Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Off By a Hare

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Ok, bunny cakes! This is your week to shine.



Very attractive.

(Get it? 'Cuz it's shaped like a magnet? Eh? EH??)

But seriously, that's terrible.


You're joking, right?

And this is just cheating.


What the...?

A sunburned mouse? Really?

Look, maybe you should just go back to cheating.

'Cuz this is getting disturbing. [shudder]

Those eyes are staring into my soul.

Hold me.

C'mon, bakers, you can do better than this! Let's try for a big finish, eh? Ready? Aaaaand....



Hey Krissy B., Kim V., Caroline C., Emily, Sarah E., Liz P., Reva P., Emily W., Mary, Danielle G., & Rachel C.: can any of you FIND meeeeee... some bunny to love?
Judy C said...

This is sad. Really sad.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I give a pass to the bunny-log. It has a cute face even if it's just an oddly re-purposed roll cake.

Deirdre said...

It's a good thing it's morning and I just had coffee. Because if I needed to sleep after seeing those, I'd probably have nightmares. Gah!

ninja dude 11 said...

Easter bunny will eat your soul

Unknown said...

That 4th one - a bunny in black face? Really?

Anonymous said...

On that first one, I'm guessing the baker had pig cakes left over?

ninja dude 11 said...

The fourth one isn't bad its just different its well done it just is unrealisticly colord

monchichimommy said...

fantastic, really a spectacular collection today. that coconut(?) covered pink bunny was so close and then they decided to frost and decorate and things went downhill quickly. if you have a pan that does so much of the work for you to then screw it up is remarkable!

Lynne said...

I'm ashamed to admit, but I kinda like the purple bunny log roll.
It's cute in a creepy kind of way.

flying gargoyle said...

Ummm...is that 4th one just a coffee can covered with frosting? And its lid hidden by a chocolate digestive biscuit? And stoo is right, it looks ready for a Minstrel Show. A cute, well-frosted Minstrel Show, but about a century too late for comfort, nonetheless.

Loo-E Loo-I said...

wv: cophine: A drug like morphine, used only to cope with the pain of seeing poorly made cakes!

Stay away from the first one...it looks rabid. O.o

The last one scares me. Even if it has a Pi mouth. Looks like it's saying "Must..Eat..Children.."

The others are just pathetic!

Usagi said...

The last one looks like he's a member of the British judicial system.

Danger Boy said...

I think the last one looks like George Washington in an alternate reality where he was a crackhead.
Just me? Darn.

Kelly said...

Laughing SO hard at these!!!

kimberj said...

#1 since when do mutant pink pigs wear bananas for hats???, #2 Rabbit Roadkill perhaps?, #3 bunny on acid, #4 bunny stuck in purple legwarmer from the 80's then hit in face with hammer, #6 poo with eyes, #8 large psoriatic rabbit- ewwww, #5 7 & 9 the reason some bakers should quit their day jobs.

Classic Steve said...

Sure #8 isn't a pinata?

Anonymous said...

Why is there a cockroach cake in this line-up?

zoomom said...

Something about cake #8 reminded me of this:


(I think it's the icing around the bottom. Martian toes!)

LeftWingLock said...

Please bring back the airbrushed pink bunny from yesterday. He was at least cute in a hey-I-can-draw-that-too kinda way. Today's little pink bunny looks more like Pig from Pearls Before Swine.

The dark evil beast (disguised by a pair of teensy bunny ears) slowly rises up out of the slimy green pond, lurking silently until the kids from the Easter egg hunt wander too far into the forest...alone...

Oldish Lady said...

#3 isn't a rabbit. It's an alien. One of the rarely sighted, but extremely vicious "pinks".

wv= ditses The people who made those rabbits are all ditses

Unknown said...

The "Bunny Log" is quite cute. Even better if its an icebox cake.

Melissa said...

