Ok, obviously it's a bit difficult to find professional Passover cakes - Wrecks or otherwise - considering the whole leaven thing. However, I thought these were pretty amusing:
Hey, Passover is a celebration of the Israelites escaping Egypt, right? So Moses parting the Red Sea kind of counts as a Passover cake, right?
These next ones are more Label Wrecks than Cake Wrecks, but I think you'll agree they're Wrecks regardless. First, Niobe found this nicely packaged "Passover Coconut Cake"...

Complete with a "rich in tradition" greeting:

Well, I guess if you are having a "a Passover rich in tradition," you'll just have to hope this cake keeps well for later.
At least they're upfront about it, though. Check out what I found over on Yodster's Flickr stream, titled "How a Russian Baker Makes a Cake Kosher for Passover."

Step 2: Add a star of David.
See? So easy, anyone can do it!
60 comments | Post a Comment
nice to see that wreckages and their wreckerators are non denominational in nature.
Not only is it New Style Bakery, it's New Style Passover.
This is a whole new realm of wrecks, this is hilarious!! LOL
Thanks for sharing these!
Hahaha... Hilariosity. At least they're trying : - )
Yeah...and corn syrup and baking powder are not kosher for passover either (no corn and no leavening allowed). I LOVE the Moses parting the Red Sea one!
Moses Cake rocks!
On the last one, he should have crossed out the baking powder as well (that's leavening)- and, for some purists, the corn syrup. Had he done that, I would have totally been suckered into buying that cake for Passover. ;-)
oy vay
Just so you know, it's not hard to make a cake that is kosher for Passover. Flourless chocolate cake is one option, but I've eaten many other kinds of kosher for Passover cakes.
Oh wow. Just wow.
I'm going to go back to eating my Matzah thank you very much.
Stealing a joke from Jim Gaffigan, the inscription on the Moses cake needs to read: Ta-Da!!!!!
The "Not Kosher for Passover" cake reminds me of the people that put a warning that says "May contain peanuts" on the jar of peanut butter. It's a whole new realm of "WTF?"
And I just have to say I LOVE the Moses cake...yet another use for Sweedish fish that I hadn't thought of!
ok, first cake, totally awesome! Not in the execution of it necessarily, but overall, two thumbs up.
I think that I can speak for the whole of the Jewish community when I say that for too long we have felt apart from our non-Jewish brothers and sisters in Cake Wreck land. I am so pleased to see that we have wrecks of our own. It will truly be a great day when people of all races, religions and creeds can share in a world full of wrecks!
It would've been much more efficient if they had put the Star of David over the word "flour," conserving ink and not wasting two places on the box of this traditional-wish cake.
Thanks for using my submission!
In Communist Russia, cake bakes you!
Mmmm flourless chocolate cake.... Here is one I make that truly is kosher (as far as I can tell, being a recovering Catholic)and truly delicious!
Two notes about Passover baking.
1) Baking powder is permitted. Really. The leavening that is forbidden on Passover is leftover risen dough, used to leaven the next batch of bread (e.g sourdough starter).
Just make sure it's marked "Kosher for Passover". It should be available in the Passover section of a supermarket.
I use baking powder in my matzo balls. It makes them fluffy. Separating the eggs does, too, but then I find that the batter is so airy that it dissolves into the soup.
2) Here's how to make an edible Passover dessert: look in a cookbook (or search engine) for recipes for flourless cakes, for example,
You know, the only thing that could have made the second one more wrecktacular was the addition of lard on the ingredients list. :P Alas, it is a cake, not a pie.
Wow, are those Swedish Fish on the Red Sea cake?
Regarding the coconut cake, all the ingredients technically are kosher for Passover, but it hasn't been _certified_ (basically, a rabbi checks to make sure that it's been made on equipment that's been completely cleansed of all leavening [aka chametz]). Crumbs Bakery here in NYC makes wonderful K for P cupcakes, but states up front that they're not certified. More religious/observant people won't touch anything not officially approved.
The first cake doesn't look so bad, except for a possible error in perspective. If the water were unbroken, I'd take it for a side view, judging by the seaweed.
Boy, cake wrecks are usually uglier and rarely half as dishonest as the last one. "The cake is a li...ar!"
Did you know the original star of david was a 5 pointed star?
I like the dead fish on the sea floor!
Waaiiiit...on that Moses cake. I see dolphins, seahorses, Sweedish fish and...pineapples?!?
