, nose hair and extraneous apostrophes: It just don't get no betta!
fizbobunny said... has mostly cakes as their thumbnails for yesterdays posts. Just wanted to let you know.

The Courteous Chihuahua said...

Maybe his name is Joe Blow and they are saying Joe Blow is another year. ehhhh....maybe not.

Otherwise, ick to them all.

Bittersweet said...

This is just too crazy good
I find it hard to believe that people would actually eat this stuff

Miranda said...

Onoz! ;P

Roses said...

No caramel-snot filling anywhere?


Unknown said...

There is just NO way I could ever eat a piece of nose... Ever. Especially the bloody one. Celebrating the loss/win of a "first" fist fight maybe? Ewwww... Gross, gross!

Half Assed Kitchen said...

I wanna see a nose ring next time.

Angie (from over at

Jen@Scrapingirl said...

I feel a sneeze coming on. :)

joyce said...

How timely. Here I am using ocean nose spray to avoid a nose bleed, and I get to stare at cakes of noses before breakfast. yum.

Unknown said...

The first one, other than the fact that it is a nose, is actually really well done. not sure I'd want to be the one that had to cut it though.

kelsey said...

Certainly 'snot' the kind of cake I'd want to eat.

(I do love your humor Jen!)

StuffCooksWant said... the plethora of stuff coming out the nostrils... but, the nose hair takes the cake. Heh.

joan said...

okay. that last one REALLY got me. eww!!!

Leslie said...

I'm thinkin of the nosebleed cake in the anime sense of a nosebleed. Maybe a bit of a perv getting the cake?


Leslie said...

Whoops, got distracted. The others are snot funny is what I was gonna say. :-D

lindalou said...

I love your blog. You crack me up everyday. This has also been an education as I never realized there were so many awful cakes out there. Who knew!

the ginabean said...

I don't care if it's the best-tasting cake ever, I'm not gonna put any piece of those cakes near my mouth. Eeeeew!

Haiku Joy said...

Love rhinoplasties?
Celebrate the latest schnoz
With beige buttercream.

melydia said...

I'm terrified of the first one. It looks so realistic, and why is there a syringe up its nose?! Tell me FluMist isn't a shot!

ncsudancelover said...

The nosebleed one kinda looks like a nose with vampire teeth... it's like those pictures of dracula with blood dripping down his chin. I guess those "teeth" are supposed to be tissues?

Mommy Boots (formerly KarmaPearl) said...

The unnecessary apostrophe on the last cake is my personal favorite part of this post.

Sharon said...


I wouldn't have known the second one was a nose if I had not seen the first one. And the nosebleed disturbs me more than most of the Creepy cakes you've featured.

And I don't like anything that is mustard yellow/gold unless its mustard or a golden retriever.

And imo, Joe Blow needs more nose hair...

shine said...

A nose-bleed cake? Um...ew. Not that the snot is any better.

Anonymous said...

The nose knows (that I don't want to eat it!)

Exit, pursued by a bear said...

.... and of course, this also wins an award for bad punctuation as well as being gross.

C.G. the Foodie said...

Thanks for the morning laugh. Now I need to go blow my nose though...

Little Scarf Girl said...

Yuck, those are gross! I don't think I would want to eat those. D:

Jacob and Andrew said...

I could have sworn the second one was a chicken...

Julie said...

A nosebleed cake. I can't imagine any reason why you could POSSIBLY need a nosebleed cake. Ewwwwww.

Tabitha (From Single to Married) said...

I suddenly feel a sneeze coming on...

Anonymous said...

Maybe the nosebleed cake was for that weird chick on America's Next Top Model.

Doublebanker said...

No nose knows nose like nose knows nose!


Diana Dang said...

Aw gawd how could anyone eat that?

ebidebby said...

Those remind me of Double Dare! I wonder if any of the bakers hid flags in the nostrils?

Lyn Never said...

Whatever FluMist is, it apparently makes ectoplasm shoot out the opposite nostril. Selling point?

Twocans said...

WHO orders stuff like this?!

Anonymous said...

FluMist isn't a shot. It's sprayed into your nose though.

Tammy said...

If I didn't know it was a nose, I would have thought that second cake was a bleeding turkey.

Anonymous said...

#2 looks just like my nose after my septoplasty (correction of my deviated septum)! I had white gauze hanging out of both nostrils. It was not pretty and I certainly wouldn't have memorialized it with a cake.

Of course, here I sit eating Thai food for lunch. I'm not sure whether my nose is running because of my food or your blog!

kingmonkey said...

Body part-shaped cakes-- delicious!

I'm reminded of an exchange from the BritCom Red Dwarf.

"I see, he was a technician, so the cake's in the shape of a spanner... It's a good thing he wasn't a gynecologist."

