No, please - please, remain in your seats. I realize your whole-hearted devotion compels you to rise and applaud, whoop, cat-call, etc., but that's really not necessary.
Oh, alright, just for a few minutes, then. If you must.
[big grin]
Now, on to the presents!!! Who wants to go first?
?!? What's this? You didn't get me *anything*? Really? Hmph. Well, fine. I'll find my own presents. Yeah. I'll just make a little self-indulgent list of some of my favorite things, and since it's my birthday, and my blog, you can't stop me.
First, of course, my favorite favorite thing is John. There aren't many cake versions of John out there, but I did find one:

Plus he has hands, so that makes him like the Chippendales version 3.001.
I also love my cats, Lily and Tonks.

For fun, I enjoy playing the odd video game.
Speaking of "odd":

As a voracious reader who finds excuses to use words like "voracious," I know Harry Potter will always hold a special place on my bookshelves:

How do you segue from Ghostbusters to Star Wars? With this:

Someone's had their eye on this one for a while:

See, that's a little dark lord humor for ya.

And if you thought I was serious, then as Sheldon would say...

Still, this Wreckerator gets an "A" for effort.
("Astoundingly apathetic.")
Did I, though? Or did I just save the best, most wreckalicious and dreadfully hilarious Mickey cake of all for today? Hmm?
Hey Mickey!"
Patty J., Sarah R., Monique B., Erin M., Tiffany G., Meghann H., Nicole L., Melissa F., Natalie E., Nicole K., & Maisoon, thanks for sending in all my birthday cakes. You rock.
Before you go, I have one more *new* favorite thing to share. Something I've been wanting for a long time. Something I've been secretly working towards for months, hoping against all odds to have by my birthday. Something you just might be interested in:
But don't expect any cake. ;)
175 comments | Post a Comment
I LOVE the bazinga cake! I want one for my birthday!!!
Oh, and happy b-day Jen :D:D
I can believe I didn't think of the Bazinga cake first! Since my in-laws call it the Sheldon Show, I think I'll need to make this one.
Happy Birthday Jen!!! I don't know about anyone else but it said page not found!!
I'm pretty sure John also has a head, which can be a good thing sometimes.
The fourth cake must be for a Death Eaters party. They're lynching Harry Potter and three of his friends.
Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have as much fun today as you brng to your readers everyday!
BTW - Tried to check out the link since I do so love your inane nattering... it told me the page didn't exist.
The best part of the controller cake is that it says "AaronTendo" but it's definitely an Xbox 360 controller, which is made by Microsoft, not Nintendo. And I just outed myself as a huge geek.
i read this every single day... it's awesome, and like the others, i LOVE the Sheldon cake!
have a great one, and kno we all got your back!! =)
Happy Birthday Jen!! Hope it's special! I tried the link for your new blog, but it goes to a page that says it doesn't exist. :(
Happy birthday! I hope somebody gets you a CAKE. ;-) Just not one of those. Please. Not... one... of... those....!!!!!!!
This is what I love about your blog. You know every movie, book, TV show, song, meme, etc. that I love and reference them incessantly.
Happy Birthday Jen!
It's my birthday too!!! Thank you for the funny birthday day cakes!!
Ummm... the doctor shout-out cake... it says "Police Box" on it. What does that have to do with doctors?
I left a message on your new blog but then thought this one might be lonely, so I'll say again HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you get as much happiness today and this year as you've given--which is a LOT.
Hurrah for you, Jen! Happy Birthday.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May you get a nice, non-wreckified cake for actual celebration!
Happy Birthday!
The Star Wars cake looks a little like Jose Jalapeno on a Stick...
Happy Birthday Jen...may your birthday cake not be made out of cupcakes :)
Seriously, Jen? It's really your birthday? Because it's mine, too. =D Thanks for the cakes!
From another five-twelth-er.
Nevermind the fact that that Mickey looks like some strange one-nostriled pig!
Happy Birthday!
@ Bren Tatro - I think it is a Doctor Who reference, not a medical doctor reference.
Happy Birthday Jen! Don't you feel like having some cake now?
word verification: algater - the slimer lovechild cakes looks like an algater.
