Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Sweets: Must-See TV

Sunday, January 9, 2011

This week, we've decided to showcase amazing cakes based on some of the finest, most thought-provoking shows ever to grace American television.

Submitted by Stacy P., made by Jireh Cakes


But seriously, could that be a more awesome cake?

And for you fickle fondant fnaysayers:

Made by CW reader Shawna H.

Our Fondant Free Sweet of the Week™! When you remember that the vast majority of wreckerators can't even pipe a straight line, those socks become all the more impressive.

And in case you've forgotten, we're actually talking about TV shows this week:

That's one awesome Survivor cake, but you know what's even better? The fact that it's on a plate with one fork. America: the only thing more impressive than our TV shows is our serving sizes.

And speaking of space cowboys:

Sub'd by Brittni M., made by CakeLava

In case you don't appreciate fine television, this is the spaceship from the show Firefly. Which was canceled. Which is a travesty. Let us take a moment to mourn its passing.



[pulling self together]

And now... JAZZ HANDS!!!

Sub'd by Brittny B., made by Piece of Cake Desserts

Or "hand" as the case may be. Off topic, but has anyone ever actually had a slushie thrown at them in high school? 'Cause I was a pretty big doofus through most of my teen years and no one even threw water at me. And since when did they start serving slushies in school anyway? When I was a boy, we didn't have slushies. We chewed the bark off trees and we loved it!


Hey, look! It's the Stargate!

Made by Cake Wrecks reader Allison B.

Not only is this amazing (love the chevrons), you also get to poop blue for a few days! And really, you just can't put a price on blue poop.

Now check out this awesome Kermit Thee Frog here:

Sub'd by Nikki P., made by The Cake Store

[Kermit flail] Yaaaay!

Submitted by Anne P. and made by SHAM Bakery

Huh. Actually, I'm more of a Next Generation guy, so maybe I should ask Jen about this one.

Update: So Jen said, "You don't know Amok Time? The episode where Spock kills Kirk? SERIOUSLY? It's like I don't even know you anymore." Um. Whoops.

Grrr! Arrrgh! It's a Buffy cake!

Sub'd by Nicole G., made by Cake Nouveau

I'm assuming "Grrrr, Argh....." has something to do with the show. Maybe it's what Buffy says before she makes out with and/or stabs a bad guy?* Ooh, and hey, do you think they put a candle in the candle for the birthday girl to blow out? So meta.

Submitted by Erik R. and made by azsammaiski

Ahh, Alf. Alf is one of those shows that you loved as a kid, but now when you see it again on Hulu you're all like, "Huh." And then you change it back to Firefly reruns.


[pulling self together]

Well, if you'll excuse me, Castle is on.

Have a Sweet to nominate? Then send it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.

*Update: [wiping goo from eyes] We have an Epcot. Repeat: we have an Epcot. It's about the Grrr line. I apparently forgot that it's in the credits for Joss Whedon's production company. That's what I get for trying to be funny. In my defense, the only part of any credits I've ever remembered was, "Sit Ubu, Sit! Good Dog!" In other news, man it's early. Oh, and I'm pretty sure all the cakes are daisies. If you need me, I'll be drooling on my pillow. -john
Melissa said...

LOVE the Serenity cake. And I'm more of a TNG person, too. But the hubby would love the Star Trek one.

Kat said...

I want that Stargate cake, blue poo and all.

WV: lation - how we spelled 'elation' before the internet gave us 'email' and 'estores'

Angela said...

You probably know "Grrrr Argh" as a Firefly fan, actually. It's from Joss Whedon's "Mutant Enemy Productions", and it's attached to the end credits of every episode of his series'.

Heide said...

I look forward to Sunday Sweets all week long. These were wonderful! I love the details on the Serenity and Glee cakes. Did you notice the slushie splotches on the rows of lockers?

Anonymous said...

Oooh, what a great looking Kermit (especially compared to that labeled wreck the other day).

Also loved the Amok Time ST: TOS cake. That episode really was a classic! (You get to see Spock lose it.)

Thanks for sharing =).

Gracie said...

Absolutely LOVE the Kermit cake...especially in comparison to the Kermit-wreck from earlier this week! Thanks so much for sharing.

spike said...

"grrrr arrrg" is the logo of mutant enemy inc. the logo is shown at the end of every buffy episode after the credits.

Anonymous said...

The "grrr argh" is the Mutant Enemy Productions logo, which is Joss Whedon's production company. I suddenly have an uncontrollable urge to watch Firefly yet again.

Anonymous said...

OMG THE FIREFLY CAKE! It's amazing!I just showed the series to my hubby for the first time! The Buffy one is too! But as a Joss Whedon fan you should know that the "Grr...arrrg" comes from the closing credits where a little vamp/zombie runs across the screen. :D It's the logo for Mutant Enemy Productions. My dork just went into overdrive...


Anonymous said...

The "grr,arr"..ran at the end of the Buffy credits and directly into the televangalist that was on righ after Buffy where I live....

Ashley said...

You know, I think I actually did have a small slushie fight in high school in the parking lot. lol.

The "grr, argh" thing is the logo of Mutant Enemy Productions, which produced Buffy AND Firefly.

