Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Directionally Challenged

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

When it absolutely, positively has to be spelled out in living color:

...these wreckerators know how to deliver.

My guess is ordering a cake with "Deaonerax" on it will always be wreckworthy...

...whatever the case may be.

And something tells me this customer may have been in arrears*:

But I'm sure it all worked out in the end.

(*arrears = "behind in paying money that is owed." *snort* *snicker* *giggle*)

Hey, ever wonder what goes down at the scene of a literal LOL? Well, thanks to Mel. B., reality show "star," now we know:

Thanks to Kendra C., Dea B., and Katie M., who, of all my Wreckporters, are literally the most recent.

**Also, a big "congrateralutaions" to Dana, who we *hope* responded in the affirmative to her main squeeze Greg's oh-so decent proposal this morning. Be sure to send us pics of your wedding cake, guys! :)
Jules AF said...

haha that clip is awesome.

Smother Goose said...

Ha, arrears! Although the "living color" cake simply baffles me.

Danger Boy said...

I literally laughed out loud. I'm still amazed that so very many messed up cakes are brought into existence, day after day. The mind truly boggles.

Aside: my word verification today is "repoo". If there is ever a situation where this is a word, I don't want to know about it.

SDLantos said...

I think Mel B. needs to read more cakewrecks, and be less 'blamey' of whoever ordered it...

w/v: inizat - inizat the bakery's fault?

Anonymous said...

Wow that's the most fake, set-up scene in a 'reality' show I have ever seen.

On the upside, someone connected with the show obviously loves this site!

Anonymous said...

Gawd, that first cake made me have to do a head-desk. Oh the wrecks!

Fluffy Cow said...

Can I just listen to Mel B saying "caake" for the rest of the day?

♥Rach♥ said...

OMGosh, pretty sure that clipped almost had me in tears it was so funny!!! Even the fancy schmancy bakeries are without brain cells!

Stewart said...

okay, please tell me that I haven't missed something...

... who are Dana and Greg?

Have I missed some story somewhere?

Congratulations any how!

Melissa said...

Ok, she may be in a reality show, but she is a spice girl, not a reality star.

Suzanne said...

Now I remember why I don't watch "reality" shows. The real wrecks are so much more interesting!

wv:bonsingr - Mel B was a bonsingr in Spice Girls, right?

jo said...

Public Service Announcement:

Naming your child "Amis" leaves them vulnerable to the misprint of "Anus." Please reconsider.

Also, Amos isn't safe either....

wv: limator. a drug you take when you're delusional about knowing your limits.

dana said...

Dana here--definitely said yes!! What can I say? The boy definitely knows what sites get to my heart! We will post cake pictures when all is said and done--let's hope they are posted on a Sunday rather than any other day... :)

Kelly said...

I could be wrong, but I'm guessing the name was supposed to be "Ames" (as a nickname for Amy). Sometimes print should win out over cursive...

Lady Bright said...

Like my mom always said, "If you complain about dinner, you get to cook the next night."

Looks like Mel B. will be ordering the cakes from now on.

I still wonder what goes through wreckers brains, other than 'when in doubt or error, blame the person who ordered'.


kayk said...

@Smother Goose: That's (supposed to be) the FedEx Kinko logo/slogan, with the required icing clors indicated.

I also noticed that the "De...." (what???) cake wasn't actually all lower case. Wreck squared?

WV: algede Underwater version of "mildewed."

Jessica said...

Mel B is known most as a Spice Girl, not just as a reality "star" like a lot of others who are just famous for being famous. But yeah, that live-action cake wreck was hilarious!

Anonymous said...

I'd say that maybe Mel's fella should've taken a drawing in, but you know the actual drawing would've just wound up on the cake.

Anonymous said...

I love the living color cake, I don't know what the non-sense was meant to be.

Emgee said...

With that third cake, 'arrears' looks more like 'anus'.

Just sayin'.

lisadh said...

The FedEx cake made me laugh. Ha!

Craig said...

