Thursday, June 24, 2010

Close Enough

Thursday, June 24, 2010

"Happy Ami...




"Happy Anmev...Urg! No.



"Wait. I got it:

"Happy Amniverserseeawscrewit."



Happy "Day You Got Married," Mary C.

Taylor said...

Reminds me of that scene in Big Daddy (starring Adam Sandler).

"Hip... hipop... hip-hop anonymous? No fair! Why does he get all the easy ones?!"

Bella Jello said...

Haha that reminds me of my anniversary cake! Thanks for all the laughs!
P.S. First!

Heartsabustin said...

HAHAHAHAHA! I love that - I've seen some great stuff screwed up because of Anniversay.

Fluffy Cow said...

I must say, I really love when it starts ok with some lovely piping, then some odd colored but nice flowers... then they pick some random awful color to attempt the words. Digressing happily to a horrible misspelling and squished, ahem, letters*.

*The term letters is used in this situation as a loose application of the word.

Shanti said...

That's brilliant! And very timely - my second wedding anniversary was June 22.

Kind of makes me glad we skipped the cake. Last year we got the baker who made our wedding cake to recreate the top tier for us (that seemed less gross than eating year-old cake!), but when we contacted her this year we learned she was no longer making cakes. Any other cake seemed like a disappointment after that so we went cakeless - which may have been a blessing in disguise!

Lindsay said...

That is one awesome cake like thingie....

KatjaMouse said...

I think I'm just going to give a Webster's Dictionary to my local grocery store bakery.

Tiffany in Topeka said...

WOW! LOL! Too funny!

Anonymous said...

uh oh

dd saw this cake and said "what a nice cake!!!!"

i think i have a future wreckerator on my hands...

Cheesy Ninja said...

I found the opening comments to be funnier than the cake itself! You're too funny for your own good!

bassgirl said...

"Happy Amniverserseeawscrewit."

Once again, your commentary has me laughing out loud! Love this blog, and Epbot, too.

Jules AF said...

I want a cake wreck for my next birthday. (I would've said anniversary to be relevant to this post, but I'm not married.)

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversorry...

Heather said...

I think we're going to need a bigger cake...

Anonymous said...

And doesn't it say "Nappy" (I won't even attempt to spell the last "word")?

Donna said...

Awww, thanks for remembering that tomorrow is my 28th anniversary! Although really, with that cake, you shouldn't have. Really. ;)

Anonymous said...

You would think BY NOW bakeries would have "cheat sheet" for commonly used words. in their CORRECT spelling. Sheesh, did they ever think to consult the dictionary!

Miss Mindy said...

My dazed eyes saw [drinking] instead of [blinking]. I think my eyes did not deceive me.

wv: reedec. Wow. That mess is reedeculous.

Anissa said...

Awww how did you know today was my 10th wedding anniversary :)

kingshearte said...

Awesome that this actually landed on my anniverscrewit. :)

Beth said...

What a perfect post - today's our 11th anniversary!

Love, love, love this blog!!

Jamie said...

Sending a pic in soon of a cake we got for my boyfriends daughter from a famous chain ice cream place. Very similar to this! I was PISSED!

Anonymous said...

Someone PAID for this???

mab said...

Today my hub and I are celebrating our 10th Annivwersariey! So, thanks for featuring the perfect wreck for today!

cakewrecklover said...

If you look just right "Happy" kinda looks like "Nappy."

Amanda | Glittericity said...

You'd think that a bakery would have two very basic things: a list of commonly-used words for such things, and the training would include at least a little planning and knowing how to space letters so that it all fits. It's just common sense, isn't it? I mean... I know I'm quite an intelligent person, but am I really THIS much smarter than SO many people? *facepalm*

JennyP said...

This is certainly an "anniversorry" excuse for a professional cake.

WV - seybu

When I want to scare someone, I sneak up behind 'em and seybu.

Stella said...

wow do the letters dribble down the side?

Anonymous said...

Looks as if the wreckretor started out relatively strong, got confused then just ended in a big WTF way!

TechyDad said...

What a coincidence that this would be posted today. Today is my wife (TheAngelForever) and my 9th amniverstory... I mean, armnivisery... I mean, annivercory (so close that time).... I mean the 9th full year since the day that we were married.

KathyD said...

That is the best wreck I've seen all week because today IS my 10 year "Amniverserseeawscrewit"! Thanks for the well wishes :D.

(are you sure you haven't been spying on me?)

Elissa said...

Why thank you!

Today is, in fact, my ami-, ana-, annivir-, anniversary (15th).