Lexi said...

Grrr...Arrg is at the very end of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it was the logo from the production company. And I'm a little sad that I know that.

the sarah said...

Grr Argh also appears at the end of Firefly episodes... your lack of nerdy attention to obscure references disturbs me :P
The Sarah

Christine said...

These cakes are clearly made of awesome.
The Grr Aargh cartoon Guy used to appear in the end credits of Buffy, sometimes with variations. In "Once More with Feeling" he sang Grr Aargh instead of saying it, and when Angel "died" he said "I need a hug".
(I am such a nerd for knowing that, but then I recognised Serenity too).
My then 7 year old daughter, would sit all through episodes of Buffy without flinching, but was scared of the Grr Aaargh guy!

NixyDust said...

Grr Argh and the monster are the logo of Mutant Enemy Productions, Joss Whedon's company. A Firefly Fan should know that :)

meredith said...

Man, I think I like ALF now even more than I did when I was a kid. Then again, I was heavily brainwashed by Rocky and Bullwinkle (and still adore it at age 25) so I have a great capacity to enjoy the type of humor present on ALF.

Seriously though, a sit-com with realistic children (fairly present through a lot of the 80s) is like a god send given all the crap on TV today.

(hypling: I am hypling ALF, because you can only do 'hyping' for non-alien shows)

Stephie said...

Grr... arrgh and the little monster are the symbols of mutant enemy productions, Joss Whedon's production company. Which makes that cake Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Fnaysayers! LOL

Anonymous said...

"Grr...Argh" (and the little monster) plays at the end of all Joss Whedon's shows. It's his trademark (which he came up with in about two seconds).

Allison Walton said...

"grr...arrgh" is Joss Whedon's production company theme. The little Mutant Enemy guy goes across the screen and says it. Now wait. If you're a Firefly fan, you should know that, right??

Jamie Fuller said...

Yay Sunday Sweets!

As an avid Joss Whedon fan, I must admit I squee'd a bit at the Grr...Argh on the Buffy cake!

It's part of Mutant Enemy Inc.'s closing credits - found here

Believe me, when you've watched a full season of any Mutant Enemy show, you know that by heart.

Anonymous said...

Firefly, Glee and Buffy all within one post. I can die happy now.

To answer the Grr... Argg... question, the production company that Joss Whedon created to produce Buffy (and later, many of his other projects) is called Mutant Enemy. At the end of every episode, the logo comes on the screen and a little vampire dude says "Grr... Argg..."


Anonymous said...

You are kidding about not knowing what "Grrr...arrgh" is, right? I kind of love at the end of Buffy eps when the Mutant Enemy call card comes up just to hear that little guy!

second_banana said...

I want that Stargate cake with the want of a thousand wantings. It could only be more perfect if it was Pegasus gate. (Because I prefer my plots a little more absurd.) Plus, more blue!

Debbie said...

LOVE the Buffy cake!!! Grrr Arrgh is what the guy on the bottom layer says as he walks across the screen at the end of every episode. It's for Wheadon's production company. And I always picture him singing it from "Once More with Feeling". :)

And I thought you might like this picture:

Jules AF said...

That Kermit makes me want to give it hugs and kisses and then eat it.

Culinary Contessa said...

Yay!! Serenity!! Believe me, I mourn with you. I've caught some episodes on Ovation Channel and I still really wanna find the people who cancelled it and kick 'em where it hurts. Repeatedly. *mourns* *sniff*

Ahem. And yay!! Buffy!! Oh, and the "Grr. Arrgh" thing is from the production company, you know, that's shown at the end of every episode. Company name above and a "paper cutout" of that vampire-ish thing on the cake marches across the screen and says "Grr. Arrgh." So now you know.

And I've officially out-geeked myself. And if that stake goes ALL the way through the cake? I may have to die. : ]

Naomi said...

The "Grr... arghhh" part of the Buffy cake is referring to the end of credits logo/mascot thingy at the end of each episode from the show's production team. :)

wiggles6854 said...

On the Buffy cake, the Grrr Argh refers to Josh Whedon's production company logo. It was called Mutant Enemy Productions. The company's end-of-credits logo and mascot is an intentionally poorly animated vampire cartoon figure crossing the screen from right to left and saying, "Grrr. Argghh." It was drawn and voiced by Whedon himself. In certain episodes of Buffy the animation was changed:

"Becoming, Part Two" — He says "Oooh, I need a hug" instead.
"Amends" — He wears a Santa hat.
"Graduation Day, Part Two" — He wears a graduation cap — the image used is a reversed logo from the U.S. national college honor society Mortar Board.
"Once More, with Feeling" — He sings the line in falsetto.
"Storyteller" — He sings a line from the episode, "We are as Gods".
"Chosen" — He turns and pulls a face at the viewer.

I hope this little bit of info helps, I must now go curl up on my couch with my snuggie and my dvd of Serenity...Oh Why did "Wash" have to die?!!

Anonymous said...

FYI, The Grr Argh on the BUffy Cake is part of Whedon's Mutant Enemy stamp at theend of each show.
I can't believe you haven't seen this show considering the mournful Firefly post.

