Monika D., I think we're gonna need a bigger umbrella. Oh, and "Tanks."
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
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68 comments | Post a Comment
"Showers of Joe, Keven and Elise?" I can't even figure out what that was supposed to be. What could the person ordering the cake have possibly wanted to get this result? Or is this what they asked for? Aaaahhhh!! What does it mean????
I think I'll like it. It'll give me more to do later on in continuously checking the site.
Wow! More than one a day! I'm so excited I can't even sit still! Would that be showers of wreckage?
I like it! Cake is entertaining at all times of the day! :)
I think it's great! Bring on the wreakage!!!!!
Um... cocktail umbrellas? What kind of shower is this, exactly?
I like this idea! Bring it on!
Extra Wreckage? You spoil us, Jen!
I'm confused by what this cake is supposed to be. WTF
I think that wreckreator needed a hearing aid...I'm thinking that should be "Showers of Joy" not Joe...I'm grasping at straws here...just hoping....
I like it. I often crave an afternoon pick-me-up but by then, of course, I've already read the morning post and there's nothing left to pick me up.
Great idea, Jen and John. i'm also pretty excited that you're starting this two-a-day wreckiness on my BIRTHDAY! that is an awesome gift!
Love the multiple posts! Yay!
Yay! You do realize that you are just feeding our addictions to Cake Wrecks!
Love it! Variety is the spice of life with sprinkles.
Does anyone spell Kevin with two e's? Or is this another double whammy?
Hey, hey you! Hey, you, walking over my bridge! Don't you know that you have to pay a toll? I'm the toll troll! What do you mean "what will happen if I don't pay the toll?" I'll eat you, that's what! Didn't you pay attention to the goat story? Nevermind how it ended.
Anyway, when you get wherever you're going, tell Jen I'm real ticked off about the multiple postings. There's no internet access under my bridge, and internet cafe's are kinda pricey, so I can only get on once a day. I'm going to have to go all day knowing that there are terrible cakes with funny captions that I haven't read yet. Or maybe I should raise the toll... Hey! Hey, you! Come back here! Give me my money! I know your plate number! Expect a notice in the mail!
I was under the bridge, waiting for the billy-goats, and noticed that you changed your format.
Just thought I'd comment all troll-like.
Actually, I like the format.
Anonymous, I've seen Keven before. Not common, but that's probably the point. Donna, I hope you're right - Showers of Joy would make so much more sense!
Someone please tell me - is it just the camera angle, or is the cake really that lopsided?
Trying to figure out this cake is giving my a headache. Plus, it's ugly.
I love the idea of multiple posts a day! I always want more wreckage!! Speaking of wreckage...I have a cake wreck of my own today. It's tragic.
I get this cake!!! It's supposed to say, "Showers of Joy" but the order taker must hear with the same accent they speak with and this is how it came out.
I love it!
And also, don't mind the change.. change is good..bring on the wreckage!
Ahhhh, Showers of Joy makes sense! I was actually wondering if it was for a mom who had triplets - Joe, Keven and Elise? Even then, the showers part is odd. But when you make is Showers of Joy? Yep, I think that was it.
I like it! One is never enough.
I couldn't be a troll if I tried. (so says my son) Even if I were able, I wouldn't be -- double or more on Cakewrecks a day is on the genius level of fun.
Working from home, I need all the interaction I can get.
I feel sorry for the troll under the bridge with no connection.
As to the cake... showers of Joy... triplets...?
My imagination swells, I can't attempt to interpret cakewrecks, I'd never get anything else done. The possibilities!! Exponential!!
wv - middo -- as asked for many times at the bakery, the inscription should be in the middo.
I think Keven and Elise are just celebrating their love of coffee. You know, "cup of Joe"?
Showers of Joe? Mmm, coffee! Maybe it's coffee cake under there?
Coffee-flavored frosting?
I can hope, right?
I love the idea of multiple posts, that means all the more Wrecks on my birthday today!!!
(Oh, and Happy Birthday to you too Erin!)
Multiple posts? Yes!!!
Now when my Sims 2 game crashes I can come here until I get over it.
