Did you know that September 18th is the
United States Air Force's birthday? For real! And to celebrate the good ole' US Air Force (at 63 years young), I've decided to showcase the following cake in all of its fantastical wrecky goodness.

What is the most awesomely wrecky part of this cake, you ask? Lemme a'splain. No... there is too much. Lemme sum up.
Well, there's the migraine-inducing spelling of "
Fonteyimbleau High's Miletxery Ball." For starters.

that five times fast... (or one time slow).
Then there's the "emblems turned balloons," with each one being held by not one, not two, but THREE balloon strings.

Up, up, and away!
And we can't overlook the glittery sand-scape of frosting, hypnotizing you into overlooking the remarkable penmanship.

It's like a little zen garden of sugar.
It's really all SO awesome. But the most awesomely awesome part of all has got to be this:

The fact that probably everyone at the ball was wearing an official Air Force hat makes this my favourite part of all. Awesome.
Thank you to Josh A. and all the ROTC cadets at Fonteyimbleau High for having a good altitude about this cake. We were kinda wingin' it when we wrote this post, so I hope we passed with flying colours!
56 comments | Post a Comment
Thank you, thank you, thank you for putting up a post for the Air Force's birthday!
My husband is active duty and works long shifts with few breaks and has already been on three deployments in 5 years.
Needless to say, I am so proud of every thing he does and so thankful that we have men and women who are willing to do these hard jobs. And who doesn't love a man in uniform?
Thank you to all who serve, have served, and are going to serve!
-Lisa (proud wife of an airman)
Yeah for your Princess Bride reference! And what a pathetic way to say thank you to the Air Force! YIKES... that is all.
i can't believe i'm the second comment. usually there are like thirty at least already. woohoo!!!!!
that being said, i just wanted to add my thanks to any and all military persons who might read this blog.
thank you.
This cake is so, so sparkly, I almost have to shield my eyes.
My birthday is September 17th, so the AF ball usually falls around the same time. My husband used to embarrass me EVERY time by getting someone to announce it. His last year in he got the XO to tell me Happy Birthday during his intro speech.
Could be why I joined the Navy instead... =-D
I think that it's nice that they hired the Parkinson's Foundation people to decorate a cake for them. What? They didn't? Oh...er...my bad.
Lisa, please thank your husband for his service to our country for me, OK? And hugs to you for being so supportive. We live about 5 miles from Scott Air Force Base and attended the air show there last weekend. My thanks and love to all the members of the U.S. military!
Happy Birthday to the USAF! As for the cake - what were they thinking? Or were they thinking at all?
I've come to the conclusion that the orders at the bakeries responsible for these cakes do not actually have any profession decorators. They just point at someone and say, "Answer the phone and do what the guy says."
You'd think that they'd at least the decorators to pass a spelling test, and prove they understood basic decorating concepts.
Either that or they're all given an Ambien (tm) right before they're handed the order form and the tools. That would explain the results.
Most importantly I need to echo the thanks that people have already expressed to all our military men and women - and their families. You are all my heroes.
But I also need to add my "hooray" for your Princess Bride reference - I <3 your commentary!
Oh, and my best WV ever - "reacken". It's just perfect!
I love that guys in the Air Force read Cake Wrecks. That makes me feel a little less girly about loving this blog.
The dignity of the Air Force has been severely attacked-thank goodness they are trained to retaliate!
HAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Awesome "Princess Bride" quote, and the puns, as always ---- t-riff!
Haha. Yeah, the Princess Bride reference was most super.
A Saturday wreck and a Princess Bride reference...
...yes, I think today is going to be a good day.
Musta been some extra u's hangin' around the office this morning.
Oh! I was ROFL IRL!
A dyslexic decorator...God bless their soul!
Just so long as we all understand that ERR is not a homophone of AIR. It is pronounced URR.