K said...

The Grr argh on the buffy cake is the 'Mutant Enemy' production company logo and it used to appear at the end of the end credits. They also produced the Angel spin off series.

Here's the wikipedia entry:

Fab selection of cakes as always. Sunday sweets always manages to make me smile. Thanks for sharing.


Jamie said...

I absolutely LOVE the Buffy, Kermit, and Serenity cakes!

Aside: The Grrr Argh monster is the symbol of Mutant Enemy Productions created by the man himself, Joss Whedon.

Jenniffer said...

Loving that Glee cake!

TheOtherKelly said...

Firefly, Stargate, Star Trek, and Buffy - you hit all the favs. (And bonus Castle mention!)

...I bet there's a great Castle cake out there, somewhere.

Anonymous said...

I think the zombie on the Buffy cake is actually the production company's logo. At least, it always shows up at the end of Angel reruns.

Anonymous said...

Good shows or bad those were all well done

Anonymous said...

I want the Serenity cake!! Totally amazing.

Auktastic said...

Joss Whedon's production company is called "Mutant Enemy." The logo is a little monster crossing the screen, and he says "Grr, Argh" as he does so. Occasionally on Buffy, this was changed to connect to the episode (like, it's sung after the musical episode). The original and the variants can be seen here:

NiteNurse said...

(instead of Ms. Nursie this morning, I'm channeling Miss Piggy)
"Oh Kermie, you've come back to me! There was a dreadful imposter but I KNEW it wasn't you. Oh Kermie, oh Kermie, oh Kermie..."

I love my wv today: genta. "We must be genta with our favorite frog. He's not a tadpole anymore."

Nina Suluh said...

Star Trek cake for the win!

Nina "I'm such a ST:TOS fan I married" Sulu(h)

I'm not kidding! I really did marry a Suluh. SO it's got a silent "h". And the nationality isn't Japanese... It's Asian, so it counts. Right?

wv: inglyis - a close cousin to engrish.

Tash said...

Even as much as I despise sponge bob, I gotta admit. Those first two cakes are pretty cool. And Yay Buffy! Love the stake on that one. My middle school sold slushies. 'Cause, ya know, giving a bunch of 12 year olds frozen sugar water is a brilliant idea.

Katie (Kali) said...

Just letting you know, the grrr argh is the sound you hear when you enter Epcot.

Ellen said...

The Amok Time cake instantly triggered the ST fight music in my head: (la ti do do do do do ti do ti la . . . ), and Celia Lovsky saying "Spawk."

Childhood memories are quick to leap up!

WV - shnon. Wasn't that Spock's second cousin?

Anonymous said...

LOVE the geek cakes, Firefly and Stargate...all in one post. I'm in heaven. *happy sigh*

Jcjohns said...

And the GGRRRR ARGH has become a tag line with many of my friends, so I loved that cake too!!

Anonymous said...

What's probably more amazing than the cakes today is the fact that people actually read television show credits and remembers them to know that they're on every particular producer's shows. Are people THAT attached to their boob tubes? John, I wouldn't feel badly that you didn't know what 'grr argh' was, maybe it just shows that you have a life outside of watching TV.

Ms said...

OK- you apparently appreciate Nathan Fillion and all of his Fillionness (since you mention Castle)- but you didn't watch even the Buffy episodes where he played Caleb? For shame.

Shanti said...

Okay, I want to know how the event-horizon effect was done on the Stargate cake! Really impressive!

Swan said...

Man, I <3 Sunday Sweets, that day of the week that restores my faith that really good cakes do exist out there; like the fine examples you've posted today.

Although Jen, I do have to say in Jon's defense, I recognized the scene from 'Amok Time', after a pause. At first, I experienced a moment of confusion because the figures of McCoy and Kirk on the cake appear to be blonde, which we all know never was. Threw me off too. Keep up the good work you two.

Maureen said...

"You get to poop blue for a few days"??? **Chortle**
Squeeeeeellllll !!!!!!! Totally cool "Amok Time" cake. I WANT.

Doctor Tarr said...

Even though I own the show on DVD, I got stuck watching a couple of Firefly episodes yesterday.

The opening of the 2009 Halloween episode of Csstle almost made me cry with the Space Cowboy reference.

"First, there are no cowboys in space, and, second, didn't you wear that, like, four years ago?"

ev said...

@Doctor Tar- one of my fave lines from the show to date.

I have been known to end conversations or instead of swearing, use "Grrr. Arrgh". And would always wait for the end of any of the shows to see what the little zombie did.

Karen Valinda said...

Too funny how many "Grrrr, Argh" responses you generated from followers! I only knew it from Firefly, never having watched Buffy (I am too old) so I learned something new this morning ;-}

mickeyp415 said...

huh. the cakes are good -- the first spongebob is pretty great, actually, and the work on the others is nice and all, but this wk's post just left me feeling... meh. altho clearly i am in the minority on this one. oh well, will just have to catch you next wk!

Sharyn from Superior said...