Comments by a 7 year old...
pic #1 - that one looks weird
#2 - I don't know what it is! But it looks like a "u"
#3 - that one looks like a bug
#4 - that one looks like a purse
#5 - that one looks really cute (wha...??)
#6 - that one looks like a beetle
#7 - what is that? I think it's funny
#8 - that one looks like a pinata
#9 - that one is cute (she's 7... )
#10 - that one looks like a billy goat, but my 12 year old insists that it's a zombie form of George Washington.

Geekett said...

Yeah that last cake scared me too...especially the 8.99 emblazoned on the top. It's like they REALLY expect you to pay 9 bucks to scare the pants off your kids/relatives. Of course I'd be the evil person who'd say "For nine bucks you'd better rig it to squirt fake blood!"

Oh and I'm gonna be singing that song aaaaaall day now thanks to you :)

elissa said...

That last one looks like Bugs Bunny crossed with the vorpal bunny from Holy Grail. With rabies.

Run away! Run away!

Anonymous said...

And because of course I don't read the comments first... I may be the twelfth to reference this!!

Cake #2?
Isn't it OBVIOUS!! It's inspired by THIS gem:

Smokey Robinson on Sesame Street, "U Really Got A Hold On Me"

Which brought up in conversation on facebook recently led to an interesting discovery. Most of my friends were traumatized by this video. lol

The era when men were men and dux were dux.

Anonymous said...

Wow, those were disturbing.
The Pink coconut one on first glance, I thought it was meat! (shudder)

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or does #5 look like it has an actual cotton ball for the tail? Mmmmm.... fuzzy goodness.

Alison said...

I'd do the log-shaped bunny. At least they did a good job with the face and all. Even if it is purple. It's still cute.

Love that alien rabbit, too, with the orange and pink antennae. For your sci-fi themed Easter celebration.

Anissa said...

I have to admit that the purple log cake (I'm guessing it's ice cream sandwiches stacked together and frosted) is clever and cute. The pastel is not a typical bunny color yes, but it fits many Easter decorations...

Kristin said...

I have to admit that I too like the bunny log! :)

Valerya Baker said...

Well, my 2 1/2 year old daughter immediately said "nunny guk" (bunny cake) when she saw these, so they can't be that bad. Right...?

Katie said...

Yeah, I kinda like the log roll bunny too, actually. At least, I'd be willing to eat that one and it's not demon-possessed. These make me thankful for plastic flotsam, as well. Cheesy, but at least we know what they're intending to make this way.

Maddie said...

OMG I've been seeing that purple log one advertising on TV for the past couple weeks for a certain famous ice cream shop! AND the first thing I said was "Wow, that's a wreck!" Haha!

UKRuth said...

Aww, I quite like the round tube purple one, at least it does look like a rabbit and looks quite cute. Not sure how you'd cut it though...

Shannon said...

That bunny log is from Baskin Robbins!! I saw the commercial the other day and was appalled.

Miss Monroe said...

Wow. Just wow.

Muria said...

If the bunny log roll is ice cream cake (it looks like something Baskin Robbins would make), I'd eat it. With my eyes closed.

Please tell me there will be bunny sweets on Sunday to make up for the last two days' cakes?

Renee Nefe said...

Those are some Fierce Bad Rabbits!

Hannah B said...

I actually kind of like the magnet bunny ccc (patooie!) in a between-the-choice-of-that-cake-and-getting-my-hand-chopped-off-I'd-choose-the-bunny-magnet kind of way. *Shields face with arms, looks around, and runs away*

wv - plogeex: The club for geeks who demand the Proper Likeness of Oryctolagus Cuniculas (i.e. the rabbit)

happytrout said...


i think number 6 is somekind of mutant bulbord from pikmin

tiny purple elephant said...

the log o'bunny was quite creative

~flying gurl~ said...

Baskin Robbins has a commercial for that purple bunny log...where the father is on the baby monitor subliminally asking the mom who is in the bedroom asleep for that creepy cake. in the background the kids are grinning knowing that they may get to eat purple frosting and have funky poo...*nuff* said!

wv: bablera~ my mutterings after some of these cake wrecks...

myfairmatron said...

