As you Epbot readers know, I've been playing Ghostbusters and generally
geeking/freaking out (once again) about all things Ghostbusters-related this week. Which is why when I saw this first cake I knew today's post would have to be game-themed, just so I'd have an excuse to post it.
The genius! The detail! The ghost-bustin' geekiness!
Made by Lyndsay Shrubb of OntarioEverything you see here is edible except for the tubing and wand handle. Lyndsay made the wires and ribbon from fruit-by-the-foot and licorice.
Granted, this is one cake where you'd have to be sure to peel the fondant off before eating it (hello, stained teeth!), but that's a small price to pay for such sheer unbridled awesomeness.
Don't worry; I have more goodies, too.
Here's a cute Companion Cube from
Last month I downloaded the free version they made available for the Mac, but I haven't played it yet. Tell me, gamers, is it better on the PS3? Seems like it'd have to be, but I'd love your opinion if you've played it.
Some day I also really want to try
Scribblenauts - and not just because this cake is so stinkin' adorable:
Sub'd by Alexandria DB, but I don't have the baker. Anyone know?Although I admit the cake is helping. ;)
How about a little BioShock?

Ah, Bioshock, home of the oh-so-evil
This cake is especially inspirational because it's only the 4th fondant cake the baker ever attempted! Yep,
futurestar101 is not a pro at all, but look at the amount of detail she achieved in the vending machine. Just amazing.
Here's one for you WOWers:
Sub'd by Natalie and made by nwepplerOne of the best World of Warcraft cakes I've seen. I love the 3D lettering.
And finally, something from one of John's favorite games, Halo:
By Mike's Amazing CakesIt takes a master chef to make a master chief! ;)
Have a geeky Sweet for me? Then e-mail it to Sunday Sweets [at] Cake Wrecks [dot] com.
73 comments | Post a Comment
Jen, you MUST try Scribblenauts! My three children are obsessed with it... it's a lot of fun and they have a blast coming up with creative things to type in. Of course, it becomes this fun sharing thing they do with friends, too.
I love this post and have really enjoyed Epbot. It's fun to know there are other geeky, gaming girls out there. Thanks for sharing!
Dunno what Portal is like on a Mac, but I've played, replayed and played over & over on PC. Worth every wasted second of it. :D
...and if you feel sorry for your Companion Cube at any time, you're doing it right. ;-)
The companion cube totally made my day!!! Great post today. :)
We didn't love Scribblenauts. It was amusing at first, but then it's just wings, box, giant squid all the time.
Most Valve games (including Portal!) are made to be played on a PC, not a console. I would assume this applies to Macs as well. Can't really beat mouse+keyboard for FPS games.
That being said, you should really get around to playing it! It even uses cake as a plot point!
My daughter got Scribblenauts for Christmas and I love it. I sneak it away from her when I get the chance. It's true that it can become boring if you solve each problem the same way - but you get bonus points for using items you've never tried before, find a way to solve the level without killing anything, etc. I like to challenge myself to solve it with the fewest items possible.
Also - thanks for the WOW cake. :)
Wow! My friend made me Ghostbusters cupcakes for my birthday this year -- Gonna have to tell her I need a proton pack cake next year! ;-)
I can't believe no one has commented with this yet, so, I'm sorry, I can't help myself.
The cake is a lie!
Not a gamer geek, but the details are amazing in those cakes
Scribblenauts is one of the best games I've ever played! The solve-it-with-random-craziness is fun. But my favorite part is you can just throw random things out on the start screen & see what happens.
Priest + cross vs. vampire - priest wins
priest vs. vampire - vampire wins
God vs. devil - God wins
Zombie vs. anything - zombie wins (and creates other zombies!)
Its hysterical.
If you like playing "Ghostbusters", you might like playing Ghost Master too. It's sort of like the Sims combined with "Ghostbusters" and "Mission Impossible", told from the villain's point of view. Instead of driving off the ghosts, you have to frighten off all the people and free the spirits. It's a fun game, and it's got quite a sense of humor. Worth a look!
Jen, after ogling that AMAZING WoW cake I did a search for the creator and found her. The link can be found at Her user name is nweppler; She is a Wilton instructor from Florida. Hope that helps!
~Fawn (avid Cake Wrecks fan and aspiring Cake Designer)
I would've just thought those first two were lawn mower engines. So thanks for enlightening the ignorant.
I played and beat Ghostbusters for PS3 and I agree it's really freaky! I didn't play it in the dark and my husband had the tendency to come up behind me while I was immersed in playing and go "RAH!" so I'd jump out of my skin. :/
I think Portal lends itself really well to being played with a mouse. The graphics are fine, but they aren't super wicked awesome, so I think playing on the Mac has all possible advantages over console.