OK, John, repeat after me -- and use the cadence from Shatner's "Captain Kirk Is Climbing a Mountain" --

"Mr. Spock is wielding a lirpa. Why is he wielding a lirpa? Mr. Spock is wielding a lirpa. Why is he wielding a lirpa?"

Don't worry. Jen can explain. On a side note, wouldn't it have been cool if they'd had a mini-lirpa for slicing that cake?

john (the hubby of Jen) said...

Sharyn from Superior,

To hug the lirpa,

To envelop... that lirpa.

That lirpa,

That lirpa,

He wants to make love to the lirpa.


lizzybef said...

Holy crap do we ever have an Epcot. Read the comments first, people.

[trundles off]

Lura said...

Having actually eaten a blue cake (a TARDIS cake I made for my husband's birthday) I can say that you do not always poop blue afterwards. It can also be green.

Do I win the prize for grossest post or what?

Julie Julie Bo Boolie said...

Now I'll spend the rest of the day thinking about Firefly :( SIGH. Does that seem right to you?

Anonymous said...

"kermitflail" *snort!!!*
that made my heart so happy :)


LivingInSong said...


[pulls self together]

Love the Firefly cake! It's wonderful!

(I had a scream of joy at seeing it)

Thanks so much for sharing!

Josin L. McQuein said...

Hmph! If they'd been a *real* trekkie, they'd have made the guy on the ground a RED SHIRT!

Donna said...

I love the Alf cake, but after John's line about birthday girls blowing out candles, I can't help but wonder WHERE the candle would be....

kwill said...

I've been watching Firefly reruns on Ovation all week. That show really needed to run longer. Well that one and Pushing Daises.

Carol said...

Ahhhh, the geeky goodness!!! Firefly (mourn....mourn....mourn!!!)...Star Trek....Vulcan death grip, indeed, lol!! Ok, you totally made my Sunday!

Anonymous said...

I love this blog. I love Sunday Sweets. And most importantly, I LOVE that Buffy cake. Today is my birthday, and I would give anything to have that sitting on my table! Or the Glee one. And as a kid, Alf terrified me. Didn't he eat kittens? That's just mean.

Mary Cyrus said...

I want the Serenity and Stargate cakes NOW.

I had a whole soda dumped on me by someone on the 2nd floor above me during a passing period in high school. I wasn't even that nerdy, obvious affinity for nerdy shows aside. I think it was like.. the day after my grandmother died, and just after leaving a class where I had just bombed a test. Worst. Day. Ever.

Tiffany said...

Ahh, Alf! I did love that show as a kid, but now I'm tempted to look up reruns and see what I think of it now.

And will there ever be enough mourning for Firefly? If my husband and I were to get married again, I would want that Serenity cake to be my wedding cake. No joke.

Unknown said...

I totally did a marathon of watching first and second seasons of Castle only to find when I was done that Firefly was on tv! It was awesome!

Yet Another Jennifer said...

This post made my day. John, you rock* -- as do those awesome cakes.

*Your taste in TV shows? Superb.

Saralukies said...

Oh my gosh, all my favorite shows in cake form! I shed a tear over that gorgeous Firefly cake.

And to Mr. Grumpy-Pants Anonymous at 11:05, you didn't have to freakin read the credits, there was a production company logo with the little monster guy going across the screen saying "Grr Argh". It was difficult to miss.

"Sit, Ubu, Sit! Good Dog!" I still say that on occasion. And my dog's name is Bonnie.

wv: wigerra. Ah yes, that time in history when we all worre wigs.

AvengersWasp said...

I love Kermit. :)

Zombie Edward said...

I too continue to mourn the loss of Firefly. That Serenity cake is AWESOME!

Kaliseviltwin said...

These are awesome. How did Allison B. do the blue poo goo on the stargate? Is it massive amounts of gel coloring or jell-o? Either way it's awesome! And a Firefly cake! Winner! (I also sublimate my Firefly longings by watching Castle. Based on the Firefly references they've made in various Castle episodes, I am obviously not the only one!)

Oh, and has anyone mentioned that "grrr...arrgh" is a Whedon thing? Just want to make sure that gets covered.

Sarah said...

No slushies, but I was egged once...
Hahaha, that is also the only credits blurb I ever remember. Oh X-files, we miss you so :P.

Lily Marie :) said...

grr argh!
buffy! <3
firefly! <3
<3 <3 joss
and stargate ftw

Shadow Rider said...


Colleen Marie said...

I love the nerd level of this post. My roommate refuses to watch Stargate, Firefly, Battlestar, and Dr. Horrible with me. What's wrong with her?

Pickyknitter said...

**still mourning** PS. I knew that GRR would be an epcot moment. But just think how many people got to feel smart by pointing it out to you! That's CW, bringing empowerment to the masses.

**back to mourning**

Doctor Tarr said...

lizzybef, these comments are moderated, which means that there likely were no prior comments to read when all those people wrote them. Get it?

I know that it seems to be, but rudeness is not part of the Web 2.0 spec.

MissNay said...

ALF!!! ALF was the best show!
Except for the shows that were better than ALF. Like David the Gnome and the Cosby Show
Splitz Vieght!