I thought everyone knew the religious significance of sunburnt mice.

Donna said...

Attracted! *snort* Hahahahahaha!!!

All it needs are the little black things in the magnetic man game (put the facial hair on him...)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for including this year's B-R Easter Bunny roll cake, which made me laugh out loud when I saw it on TV a week or two ago. It's really walking a fine line.

Kelly said...

Are we sure that the pink coconut-y one (*7) isn't actually meat? Cause I'm pretty sure it's eye is 1/2 a black olive...

Badcookie said...

That complete chocolate 'bunny' thing, looks like one of those bug monsters in Pikmin. I now oddly want to dig that game out...

Meagan A. said...

The fourth one looks like a bunny cannon.

Anonymous said...

That third one looks cute to me. Maybe it's just not as bad. Is it possible Cake Wrecks has ruined my judgement? "Oh, that cake's not bad. If you want to see bad, look at this!" *holds up picture of The Wheeled Loch Ness Peep Monster CCC (patooie)*

colleenoz said...

Did anyone notice #1 appears to be rabid?
Seriously, though, do people buy those fugly cakes? Even if I was totally desperate for an Easter cake, no way would I be buying one of those for MY table.
WV: twoat- If I tried to eat one of those ghastly cakes it would stick in my widdle twoat.

Godwin said...

Best part about all these cakes?

You ended the post with a Queen reference :D

Wendy said...

I sort of like the bunny log too...it was disturbing, but in a nice sort of way. (Okay, I've been reading this blog too long!)

Anonymous said...

The bunny log cake kills me. It's funny to see so many defending in in the comments! The perfect cylinder of a body is just too weird (although, yum--ice cream cake! I'd totally eat it anyway.) I think my favorite part of it is that this is the model version, the pinnacle of what a bunny log can aspire to be. I really hope someone sends in a picture of an actual, ordered bunny log cake, as we all know something critical is usually lost in the execution.

The sixth one is also great-- reminds me of a muddy hippo, emerging from an algae-riddled pond to stare surreptitiously at its prey. I mean, yay Easter!


Anonymous said...

The 6th one is a casting reject from the Star Trek TNG episode with the angry oil slick entity that sucked up the crew.

lisadh said...

I, too, like the ice cream bunny log. Nothing beats the ice cream/frosting combo! Yum!

Christine said...

Number 4 looks like the result of an unatural relationship between a rabbit and Thomas the Tank Engine

Jenny Allworthy said...

I hope your Sunday sweets will show these nimrods how it's done!

winsomebulldog said...

Freddie Mercury and Queen reference = Awesome!

Bunny cakes not so much.

Kris said...

Bunny Roll! Haha, that IS indeed a Baskin Robbins cake. I'd made a dozen or so in my BR career. These too - http://www.brcaterings.com/NEw%20img/Fluffy%20Bunny%20Cake.jpg

Behold, Fluffy Bunny.

If you can find an actual Bunny Roll or Fluffy Bunny cake in a BR, they'll probably look way worse. They're pretty awkward to make, and I dreaded making them. I was a pretty good decorator, but these always looked... um... wonky.

Tori said...

My 2.5 year old daughter was sitting next to me as a read this. Here are her labels for each cake (without being prompted):
1. Dog!
2. Cat!
3. Bug!
4. Bunny!
5. Bunny!
6. Bumblebee!
7. Mouse!
8. Elephant!
9. Bunny!
10. Maniacal laughter

So I guess some of them were close.

Mafdet said...

Actually, cake no. 4 is rather cute.

...in a bluish, barrel-shaped way...^^

Damon said...

I am like 90% sure the third one down is a cooite or a love-bug. Which made sense until I realized easter is no where near St. Valentine's day.

Anonymous said...

I saw the purple cylindrical bunny in an ad on Sunday and said to my husband, "This should be on cake wrecks" LOL Glad to see I was right!

Anonymous said...