Happy Birthday! ou have some awesome favorite things! "Congrads" on the new blog!
Happy Birthday, Jen!
So, the Chippendale cake amputee. Interesting. Glad the cuff/bandages are nice and neat and not bloody like yesterday's bandaids. or intestines.
Is Harry Potter in heaven? If so, why are there nooses hanging all over and why is a cloud of doom (with a bandaid) chasing him?
Slimer & Jabba's love child! LOL *wipes eyes* too funny! until I noticed his tiny hand he looked like a glove with a face with that tail/thumb.
Dog the Bounty Hunter? I never would have guessed. (not) That cake is a work of "art"--the incongruous surprise of tough guys on a beautiful super-pink cake (with lovely flowers). I think the DOG cast should get that cake at the end of the season. I'm sure they would LOVE it.
Pepto Mickey! with a unibrow! and target ears? "just aim that jellybean for the middle now..." His eyes look like elf hats to me too.
I'm confused about the doctor cake. Doesn't that "building" say "Police Box"? WTF?
have a great day, Jen. thanks for the giggles.
Is it really your birthday? It's mine too! Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Wrecklicious finds!! Hope your 'actual' birthday cakes shines :)
Happy Birthday! It's my birthday today, too. We're birthday twins. Do you think we can find a cake for that??
Happy Birthday! I have to say ive been reading your blog for months now (I was really bummed when I couldnt go to the book signing here in orlando.) and of course I love reading this in the morning when I have my coffee, so I was super psyched when I read that today was your B-day since its mine too! So happy b-day fellow may day baby And keep those posts coming.
Back in the day, I went to a nightclub with my bestest friend in the whole wide world, to see a special show. It was called simply, "The Men," and they were Chippendale-esque dancers (who actually were gorgeous, awesome performers). It was SOOOO much fun, and we got SO drunk and silly. SHE got all baby-oily from manhandling the performers.
This cake reminds me NOTHING of that.
Happy Birthday, Jen!
Is it just me, or is that the only Mickey Mouse cake in history to have a nipple for his nose. Ugh.
I think Harry is *supposed* to be in the middle of that cloud-looking thing in the middle. But there are still nooses. Pleh.
WV: Boximing. We need to be boximing these wrecks up for the trash collection.
♪♫ Happy birthday to you! ♫♪ Hope you're having a great day-- including howling with laughter over the latest wrecks sent you! And as for the birthday cake-- are bakeries yet struck with terror at the idea of baking a cake for you?
PS For your blog, it gets a page not found, but there's a link which if you click it, the page shows up.
Happy Birthday Jen! Hope your birthday is as great as your blog is funny!
Okay, that cake obviously isn't Jabba - it's You Know Who in worm form!
Please post your actual birthday cake.Inquiring minds want to know.
Thanks,Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday! I too am a five-twelve birthday girl!
Happy birthday, Jen!
Actually, upon hearing it is your birthday I feel compelled not to rise and applaud but to visit Spaceship Earth. ;)
Enjoy the day!
Actually, I think the Jabba the Hutt one was actually a fairly decent (ignoring the sprinkles)representation of the baby hutt from Clone Wars.
Happy birthday and thank you for the daily belly laughs!
(skitters over to your new blog!)
Happy Birthday!
The Police call box is "supposed" to be the Tardis, from Doctor Who - hence the doctor reference.
Happy birthday! Hope it's a good one. :)
Love the Bazinga cake. And looks to me like Mickey Mouse has become Mickey Pig...
Happy Birthday, Jen!!
Also, your wreckdition of "Micky" had me choking with laughter for nearly a full half-hour. did "Slimer and Jabba's love child".
Worryingly, I'm also seeing a bit of E.T. in the little guy... that's one messed-up gene pool!
Did Mickey and Piglet have a love child?
happy birthday!
Are your cats names for harry potter?
also the harry potter cake is upside down and harry is supposed to be on that cloud in the middle. also as an ex-cake decorator, that cake is supposed to have a base of light blue icing and a yellow border with star and moon sprinkles. i'm just saying.
I'm pretty sure the Harry Potter cake is upside down. Those are Quidditch goal posts.
And I always appreciate a good Doctor Who reference.
