- First to fight for the right,
- And to build the Nation’s might,
- And the Army goes rolling along.
Others wear dog tags.
The Coast Guard's in the fight.
Destroying subs and landing troops,
The Axis feels our might.
Climbing high into the sun!
Souls of men dreaming of skies to conquer
Gave us wings, ever to soar!
We live in fame or go down in flame. (Hey!)
Nothing'll stop the U.S. Air Force!

And full disclosure: this was actually made in honor of the Royal Canadian Air Force, but it was too gorgeous not to share. So, Canada, there's one for you. :)
- Anchors Aweigh, my boys, Anchors Aweigh!
- Farewell to foreign shores,
- We sail at break of day, of day.
- Through our last night on shore,
- Drink to the foam,
- Until we meet once more.
- Here's wishing you a happy voyage home!
- From the Halls of Montezuma,
- To the shores of Tripoli;
- We fight our country's battles
- In the air, on land, and sea;
- First to fight for right and freedom
- And to keep our honor clean:
- We are proud to claim the title
- Of United States Marine.
Happy Memorial Day, everyone!
110 comments | Post a Comment
They're amazing!!! Particularly love the helmet and boots :)
This was your BEST POST EVER!
Absolutely stunning. A great tribute.
Impressive and inspiring! Happy Memorial Day!
As a military family (who's spouse/father is currently in Afghanistan), thank you for the tribute.
Absolutely amazing.
Great cakes! The boots look a little too realistic for me, though. Would have a hard time tucking into that one even though it is cake.
What a beautiful post. Thanks from the bottom of my heart for honoring our service men and women. (And the cakes are amazing too!)
Wowzers! Those sure are pretty.
Now let's hope the comments today are as pretty as the cakes.
(By the way, hope that boat cake wasn't served on top of an actual American flag. I don't think you're supposed to do that. Plates, tablecloths, little flags on a stick; yes. A real flag; no.)
I think this is the first time I ever cried looking at a Sunday Sweets. Those are awesome cakes (the tank ones are simply amazing)
Great topic, great cake choices. You done good, Jen and John.
This was awesome. Thanks for sharing, and remembering our troops.
Thank you for this great post! I loved them all and appreciate you remembering what Memorial Day is all about.
Wow, these are truly incredible. I love seeing artistic patriotic cakes. Today's post is a great way to pay tribute. Thank you, Jen and gang.
Thank you for honoring my homeland... and all the men/women serving both our countries.
Those cakes are excellent. Wow.
Thank you, Cake Wrecks, for the post. And a special thank you to our service-men and service-women who have given so much, sometimes all.
I really like the marine one with the flag raising - neat visual!
Thanks for the shout-out to Canada...we remember our military on November 11th if you should feel so inspired... :)
VW: aparie - Two sailors on shore-leave in Paris!
Awesome, awesome, AWESOME! Wow! Thanks so much for the cakes today. And thank you to all who have served.
This post made me tear up. My Grandfather fought in WWII and my younger brother has been in the Army National Guard since he graduated high school 8 years ago. Thank you SO much for honoring our service men and women, past and present. It means a lot to them, and to those of us who love them.
~Sara S.
Absolutely wonderful! Thanks!
these cakes are amazing and brought a tear to my eye.
amazing post! both my grandfathers were in the army air corps in wwii as a supply runner and a mechanic. one of my great uncles was a bombardier and navigator for the air corps and my other great uncle was an army paratrooper. one of my best friends is currently in rotc to be a pilot and engineer for the air force.
on an aside, i was almost hoping for indy 500 sweets but..... i'm from indianapolis so maybe that's just me...... (or you could do 500 wrecks sometime this week heheh :D )
Thank you for this post, as a military brat and friend.
That. Was. AWESOME. I got goosebumps. So cool.
All of those cakes are just amazing! Thanks for sharing them this weekend!!
Thank you for a great post and thank you to our men and women of the military, past and present.
WV: vahst - What a vahst amount of talent these cake decorators exhibit.
How in the world do people ever bring themselves to eat these things? I mean, how can you take a knife and actually CUT it?
those are amazing...my son is a Marine and I would love to have one of those for him..he would just die...what awesome work you do.thank your your tribute to all of the armed services and Marines
And I thought wedding cakes were the most beautiful. These are simply breathtaking.
My son is a Marine! Thank you!!!!