I do prefer the one post a day (as I know to check it every morning and don't worry about missing anything). But who could argue with more cake wrecks?
In every workplace there is a Joe, Keven and Elise; those people who believe in the old-fashioned concept of personal hygiene is best done once a month. Therefore, every month this office celebrates the fact that last Saturday night was the night that Joe, Keven and Elise had their ritual monthly shower ... together or alone, voluntary or involuntary, it matters not.
And, Garbitz the Troll, much appreciation in reminding me that I need to go online and pay toll to the Illinois tollway who thinks leaving tollbooths unattended between 10 p.m. and 6 a.m. with a piece of paper to take with information about how to pay online is a good idea.
The wreckerator needs a hearing aid. I'd bet the cake was supposed to read "Showers of joy, heaven, and bliss"
Anything that gives me more wreckage is a good thing, especially when these tiny, single cake posts leave me lacking. Has anyone ever told you how awesome you are Jen? :D
I HATE IT!!!! How dare you ruin CakeWrecks by daring to run your blog in the way which best suits your humor, writing style, and available material! This is unacceptable, and I demand you change.
Just kidding. How can anyone hate more wrecks? I'm sure you get lots of random wrecks (like this one) that don't fit in naturally with your marathon theme posts (though you are very gifted at finding themes where no one else would.) This is a great way to make sure those little wrecks are shared with the world.
Keep up the good work!
The other night, my DH was flipping channels and we caught the end of 'Final Destination 2'. In the very last scene this rather unfortunate chap exploded and...well, you get the idea. That said, what this cake implies is not appetizing in the least.
Or was this cake kicking off (or celebrating a completion of) bathroom remodels for Joe, Keven and Elise?
I have a feeling the world may never know. 0_o
thank you for giving me the hint that it is supposed to be "Showers of Joy", I was really fretting there for a bit. I hate it when I don't get the joke. I love that I get to check for make wrecks throughout the day. Maybe you can surprise us with 3 posts a day once in a while just to keep us readers hoppin? I know, that's pretty greedy of me, but I can ask, right?
I don't like it, it's kinda inconvenient.
Anne, I was thinking along those lines myself, except I thought the last word was "peace."
Regarding the new posting method, it's too early to say for sure but I suspect it's going to make me get on the brainsucker even more often than I already do, just to see if there's been anything added. Just what I need, another excuse to waste time & avoid housework :-)
Yeah! Cake for breakfast - nice. Does it come with "showers of joe" as well?
Have to agree, I prefer checking once in the morning, otherwise I'll miss posts or waste time during the day.
Unless that's your point? Or scoring more hits?
Bonus for the Ghostbusters reference....
Jen, I swear I know you. I get almost all of your jokes before you even explain them (except for the married an axe murder reference, since I have not seen it). Anyway, keep up the great work!
And I think the cake was supposed to be a cake for three different co-workers having three separate weddings... or not. Maybe they are from California or something. And before anyone starts bashing me for that comment, I was born, raised, and live in sunny SoCal la-la-land.
Yay, double the Wreckiness!!
The cake? Don't they know paper umbrells will not keep out showers of anything, let alone Kevens, etc. Much too flimsy!
You want trolls? Look at www.trolls.com for some wonderful trolls! No billy goats were harmed in their making.
Hey guys,
Just so we're all on the same page, it's not about pageviews. In fact, I've added an extra post on the main page so you won't have to refresh the page each day to see the posts.
Jen just misses doing the punchy one liner posts and like someone said earlier, we've got a ton of cakes that don't fit into a five picture post.
So, think of it this way; if you check tomorrow morning, you'll see the two posts you missed today and tomorrow's post. No biggie.
Thanks for being awesome guys and Wreck On!
Doesn't it scare you that some of these decorators actually drive?
Oh the mental image that popped into my brain when I read that cake was terrible xD
I've got a short attention span when it comes to the Internet, so I definitely approve of more shorter posts :)
Someone want to explain to me how "Showers of Joy" would make more sense? The "Showers of Joy, Heaven, and Bliss/Peace" thinkers I can almost get behind. But the question is still regarding showers. Why showers? Is this some religious thing that I don't *get*?
