One thing you've really got to hand to home-schooling:

"Here's your cake. We thought this guy kind of looked like you."
"But...I'm Asian."
"Yes, well..."
"And a girl."
"He has your smile."
When professional cakes go horribly, hilariously wrong.
A Cake Wreck is any cake that is unintentionally sad, silly, creepy, inappropriate - you name it. A Wreck is not necessarily a poorly-made cake; it's simply one I find funny, for any of a number of reasons. Anyone who has ever smeared frosting on a baked good has made a Wreck at one time or another, so I'm not here to vilify decorators: Cake Wrecks is just about finding the funny in unexpected, sugar-filled places.
Now, don't you have a photo you want to send me? ;)
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69 comments | Post a Comment
It makes me so happy to know I'll never graduate again, but it makes me sad that I'll never get a graduation cake. I'm torn.
I really like the "Class of Travis" cake as an idea for a home-school graduation. That's hilarious.
I wonder if they are ever trying to be funny (punny?) with the Con"grad"ulations cakes.
Probably not.
What's the deal with the puffy blue clouds the caps and diplomas are sitting on? I don't get it.
Do I even want to know why the bakery put the cupcake chain cake into a pizza box? You can even see the cut outs for the dipping sauce!
When did cutting a round cake in half and standing it on the cut side become a good idea? Just what does that make? Oh, I know, someone sold half a two layer cake and the other half fell over, so they iced the bottom. Yeah, we'll call it ... a ... no clue.
What exactly are those blue mounds intended to be? Clouds? Are the graduates catching a wave after the ceremony? Am I missing something obvious?
Even without the glaring spelling mishap, that first blue mound is a disaster.
Great post! Spelling fails never get old for me.
I can understand making a mistake. Yes, even I have made a few. Thank heavens for spell check. But, doesn't anyone else work in these stores? Doesn't anyone take a second look and say, "Oh Delilah! I flubbed up!"?
Did anyone else happen to notice the Floating Cloud of Wreckage in the background of picture #4?
"Congrats Clas 2010"
One cake wreck is hilarious. But TWO? On display in the same CASE? My day has been made.
-Jenn K.
The "CONGRADULATIONS SPELLERS" cupcakes reminds me of the spelling bee trophy I got for winning the district meet in 6th grade. It said JAYCESS instead of JAYCEES (they were the sponsors of the bee).
"...first in line at Olive Garden."
You crack me up, Jen!!
I'm getting so used to the misspelling of Congratulations that when they slip the d in there instead of the t, I forget it's wrong! but what a cute bee...
Class of Travis! that's hysterial! and a BIG cake for a one person class....nice little squiggles....
I had to LOL at the clas cake. that's a class-ic! (and since when is it appropritate to dot a lower case L? just wondering....)
@Kathleen: what cutouts? those things in the corners are the tabs to hold the box together box looks a little deep for pizza, too...
Good catch, Jenn! I wonder if there's a letter quota on these cakes. Missing a letter for one cake and an extra on another.
the puffy blue cottonball cloud cake--does anyone else think the red ribbon on the diploma looks like a plane in that picture? soaring through clouds, carrying the diploma...
Jenn Macy-
I saw that too, and had a good giggle over it. ; )
WV: oveleded - Maybe these wreckerators were just oveleded with work because of all the gratuations?
And now.... I am deathly afraid of what the cakes will look like when I graduate!
Only the "Class of Travis" idea is really cool!
Am I the only one who reads #4 as "C 1 ASS OFF 2010"? Seems to me that, like at my school today, one senior left, so that took one off the list for 2010. :)
Oy, vey.
Rarely is the question asked, Is our children learning?
Are dictionaries really so expensive?
When will bakers do their part to hellp stomp out elliterasy?
Umm... Where are that guy's hands at? One in the asian girl's armpit, and the other...???
oh jen. you are priceless
OMG, I am so glad I found your blog. I literally LOL everytime you post these ridiculous pictures! But you're gonna get me in trouble - I'm supposed to be working, not blogging. My co-workers know I'm goofing off when they hear me laughing.
Keep up the great work! I love it!
Bahaha, I wasn't going to comment because the cakes just speak for themselves, but my WV was "gradin." These things are sooo NOT random!!
And we homeschool. One of our projects this year was the creation of cupcake wreckplicas for the book signing. Best. Art. Project. Ever.
Just *what* are those things hanging from the "drem big" cake on the left?! Maybe that baker was dreaming about something, uhh, else.
Thanks to all of these graduation cakes, one of the primary driving forces to finishing up my masters right now, is the burning urge of mine to get my *own* graduation cake. Oooooooh yeah!
We are a homeschooling family, and I'm shocked and offended that you would dare to suggest that we ever have dumb stuff written on gratuation cakes.
Actually, just kidding. About being shocked and offended, not about being a homeschooling family. And yes, we are always first in line at Olive Garden, thank you.
Love the blog!
To Gary -
I really hope you were being ironic with that question...
And Jenn -
You should send that first one in to Friends of Irony. It's too awesome.
Take your time, Travis. No hurry. Whatever year you get around to it. It's all up to you, buddy...
"Congeatuiations" on the second cake just might take the prize for the most incomprehensible spelling of the word.
I wasn't really going to comment, either, until seeing that my WV is "turephic." Now I have to remark that all of today's cakes strike me as having simply turephic spelling!
I've been scouring my supermarket display cases for graduation wrecks, but I'm impressed--everyone is doing a pretty good job.
I think, however, that these folks are making up for any lack just fine. Yikes!
lmao @ "Class off, 2010." As in, "We've all been looking forward to 2011, so get the hell out of the way already!"
That first cupcake thing could so easily have been rectified by replacing that rogue 'd' cake...