I Hope you have a very happy birthday! This video always seems to make my day...
I loved the HP cake. hilarious. and slimer/jabba's love child.
Keep blogging, you're hilarious! :D
Happy Birthday Jen! Thanks for all the laughs and I hope you get to have as much fun as I've gotten from this blog.
wv: burimme
I hope you have a day burimme-ing with joy.
Happy Birthday.
It will be a good cake you show us for this, no?
Happy Birthday! I hope you don't get a wreck for your cake! :) Unless of course, you WANT one....
Happee Birfday, Jen! LOL
I will definitely be checking out the other blog!
Happy Birthday and I wish you many, many more - with lots of cake, of course!
Excellent cake post, as usual. Plus, I'm excited about your new blog and yes, I was able to access it. Yay!
Anyway, keep up the great work and enjoy your day!
I'm inclined to "believe" that the Ghostbusters cake is supposed to be an X-Files cake, but that no-ghost thing is throwing me off.
You can't go wrong with a little dark lord humor on your birthday. Happy birthday, Jen!
Happy birthday!
I must say, what is up with that "harry Potter" cake. I don't see the reference at all - unless it's from the unpublished "Harry Potter and the Suicide Pact".
If someone eats that entire Dr Who cake, the Tardis doors will have to be wider to accommodate them.
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday!
I had to look up close to see that the the Harry Potter cake was upside-down...and broken. Makes me wonder if there have been any Quiddich-related decapitations (other than those involving Beaters.)
I wonder if the Mickey Mouse cake started out as a Porky Pig cake. Or Spanky Ham from Drawn Together.
And I'd like to point out that the first one is actually EPCOT. (No, I'm just foolin'. It's the EIGHTH one that's actually EPCOT.)
mogging - the act of wishing Jen a happy birthday while trying to be funny and clever.
That Rudolph-cat-leopard-print-Ottoman hybrid sure has some bloody ears...
Happy Birthday!
Just one question: Why are there pine trees next to the Eye on the Lord of the Rings cake? I don't remember those being important to the plot...
Also, I'm sad to realize that some of the people who commented haven't seen Doctor Who... although that is about the laziest TARDIS I've seen, so maybe it is confusing.
That is so, so, so funny, because today is MY birthday! =)
Happy Birthday, Jen!
Today is my big sister's birthday, too! :D
I see in the comments that there are a lot of people celebrating their birthdays today, so Happy Birthday to Everyone born on May 12th! :D
Wow, Jen...
That *other* blog has WAY more comments than this one....
and so early in the day!
People can be so darn fickle!
No reason they can't do both!
note to self: look for old track shoes
I love you even more for naming your cats Lily and Tonks. My husband never would have gone for HP characters, so ours are named for Firely characters.
The Eye of Sauron looks more like a giant alien insect hive crashed down on Middle Earth than it does an evil eyeball.
Also, lulz to the confusion over the Police Call Box. Not 'doctor,' folks. The Doctor.
May babies rock the casbah!
Am I wrong, or is the Harry Potter cake upside-down? Those "nooses" look like the Quidditch goals with ribbons tied on them.
May 12 is definitely the best day to be born! Looks like you and I share a birthday, Jen. We don't even need an excuse to eat cake today! Yes!
Happy Birthday! I wish you a delicious cake and many friends to share it with you. What is your absolute favorite kind of cake?
Best birthday wishes,
WV: lotchol -- LOL + sneeze = lotchol
Happy Birthday! You always make my day!
I think the HP cake may turn into an Epcot soon... Although the eye of Sauron sure looks Epcotty to me...
Happy Birthday! Hope you show us your real cake... maybe on Sunday Sweets?
And I want the Dog cake... it rocks. The only improvement would be to replace the Dog cast with Chuck Norris.
My two year old saw Mickey Mouse and said "oh Angry eyes!"
Happy Birthday from another half stick of RAM!
Happy Birthday!
Oh, Jen. As if I didn't already think you were all kinds of awesome...then I find out that your cats are named after HP characters. So cool. I wanted to name my three dogs Harry, Ron, and Hermione, but my husband said he did not feel comfortable standing outside, yelling for Ron. Happy birthday!