Aleida said...

the glee cake makes me smile with... glee...

and once in middle school i had water thrown at me...

but it was because i was accused of being a witch...

well that's a story for the children

Heather said...

That Stargate cake is AWESOME! I can see the event horizon swirling. I miss that show. Dr. Daniel Jackson was one hot nerdy PhD. Love hot nerdy men...... ok pulling self together. ;-)

Anonymous said...

AMOK TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Binah said...

Grr Arrgh!

Okay, now that I've gotten in on the Epcot, I'll continue mourning for beloved, cancelled Firefly.


Kiesha said...

I had a carton of chocolate milk chucked at me one day in high school. It was par for the course, actually.

Sandi said...

TNG was the best Trek!

Jo-anne Blossy said...

I better not show these to my 17 yo or he will expect me to make either a Serenity or a Stargate cake for his 18th.

Michelle P said...

Ooooh - Firefly: drool....mourn.

I knew there'd be an Epcot the minute I read the comments about Arrrgh. Oh well, best to get the first of the year out of the way, right?
Great Sweets though.

Carolina Nightingale said...

Man, I miss Serenity.

Thank goodness for Castle...not the same, but.... at least they shout out to the fans sometimes...

word ver: expep, as in what happened when they kick you off of pep-squad?

john said...

You want someone to explain Amok Time? Explain? Specify.

roachc420 said...

I love the Spongebob and Alf cakes! The Star Trek one is pretty cool too.

I once had a soda poured down the back of my shirt while looking through the bottom of my locker. :(

Oh, and there's nothing worse than rabid Whedon fans. NOTHING.

Cat said...

Maybe I'm the only one, but I HATED Alf as a kid. He freaked me the heck out (and still does).

As for being friend and I were walking down the street once in late middle/possibly early high school and some idiot dudes in the back of a pickup threw a McDonald's drink at us. Coke in our hair and all. I think the worst part of the story is that didn't even know them.

I love that Kermy cake.

Lori said...

That's exactly how I feel about Firefly, too. (mourn)

KarlyH said...

I'm in love with the Buffy cake, and the fact that it has Joss Whedon's Mutant Enemeny logo and tagline (hence the Grrr...Arrg) only makes it better. YAY!!!

Anonymous said...

The Alf cake is freakin AWESOME!!

Erin said...

This is the only blog on my Google Reader where I get ads for Doctor Who. This is why I love you.

Unknown said...

I was going to write a comment saying what the "Grrr Aargh" was about on the Buffy cake, but I do believe about half the comments have that covered. :)


LizzyBean said...

The Serenity and Buffy cakes are fantastic. I just love them.

Melinda said...

EPCOT status is red! (Seriously, John, how can you be a Firefly fan and NOT know "Grr, Argh"?) My daughter and I still use "grr, argh" when we're frustrated.

Doctor Tarr, did you see the episode of Castle a few months ago where he spoke Chinese to some kitchen workers? Beckett asked him if he'd spent time abroad, and he said that he'd picked it up from a TV show that he used to watch. LOVE the FF references on Castle!

Ladybug914 said...

First, you all are making feel old with this talk about liking/not liking Alf as a kid; I was technically a grown adult (college graduate, no less) when the show started.

Second, I just love the Kermit cake! Kermie is my favorite muppet. :-)

Finally, speaking of slushies and blue poo, my younger son once had a blue slushy, that made him poop blue. Freaked me out until I remembered the consumption of the blue slushy.

Anonymous said...

but since when has spongebob's sponge holes been highlighter green?

Rachael said...

firefly, stargate and star trek in one post! Now, if there was a doctor who cake, that would be perfection :) yes, my geek is showing.

BADKarma! said...

* Every season of "Stargate SG1" in a gift-wrapped collector's set: $299.99
* Jaffa Power-Staff prop actually used on the show: $3850.00
* Stargate birthday cake featuring a vast ocean of blue gel icing: $49.85
* Pooping blue for a week: PRICELESS.

Blue gel icing: It's every colour you want for your poop.

WV - lazedso: After I pooped blue for a week, I lazedso my mom thought I was ill and made me see the doctor.

Christine said...

The "Grrrr, Argh..." guy is the best ever! My brother and I would wait for that guy at the end of each episode!
(For my other "Grrrr, Argh..." fans out there, here's this video: )

And the Star Trek one is also awesome! (TOS all the way!)

Mary D. said...

After spending all week watching Firefly reruns on Ovation, this is the perfect Sunday Sweets. Thanks! Now I can mourn some more!

Angie said...

John, you rock.

I never was a fan of Alf, but I'm totally digging the cake.

Crazycatlady said...

Toooooo funny:)
It is a travesty the firefly was ended. You are such a troll John:) LOL... grr arggg indeed :)

Arts in the Family said...

alot of people in this comments are Buffy fans...including myself. what is the connection between buffy and cakewrecks???
its a mystery....
eerie music

Marnie said...

I hope I live to see my next four birthdays. I want the Alf cake, Kermit, Stargate, and that rockin' Serenity cake!

pikojiko said...

What happened to Saturday!?! Where did it go? OMG- we lost Saturday!

Em said...

AHHHHHH I almost screamed when I saw that Serenity cake. CAN'T STOP THE SIGNAL!