You could have such fun rearranging those cupcakes into anagrams...wish I could be bothered right now.
LOVED the spelling bee typo! At least the bakery did a cupcake mosaic rather than a CCC.
I guess the Clas of 2009 didn't do well enough to warrant a full, hearty, congratulations? just a half "s"-ed one?
I think the wreckerator was dreaming of something else being big, based on those icing blobs ;)
C1ASS Off: is this some kind of card game? I'll see you 1 "ass" off to university/the work force, and you'll up the ante? Or else, was this only one person graduating, or was there only one ass in the class?
Caroline B.
Strangle Social Splendour
Class of Travis...Olive Garden...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! *wipes away tears of mirth*
Class of Travis...Olive Garden...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! *wipes away tears of mirth*
I read it as Ciass of... the Lower-Case-L blog could use it.
wv: stramp. If you don't know how to spell, you could just use a stramp.
I saw a gift bag at Wal-Greens that said "Congradulations" and I told my boyfriend I refused to buy it because of the spelling. I might be ok with it if they put the "grad" part a different color or put quotes around it to show that they are doing a play on words and are aware of the misspelling.
Welllll, I thank whoever brought it to my attention that one of the clouds on the DREM BIG cake is uh, kind of erect.
WHat is troubling me most is hands in the photo of the grads. THey don't match up to the people. Too many hands in too many weird places. REally handsome though. Lily
My GOSH you're talented. Just when I thought it couldn't get any funnier...sha-POW!
..thinnk eye yoused two teech thees bakurs.....
apparently "Huk'd on Foniks" didn't work for these wreckerators!
Dear Cake Gods-
Please, please, PLEEEEEASE send me a glorious wreck of cake-y goodness for my grad party next week so I can send Jen the photo!!!!
Whenever I see things like "congradulations" I think of Krissy Snow...."Congraduations" and "Krissy-anthemum"....even SHE did it on purpose, though!
Hi John - well done!
I suppose I'll have to have a go now!
So glad I went pee before reading today's post, I would have wet myself.
I work at the store that made the spelling bee one. Considering I didn't take the order or make the cake (I did get to deal w/ the aftermath), I can easily chuckle about showing this off to the rest of the bakery! That, and I have a pic of another cake we gloriously misspelled I keep meaning to send in.
Caroline B and John:
Lip gloss clouds are tanner.
I just want to say that every time i walk into a store that has a cake section im always tempted to walk through now looking for a wreck.
OK, the irony of that first one is simply hilarious. I'd like to think the decorator did it on purpose, but I don't know...
I'm thinking that the comment should have read, "In a class all it's own." Comments should match the cakes for style and grammar and suchlike, right?
For the 2nd (or 2th - remembering yesterday's postings :P) Not only is it in a Clas by itself, they dotted the 'L' and misspelled their "CongratulaTIANS" At least it looks like a t-i-a-n-s to me....
Linda K.
Once lured, all spit on grass
That's the best I could do, have to go lie down now.....
Well, at my age I guess I'll never get a cake, but dang it... I wanna be congradulated!
(And Gary? GOOD one! lol!)
haha, class of travis. that needs to be a t-shirt or something.
Latin cursive does have a loop on the G, so that's fine by me, I can't really tell what the squiggles behind the u are however.
Maybe the cake is for Marsians? LOOK GREEN PEOPLE!
"Class of Travis" seriously made me about spit out my drink. With regards to the "clas" cake, I can just picture the Wreckerator with the dictionary, spelling out congratulations so carefully, and then going back to dot whatever sort of looks like an "I" afterward because they're just so proud of themselves.
I think it is supposed to be a cursive G in the last pic (with the generic graduate), but the writing pen got away with the poor baker. So it swirled out to look like a Gj. It has happened to me sometimes, but then, I don't get paid for my cake creations ;) Not sure why I'm defending the wrecks!
The bit about homeschooling made me giggle, because I'm homeschooled and I'm graduating in a week. We ordered my cake today and it's a cupcake cake (yes, yes, I know) but this place makes great CCCs, I swear! I'm going to be sending you a picture as proof :P
Very funny! Back when I homeschooled my son I offered to get him a year end cake that said, "First in Class." He pointed out that I'd have to add, "And Last, too!"
And we never stood in line for anything. Kind of spoiled me.
Hahaha! That first cake had me LOL'ing! Literally!
Diana @ http://sweetsbyd.blogspot.com/
Another proud homeschooler, just posting to say...
... at least the "Class of Travis" cake was correctly spelled!! ;)
Boy do those ever make me glad I graduated years ago.. would hate to imagine the horrors I would get today. Oh I don't have to imagine it I can just look on here in abject terror and laugh as other people get these cakes lol. Ok not laugh but feel bad for.. as I try not to giggle.
LOL.. those are classic. I think "congradutions spellers" is so ironic.
Actually, it said "ClASS off 2010." With extra emphasis on "ASS."
I just have one question: How long did you spend looking for a picture with the right number of male and female graduates? :o) Enjoyable post, as usual!
Hmm, I'm wondering if the graduate getting the "DREM BIG" cake is going to "drem" about getting a whole cake instead of half of one...
Re: the second pic- I think you meant to say "In a clas all it's own" ;)
It's just amazing. Awesome! I did some shopping, and I cannot believe this deal!
As a homeschool mom, the one for Travis was HYSTERICAL. LOL We joke all the time about my kids being #1 in their class. ;)
Class Of Viv.... hmmm... I like it :)
I homeschooled so I think I'll use it from now on.
Question though, I'm planning on homeschooling my twins, so what should I put on their cake?
Class of Bob & Miles?
Class of Guests?
Good thing I have 17 years for figure it out...