Anonymous said...

And I was just thinking yesterday on my walk through my grocery store that the cakes looked really nice. There wasn't a one I could snap and send to Wrecks.

They didn't have ANY writing on them.... yet.


btw - prior post - awesome stack of suitcases!!

also - why do I get a little box with red 'x' as a wv on my first try every time to post?

Sarah said...

Haha thank you, my anniverscrewit is this weekend. There will be cake :)

Cat said...

Man, a lot of your readers have anniverscrewits today! But not me!

BADKarma! said...

The saddest part about any mis-spelled cakewreck is the fact that the correct spelling of nearly any word is one Google search away...

Jessica said...

Forgive the following slightly off topic comment --
You probably know this already, but you have a shout out in the July 2010 Cooking Light. On page 22... "Any fan of knows how hilariously wrong cake decorating can go. This book [Kid's Cakes from the Whimsical Bakehouse] will help you get it right.....

Anonymous said...

Ha - it looks like "Anniversorry", as in "sorry I can't spell anniversary".


JW said...

Oh Great! Now I can't even SAY ARni AMN... Aw crackers...

Amanda said...

LOL, it's not like anyone actually CELEBRATES their anniversary, anyway, right? :)

Green said...

I actually needed to look up how to spell "anniversary" after this wreck.

The wreckcreator's right. It's a lot more fun spelled like that.

Haiku Joy said...

Did this cake get slimed
by Nearly-Literate Smurf?
Yum, ectoplasm!

Anonymous said...

This would make an awesome greeting card! I realise there are probably copyright issues & all, But I think several of the greatest hit cakes would be fabulus cards!

and thanks for the reminder on my folks anniversary!

Anne said...

Our "day that we got married" isn't for another few weeks, but I think we'll skip a cake with an inscription after seeing this!
Today is my husband's birthday, however. He's not a cake lover, so no potential wrecks to send in tomorrow. Sigh.

Tori said...

"Happy Anniversorry..."

Haha, that's what I was thinking, too, Jennifer.

Lisa said...

Happy Amniverserseeawscrewit to many of my fellow Wreckies! It seems like this is a pretty common day among so many of you :)

Isolder74 said...

Wow. they went and made a very nice looking cake into something horrible.

Dr. Horrible we need you in here STAT!!!!

Anonymous said...

talk about a mithspelling

Laura in AL said...

Why, thank you, Jen! Is _is_ my wedding amniveraray day! (Really!) :)

Anonymous said...

Awww! Today is my anniversary [:

Prepared America said...

Our roomate is in cooking school so we get cakes like this all the time for dessert... lol!

Mrs.Dr.Shot said...

It's my anniversary today. How fun is this!?

tat2cookie said...

I just laughed so hard I just snorted and peed a little at the same time!

Arlene said...

I can just see the wreckerator do this on purpose then put their resignation letter on the boss's desk. Of course they would also leave town before the customer could hunt them down and throw the cake at them lol.

JB said...

How appropriate! My parents' anniversary is actually 6/24 as well ^_^

Unknown said...

I'd be so happy to get a cake, I wouldn't even care if it said amivers3rry.

insanity:P said...

Actually, if you look closely, they DID spell anniversary right. Well, the first part anyway. It just looks like an M because the two loops before an N were accidentally connected. so the part that looks like the middle of an M is actually the beginning of another N. :)

Allison said...

How fitting--you posted this on my annivers...aniv...anniversorry??? :)

Tricia L said...

Is it too much to hope that we will be seeing

"Happy Amniverserseeawscrewit"

cakes on the shelves soon?

Oh, that would require that the wreckerator actually spell it correctly. And it might involve using two sheet cakes to get it all on. Oh, never mind.

Aliza said...

cOoo, talk about the perfect cake for the amicably divorcing/divorced couple "happy anniversorry"! It would have been *perfect* for my parents. And I agree with anon @ 5:39 p.m.... there's a lot of potential cards here on Cakewrecks :)

Happy Amiversacarcy to all who celebrated :)

PS what's with the clothing spam included in the comments?

WV "flunce". Flunk + dunce = the most appropriate description of some of these cake wreckerators

Cindy said...

Love it! Your comments made my day. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

That is so funny! And today actually is my 14th anniversary!
Love you Jen and John-You rock!


Anonymous said...


check out my blog:

Anonymous said...


Betty Jo said...

Well...I left a comment and them my computer went whacky!

You crack me up! You're comments/observations on the cake wrecks are hysterical. Keep 'em coming! :)