Elsa said...

Yeah, "Grr! Argh!" Is attched to Joss Whedons end credits. You should watch Buffy! It's an incredible show! And very geek-friendly!

Karyl said...

Someone got a Firefly cake that gorgeous for a just a 14th birthday? That's beginning to damage my calm. How spoiled. And very lucky!

Aliza said...

For some reason, I never watched Alf. Was given a great Alf toy though, but the show never "hooked" me.

Now, Buffy, however... well, you know the quote by now (!), but I *am* wondering why the cake features only the logo and Whedon's production company tagline & cartoon. That's not what pops into my head when I think of that show!

THAT was a good Kermie. I ♥ Kermie.

Nicely done Spongebob and Survivor cakes. Loved the comment about portion sizes.

I never watched Firefly, because I figured it was like Star Trek etc. I'm thinking, based on CW, I need to solve that. After all, I've been a fan of every other Whedon show (plus Castle). And it's a lovely cake!

Loved the Glee cake. And the show. And the cake :) Never been slushied, and my school didn't have cliques/hierarchy like McKinley. I do remember an epic waterfight in the hallways and a big snowball fight outside that resulted in my getting pinned and whitewashed. But those were fun times with friends, so not at all like the slushying. Come to think of it, I can't imagine my high school putting up with such bullying

A Girl In Her Kitchen said...

I heart the Alf cake.

Sariah said...

I *love* it when we have an Epcot. You guys are awesome. :)

I think we need a full Joss Whedon post. Firefly and Buffy and everything. :D

I have two favorite Buffy episodes with the "Grrr, argh". First, of course, is when it's sung at the end of the musical episode, and the second is actually during an episode. When Buffy is dead and Giles is returning to England and the Scoobies all rush to the airport to say goodbye and bring presents they picked up at a gas station. Tara has a little plastic finger monster toy and says, "Grrr, argh!" and I missed the next several minutes because I was laughing so hard. ~sigh~ I miss Buffy.

Anonymous said...

*sigh* Can't see the stargate cake. I find that that happens to me a lot on this site, there are ALWAYS pictures that just don't show up. Am I the only one?

Caulfield560 said...

(Thought) "I want a stargate cake!" the first episode of sponge bob was unexpectedly dark: bob and his boss thought they'd killed the health inspector... :-) isn't the bit about having to chew the bark off trees a reference to the "four yorkshiremen" sketch? :-) *love it!* "grr, argh"

Anonymous said...

how can you be a scifi fan and NOT know Mutant Enemy? For shame...

Melinda said...

Buffy cake! *flails* Yeah, the Grr Argh stuff's been covered...and the variations.

Wasn't the Mutant Enemy guy silent at the end of "Hush", the largely silent episode?

I don't recall if Angel had the Grr ARgh or not, it might have.

KathyM said...

There are no words to describe how much I love the Kermit cake! I want one!

Unknown said...

I did actually throw a slushie at someone once. We were in middle school, and while it wasn't while we were AT school, I think it still counts. It was Halloween and he was trying to steal my candy, so I threw my slushie at him. He left me alone. Take that Travis!

Carrietastic said...

HAHAHA. I freakin' LOVE the Buffy cake. And I had a funny feeling it would be a Spaceship Earth situation. ;)

Anna. said...

I never had slushie thrown at me, but I did have a girl spit chewed-up muffin into my hair.

Anonymous said...

that glee cake is awesome!!!!!

check out!!!

Arlene said...

Ahhh Buffy. How I loved that show. And for the holidays that lil alien guy yelled "Grr Arghhh" in a Santa hat lol. Yes I am such a geeky vampire lover. Must rent dvd of that show now.

grgisme said...

I feel strangely compelled to tell you where "Grrr, Arrgh" comes from. Oh wait, everyone else felt the same compelling feeling. Hilarious to see that for 2 hours almost everyone shared that same information over again :-).

Allison B said...

Thanks for all the feedback on my Stargate cake!

To answer the most frequently asked question: the event horizon is clear piping gel colored with about 1/16 tsp. of blue gel food color, plus a *very* small dusting of silver pearl dust for extra shimmer. Sadly, no blue poo was the result of this cake, although I imagine it could be if one were to use more food coloring than I did!

<3, Allison

TĂ­a Hillary said...

LOVE the Buffy cake - especially since we've been watching Buffy pretty much every night since New Year's. And, since you know by now what "Grr Arg" is, it's also MY license plate!

Sharon said...

He never sat! He never sat, and they still called him a "good dog". That is bad training. Bad. That's why we never had an Inspector/Kommissar Ubu.

Rex would have sat. And then he would have done the laundry.

Craig said...

Having read all (currently) 123 comments and John's update, I have three things to say:

Kermit! You survived the encounter with the Wreckerator of Doom, and you're back to your recognizable form! Yay!

I doubt any real public school would allow slushies to be served within a mile of campus -- don't you know those will, all by themselves, turn kids into motionless mounds of mush? *My* school didn't serve slushies [mourn], and I turned out ok! Let's head on over to Namby-Pamby Land, ya jackwagons!