#2 Ah, the first 'swimmers' of 2011. It's like an early sign of Spring. Or not.

#3 I don't buy the misspelling theory because of the 'just'. Try reading it aloud with an exclamation mark at the end -- it sounds more like the customer got tired of playing 20 questions ("Happy Birthday who? Could you spell that?" etc.) and finally snapped. The wreckerator in turn got revenge by going literal.

Anonymous said...

Fun post, but I must admit that I'm only commenting because of the WV. So here it goes.

WV: upwente: What happens to balloons at Ye Olde Bakeree.

I'm sure that there are many of you who could do better, but after 2 1/2 hours grocery shopping with a 3 year old in tow, my brain is pretty much mush.

Anonymous said...

Predictable though it may be, what delights me most is that they haven't written "Deaonerax" in lower case. XD

- Cheryl

Dharmamama said...

Oh, ouch, that video! Why blame her husband? And I thought she was ordering a "keg" at first, and I thought: wow. Quite a graduation party!

Dharmamama said...

Aw, I found the proposal! So cute!

Hey, they could have let us "buy" the deal, and paid for their wedding! $1 each, I could do that!

Darla said...

Wow. Really? Just... Really?

Classic Steve said...

When you leave the tilde off "cumpleaños," its meaning changes from "birthday" to "gathering of anuses." Maybe something like that happened here.

Mags said...

Scary Spice shouldn't complain... HER cake COULD have said "Happy Birthday Anus" like that other one...!

Loo-E Loo-I said...

*snicker* my wv is "enalstr" *snicker*

Anus the enalstr, the enalmeister, the enal-o-rama, the enalerooski...
(ala Rob Schneider's copy guy from SNL)

Anonymous said...

Oh no, my son is named "Amos" and his birthday is this month...I think I'll make his cake myself...then I'll have no one else to blame--or maybe I'll order one, just so I can see what happens...hmmm, maybe another wreck to post.

missoularedhead said...

Oh, that clip is too funny….a Cake Wreck as it happens! Ha ha ha.

Tania said...

I laughed so hard at the last cake!

jilly-bear said...

Loved the accent, thought she was pretty stupid though for blaming someone other than the wreckers for the cake.

Also thought your 'behind' joke was funny... I'm 12 years old sometimes! (Even though today is my B-day and I'm WAYYYY over 12!)

Aliza said...

The living colour cake is kind of cute. In a geeky kind of way!

While deaonerax wasn't all lower case, was it otherwise spelled correctly?!

Happy Birthday Amis makes perfect sense if you know that "amis" would be "friends" in French, with an un-dotted "i". However, the writing could also be aines-- (senior/elderly males), with the accent missing. Or it could be the other suggestions. (I'm not sure where the "arrears" comes from, though). And why is the red piped frosting missing in front?

And thanks @Dharmamamma for the link to the proposal!

Rascalmom said...

okay, what killed me in the clip is that she got mad at her HUSBAND rather than the total idiots at the bakery. What a...strange person. Gosh, I also didn't know we now celebrate our anus's birthdays...weren't they born about the same time as the person? lol

Pinget said...

@dana Congratulations from another Dana married to a Greg. We just celebrated our 17th anniversary. Best Wishes to you and your Greg!

Anonymous said...

Explain to me how people aren't getting 'arrears' as in 'behind' with 'anus'?


Anneke (Mudhooks) said...

Who is that in the video? Has anyone pointed out that her outfit is a wreck?

Anneke (Mudhooks) said...

Oh... one of the Spice Girls...

KathyC said...

At least Phoenix's cake didn't say "Happy Graduation at the bottom"!

Anonymous said...

USE A DIFFERENT BAKERY NEXT TIME! <--in all black on a white background in capital letters.

Aliza said...

OK, now I've seen the video-- now I understand all those people who PAY for these wrecks. They don't get that you don't have to remake the whole cake-- just get them to re-ice it! And they blame their husbands rather than the idiots at the bakery. (The solution? Instead of saying "X in the middle" just say "please write x in the middle of the cake". Nice to see when wrecks happen at fancy bakeries or to celebs too!