Usually it takes a lot to put me off of wanting cake - given my hard core sugar addiction - but seriously...these are disgusting.

Louisa said...

Only $9 stands between you and sweet sugary goodness!

--glogions: I use bright pink icing by the glogions!

Kristen C. said...

My 6 year old daughter asked me if a kid made the sun-burned mouse. lol. We think it looks like Jerry from Tom and Jerry. :)

Diana Davis said...

I dunno. I kinda like the bunny log. Every year, I hide the contents several six packs of craft beer in the backyard for my husband to find.

sophie said...

no, c'mon, the purple bunnylog is just brilliant. Genius.

Annette said...

When Easter meets the Jersey Shore...SNOOKIE BUNNY LIVES!!!!! (re:Sunburn bunny)

Anonymous said...

Thufferin Thuckotash Bugs Bunny, I never knew your descendents would turn out so badly! -Sally mommatown.com

Anonymous said...

Thehorror, the horror D:

Anneke (Mudhooks) said...

I can only assume that this Easter we celebrate the visit of the Pigbeaver.

Anonymous said...

The sad thing about this is that most of these cakes are grocery store cakes and coming from someone who knows (I, myself, am a grocery store decorator) they do not train you. Not only are you untrained but you're expected to decorate anywhere from 20-30 cakes in one day in no less than 6-7 hours if you're lucky. This is the reason why so many of these cakes look horrendous.

Anonymous said...

That one with the antennae has got to be a bug. Isn't it? For all that's good and holy! Let that be a bug!

Sarah McNair said...

The purple bunny roll with the little whiskers totally made me giggle! I would definitely have one of him.

Michelle Condra-Peck said...

I'm not sure that the first one is a bunny. Or that there's cake under all that icing. Or that it's safe to go near it.

The traces of the last person to mock its matted fur and yellow striped ears can be seen on its feet.

Beware the Bunny!

Michelle C.

BADKarma! said...

The third one up from the bottom isn't actually a bunny at all. It's a perfectly serviceable depiction in cake of a cute little baby Bulette.

Christina M. said...

That last one has got to be a tribute to George Washington or something!!!!

shannon said...

The alien bunny with the clown makeup and green bow tie is actually really cute. I would eat that, true story.

Pandaluver21 said...

My roommate saw number 8 and said "it's a puke pinata bunny... with toes..."

Micalah said...

Have any idea which one of those are the easter bunny?

KayT said...

Does that pinata/meat/coconut cake have lights on it? What ARE those randomly placed bells/spots/rectangles???

I thought we had a pattern going starting with the "beebunny" cake then the "barrelbunny", the "ballbunny" and the "bearbunny", but "pinatameatcakebunny" just didn't fit!

Four Jordans said...

I might actually get the bunny log. It's the most decent rabbit cake that I've seen. Toss out that purple frosting, though.

Anonymous said...

The sixth Chocolate bunny, is clearly the famous Bunny from the Black Lagoon....

Thanks, you guys rock!

Mama Wild Bear said...

I actually thought the log roll bunny was kind of cute but I burst out laughing when I saw the chocolate "What the..." nosing its way through the grass.

Amy said...

I actually think the bunny log is pretty cute.

Star B. said...

I saw the BR commercial and thought about doing that myself for Easter....as a "refrigerator cake", OKA chocolate wafers and cool whip served with sliced strawberries. I think I'll leave off the bunny parts, though.

Marnie said...

Rabid naked mole rat, chocolate armadillo, George Washington crossed with Bugs Bunny on steroids...by comparison that little purple bunny log ought to be on the Sunday Sweets. It was the only one that made me think, "Awww, cute" in the middle of a bunch of "What in the world? What were they thinking?"

Anonymous said...

Bugs Bunny not amused by the (wv) antics of these Elmer Fudd-type "bakers". If only we could see how he uses the Acme bunny magnet, the Acme chocolate hand grenade, and the Acme pinata to finish this cartoon.
--Blondie's Mom

Isolder74 said...