'Grrr, Argh' is from the Mutant Enemy Productions logo. I just wanted to point that out, in case anyone missed it.

Craig said...

By my count, we're 13 shy (as of right now) of the dreaded 'Spaceship Earth' -- I only counted those that took a 'corrective' tone, not those that poked fun or mentioned in passing. Has there ever been one of those supra-EPCOT events?

wv: tallyr (read tally-er). Do do do do (universal shorthand for the Twilight Zone theme)...

Rachel said...

Ok, I think we established what Grr Argh means, but Mutant Enemy is also the name of Joss Whedon's first typewriter, as said by him in season 1 BTS special for the episode Angel. (Just F.Y.I., yes I am a huge Joss Whedon Fan, and was in love with the Buffy and Firefly cakes. I was squeeling the entire time.) I also love the Alf Cake, and the Stargate Cake, and I want the Kermit the Frog cake. I have been in love with Kermit since I was an infant. (Almost 29 years now to be exact) I love your blogs Jen. Keep up the great work!!!! :)

shaz said...

ooh Mr. Pointy, Kermit AND Serenity all in one post. I am so happy. And sad (mourning right along with you).

Shanti said...

Allison B: Thanks for explaining how you made the event horizon! I'm debating trying it for my husband's upcoming birthday (though I'm sure it won't come out nearly as nice as yours!).

Anne said...

Pure awesomeness. Blue Poo, Firefly mourning, and all.

Jennifer said...

"If you need me, I'll be drooling on my pillow."

Nobody commented that this was also a Firefly reference??? Really? NOBODY?

Oh, well... If anyone needs me, I'll be in my bunk... Mourning my Whedon shows...

Joy said...

Can there be an enitre joss Whedon Sunday Sweets???? Please!

Brianne said...

So, last night I watched the first episode of firefly on Netflix. For some reason we never noticed that it was 2 and a half hours long!!! So after all that tension and awesomeness... We turned on Castle! "It's a little too... Meta."

Bees said...

Let's take a little longer to mourn Firefly, plz.

Gina said...

"America: the only thing more impressive than our TV shows is our serving sizes."

Best. Line. Ever.

Oh, and I sincerely hope John never grows out of his non-sequitor-ness.

And, der, of course it's what Buffy says when she's about to make out. That's way funnier than the truth, anyway.

Kristi said...

Love love love all of these...and the nerd comments =o)

But as a baker myself, how did the Kermit cake, SpongeBob, Alf cake, etc get the OK to recreate a copyrighted character....for sale. I've always wondered how this is ok, unless the cakes were gifts.

Got my wheels turning! Love the TV post!

Lady Bright said...

*snicker* Epcot. Love 'grrr...argh'. My son and I attack each other with it once in a while.

That said, sweet Sunday love!! Firefly, Trek, Serenity, Buffy, Firefly, Castle, Firefly, SG, Firefly...

Oi, so yeah, Firefly!

Wiggles, you know wayyyy too much informations on credits. *snort* I'm jealous!!!!


Anonymous said...

No, that thing that says "Grr...Argg" is Spaceship Earth. Duh!! (sarcasm):)

WV: punthe: I wanna punthe people that told you about "Grr...Argg."

MelissaD said...

Awesome Serenity cake!!
Did you remember to watch the Castle Halloween episode where Rick Castle is dressed in his brown coat as a space cowboy?? Epic :)

And while not a huge Stargate fan - that Stargate cake is wickedly good. I do love the fact that Ben Browder and Claudia Black from Farscape (another fantastic show!) joined the cast in the last season(s).

Great cake lineups this week!!!

Texpenguin said...

@ TĂ­a Hillary, it's your fault! We tried to get GRR ARG on our license plate, but had to settle for GR ARGH instead, LOL! A frightenly large proportion of our vocabulary consists of Buffy, Angel, and Firefly quotes. You'd be surprised at how often some quote is both awesome and apropos!

We were in the middle of watching Firefly for the umpteenth time as you were posting this Sunday Sweet. Now ain't that shiny!

Hermione said...

Grrr arrgh is my text message alert!

Princess Frog said...

Still mourning.

Little Lovables said...

love ! and the grr argh on the buffy cake was after the credits, the production thingamig's thing or whatever. we are doing a buffy/angel marathon right now.

and now, you are putting me in a tailspin to do firefly.. again.

Mags said...

How awesome is that?!!!

(And yes... "ooooo...argh!" and that little mutant guy were part of the ending credits of the show- the production company was called "Mutant Enemy.")

I'm a totally BTVS fanatic and seeing the Buffy cake just made my day!
:) Mags / MagsGraphics

Anonymous said...

What does 'we have an epcot' mean??? I tried to google it but came up with nuthin'

Anonymous said...

The Serenity cake is awesome! I've just watched the marathon on the Ovation channel this past week and am so sad all over again, but the cake made me smile! No power in the 'verse!

Anonymous said...

If Kirk is flat on his back on the Amok Time cake, that Vulcan gong mounted in the center should be broken in several pieces, shouldn't it? Just sayin'.

Too bad J.J. had to destroy that planet. Now the cake is obsolete....


Terrie said...