Steve the Pocket said...

@ SDLantos, jilly-bear, Rascalmom: Because it's a "reality show", and nothing sells it to the trailer trash set like domestic squabbles.

So now we know, even the FAILblog-esque humor on this site is too sophisticated for some people.

Anonymous said...

Something about the Spice Girl clip bugs me. Feels completely staged. "Reality" my foot. I call shenanigans!!

Craig said...

"Yes, that's d...[phone static mixed with seemingly random letters]...x". Now, that's all lower case." You just know the person on the wrecky end of the phone is thinking, "why do they want me to put it in the lower [display] case when they'll be picking it up soon?"

Must have back story -- my other leading theory is that this is in the same line as "Happy Falker Satherhood," only there is nothing to provide a clue as to what this one is supposed to say.

In light of the bizarre pseudo-EPCOT that almost occurred on 'arrears', it does become easier to see how some wrecks can be spawned by misunderstandings.

I can almost make a case for 'Happy Birthday, Ames', but that just won't explain the 'Just'. I still think it was the result of an irate phone order.

Anonymous said...

Sounds to me as though that guy on the reality show was deliberately trying to get out of jobs like that in future...

Anonymous said...

The "Phoenix in the middle" wreck sounds like a typical husband to me! I have never trusted any celebration details to my husband after I got similar results the first timehe can't even follow directions in blowing up balloons. If you're going to be a control freak, you have to do it all! :-)

Anonymous said...

I actually thought the birthday cake was pretty..until I read anus instead of Ames? Lol now that is quite a wreck to explain to someone turning 23. Unless it is from a vindictive ex then well run away.

Cake Cop said...

Bakery Manager to 'Anus Cake' customer on phone: "I'm sorry to be a pain in the ass, but we're running a little behind today so your order won't be finished by noon. Bottom line, however, is that your cake will be ready to collect by number 2pm."

Anonymous said...

Oh, such High Class Problems... I mean really, the kid is graduating (presumably high school or college); he'll probably think the cake is funny! Yet another example of manufactured DRRRRAAAAAAMAAAAAAAAAAA on so-called "reality television".

I seriously hope the things she said were scripted; there was no reason to be so put out about a silly little cake. Tastes good? WIN!!!

Anonymous said...

How many times can I listen to the word caaaaake? I'm actually a little proud I have no idea who she is.

Anonymous said...

Ok so after tilting my head and having my co-worker throw her stapler over the cube wall at me, i think i managed to read that the cake says "Baby in the USA"?!?!?! I thought afterwards it must say "BORN" but i don't think so. Wierd...just wierd. LOVE this site.

Becky said...

Is it sad that I'm bothered by the fact that on the FedEx wreck, that they put a period after all of the statements except one? Consistency, people!

Mrs. Q. said...

Hilarious. Just like Malcolm in the Middle. Er...

Anonymous said...

Does that cake actually say Happy birthday Anus?


check out my blog:

Lisa@ButteryBooks said...

Where do you find all these cakes?!

Anonymous said...

I actually thought that cake said "Ames" and couldnt' figure out where the joke was at first ^_^*

Anonymous said...

i'm a decoarator and i hate hate hate hate when other decorators say "well, that's what was on the order." ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!

kayk said...

@Aliza -- The French still dot their i's.

TychaBrahe said...

Am I the only person who got the Long Kiss Goodnight reference?

Anonymous said...

sometimes i wonder if those people do this on purpose. either way, it's just too funny.

hey, be sure and check out!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hrmm that first cake I can read the word 'case' but I can't read anything else they should've done printed. Makes it easier to read.

TJ said...

"I've come to pick up a kehke..."

Anonymous said...

fNot sure if someone mentioned it, but the Happy Birthday Anus is probably Happy Birthday Amis (friends)????

I just wouldn't wish my anus much of anything, but for friends....

ali said...

the anus cake looks like a telephone order gone wrong

if i had that name, i'd change it!