Note to wreckerator regarding the order form: I do not think it means what you think it means.
that is hilariously horrible!! my husband just hit 20 years in the air force two days ago, i should have made him one of these myself!!!
That scribble on the cake, I first thought it said 'Fantastic High'. Anyway, happy B-day to the U.S. Air Force!
"My name is US Air Force, You wrecked my cake, Prepare for PIE"
[sound of pie flying through the air]
I kinda like the sugar sand.... all SPARKLEY! oooh... *ahem*
p.s: and to add the cherry on top, my WORD VERIFICATION for this comment was: inkpo
could have been inkpoo... which is how i read it and thought, how appropriate.
bad icing writing/mispelling = inkpoo.
Doesn't it say "All Cops" instead of "all caps"?
So, we have all cops in the Air Force, right?
Oh my gosh!! What a cake...wreck! My (now grown) children attended Fontainebleau High School and participated in the ROTC program.
Thanks for your service, Air(wo)men.
It looks like the decorator had bad penmanship with the "Militxary" bit and actually tried to write "militrary" but the first "r" is messed up. Which is still a Wrecky misspelling Military.
I LOVE the zen sugar garden. I must have to have one.
Thank you to the Air Force! Sorry your cake is so bad, but hopefully it tasted good!
As someone who is being forced to attend an Air Force Ball (yes, "Ball") tonight, I am now inspired and have a purpose. I will make sure to get pictures of whatever cake is there. I think it's sad that I'm hoping for a cake wreck to liven up the night. I guess I shouldn't complain: after 16 years active duty, this is the first one my husband has HAD to attend. I guess we've gotten off lucky - or unlucky if you think about all the wrecks I've missed!
I am also an active duty spouse, and I just attended an Air Force Ball last night here in lovely Grand Forks, ND. This makes me wish I'd gotten a look at the cake before they cut into it! If it had been a wreck, it would've totally made the night!
As a side note, the semi-formal and formal "mess dress" does not require headgear, so there actually weren't any caps in the room, at least not on active duty personnel.
Thanks for spotlighting the Air Force! And thanks for all the wrecks! I love Cakewrecks!
Is it just possible that the last line was supposed to be "All Corps"? Considering how poorly executed everything else on the cake was, it {squint, squint} could be.
To quote Inigo Montoya, "I do not think it means what you think it means."
Happy Birthday USAF!!!!
Anne at 12:00, that was awesome!
Nobody mentioned it, so I'm guessing it actually belongs there, but what is the 944 for? La for Louisiana 944 is what?
@Valerie (Kyriosity) actually mirriam websters shows that pronouncing err is correct whether you say it like "air" or "urr", but thanks for trying to make people feel stupid!
Yay Indigo!!
Also - well done slipping that altitude in there.... I nearly missed it! My brain read attitude. :)
wv: conal - The conal was not pleased with his cake! (Do they have colonials in the AF?? Probably not...)
As I'm reading through the comments, I SO want to give several of them the "thumbs up" symbol of approval... Think I've been looking at Facebook too long.....?????
This is one wreck of a wreck.
@valerie -in Canada we pronounce err the same as air, so it is a homophone for us.
All caps off to those serving.
wv hoble: the wreckerators must have been hobling on their last legs when they made this wreck
'High' is the word most readily decipherable. A tacit admission, perhaps? A cry for help in icing?! Or perhaps help *with* icing...
Note to wreckerators: decoration *before* celebration.
But where would CW be without errors -- sorry, I mean, 'urrors'.
Valerie, please go to http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/err and click on the first speaker icon.
First-to all military personel thanks for serving. Regarding that cake-that is what happens when a Doctor becomes a decorator
I didn't see those as balloon strings. I thought they were skinny aliens.
Yay for the Air Force, and all our military! Happy Birthday, USAF! My dad was a proud WWII pilot.
Thanks John and Jen for the bonus Saturday post!
(Hi, Diane 1611! I live just south of Scott AFB. The Blue Angels were flying RIGHT OVER our house - seemed as though they were skimming the tree tops - so cool!)
Just remember... To Air is Hymen... Or something...
WV - undin - When it comes to wreckery, what's din can't be undin.