Best Sunday Sweets ever! Thanks for the salute to the men and women serving in our military, Jen. If anyone deserves cake it's them! Thanks for all those who put themselves in harm's way so the rest of us can live in peace.
This Army Wife thanks you. I read your blog everyday for laughs. Today there were tears. (sniff)
WOW...is what I say, along with THANKS and PRAYERS for all who have served and are currently serving!!
of cakes like this everyday of their lives they are deserving
I'm in awe of the talent that it took to make these cakes. They are truly beautiful!
A very fitting post. Happy Memorial Day-- remembering all who have served.
The creativity and talent of these people is amazing! I just keep looking and thinking "how do they do that?" And such a great day to express that talent! Remembering our military with honor!
Oh how sweet these were. I loved the coast guard cake with the little coast guard guy on it-cute and patriotic
Thank you for this tribute, Jen. As a Navy daughter and a Navy wife, I can't say thank you enough. Lest we forget, this weekend is not about the beach and burgers on the grill (although that is what my family will be doing!) Fly Navy!
Land of the free because of the brave. Past, present & future.
These brought tears to my eyes- simply beautiful and these decorators should be very proud of their work.
-Barbara Anne
Thank you for that! So often younger people forget why we have Memorial Day, it's so wonderful to have such a lovely post to remind us all, while also entertaining!
I am in awe of the talents of these decorators. It's almost unfair to say I have a favorite, but I do - the Coast Guard cake.
Thank you for the fabulous tribute!
Absolutely gorgeous.
Thank you.
Wow! Really amazing,incredible cakes! A very moving tribute by all the bakers. Thank you for honoring our troops on this Memorial Day. The boots brought a tear.(I lost my son in Iraq 4 years ago. He would have been 32 yesterday.)
As a proud Army wife/Air Force daughter/Navy best friend - let me just say thank you for this.
I've just been blown away on every level of awesome. :D
WOW! These cakes are amazing! I want to see more USMC sweets though... so amazing.
These are some of the most stunning cakes I have ever seen!! There have been a lot of incredible wedding, birthday and other occasion cakes featured on Sunday Sweets but these have so much meaning behind them honoring not just the recipients, but all who have served. pasital
Teabunny, I had the same thought. I flinched when I saw a cake sitting on what looked like a real flag. I hope it was just a very skilled artist. If so, it's a high compliment that we even had this thought!
:( So sorry for your loss(I don't want to even imagine something so horrible)...but you must be SO proud that your son felt the way he did to DO what he did for this country.
I wouldn't be here today if not for my Mom & Dad being in the Navy at the same time (it's where they met); she was a WAVE & he was a Chief Petty Officer. They would get choked up during parades when they'd play the different service's songs (Navy's being "Anchors Away").
I currently have a cousin in the Middle East; he's 60-yrs. old and STILL flying helicopters~~~I don't know how he managed that, but he loves it.
WONDERFUL post, guys.
Well, whether or not you agree with the efforts of the American military, those are some freaking awesome cakes.
And way to give a shout-out to Canada! Wooooo!
@Laura (((hugs))) so sorry for your loss. You son gave his all, and I am thankful :'(
First time posting, long time reader.
God bless you for this post. My father was army in WWll. Thank you for honoring those who have and are serving.
Thank you for those amazing cakes. After losing so many friends, it's nice to see people still honor Memorial Day. So this prior Air Force lady who is also an Air Force spouse says THANKS!!!
Now for a technicality, the AF song goes like this:
Off we go, into the wild blue yonder.
Climing high, into the sun.
Here they come, screaming to meet our thunder.
At'em boys, giv'er the gun.
Down we dive, spouting our flames from under
Off with one helluva roar.
We live in fame, or go down in flames, HEY,
Nothing can stop the US Air Force!!!
My uncle is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marines who has toured twice in Afghanistan and now goes regularly every 2 weeks, and this tribute just reminds me of how much of a hero he and so many other brave men and women truly are. Remember that it is not just on Memorial Day that we should acknowledge these fantastic people.
amazing cakes!a nice salute to the men & women serving (or who have served) in the armed forces.
All of them were fantastic, but especially the Marine ones, I am pratial though with having 2 brothers who served in the Marines.
WOW!!! I liked the Black Sheep Custom Cakes because of the topper; truly awesome. Also am impressed with the helmet and the BOOTS. Those boots are realistic down to the stitching and laces and scuff marks. These people should be on those TV cake challenges!