For the "Yoda" cake I actually would have voted for it being the 'love child' of Jabba the Hutt and Sil from the Doctor Who episode "Vengeance on Varos"
But, then again, that's me.
Happy Birthday! Mine is Friday and I've been struggling with what kind of cake I want. Now I know. BAZINGA!!
Wow, Its my birthday too!
So Happy Birthday to both of us!
Happy Birthday Jen! May your birthday cake be decidedly un-wrecky. (just don't tell the bakery you're part of Cakewrecks; they might think you LIKE that kind of thing...)
I didn't get the Eye of Sauron cake at first, but thanks (?) for explaining it. Never would have gotten that one (flaming coconut? ant hill?).
And of course you KNOW that a beautiful cake filled with lovely pink roses isn't complete without a picture of Dog the Bounty Hunter. I mean, it just ISN'T. (that HAD to be a gag...if it wasn't it's making ME gag)
Is it terrible that I thought the TARDIS cake was minimalist but adorable? =)
The rest are in the best wrecky tradition. Hoo boy.
Today's my birthday too!! And I love that you named your cats after Harry Potter.
Happy birthday!!!
Happy Birthday, Jen! I think Mickey needs an eyelift. LOL
P.S. My hubby-to-be is my favorite thing too. :D
Happy Birthday!!!! Love the new blog! Good luck with it.
The "X-Box Nintendo" controller reminds me of this:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEN! Looking forward to seeing what sort of fun you write about on your new blog!
OMG, PinkMickey has been taking Viagra!
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday! Did you know you share a birthday with George Lucas?
Happy Birthday Jen!
Happy Birthday! Looking forward to checking out the new blog too cuz I love it when you geek out. XD
Hoppy Bithdy, Jen! Want sprinkles? :p
happy brithday jenn!!!!!! my birhtday is tomarrow. lol
Happy, Happy Birthday Jen!
OMG is that a "hilarious" misspelling of Nintendo ON AN X-BOX CONTROLLER?
Worst. Cake. Ever.
I hope they didn't order it that way. Otherwise, my faith in humanity has just been completely shattered.
I love this blog. Happy Birthday, Jen! I just wanted to tell that today is NOT my birthday too. But I am a Taurus.
Happy Birthday Jen! Thanks for posting great stuff even on your birthday. Looking forward to the new blog.
Oh, Mickey, you're so fine;
you're so fine, you look like swine.
Happy Birthday! Thanks for bringing so many smiles and laughter to my days!
happy birthday! and going over to check out the new blog!
Happy Brthday! May all your cakes be un-wrecky.
Joining the loooong line of commenters with May 12 birthdays! Hope you (and all of us!) have a good one.
Happy Birthday Jen!
Do you think they were trying to make a Minnie cake, since the face was pink?
Your unibrow just blows my mind.
These cakes are so funny on their own but your commentary is the icing!
Happy Birthday!
The Jaba cake was the funniest since it does look a bit like slimer too. Happy Birthday.
Jen, I loved you before but now that I know your cats are named Lily and Tonks, I can say that I LOVE you!!! I have a red haired, shy but courageous Border Collie (read:smart) named Ginny. We should get them all together and eat cake!
Happy birthday Jen! While this won't bring anywhere near the awesome level of laughter your posts provide, I saw this and thought you might enjoy it too (if you're watching the newest series of Doctor Who, which of course I don't know). A macro of Doctor Who and Veggie Tales. =]
Happy Birthday to you! It is my birthday too!
So does John stress out every year trying to find you an acceptable "Sunday sweet"-style non-wreck for your birthday cake, or does he go whole hog and try to get you the biggest, most awful wreck imaginable? Either way he's got some major expectations to live up to!
Happy Birthday Jen!
-Liz in Seattle
*rises and applauds*
Happy birthday, Jen. : )
WV: porypo - I don't have a use for this word, but I think it's adorable.
just wondering, does Jen want a wreck or non-wreck for her birthday? We all know you want sprinkles....and that you DON'T want a CCC.
Happy Birthday!
If you hadn't pointed out Harry Potter flying off that cake, I'd have stuck to my first impression...a wedding cake with 4 nooses on it. Double wedding, perhaps?