Well, today being the Air Force's birthday almost made me feel bad about my team, the Oklahoma Sooners, beating them on the football field today. Almost... heh, heh.
That being said, my son-in-law is an Airman and he and my daughter are stationed in Sontang, South Korea. Go Air Force!
You made my day with the Princess Bride :-D
I could overlook the sparkly zen garden because I love sparkly anything but I can't forgive the double emblem balloons that they failed on or the hideous blue air-brushing.
" Heather said...
I think that it's nice that they hired the Parkinson's Foundation people to decorate a cake for them. What? They didn't? Oh...er...my bad. "
No one else has said it, so I will - that's really not a nice comment. Or funny.
I simply love when you reference Princess Bride. Always makes me smile. :)
My favorite part is the zen sugar garden...I can forget all my troubles there. I'm always curious if these cake wrecker's stand back and gleam with satisfaction for what they consider a job well done or do they just hope (with fingers, toes and eyes crossed) that the receiver will either a. not notice or b. not be confident enough to speak up?
Anyways ~ as a proud Air Force Mom (hi Nicky!) I echo previous posts and thank the military with a grateful heart for their service & wish the Air Force a happy 63rd birthday!
Lisa - AFWingMom
Thank you to my brothers and sisters in arms in every branch. I love you!
Thank God for all of you!
Took me a minute to figure out what the cake was trying to convey for real.
Like, who would NOT spell out that name when ordering? C'mon, it might be 'common' to you, but not most of the world. It was a wreck waiting in the winds to happen.
Yes - winds.
I add my thanks and gratitude to the members of the USAF. My father was Army Air Corps, precursor to the AF. Brave men and women, all.
RE: 'all cops'... egads.
~~Di (proud daughter of airman)
My husband is active duty USAF, we're stationed in Japan (although I've never seen a zen garden quite so sparkly), and we love the Princess Bride...I think this just might be my favorite post yet. :oD
I actually really love the glittery texture, but the rest of it is awful!
I am loving the Princess Bride reference, love it!!! Anyway, my big bro is in the Air force and has been for many, many moons. I am ashamed that I had no idea that it was in fact Air Force day. The really cool thing is that his bday is the following day. Hmmm, pretty cool, no?
For a moment, I thought the last line was "All Corps" and I thought, Huh, that's rather cheap, but then again it might be difficult to list all the different groups on one cake.
Then I took a closer look. *headdesk*
Plus it's sparkly. So very sparkly. 0_o
I once heard a bad joke from an Air Force recruiter (that no doubt is told by all the other branches on each other): The entrance exam to the Army is just to see if you can fog up a mirror (in other words, you're breathing). I'm beginning to wonder if the same process applies to hiring a cake decorator.
Yep. And when Merriam-Webster realizes that most people spell CONGRADULATIONS, they'll put that in as an alternative spelling. Language shifts. But the more we blithely give into the shifting, the more we are saying to our ancestors, "I don't want to understand you," and to our descendants, "I don't care if you understand me." The more we work toward maintaining linguistic standards of both spelling and pronunciation, the better equipped we will be to communicate with one another across generation and culture.
And for crying out loud...we're commenting on a blog that delights in pointing out errors in language. Why all the hostility toward someone commenting on an error in language? Lighten up, people!
Someone else caught it, but I wanted to weigh in as well. The cake CLEARLY says "All Cops." So this is a cake for the Miletaxery Police of the Air Force.
You people are so HARSH!
Oh yes, and please wreckerators, when you can't spell, nearly indecipherable hand writing only helps if you have the right number of letters!! M-i-l-i-t-a-r-y. Eight. You've got at least five letters after the "t" looking thing!
I'm going to go out on a limb, and say that the form to request the cake was filled out in cursive (a hideous useless form of writing that should never be taught in schools) and then the requester wanted to make sure that the writing on the cake was in "ALL CAPS." Thus the fail was on both sides of the cake order.
~Former SSgt Jones