Are those supposed to be sea turtles or are those pineapples being washed away in the parting of the sea?
Those were hilarious. Off to send this to my hubby and to my poor friend whose birthday always seems to land in the middle of Passover! She's all set now!
Disguise the fact that they're non-kosher! That's the way to do it! LOL
~Amy B.
Oy. That's ALMOST as bad as the Hanukkah Hams that were sold at a local store. I kid you not.
These wrecks are HORRIBLE. Did Moses just lay down a big pile of doo to part the sea or something?
Well, I guess if you are having a "a Passover rich in tradition," you'll just have to hope this cake keeps well for later. Not to mention you'd have to store it somewhere else... You can't have leaven in your house during days of unleavened bread!
As for the other wreck, he forgot to cross out baking powder, and for the more strict believers, corn syrup! What a crack-up!
You know, a whole lot of the "Sunday Sweets" have that same stiff and smooth icing. Sure, it looks pretty, but how does it taste?
Aren't cakes for eating???
Why bother parting a sea that's no deeper than a child's wading pool (?) is what I don't get.
That, and also why the creatures there are floating on the top of the water. Floating on their sides. I understand that this can sometimes be idicative of a thing's being dead. (Or perhaps it is the Dead Sea?)
Could there have been a pollution problem already, way back THEN?
Wow. Ya gotta question something new every day! =^??^=
hi, i just wanted to let you know that oddee.com posted your wrecks on their website, using your tagline, and not mentioning cakewrecks at all.
That Moses cake is awesome!
Pretty meshuga, if you ask me.
Except for the Moses cake. That's totally cool, even if the perspective isn't quite right.
Word verification: unomesse. Unomesse, I'll eat just about any kind of cake.
I just noticed that the first cake has Moses crossing the red sea with the ten commandments. I think someone got the time line confused. Very funny though.
Thanks for the post!
WV: eustom, n. A gross custom. Some consider gefilte fish to be an eustom
And isn't baking powder NKFP*? I mean, leaven and stuff.
*not kosher for passover
That cake is awesome!
If the coconut cake says it's not kosher for Passover, it's probably more than just not certified. It was probably made on the same equipment that had just been used that day for leavened baked goods, which makes it not K for P for anyone, certification or not.
And yes, there's nothing in baking powder that would make it forbidden on Pesach. It just needs to be made on properly cleaned equipment.
I think if I brought these home for Passover my grandmother would plotz!
Hey, Jen, these cakes are chock full of wrecky awesomeness.
Thanks for keeping us laughing, and kudos to wonder-hubby John for giving you a break yesterday.
WV: patental = these cakes have the patental to make me verklempt.
In the Russian bakery's defense they might have crossed out the flour because they didn't use it so they just crossed it out because the labels are pre-made. I worked in food service and that's what we did for certain things when we had the pre-made labels. We just crossed it out and did not use those ingredients.
YES! I love this. Just cross out the non-Kosher (unKosher?) ingredients and slap that sucker back up on the shelf. That's something that "I" would do!
I think the Moses cake is amazingly well done.
jessica - I went to their site, and you are totally right! They have _completely_ plagiarized Jen, and gave her no credit at all.
I used their contact form to scold them - maybe some more Wreckers should do the same?
say happy birthday with cat poop!
I love these wrecks, man.
P.S. RE: what jessica said...
hi, i just wanted to let you know that oddee.com posted your wrecks on their website, using your tagline, and not mentioning cakewrecks at all. I got an email from them after I sent a message about the lack of credit and blatant use of copy, and wanted to verify the details:
Hi Karen,
Each picture has a link back to its source, check it out closely.,.. and
yes, we spoke with cakewreks' owners
Have fun
Oddee.comJust checking...
Just a quickie ... love your site. But the parting of the Red Sea was the actual final leaving of Egypt as the Egyptians chased after the Israelites ... even though the Passover began with the night of the firstborn dying ... they left the very next day as a result of it ... leading to the Red Sea. :) But he does have those 10 Commandments, doesn't he? Not exactly when he ought to just yet.
Love the Moses cake. I think he's actually parting the sea inside my 5th grade aquarium. - loriborealis
I'm pretty sure it's just a standard Moses action figure that happens to come with the staff and the tablets, and isn't actually any indication of his carrying the tablets across the Red Sea :)
I have to say, I kinda love that parting the red sea cake, there's just something about it... maybe the extra icing involved since the cake had to be cut in two. ;)
baking powder is NOT forbidden on Passover. What is forbidden is of wheat, spelt, rye, barley or oats that have been in contact with water for 18 minutes without cooking. That is the definition of chametz. leavening is a bad translation. Kosher for Passover baking powder is available
WOW. Just WOW.