Happy Birthday from Porkey Mouse-Pig - Mickey's estranged half brother.
Happy Birthday, Jen!
That cat cake creeps me out no end. And the headless chippendale, but I think that has been pointed out.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And best of luck with the new blog.
Happy birthday Jen!!
Hilariously the WV is "unlit."
That Mickey Mouse reminds me of this Achewood comic:
Isn't The Doctor somewhere around 946 years old?
Happy Birthday! It's my birthday too! I've already mowed my way through one cake since last night and my aunt is bringing me two more. No decorated. Why bother when you are 39. ;)
Hey Jen, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! I love CW, and I love reading the Cake Wrecks book. That Doctor Who cake is funny. I can't believe that Bren didn't get the joke!!! I love Doctor Who. HAVE A GREAT BIRTHDAY!!! Rachel
Happy birthday!!! thank you for making us smile everyday!!!
Happy Birthday, darlin'!
Happy Birthday! Suscribed to the new blog. Can't wait to see what happens there.
Hippo birdies two ewe
wv: dalnest. Home of the Daleks.
OMG?! - are those NOOSES on the Harry Potter cake? Why do they need so many of them?
Bazinga cake FTW!!! I have to have one of those!
Happy Birthday Jen! :)
The "HP-themed" cake looks like it is decorated with exploded tampons.
Happy Birthday! I hope you have a great day!
Hey, we have the same birthday! I've enjoyed your blog for many months & am excited to see what the new blog brings. Keep up the great work & happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Jen!
I absolutely love that you have cats named Lily and Tonks. Also, the bazinga cake CRACKS me up!
*heads over to your new blog* :)
The "Mickey" cake is doubly disturbing, and doubly puzzling, because the face seems to be lifted directly from the OPERATION game patient. What the hell led to THAT combination?!?
Happy Birthday! I gave you a little birthday mention here:
Happy Birthday!
Also, I love that your cats are Lily and Tonks. :)
Happy Brithday, Jen. Underneat that, a rose.
Happy Birthday!! Hopefully you got a great cake for your birthday!!
cj from pa
OMG that Mickey cake looks like Mickey and Porky Pig had a love child. LOL
Happy Birthday! I've been reading Cake Wrecks for a while, but this is my first comment. I LOVE today's post. Doctor Who, Star Wars, Disney, LoTR, HP, video games all in one post!!! Now, if only there was a cake with all that! LOL
I got a bit suspicious when I saw that your cat's names were 'Lily' and 'Tonks' but I got more confirmation further down the post.
Happy Happy from a fellow-[insert just about everything Jen in a fan of]-fan!
Happy Birthday, Jen! Hope you got a wonderful un-wrecky birthday cake today. Thanks for another year of frosting-clogged fun!
Happy Birthday!
Bazinga! I love Sheldon.
I was telling my 8-year-old to come look at the Mickey cake, but I had a mouthful of food when I was saying it, so he thought it was supposed to be a *monkey* cake. He said, "That doesn't look like a monkey - it looks like a cross between a pig and a bear!" Then when I told it wasn't supposed to be a monkey, it was supposed to be Mickey, he said, "That's supposed to be MICKEY????" Apparently a monkey was more believable.
Happy birthday Jen!
I hope your cake, if you got one, was a lot better than these!
That Doctor Who cake looks exactly like something I would do. I couldn't draw a TARDIS to save my life. But, at least that looks edible!
I have a perfect gift for John to get you. Star Wars in Concert. Yes, that's right...Star Wars in Concert.
Happy Birthday!
Baby Jabba in Carbonite?
Happy birthday, Jen!!! :) :) :)
I know it's not a cake - but I also know you're more than just a cake person. So here's another birthday gift for you; I've been assured it will download into your house when you view the page - happy birthday!
A Bazinga AND a Tardis cake in the same post?! I've died and gone to heaven.
Happy Birthday Jen!
I want a Bazinga cake too! With carrot jockeys!!! =D
Happy Birthday Jen, Bazinga!!!
Wow, you have amazing taste! Harry Potter love! <3
Happy Birthday to you, my favourite blogger, hope your day is a fantastic one. Good luck with Epbot!
