If you're still trying to find that pesky
paperclip in the photocopier, odds are you've forgotten today is April Fools' Day. Yep, this patron holiday of practical jokers everywhere can sometimes get a bad rap, which is why we've decided to focus on the
good gags: the cakes you'd never guess were cake.

Wow. Alfredo noodles and pink icing have
never looked more pizza-like. NEVER.
Prepare to purse your lips...

amazement. Leggo my LEGO!

'Cuz that's what this is: LEGO. Not that I have to tell
you that, of course. I mean, it's so
We should break out the champagne for this next one:

'Cuz that bottle of vino is
smokin'! Kind of like a cigar would smoke. If it weren't actually a bottle of wine. Let's give a well-deserved tip of the hat to this groom's cake:

So realistic, it's like
magic. Yessir, that cake is TOPS. Something something
white rabbit. (Did you get it yet? I'm running out of hints.)
And finally, there's a story that Giotto proved his skill to the Pope by painting a single perfect circle.

This is kind of like that. In a more
base manner.
I'm sure Wreckporters Kimberly C., Sondra D., Fabiola G., Lu, Georgia F., Miles J., and Katherine L. would like to join me in saying: Happy Birthday, Ben! Because I never pass up an opportunity to tell the world that my big brother was born on April Fools' Day.
55 comments | Post a Comment
My big brother was born on April !st as well, I love that we have that to share :) My mom was born on Christmas.
C'mon! You can't even call that last "cake" a cake! It should be defined as a lazy, pathetic mess.
I looked at the champagne-cigar and thought it looked like a personal satisfaction aid. Everytime I see a vaguely elongated cake I picture a personal satisfaction aid. This never happened before reading this blog. NEVER.
I think I need therapy now.
And perhaps a personal satisfaction aid.
Or a cold shower.
My birthday is tomorrow :) And I sort of like the cake wreck cake...in a cake wrecky sort of way, once I knew it was a Lego that is. LOL
The REAL April Fool's joke is they're all Sacher Tortes.
The shell tip seemed like the best choice for the trim on the purse? Really?
wv = choeb, as in "That purse looks a little choeb-y. What are you carrying in it?"
- DB
Oh come on that leggo one would be really clever if someone's Mom had thought of turning a cupcake pan up side down. Maybe not so much if you paid a professional.
I was born on April Fool's Day too! Happy birthday to your brother!
Even with the word "purse" above the purse cake, I had to look at it for, well, waaay too long to realize it was supposed to be a purse.
The trick is people paid for those things O_o
My son Ewan was born on April 1st, played the biggest joke of all on me since he was 2 weeks early!
Happy Birthday to your brother :-)
Since the comment posting ridiculousness a few weeks ago, I've gone from checking into and laughing at the blog daily to reading the comments as well. They're almost as entertaining & hilarious. I read through "liking" comments in my head as I go along.
@Sharyn in Superior - hilarious.
And anybody have any clue what the name on the first cake was? Which unfortunate soul received that birthday cake?
Come on, that last one? OBVIOUSLY supposed to be Epcot.
WV: Quiti. I was going to make another joke, but I should quiti while I'm ahead.
My baby was supposed to be born on April first. Her in-utero practical joke was to be 10 days late. :-\
LOL SuBee!!! My laugh for the day!
And here I thought the "champagne" cake was a rocket ship. Silly me.
LOL @ the jokes. We already got our boss this morning, heh heh heh. ]:-D
I read one for the Google page, if you go to languages, and scroll down, you can change the language to Elmer Fudd, pirate, Klingon, Swedish Chef (Bork, Bork Bork) and of course German, French, Chinese, etc. (Google in English changes it back)
April Fool's Day for wreckerators? I think they do a good job of looking foolish everyday!
wv: dereeda: Dereeda bloga de Cake-a Wrecks-a for de funny bork bork bork!
"Purse your lips" - nice. :P
Oh, so the "top hat" cake is one of those kind that fold flat? and it's supposed to be a folded black top hat on a cracked grey pedestal?? no? umm...huh.
As wrecks go, the Lego wasn't too bad, actually.
And wait, you and your brother are "Ben and Jen"? Did your parents do that on purpose? I once knew a family who had parents named Mary and Larry. Their kids were Barry, Carey and Derrick. They either didn't like the third kid or didn't like the names "Gary" or "Harry".
One of our library clerks has made cakes on the order of the pizza for us for the last few years--but his are much more realistic--both as other food and as cakes.
WV ingbatic Such a mystery--these cakes are real ingbatic.
The LEGO cake wouldn't be so bad if not for the differently colored sides and border. And if it looked more like two conjoined squares.
Does the first cake say, "Happy Birthday Riz"?
I think my son would LOVE the Lego Cake!
Wow! I must have gotten the Cake Wrecks Sunday "best" cakes edition early!!!!! These are AWESOME!
wv - satere: what's really written on the cake from March 30th....
The lego one isn't that bad. Maybe not for a pro, but for home made it would be pretty good.
My husbands birthday is April 1st too! But I can't play any pranks on him this year cause he's deployed. But maybe I'll get him a "yummy" looking pizza cake when he comes home. Lol
Thanks for the April Foolery!
Those purses look like the ones designed to carry tiny dogs. So, it could be worse -- the dogs from yesterday's table cake could be peeking out from them!
wv - copproid
Condition suffered by police officers who are sent on too many stakeouts that involve sitting for a long time.
A Lego cake! Why didn't I think of that? My son has a birthday last month and he loves Legos. We even went to the Lego store. I could have made a cake that good.
I think the "pizza" cupcake would have turned out pretty good if they hadn't used pink icing for the sauce.