To give proper credit, the Moses/Parting-the-sea cake was the brainchild and creation of Betsy Neely, a Vanderbilt Divinity Student, for the Divinity School's annual spring gala in 2008. And I believe the cake was "Red" velvet under the frosting/waves.
Passover cake mixes and pre-made cakes are notoriously bad, so I was thrilled when my mother found the following recipe a few years ago. It's really good, and not just for Passover-- I've made it for the past few Thanksgivings, too.
Chocolate Mousse Cake 12 oz. chocolate chips
1 tbsp. sweet wine
1/2 cup margarine
4 eggs, separated
1/4 tsp. vanilla
1/4 tsp. salt
Preheat oven to 425 degrees.
~ Melt chocolate and wine in microwave.
~ Add margarine and mix.
~ Beat whites until stiff.
~ Beat yolks until creamy.
~ Add vanilla, salt, and chocolate to yolks and mix.
~ Fold whites into chocolate mixture.
~ Pour into greased and sugared 9" round cake pan.
~ Bake at 425 degrees for 15 minutes.
Re: the "Not K4P" cake:
It actually IS Kosher for Passover in terms of ingredients, but it's probably not prepared under cleansed conditions.
It would fly at my relaxed kosher for passover house, though. We only worry about the ingredients.
This reminds me of the time a friend of mine found a "Great for Passover!" sign in a supermarket... advertising hams.
I think you mean the Red Sea, not the Dead Sea. Whole different sea and depth. Let's not forget that the Hebrews (they weren't Israelites just yet) had wagons and the like. You can't pull those in deep nor shallow water. Mud's a big issue, as well as possible floatability or dumpability.
Also, had the waters not been parted, God wouldn't have thrown them back together in order to trap and destroy the pursuing Egyptians.
I hope this helps clear up things. If not, a little research does the trick.
I'm flabbergasted that some people do such possible trickery just to sell a product during Passover. Why provide it at all, if its not Kosher for Jews?
The Dead Sea cake reminds me of that Far Side cartoon by Gary Larson - "Moses Part His Hair..."
And Wreckerating See NO Color, See NO Creed. All are equal in our ability to wreck. Now let's all join hands and sing Kum Ba Ya.
Thanks for the Passover wrecks! Unfortunately, most of the traditional passover cake wrecks involve taste/texture, not appearance :(
*Loved* the Moses one, even if it wasn't technically correct (either religiously or ingredients-wise). And at least that Russian baker tried... failed miserably, but at least had got some of the concept. Better than those tales of hams other readers posted!! (?!?)
If the meal is fish or vegetarian (ie not meat), then dairy can be served. In which case, there are LOTS of options today. I've had great success with the Death by Chocolate cookbook series -- seriously chocoholic decadent options. If it's a fleishic meal (ie meat)... then it's a LOT tougher finding tasty yet parev passover-friendly cakes. There's a few matza-meal brownie recipes out there that are good, and Nigella Lawson's clementine cake (with K4P baking powder) works-- and is so good, I always keep some in my freezer for impromptu entertaining.
Regarding some of the posters' comments about Kosher for Passover (in case bakers read this and get confused):
* Kosher for Passover baking powder has potato starch, not corn starch
* More than just wheat/rye/barley, etc are not kosher. The Eastern European tradition (aka Ashkenazi) also rules out corn (hence the comments about corn starch and corn syrup), lentils, chick peas, soy, rice, etc. The Sephardi tradition (aka descendents of Spanish Jews) says those are fair game.
* if cooking/baking for people who may be religious, you can't use anything made from those ingredients, either-- so no pasta or soy sauce, for example. Or corn syrup.
* you can always use ground up or broken up matza, however. As long as the matza's K4P. (Yes, as crazy as it may sound, there is matza out there that isn't kosher for passover)
* you can technically have hametz (leavened goods) in the house, if you sell it to a non-Jew (and then buy it back). And obviously can't consume any of it during the 8 days of Passover-- since you don't own it! ;)
* passover baking: ground almonds and egg whites are your friends.
There's quite a few other rules & regs, so check with someone before you undertake a Passover dish. I'm not particularly observant, but I learned the rules so that I know and understand what I don't follow. Since I have family who are very observant, I tend to do the baking for passover because it can be such a minefield.