Unknown said...

hehehe I love your blog, but not always comment...

I don't know if you have seen this cake yet

gracyanne is Belo's fiancée. She's the first from left to right, Belo is the second.

if you want to see other photos of the cake you can make a google search for: "gracyanne" "aniversário" "bolo"
and you should get a lot of pages...

quite an old happening actually but just now I thought about pointing it out

Anonymous said...

One word.


Anonymous said...

and always remember...
never kiss your honey
when your nose is runny.
you may think it's funny...
but it's snot.

drgns4vr said...

If you have trouble making a nose-shaped cake, are you entitled to sing "Nobody nose the touble I've seen"?

the un-bride said...

No, no, no, no, no, no, NO!!

Sam said...

The second one looks like a bleeding chicken to me haha!

Unknown said...

eh! We got off easy on the nose bleed one. I mean only drips of blood, not a flowing pool of it. It's almost done tastefully (for a nose bleed cake). ok, maybe not!

Unknown said...

A nose bleed cake? Ewww!
~Amy B

Jax said...

These made me positively nauseous!

Judy said...

So which one do you all like the best?

C,mon Pick a Nose!


WV: Shismi- what the drunk husband replied when the wife heard him stumble in late at night and called out to ask him "Who's there?"

Anonymous said...

The second one looks more like a plucked turkey bleeding from its feet.

Anonymous said...

At least that unnecessary apostrophe was just done in icing on a cake, not done in ink on a body. What? uh... no, I dont know from personal experience...*cough* sigh *

Sophia Nightengale said...

Hurl. Just plain f#$@%n hurl.

SwedenAnna said...

I don´t think we have icing in Sweden, but I know that we don´t have nose-cakes... :P

Petrina said...

Yum! I'll have a piece of the snot-rag please. Tasty!

Love the 'don't kiss your honey' rhyme - I'm such a child!! :)

Anonymous said...

there are no words lol.. im just sitting here laughing reading this post hahaha

twinkle teaches said...

I think I lost my appetite. And the second cake looks like a vampire nose. Oh nose!
Er, oh noes!

Anonymous said...

um.....ew. even if it IS cake, I wouldn't particularly care to eat an enlarged nose, don't you think that's just a LITTLE weird? hmmm?

Kathy said...

The nosebleed cake looks like a couple of things - either it's been attacked by a vampire (too much Twilight, anyone?), or someone stuck tampons up the nostrils. Just ... weird.

Lacey said...

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one who thought the second one looked like a bleeding chicken!

Anna said...

The FluMist applicator seems extremely tiny in proportion to that giant nose.

spyra said...

lol @ #1

I work at the company that makes FluMist! The cake makes me cringe, but that's actually a very accurate depiction how the spray is administered! Is there any info on that cake? When/where it was served? I wonder if they'll be doing it again this year... :P

Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

Most of these cakewrecks may seem really weird but they all look perfectly fine to eat (assuming they don't taste as bad as they look) but there's something about slicing up a bleeding nose with tissues stuffed up it and putting it in my mouth that makes me go "why...? why would ANYONE make a nose-cake let alone a bleeding one?!"

fuzzandfuzzlet said...

Gosh Do you have an Viagra cakes?

My son hates it when he says It`s Not and I tell him to quit talking about snot. lol

Pecuron said...

ya your blog is so cool!!
and its full of sweet and smell with a cake!!
nice about your blog man..

Yanicka said...


Can someone explain to me what is the goal of having delicious cakes shaped like something gross....

I.just. don't. get. it!!!!!

Stephanie said...

ok seriously now. who orders this stuff...

Anonymous said...

I dunno, that second one kind of looks like a roasted turkey to me.

tort said...

I think the pewpewpew pic is just a nose bleed being fixed with tampons (a la ben kweller.) nom nom nom

dani' said...

Turn that second one upside down and it could be a uterus...

David Moreira said...

All I can think of is Double Dare's Giant nose...

Nonna said...

On reflection, these remind me of the leader's nose they were trying to clone into a new leader in the Woody Allen movie "Sleeper" with Diane it, to escape, they try to take the nose hostage !

Anonymous said...

And just for added giggles, the "Flu Mist" thing is in reality a pickle-grabber. Imagine sticking one of those claw-like things up your nose!

Monica said...

I agree with the people who said the nosebleed cake looks like it has vampire fangs. Totally bizarre.

Sighted the remains of a CCC this afternoon: an empty box smeared with GOBS of frosting. I suspected its CCC status, and looking at the label confirmed it: the box said "Pull-apart cake." Blech.

Unknown said...

Any particular reason why the roses are chocolate and the frosting is also chocolate? Seems a bit blah..