WV: subie. Apparently, word verification just takes other people's names and misspells them. Never noticed that before. So whoever gets my scrambled name, sorry about that.
The purse cake seems to be mooning everyone. The magician's hat is truly horrifying. It's made of cardboard and crepe paper, right?
Sharyn in Superior -- too funny
I'm working on a baseball stadium cake now and was worried that it wasn't relistic enough. Compared to these I'm not worried anymore.
It looks like you're paying tribute to opening day, too. The first one actually kind of resembles pizza, but the others are just a disaster. Especially the champagne, where it looks more like a frat paddle then a champagne bottle...
Oh, I so needed those laughs today. Thank you!!
Count me as another who likes the lego cake. That purse took me for-freakin-ever to figure out, though!
First time commenter, I like the Jefferson Airplane (White Rabbit) referance. I hope I wasn't the only one to catch that.
In order, they are:
1) An exceptional example of a King's Cake, the traditional Mardi Gras cake that awakes the fury of them dern Cajun Southerners so quickly;
2)Clearly a prime representative of the Dora the Explorer clothing and accesories line, created exclusively for little girls, and a fine example at that;
3) A Smeltzner Creme, a dessert staple at only the finest gourmet restaurants, such as the Restaurant at the End of the Universe;
4) A Sacher Torte; how could you possibly not know that? My experience in cake decorating and culinary training indicates that i must be correct;
5) EPCOT, duh;
6).... you got me there.
Tee-hee what a joke!
LOVING the hat!
Good calls, @Libby.
#1 The 'pizza' maker thoughtfully included a layer of Pepto so that partakers wouldn't have indigestion later.
#2 Instead of simply clearing away whatever falls off the cakes in a display case, couldn't we maybe fix them (or at least turn them around)?
#3 Are those giant marshmallows under that Sandra Lee blue frosting?
#4 Other interpretations having already been, er, interjected into the conversation, I'll go with Napa Valley's first effort in the space program.
#5 At last the story can be told: In 19**, a flying saucer crash landed on a black, pedestal-looking thing in ######, NM. The official explanation of 'a weather balloon filled with swamp gas' failed to explain the cracks. (No offense to New Mexico residents.)
#6 My first guess was 'an attempt to use up the last batch of white frosting before it expired', but that doesn't explain either the ball-and-glove pick jammed into it or the red lines. It's a mystery.
Loved it.
Love pizza.
Love legos.
Marry me.
I was unaware that a baseball was square. Is this their idea of decorating a cupcake? How embarrassing!
I didn't even know that was a purse until I read teh comments.
Lights! Camera! Fail! Are people actually proud of their works that look like this?
HELP! Someone is buried in icing in that last cake!! He's reaching up for help!!!
I requested to be induced with my youngest boy on April Fool's Day! That's a lot of fun for his dad and I for a lot of years to come! Our oldest boy was born on Cinco de Mayo... that one is going to be fun for us! Happy Birthday to Jen's brother Ben and my son Chris!
I totally thought that the purse was a mailbox...and it took me quite a while to realize it wasn't, lol.
It's my 12 year old's birthday too, and I admit I kind of hoped when I ordered his cake it would turn out wreckie( a mom can dream). I also thought of having them put the wrong name on it and then getting another one that said Just Kidding..but yeah no I'm lame and didn't.
Hmm fell for a couple of gags today. I am so easily fooled lol. But erm are we really sure those are cakes? That first one looks like someone mashed it to death.
is that lego one a turned-up cupcake tin that's been iced???? srsly that's bad lmfao
.... I actually have a friend named Ben who was born on April 1st. I am fairly certain this isn't your brother..... but now I'm insanely curious....
I thought maybe someone had baked a cupcake pan into that lego cake.
Don't normally post, but I just finished reading SuBee's comment and noticed my wv: crotcho.
I just had to share. ;)
Love this blog!
I love that my square baseball contribution made it into Cake Wrecks on April Fools' AND Opening Day!
For those who don't mind a killjoy factual type, #6 was from my grocery store, who was forced to make a bunch of individual servings of cake for a company-wide sale over a few weeks. Some of them were perfectly acceptable, if not even nice, but toward the end at least one decorator seems to have lost the will to live or at least care.
Happy birhtdays to the big brothers!
I hid under the bed for twenty minutes waiting for my husband to come out of the shower so I could yell and grab his ankle.
I'd never miss an opportunity to wish a fellow Aries Happy Birthday! I love seeing my name in the photo credits, even though I didn't submit any of the cakes. Jen, are you playing an April Fool's day joke on me? If so, I'm thrilled!
After reading through all the comments, apparently I'm the only one that saw ironing board on the "champagne" cake.
Not sure what that says about me.
Even worse, my second thought was Jewish ironing board. I think its the colors of the 'labels' and the little hat...
Hi Jen....You probably already know this, but I wanted to let you know that Nikki Jackson--the "creator" of the life-size-bride wedding cake (with the red ribbon down the side) --is on a new Food Network Challenge show called "Last Cake Standing". Apparently her cake was a "worldwide phenomenon". Yikes...I guess she didn't see it on Cake Wrecks, and your witty comment regarding how the bride is looking at her cake in the photo you posted. The cake was a nice sculpture...just a tad narcissistic, which I thin you pointed out. (I couldn't find that cake in the archives...that's why I posted it here.)
I'll keep you posted.
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