For my son's birthday a few years ago, I had a cake made with a still shot from Portal and "The cake is a lie!" put on it. The baker just gave me that deer in the headlights look until I explained it to her. She then said, "Oh, ok. Now we know why the guys at Microsoft are always saying that to us." :)
Portal is one of the classic games of ALL time. The PS3 version is ok, but, seriously, the PC (and presumably Mac) version is the best. My son has beat it many, many times and still plays it. He's 17 if you need a reference point. The poor companion cube....sniff.
My eight year old is positively addicted to Scribblnauts. I know I would enjoy the game if I could just pry it out of his DSi! That is/was one adorable cake.
My boys absolutely loved today's cakes!! When they hear me laughing at the computer nowadays, their first question is now, "are you reading Cake Wrecks again?!"
Thank you for these; I always enjoy geeky Sunday sweets
Just wanted to let you know that I saw your book in a bookstore in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. So, when are you coming to Africa for a book signing? ;-)
The Maxwell (the guy from Scribblenauts) cake is awesome and adorable! And such a good game! Sure, it may get old after a while, but you have to at least try it. So many fun things to create...Cthulu, Keyboard Cat, Stealth Bomber, God, All Your Base Are Belong To Us (seriously), freeze ray (the Mr. Freeze kind, not the Dr. Horrible kind), mind-control device (which lets you ride on Cthulu)...try everything!
I'd have been infinitely more impressed with the WoW cake if they'd modeled the globe on top after Azeroth, the game's world, instead of the earth.
It's still lovely, though.
The HALO helmet is awesome!
I dunno...that world of warcraft cake looks like it has nearly nothing to do with wow. While it has the globe and the lettering, it kind of looks like the sort of cake that my parents would get me while trying to support my interests as a teen. Sweet, kind of in line with my interests, but not actually in line with what my interests are about. It sure is a pretty cake though.
That Halo cake just made my step-son so so so happy. As he is playing Halo, I yell over "hey come look at this cake". 3 minutes of "whoa.." "sweet!" "aw man that's cool!" Now he wants one...*sigh*
I would love to see a Little Big Planet cake.. that game is freakin' adorable and strangely hard.
Thanks for sharing these deliciously nerdy cakes!
OMG YES!!! SSCRIBBLENAUTS! It is one of the most entertaining games I've ever played. You have to try it. You can summon people like Michael Jackson, even!
Have to agree about the WoW cake -- it's Earth, not Azeroth. :(
Beautiful attempt, but falls short of the goal, imo.
BioShock is my favorite game ever!! <3 the cake ! =)
So unbelieveable nice!!
I beat Portal the second time on my Mac (for the first time on my Mac as well, on the PC via Boot Camp, haha), and here's what I think about PS3 Portal:
Portal has few enough controls that it could work on a console. However, I think console controllers are generally more trouble than they're worth for a mouse-and-keyboard gamer.
Everything Valve makes is better on the computer, in my opinion.
That's not to say that the console versions are any less fun. But there's all sorts of community gaming you can do with the console versions that isn't available on the consoles.
Love Portal. Great teamwork game. Nothing scary. Much. Of course its better on the PS3! What isn't! :)
I agree with whoever said that Valve games are meant for the PC, but they work wonderfully on Mac, too. I'm working my way through Portal on the Mac for the first time, and I love it. I would recommend playing it on the computer, whichever OS, over the PS3. :)
Here's a tip for black fondant that isn't totally gross tasting. Start with pre-made CHOCOLATE fondant and add black coloring. It won't take as much to get it black as it does to go from white to black. Also, take my advice and never purchase any fondant other than from I have no affiliation with them. I'm just an extremely satisfied customer. It tastes DELICIOUS and comes in beautiful colors and flavors.
Echoing that Portal has to be played on the computer. That's how it was designed and anything else would just be weird. It's really tricky at times to use a touchpad though, so bear that in mind if you use a laptop and don't have a USB mouse.
My high school senior BOY just looked at the scribblenauts cake and said, possibly with a squeal, "HE'S ADORABLE!!"
Heh. If you make a 17 year old boy squeal with the cute, you've accomplished some serious cute.
all amazing cakes! that biosock cake is nice, but so bright green, I always think of it as a dank and dark colors... but then again I haven't seen the 2nd one, so maybe it has a brighter garden area.
Here is my halo cake, totally amateur sheet cake, but it was my first and thought it turned out pretty neat for my gamer husband's bday.
I love Scribblenauts! It was super fun to play. With so many possiblities...what an adorable cake, too.
And I should really get around to playing Portal.
I heart the Ghostbusters cake... as an 80's baby I have to pay homage to one of my old faves! Who you gonna call???
check out my blog:
I don't have a Mac, but can't imagine playing Portal on anything other than a computer - some of the later levels require absolute control over where you're firing the gun.
However, it is absolutely the best PC game that has ever been made, and every single crafter I know who played it immediately had to make a Companion Cube in their chosen medium. Damn, now I have to go play it again. There goes my night.
Aaaaaaaaah! These are so cute!!
Loved these! They inspired me to google 'Katamari Damacy' cakes (my favorite game, still!). There's a really good one at this baker's link:
I can only say one thing: wow!!!