In honor of #2

A, e i o u, a e i o u, a e i o u, o,
u e i o a, u e i a, a e i o u..

U? O R U

MMA Los Angeles said...

I think your comments below each cake is what really makes this post. Although, I've seen worse then the purple, Oreo bunny cake. Strong finish, though!

Kristers said...

I think the purple one is great and a fine solution if you have alot of yule logs left over from Christmas...a dessert 'rebirth', if you will.

stuckinmypedals said...

Call me crazy, but the little tube bunny is kinda cute. I looks like a happy little vacuum cleaner bunny.

Victoria J said...

I think number 6 is Cannonball Simp, a very odd looking dog from a children's book I loved when I was little.

The last one is not only frightening but particularly worryingly appears to have a British judge's wig on. I don't think it should be given that kind of power...

Victoria J.

Anonymous said...

Is it just me, or does the eighth one have elephant toes?

crowleyancanto said...

LOL...so these are the "Class of 2011" bunny cakes eh? What a fine bunch of cake wrecks they turned out to be!

Tonia said...

...and at this point I feel oddly compelled to admit that my family gets the bunny roll cake (ours is ice cream) every year. And just to make it more of a wreck, ours has FIVE ears (for five grandchildren). The oldest grandchild is 24 and has had one of these at grandmama's every year of her life. Her wedding prep is interfering with Easter gathering, so this may be her first year without - the jury's still out on this one.

Alma said...

w-o-w. I saw the first one and immediately thought it had rabies. Anyone else think the wreckorators have been playing the Raving Rabbids video game too long?

Plus the poor poo bunny looks more like a hippo than any bunny I've ever seen. I think several people are going to have a fear of the Easter bunny now!

Anonymous said...

Oh hell yes!

Unknown said...

Well you've finally done it. Put up a post where ALL the cakes are hideous. No redeeming qualitities to any of them. Very scary.

Anonymous said...

Is there any chance the 3rd one is actually Uniqua from the Backyardigans and not a bunny at all? I could sleep a bit better at night if that were the case. Just a little bit.

MIzKit said...

What IS that dribbling over the side of the chocolate egg shaped cake? or do I really want to know?

wv: netoidd - what you get on your bottom from sitting around surfing the 'net all day...

Unknown said...

Was laughing so hard by the third one people wlaking by on the street were looking at my house!
The bunny log/toilet paper cozy was really the star, although the alien cricket was a close second, and the very first one (HOW to describe *that*?) really set the tone for the whole magilla.

Lizzy Leigh said...

The purple one, I believe, is a classic Baskin Robins ice cream cake. Not saying it's not wrecky, but it's a classic! The white bunny CCC looks more like goal posts to me.

C said...

problem is that the large floppy bunny ear does not lend itself to the cake medium...engineering-wise, unless you are doing a flat silhouette, you cannot have a big 3D floppy cake ear...it would collapse...but ears make a rabbit.

Julia G said...

At least with the pink coconut one it looks like they *tried* - and I think Dairy Queen does something similar to the bunny-log.

Susan said...

That last one seriously looks like it's going to eat me.

Angel said...

Ugh. I work in a grocery store bakery, but I do fondant cakes from home. It's times like this when I look at what we're supposed to do and can't believe that people actually came up with such retarded ideas. THEN they decided to send them out and make everyone copy them! I'm lucky that my store does well and we get a lot of freedom to experiment. However, when a holiday rolls around, no store can escape those damned plastic pieces! There MUST be a simple way to make a bunny without plastic! *pounds head into wall*

Arlene said...

Looks like that first cake is foaming at the mouth so watch out it is rabid!! Lol. I thought that the purple log bunny looked kinda cute in a rather long and uh roundish way. Then again I like purple lol. The rest are scaring me silly though.

Craig said...

#1 In the vanishingly unlikely event that I purchased something like this, I wouldn't tell anyone, much less provide photographic evidence.

#2 looks vaguely like a cat with two bodies and one head. In other words, a true Siamese cat. [chirp]

#3 NASA has spent billions looking for proof of life on Mars, and all they had to do was visit Cake Wrecks.