Sonja @5:14 - J and J have used parts of two verses of the Air Force song - completely legit, just not very well known. I'm pretty sure they were just being poetical.
WV: gierfliz: "Let's not get into a gierfliz over technicalities and miss the point."
Ranee (Air Force wife for 24 years and counting.)
Two huge thumbs up for including the Coast Guard in your post. All too often they are left out even though they are part of the armed forces so it is really nice to see them included.
Wow. And in the best of ways.
Thanks so much for the tribute to our armed forces. My dad was in the Army Air Corps during WWII, my brother was in the Army. My mom and I spent each year for 20+ years watching the Memorial Day concert on tv. Today's page gives me a lump in my throat.
Sweet tribute and beautiful sweets!
Thank you for todays Sunday Sweets. The true meaning of the holiday has been largely forgotten. I love your site - gives me a giggle whenever I check it out! I love it even more now seeing those awesome cakes! Thanks again!
I'm gonna be the nitpicker here, since no one else did it. Memorial Day is for soldiers killed in combat. This post would make more sense for Veterans Day (or even more for Armed Forces Day last week).
I get very sentimental during military-based holidays (Dad served in Vietnam) and this drove me to tears (in a good way :)
I wonder how many who partook of these had trouble getting it past the lump in the throat. I know I would...
Even (or especially) the very simple ones have dignity off the charts.
Excellent post. Thank you.
the RCAF one is good as it's not gaudy like some of the american ones
awesome post. I don't normally comment, but I wanted to say thank you for the beautiful tribute to our service men and women.
Though all of these cakes are beautifully done, I find the hat and the boots particularly affecting. There is something so deeply personal there about them.
I just wish we had some tribute cakes to the Patriot Guard Riders. While not all riders are military themselves, they provide an invaluable, important service; escorting those who served and died to their final resting place and providing much-needed support to the family of the fallen.
For those interested, here's the Ballad of the Patriot Guard.
Beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing those!
Teabunny and Ella,
My thought too....especially since the cake seems to be for someone currently serving in our armed forces. I sincerely hope they weren't presented with a cake sitting on top of the actual flag they're defending. It would be a difficult situation for them.
WV: betrian. They be betrian our flag code with that cake!
I youtube'd each song/anthem/hymn and just let the tears roll as I read today's post. Raised by a West Point grad who proudly served in the brand-new Air Force and I am glad is still alive, I respect and thank each and every man and woman who gave their all. "With the thanks of a grateful nation", as they say at the funerals. Thank you, John and Jen, for the honor you show them.
@Laura - Thank you for your sacrifice.
What a beautiful Tribute to all those that serve(d)! Thank you for sharing these amazing cakes! What talented cake decorators/designers!
Amazing post. It brought years to my eyes. @Laura, I'm so sorry about your son.
Loved this post! Thanks for including the Coast Guard!
Thank you for today's meaningful post, and for the reminder of the meaning behind the holiday. Like others have posted, this one brought a lump to my throat (my step-grandmother was a WREN, a great-uncle was killed during the Battle of the Bulge, and my father is a veteran and a civilian security & intelligence expert).
And thanks for the RCAF cake ;) Since you've used quotes, this is also appropriate for that particular cake since it's by John Magee who was one of the Americans who enlisted with the Canadian forces to fight in WWII, before the US got involved:
"Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings/
Put out my hand, and touched the face of God."
And I wanted to offer my condolences to Laura (@2:20): may you find some comfort in the memories of your son
Sue N, Wow, great pieces of art. All were fabulous! Good job everyone and what a great tribute to our Service men and women!
Wow. Those are some mighty beautiful cakes. So stunning I can't believe anyone would want to cut into them.
My brother's leaving for Marine OCS on Thursday. Seeing these gorgeous cakes somehow makes me even MORE proud of him. Ooh-rah!
Thanks for remembering the Coast Guard!
As the military brat child of 2 military brats and someone who has served and is preparing for their spouse to deploy, thank you.
As a Coast Guard wife I want to say "thank you" for not forgetting us! All too often the USCG is forgotten about and excluded, many do not realize we are one of the 5 military branches!
Can I just say you get mad point from me for having a Warrant Officer cake! Okay it's the Navy not the Army but still thanks for remember the "other" officers.
I cannot believe how that choked me up.
You get MAD points for slipping a Warrant Officer in there. Okay it's Navy and not Army but still they are oft forgotten. Thanks for remember the "other" officers!