WOW!!! After seeing the ghostbuster cake I almost wish that I had a ghost in my toilet so i could get one of those cakes and see if it really works!
very cool!
Portal on a Mac works well - just plug in a mouse. And just to get on your side with the game-wuss, Portal scares me, it took me 122 hours to finish Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, and Myst will be my long-lived favourite.
Hey, have there ever been Myst cakes? Those would be pretty...
Fittingly, had this article on its homepage today:
I love them all :D You must play Portal! It's so much fun and very funny :)
Next time you're in AZ, we will have to have these guys show up:
They dress up as ghostbusters and do fund raising.
The only problem with the WoW cake is that that is NOT the so-called World of Warcraft on top of the cake (a.k.a., Azeroth). That is Earth. Not the same thing. I'd love it if it had the correct continents on it. :(
Portal is AMAZING for PC and PS3. I love it so much that I have the weighted companion cube tattooed on my foot along with the phrase "The cake is a lie" Hands down one of my favorite games!
Oh now I want to boot up the xbox and eat cake.
It's great on the XBOX 360 so it'll probably be just as awesome on the PS3!
I love that Master Chief cake.. wow. My hubby has gotten me into playing Halo 3 and ODST among others and that cake made his day too :).
I'm not a gamer at all, but the cakes look cool :)
Btw, Cake Wrecks is featured in The Malaysian Reader's Digest June issue.. Aren't you proud of yourself? :D
I don't know about Portal in particular, but the PS3 versions of Valve's other games tend not to play as well as on the other platforms (Mac/PC would be best, but 360's good too), mainly due to another company handling the porting to the PS3.
First cake is uber impressive! Companion cube looks more edible, however. ;)
I love the companion cube cake! Now I have something to attempt. I ordered a companion cube cake for my husband's birthday a few years back, gave them a picture of it, etc., and this is what I got: I don't think anyone wants that as their companion.
i love that the WOW cake is for a 25 and 30 year old...
My Boyfriend plays Portal all the time says it's WAY better on PC. :)
Also Thanks for the idea on next years Bday cake!!! ( Last year I did a "The cake is a lie" cake and this year was a Monster truck.. Looks like next year will be a companion cube! LOL NICE
I thought for sure that someone was going to come on here and tell you "DUH!!! Ghostbusters is a MOVIE not a GAME!"
I normally don't comment but...
Oh my gosh, I love Portal!!! It is my favorite game. I especially love the song at the end. I don't know about Mac or PS3, but it's a lot of fun on Xbox 360!
Eeeeeee gamer cakes! I love the last one so much!
Scribblenauts is okay. I had fun with it at first, but the controls are just frustrating after a while. I hear they're coming out with a second version, so I'm hoping they improve it a lot.
However, the 'free play' mode can be fun when you've been drinking. 0:)
I played Portal on PS3 on The Orange Box and the controls were fantastic. I find games like that much harder to play on a computer, but that's just my opinion! Great game!
Ok, so I love the Sunday Sweets, and agree the cakes are well executed ---
then there's my son....
who demanded I write you to say that the WoW cake is wrong. The world does not look like that -- the continents are all in the wrong places, shapes, etc.
Hey, I don't play, what do I know? Show me a good Luigi any day, and I'm happy. Love the Ghostbusters pack!
wv - sceliz -- these WoW players are all such sceliz. (jk) I love my son.
I would stick with the Mac version of Portal. The PS3 version isn't bad, but it does have some lag and performance problems because of the company who ported it to the Playstation 3. You would also have to buy The Orange Box to play Portal, and I would say since you have it for free already, that would be the way to go. The Mac version works well as I replayed the game on the Mac recently.
I'm way too excited not to comment on this one. I absolutely love the Master Chief helmet and the Companion Cube! If anyone was to ever give me such either of those cakes, I would squee. I love your blog!!!
Yes, try Scribblenauts! My kids & I love it!
I just found your blog today. HOW could I have been missing out on this fabulosity for my whole life?! But to make it even better?! The authors are gamers?! I'm in heaven! Thanks for the laughs tonight.
You may know of this already, but Improv Everywhere did a Ghostbusters mission in the library in New York City. If you don't know of Improv Everywhere, you ought to get acquainted. They're hilarious.
COMPANION CUBE!!!<333 i find the whole portal cake ironic though, since "the cake is a lie"
play it. you'll understand(:
Companion Cube!!! <3 Portal is awesome, but I haven't tried it on a Mac. Feel pity for the poor Companion Cube, I wish it doesn't die DX THE CAKE IS A LIE THE CAKE IS A LIE THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!
I know I'm a little slow commenting on this post - I meant to comment right away but life got in the way. Did you know you can buy a stuffed companion cube? My husband and I were gifted one as a house-warming present! I thought it was a creative: "Welcome to your new life together!" gift.
here is the link for the person that did the WoW cake, she deserves the credit.