I fully support more posts. YAY MORE POSTS! The all caps is to emphasise how excited I am :)
<3 Meg B.
Good lord.
My name is Elise. My husband's name is Kevin. I got sent home from nursing school clinicals today for barfing first thing in the morning.
Totally cool with some hilarious shorter posts along with the gut-busting longer ones.
I would like to think that they meant to put "Showers of Blessings" and then the intended receivers names...like a baby shower...but then I see cocktail umbrellas...so...I give up.
On "Biblical Proportions," last Sunday my Pastor told of a wedding cake wreck and I immediately thought of this site. Instead of writing 1 John 4:17-18, a verse talking about love, the wreckerator wrote John 4:17-18, which says "The woman answered him, "I have no husband." Jesus said to her, "You are right in saying. 'I have no husband'; for you have had five husbands, and the one you have now is not your husband." I can only imagine that reception!
"Showers of Joy, Kevin and Elise"... maybe?????
Finally a cake celebrating apparently adequate and improved hygiene! Hopefully soon they'll be making cakes for pumping gas properly, and for stopping completely at a stop sign.
My doc says I need more wreckage in my diet anyway. At least I THINK that's what he said....
"Troll? Anyone can speak Troll. All you have to do is grunt and point," said Fred Weasley.
I have to say, my morning routine is to crack open my laptop with my bowl of Froot Loops at the table and open up 5 tabs and read the news, look at the arrests for the previous day, and look at Cake Wrecks. I do it all at once, and it gives me a good start to my day. I don't mind the multiple small posts, but I have no idea when they're going to be posted, so I just sit around like a loser checking the site over and over again. I like my cake in heaping forkfuls!
I agree...I think it's for Keven and Elise's shower. Makes more sense...but since I had a shower of joe (coffee) this morning when my bus driver floored it I guess they both work :-)
And I love the new format...It means when I check on my break at work there will be laughter more times a day!
"comment all troll-like"
You crack me up; I'm going to use that one.
My guess is that this was done by a Jonas Brothers fan. (or a mom of tweenagers.) They are lucky it doesn't read Showers of Joe, Kevin and Nick.
It's just a cold sore. This was obviously done by someone who doesn't get them. Those suckers hurt! Although I do think that cake would help me get over cold sores faster, or at least lessen the pain.
LMAO!! Troll-like?! :)
Love the multiple post idea! You know we will be holding you to it though, right?
Well, to be honest I like reading all of my cakey goodness all at once. I like seeing the wacky progression of each crazy concoction!
I think the person placing the order said "I have to get the cake for the showers of Joe (Jo - Joanne?), Keven and Elise" meaning 3 cakes for 3 separate showers to be held that weekend, for 3 of her friends. Who don't even know one another.
This is the cake she got. She didn't know which shower to take it to.
I have a poster at my desk that ends with "And remember, as you grind your way through life, you're never alone when you've got Joe."
So go ahead and pass me another cake.
And sometimes an umbrella is just an umbrella
I like doing the smaller posts. you're bound to get some classics that really can't be categorized with other, so I think this is a great way to still allow us to see them, along with some great little one-liners.
I like the new format, and would only add the suggestion that you add more posts to the front page, so lazy people like me have to click less if we show up late. Because everyone knows the world has to bow to the demands of the lazy. And demanding.
Or you can just ignore me. I'll keep coming here anyway.
I LOVE the multiple postings... Like appetizers, only better...um... SWEETER!
At least the color of the cake isn't...um...er...gold..en. *sorry*
And anytime you want to spoil us with more wreckage and hilarity, feel free!!! Wee! Oh - tacky? I mean, Yay!
I love the lots of postings! More wrecks for me to die laughing over.. especially this one. Are those three hurricanes coming to get the person that wrecked this cake? Lol if so I would run..
I love all your posts, short, long, one-a-day, many-a-day, etc. Just keep them coming.
Thanks for providing the smiles I need on rough days.
Just remember: It's true. This man has no... Uh... Nevermind...
I love that you linked to that Ghostbusters clip. It was on TV last week, and it's one of those movies I watch EVERY TIME it comes on.