*if this is a repost I'm sorry my computer went wacky
this was great
I had to come back in today for an antidote to the Monday cakes. UGH.
This may be a post I'll need to bookmark.
-Barbara Anne
I have a photo of Marines (including my great-uncle) celebrating the USMC birthday in Cavite, Philippines, during the Spanish American war. They are siitting solemnly around a table on which sits a very strange-looking cake in the shape of a destroyer of the era (think Monitor and Merrimac).
Just so you there's a long and noble history to cake wrecks. :)
Absolutely amazing cake "wrecks"! Just beautiful, brought a little tear to my eyes. This is one of my favorite places to visit, thank you!
Christina Jackman
Awesome way to pay tribute !!
The Canadian Air Force cake was so beautiful that it made me cry a little and thanks for including the Coast Guard. So many people forget about that branch of the Armed Forces.
Thank you so much for remembering the U.S. Coast Guard!! They are the oft forgotten branch. ~Sandra McConnell (ex-Coastie)
Wow, they are so nice to look at, I'd never want to eat them!
Well, when my dad was in it the first time, for WWII, the song was "Nothing can stop the Army Air Corps"... but the second time (he got called up from the reserves for Korea) it was the "US Air Force." Love you and miss you, Dad.
Thank you so much for including the Coast Guard. My baby brother serves on the USCG Cutter Katherine Walker in Bayonne, NJ, proudly patrolling the Hudson River. So many times the Coast Guard is overlooked during times of military appreciation, so it means so much to me that you included them. Thank you!
First time commenting, but I had to say something. Thank you for doing something so touching. I have no family or friends currently serving, but I still try to honor those working so hard and risking their lives. Brought tears to my eyes, this post did.
Anonymous said: "I think this is the first time I ever cried looking at a Sunday Sweets. Those are awesome cakes (the tank ones are simply amazing) May 29, 2011 10:34 AM"
The exact same for me. I started crying when I saw the Marine cakes. Truly amazing and thank you for this special post.
Lovely cakes! And bonus props for remembering the Coast Guard = )
The Coast Guard cake made me cry a little over here. I know that cake. It's a 1st birthday cake for my friends nephew. His dad was killed in the Coast Guard helicopter crash in Hawaii on September 5, 2008. Ty was only a couple months old when his dad died in service for our country. Thank you for putting it up. :)
Tearing up here too. My Dad joined the Army at the grand old age of 14 in 1944 and served proudly in both the Army and, later, the Air Force until 1969. He passed away on Feb 22, 2009 but I know he would have loved these cakes and appreciated the thoughts behind them.
On a personal note, I, too, really hope the boat cake was not served on top of a real flag. Please tell me that was bunting of some sort....
THANK YOU for this post... I'm certain all the other cake decorators featured would agree with me in saying the honor was completely ours in making these confections. The gentleman for whom I made the Chief Warrant Officer hat is one of the most endearing men I have ever met and deserves all the praise for his service as do all of our military, police and fire personnel AND their families. It's not just the soldier who goes to war - our hearts and appreciation go out to those who have lost a loved one... thank you, Laura, for rearing a son who would be willing to give so much to all of us.
My sister called to let me know one of my cakes ended up on your site... to be put on Sunday Sweets edition is truly an unexpected honor, but to have one of my cakes chosen for this post in particular? Well, I have been tearing up since.
Kudoz to you, Jen and John, for honoring our troops.
Thank you for all of your humor. But more importantly, thank you for being tasteful and showcasing some really beautiful cakes by such fantastic artist from time to time.
I've never had a bunch of cake photos make me cry before. Good job, Jen.
The Eagle, Globe, Anchor was amazing. They all were. And even tho it was Navy,:) I really liked the CWO4 promotion cover cake.
Thank you for remembering the Coast Guard! (My husband is in that branch, and you'd be surprised how often people treat them as an afterthought or not as "real" military.) All the cakes were beautiful. :)
Thanks for the awesome tribute to all military members and their families!
Great cakes, but I, too, cringed at not only the cake displayed on top of a flag, but the iced and fondant flags on the cakes. According to the Flag Code, a flag is ANYTHING that looks like a flag, no matter the material. As such, it should not be "embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard." I'm sure the cake makers didn't mean any disrespect, but it would be nice if everyone was more informed.
As the wife of a former submariner, and a current Coast Guardsman deployed to the Middle East....WOW!!! Thank you so much!