Is that really Mickey??? I thought it was Porky Pig with Mickey ears!
Happy Birthday!
The new blog is good, but I was hoping you were going to say you were having/adopting a baby :)
Happy Birthday!! Wow and here I thought these wrecks couldn't get worse here come more lol. That XBOX controller had me rolling on the floor. Plus that Mickey cake has me wondering if all the wreckerators are high..
this site is great for my wife. She just started doing cakes.
James Brown
hom furniture
these are crazy lol, and high entertaining...the weird things people come up with lol
Your cake--was it bigger on the inside?
Happy birthday, Jen!
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday!
That Harry Potter cake is making me really sad. Just another reason Mike and I are taking our (cup)cakes into our own hands for our Harry Potter wedding.
Happy Happy Birthday, Jen!
No joke, May 12th is also my birthday, and I just happened to get your CakeWrecks book as one of my presents! So happy birthday, birthday-twin, and thanks for the laughs you gave both my family and my roommates with your excellent publication. :)
It's late, but holy crap, we share a birthday! :D It was mine yesterday as well. ^__^
I knew I'd come across a Harry Potter cake when you said your cats are named Lily and Tonks!! I am definitely going to be checking out the new website too. Damn girl!!! How much can you do in one day?!?
HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY! So sorry I miseed it yesterday >.< Also, your favorite things are a lot like mine--geeks unite!
EPBOT = win. Added to my favs already!
That Doctor Who cake hurts my soul! But happy birthday, Jen! Wreck on!
Ha ha....Bazinga. Haha. Ha. Love it.
Also, "Congraduations" made me laugh, but not as hard as "ConGradualions"!
WOW I just squeed my pants! Add my name to the list of birthday sharers.
May 12th-ers REPRESENT! :D
AWWWW! happy birthday! you are awesome and your blog is too hilarious.
that was an amazing, amazing roundup of sheer insanity...!!!
You share a birthday with my oldest daughter!!
Thank you for giving *us* the gifts, every day on your blog.
Happy birthday, Jen! Just wanted to let you know that we also have a cat named for HP: Luna. Notice that unlike some people, we don't appear to be wishing an early, violent death on our cat.
You're the best. I should've known you were an HP fan.
Holy God, the Dog cake. The bounty better be on the heads of these heinous cake makers. I'd actually watch the show then.
I just wanted to say I have a kitty named Tonks, too! And a Scout, from To Kill a Mockingbird :)
I think that Harry potter cake is upside down. Aren't they quidditch hoops?
And the Doctor Who cake isn't that bad, the lines are straight, the spelling is correct and the pun is quite funny (although perhaps a bit obscure?)
Happy Belated Birthday!
So my husband and I just had a fight over whether that Lord of the Rings cake is the Eye of Sauron (me: "It's a lidless eye wreathed in flame") or a gigantic palantir from the city of the dead (him: "it's in the snow next to trees, and only an idiot would mistake it for the Eye") that honestly I've never even heard of.
I stand by my bet of $20 that the baker of the cake intended it to be the Eye of Sauron. And by my belief that the icing on it is all wonky.
I love the fact your cats are named Tonks and Lily. You are more my hero each day.
My kids just looked at the "Mickey Mouse" cake and one said "A monkey cake" and the other said "I don't like that monkey cake, it makes me scared."
my 3 year old just walked up behind me as I got to the last cake and said, "Look at the Mickey Mouse cake!... do you think that looks like Mickey?... What kind of animal is that??"
Haha! Happy Birthday : D
Mickey's kinda looking like the Operation Game guy:
Umm, the Mickey cake looks like someone has a boobie fetish. the ears, the nose... in fact, the face except for the ears almost looks like a depiction of someone's weird tattoo. Or those women at Mardi Gras...if you haven't received that pic in a viral email, Google it...There's also a surrealist artist who painted Marilyn Monroe with Mickey boobs, though his name escapes me ATM. (Yes, I could Google it)
WV: pringon. Pringon the Mickey boobs!
Epi Burfday Jen!!!!!
My best friend has the same birthday as you! Happy birthday!~
You have birthday as my best friend, so I'll always remember yours now! Happy belated birthday!~