#4 I'm Craig, and I confess to liking ice cream cakes. Therefore, I don't see a problem with this one. No, I don't want to be cured.

#6 Nothing says, 'I don't care' like...this. I hope the green stuff is edible, even if it proves to be coleslaw. Which it probably is.

#7 And the Amityville Bakery weighs in. It just wouldn't be Easter without Odie.

#8 I'm not a huge fan of shredded coconut, but this could put me off it forever.

#10 For some reason, Washington's first dentist didn't get many customers with this ad.

Eden said...

I just found your blog and it's an immediate sub! A blog hasn't made me laugh this much in ages! Epic, truly. :-)

Gotta say that I do like the orea/log bunny cake. I thought it was cute! The others (as long as they tasted better that they looked) I would probably eat with the lights out so I wouldn't throw up from the sight of them!

Unknown said...

I am stunned by the skill these bakers have... WAUW!
I have a suggestion for you. Wouldn't it be nice to see some pictures of the people who buys these ehm... unique cakes?!
I mean it's funny that the stores sell them, but who the .... would actually pay for a piece of art like these cakes?
I would love to see such a sucker ;O)

Anonymous said...

I recognize that purple design LOL! I used to work for Baskin Robbins and that's how they 'had' to do the bunnies. I must says from their design I've seen much worse.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad someone posted that bunny log cake. When I saw the commercial my first thought was, of course, cake wrecks.

The Writing Goddess said...

Kids, if you're not good, the Easter Bunny WILL come for you.

Phillidia said...

The 4th cake is a roll cake from Baskin Robbins. I was a cake decorator at a B&R for several years. That photo is the example from the order book, so that is what they're *supposed* to look like. I've seen several that were scary, though. And yes, they're the best selling Easter cake, for our store at least.

BreeBreeTM said...

isnt the purple bunny-roll from Baskin Robins? lol.

hseabrooks said...

Totally saw an ad yesterday with the purple log bunny as the main cake that they are selling!

Mike said...

#4 totally has to be from [famous ice cream chain I can't bring myself to name]. It just HAS to be!

Taylor said...

The third one has funny ears, but I actually think it's an adorable cake and not badly done.

Anonymous said...

Mom & Daughter L,

We had decided the brown thing on the green stuff was a flea, but after reading the comments...hippo, must be a hippo. Didn't know hippos or fleas were symbolic of Easter, but then I have not read up on all religious practices! ;-P

Kellie Jensen said...

That third cake looks like a cootie from that cootie game.

Angie said...

Does anybody else now have "The Log" theme song (from Ren & Stimpy) stuck in their head after that purple bunny cake.

KatzenMama said...

The purple roll cake reminds me of one of those crocheted toilet paper roll covers you'd see in your friend's grandmother's house. (Your own grandmother is too cool to have one of those in her house, right?)

Becky said...

That second cake is giving me a childhood flashback of the days when my younger brother and I used to watch Sesame Street almost every day. There was this one sketch they'd play sometimes that was a guy singing "You've Really Got A Hold On Me" (which I know was not originally by the Beatles, but I'm sure they did it better than whoever sang it first, and I was a Fab Four fan even as a little kid in the 80s, so there.) And there was this "U" shaped letter muppet that was grabbing onto the singer and climbing up his leg and trapping him there. Yeah, that's what that bunny wants to do to me. Aiiiiiiiiieeeeeeee!

p.s. my word verification is "foadent". Is that what a Wreckie misspeller uses to cover a cake instead of fondant?

Calypso said...

If I didn't already love your site (which I did), the Queen ref would've made me a fan for life. Freddie + frosting = win

Anonymous said...

Regarding the first one, comment from my husband: "It's a mutant pig."

Anonymous said...

i like the bunny log! it even has a cute tail. :) plus it's ice cream-how could you go wrong w/ that?

Stace-a-roo said...

LMAO! Thank you - I needed that!