So now I'm curious about the correlation between being a Firefly/Serenity fan, a die hard Trekkie, and a Cake Wrecks follower.

Who knew we all had so much in common???

Thanks for a great site. My days aren't complete without checking it!

Anonymous said...

Do people not read other previously posted comments? I'm confused as to why there are a million comments about this current Epcot. Can anyone shed some light? Please and thank you.

Eva said...

I so love that Serenity cake!
I am still sad about the show getting cancelled.
Also, the "Grrrh .... Arrgh..." is what the monster says when he´s shows up on screen after each and every episode of Buffy, Angel or Firefly. It´s Mutant Enemy Productions´ logo...which you should know as a Firefly fan..*tsk*

Lupin said...

I just saw the Stargate cake & told my Husband I want THAT for my Next Birthday...Let's see how bad it gets wrecked. Which will make me both Sad (very very sad) & Happy,'cause it'll go up here!! Part of what really makes me sad is that the Walmart Cakes are better than what many of the local "Professionals" create.

Boon said...

Thank you for using the word "meta," in your Buffy Cake description. I greatly appreciated it.

Chantelle said...

Awwww, that Kermit cake is beyond adorable!! <3

Oh, and John? The Daisy epcot was my favorite. All cakes AND flowers will always be just daisies to me. =o)

Anonymous said...

@Ladybug914: You think YOU feel old?? I was 35 when "Alf" came on. I loved that show, and I still do! He was a riot!

~Kathy D

I can't believe it... my WV is "mangy"... perfect description of Alf's hair, LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Love the Amok Time cake, but now I have the Vulcan fight song pounding in my head! If you're a real Trekkie you will too now! :D

cakelava said...

A big Thank You to Brittni M. for submitting our Firefly "Serenity" cake, John and Jen for posting it, and to everyone for their awesome comments! Aloha!! Rick + Sasha

Unknown said...

WOW! Love these. The Buffy Cake with a stake through it definitely is something I've never seen. What a great design.

AnneC. said...

Ahhh BUFFYYY!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE! ♥

Quiara said...

No Doctor Who???

Brandy said...

Love Buffy!! I saw where someone else already mentioned Tara saying the Grrr Argh line with the finger puppet. My absolute favorite show; watched it from episode 1.

Anonymous said...

Amok Time was a great episode. It would have been even better if Bones had gotten to say "Dammit, Jim! He's horny!"

nelago said...

Courtney made the Buffy cake for my birthday a few years ago - I'm so excited to see it featured here (esp. since I vaguely recall alerting y'all to courtney's creations in the first place many moons ago!)

yes, it was an absolutely amazing cake; no I didn't add any candles; yes, it was DELICIOUS too :)

Thanks for featuring it!

Miki said...

My 20 month old would LOSE it over the Spongebob cake!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! So many things I love in this post!

Some of these look way too colourful for me to eat though, I'm almost getting stomach pains just looking at them all!

Unknown said...

The Grr Arg on the Buffy cake is actully the ending production company credits.

lauriedori said...

Just FYI, the school in Glee does not actually sell slushies. The students buy them from a nearby gas station. I'm slightly ashamed that I know this...

Moira Mc said...

John, I mourn the passing of "Firefly" EVERY DANG DAY. (That cake is astounding; looks just like my Serenity Xmas ornament.) I'm also a TNG person, completely & utterly (though I was devoted to TOS back in the day; I was 11 when it debuted, and being a sci-fi geekgirl from the jump...well, what can I say.)

cory - falling star lane said...

Love this post - Miss firefly too much
however, having Buffy, Firefly and Stargate in one post - very cool!!!

Oh, boy - i do enjoy Fillion in Castle - small consolation for missing Firefly!!!

Rachael said...

You are into Serenity and Castle ,but you don't know Grrr Argh? Hard to believe :-) Love your blog. I recently worked somewhere where they decorate cakes and was once asked to write "Happy Birthday Helga" on one. I am expecting to see it here any day!

The Joys of Caking said...

I love that you love Stargate and Firefly! The cakes are great - yay for Sci Fi cakes!

Karen Luckie said...

Yes, we all mourn Firefly. *sob* But we can still watch Nathan Fillion on the stupendous Castle!! Now someone should make a cake about that show!

Tattooed4Eternity said...

I LOVE how many people advised you of the Grr Argh all at the same time, lol.

And to the person who said they liked ALF. I used to love it to. Then I sat and watched Season One when I was 24 (3 years ago) and it was torture. PURE TORTURE. I don't know how any adult could survive that show. It must be the same way I survive Dora -- ignoring it completely, but happy because for once I can disappear into my own thoughts while my 3 year old sits down and gets into NOTHING and just watches. Man, its heaven.

MissKitten said...

Serenity, the Stargate AND a Buffy cake all in one post!?! Yes please! Mucho geek points for ya (even with the Grr Arg confusion)

Oh, and you get entertainments points for ALF and Glee, too. All in all, lots of great cakes in one post!

Bex said...

Angela is totally right I was just about to say that I love, love, LOVE(!!!!) the Buffy and serenity cakes in fact I think I'll attempt to make the BTVS one...