Today's cakey slams are not intentional (honest!), but how are the recipients supposed to know that? Especially when you, the cake-orderer, can't stop laughing?
Two words:"plausible deniability." Let's all practice together, shall we?
When this shows up for Beth's birthday:

"Oh my goodness! Where ever did that extra 'c' come from?!?"

"Yes, Kyle, we ARE celebrating your going away, but, uh...wait. 'Celebrating' is the wrong word. See, there's no exclamation mark, so it's a
sad thing. Try reading it in a sad voice."

"But not anymore."
("Just kidding! Hehehe.")

"'Freudian slip'? Don't be silly. You'll always be my angle. I mean, 'angel.' Heheh.
Oh, too soon for jokes? Yeah? Yeah. Ewwww kay."

"Vicky, I can explain. See, at first we thought it WAS your birthday, but then Joe thought maybe it wasn't, so we called the bakery, and...Vicky? Where are you going? Don't you want some cake? AAAACK!!
[wiping cake from eyes] "Well, I understand if that's how you feel about it. Joe, could you come over here, please? I have your piece of cake ready."
Beau S., Kyle C., Laura P., & Amanda P., I mean this sincerely: of all my Wreckporters, you guys are the latest.
57 comments | Post a Comment
My husband has never spelled angel correctly. He always spells it "angle." It's become a bit of a joke.
I hope Beth had a good sense of humor.
Now, the first cake, i have to say is funny in a different way. One of my friends likes to say "betch" instead of "bitch" in online speech. Maybe it's a pet name for someone? Trust me, it's not stretching things....
Heh, my 8yo daughter just named a webkinz pet "angle", thinking that was how you spell "angel".. She was a bit upset about it.
The decorator for the first cake must be really accustomed to writing the b-word in cursive.
Or maybe they work at a bakery that specializes in those types of cakes.
"Thanks for calling Fancy Filth Bakery, your one-stop shop for cursive cursing and pastry profanity!"
It is possible that the first cake refers to Kelly from the Youtube video "Shoes".
Mmmmm... decorating with toothpaste... my favorite!
Also "your" proud of us until we misspelled "congratulations".
Love double wreck sightings -
"Congratuations" and "were" (vs "we're") in the same cake...AWESOME!
Alas poor Erich. Not only were they proud of him, they couldn't spell Congratulations either! ;)
Your writing was especially pithy and hilarious this post. I think I wish you were my beast friend. (How did that 'a' get in there?)
@Wendy - I was good friends w/a guy in HS who was very smart but an awful speller. Everyone in our little group, at one time or another, got a note from him, declaring them to be his "beast fiend."
Is that second one a Disney cake ordered at the podium? Because if so, it brings LESS meaning to "the happiest place on Earth"!
"Betch" is a common phrase used by Liam Sullivan's character "Kelly..."
Did someone seriously order a cake that said specifically "U R" for You are?? Maybe I really am getting old.
....or maybe the bakery is having an icing shortage.
Alas, poor Vicky...wonder what she did to offend them so?
The chocolate roses on the 'no Vicky' cake are really pretty.
Just looking on the bright side.
I wasn't going to leave a comment but I couldn't resist the wv:-
andstic, as in "andstic your *@$# cake where the sun doesn't shine"
1. They just weren't DONE with that cake yet! Give them a break--
they still have to put on the rest (in extrasuperteensy letters)!
Then, it will read:
"To Sarah,
Do we wish you a Happy Birthday?
You Betcha!"
2. Kyle has been going AWRY, here; they just messed up on the "r". This cake is a warning to him/his family that if he doesn't change his ways, the next one could say "Kyle is being PUT away."
I can't understand the last cake's deal. ...if they didn't want "Vicky" to have a Happy Birthday (with swirlies, yet), why didn't they just leave her OFF the cake?
Maybe she's Alex's mistress?
That second one sounds like a thinly veiled threat against Kyle.
I'm thinking the first one is also a Freudian slip.
Note that on Kyle's cake the icing IS a sad sort of blue as well. :(
and like others have said, it does seem like a veiled threat.
Kyle, your going away.
Kyle thinks," I am?!"
Poor Beth!! These cakes made me literally LOL!!
'Happy Birthday Bitch'? That's just not nice (unless it's actually for a female dog)
Kyle might be going to gaol & all his victims are celebrating.
'You are my Angle' is the cake a mathematician made for his or her protractor.
Wonder what Erich did to make them lose their pride in him?
...poor Vicky.....
lolol never know how someone feels
These "typos" have definitely been my favorites so far!
Being the person who takes the cake order would be an awesome job. As well as the person at the flower shop who fills out the little card.
I'm clearly in the wrong profession.
Hey- my middle mane is beth and today is my birthday! I love cake wrecks.
The first cake made me laugh, now I have to go watch Kelly - Shoes again.
Maybe someone will make a Happy Birthday Deck! cake.
Apparently knowing how to spell isn't a requirement to be a cake decorator.
I love how enthusiastic Vicky's 'y' is on that last cake. Thinking outside of the border. She might not matter, but, darnit, she's going to make an impression!
Hehe. It also doesn't help Erich's cake that congratulations is spelled 'congratuations'.
Except for the unfortunate spelling/typos, every one is a lovely cake with excellent handwriting.
wv: persh
I persh the thought of ordering a cake after reading Cake Wrecks.
you forgot to make fun of those hideous flower things (if that *is* what they're supposed to be) on the fourth cake. ewwwww!! haha.
Your telephone greeting just cracked me up. It would make a great skit for SNL! :-)
I could totally see myself spelling Angel, Angle!!! What a nightmare...
These shoes rule! yeah, the first one is totally from Kelly. These shoes rule!
You can buy all kinds of Betch merch here:
For my sister's 6th birthday, we got her a cake from a chain store. Her name is Brett. When we got the cake it said "Happy Birthday Brat". Sadly, that was over ten years ago and I did not take a picture.
My wife years ago made a cake for the son (Albert) of a friend who spoke with a very, very heavy German accent. For the years we knew her we thought it was cute that she'd call her son "Birdie." So, when she asked Diane to make a cake which would read "Happy Birthday Birdie" that's just what she did. Turns out, after delivering the cake, that was Brigita's was of saying "Birty" - not "Birdie!" Happy, everybody laughed.
- David
Aloe Vera 101
Holistic Health Info.
Those chocolate frosting roses look delicious.
Heh, maybe Kyle is her angle- her "acute" angle, that is! :D
Hmmm, I have a co-worker I'd like to give that first cake to LOL
We saw a guy in line at Disneyland that had "Angle" TATOOED on the back of his neck. Classic.
As my real name is Beth, I'd take the first cake anyway. Love the roses! Give me a buttercream/whipped cream frosted cake and big roses and I'll take it no matter what it says. :)
Just FYI, got a virus warning today, 5/21, when checking the daily cake. :( Hope it's fixed!! Wreck on!
The commentary on the 'angle' cake made me think immediately of Dr Evil. xD
Maybe Vicky is a diabetic? A third twin that died? Regardless, that cake looks delicious. Some might even say it's roniful! (wv)
- Maddy
Hilarious, as usual! I can't imagine making these mistakes, though! (But I'm glad others do make them! LOL!)
Poor poor Beth whatever did she do to deserve such a cake? Hmm maybe she was my former supervisor in a previous life lol. All of those but most especially the first had me laugh and read them out loud to my husband (who is playing Resident Evil 5) who nearly got himself killed when I read the first one lol. Dangerous cakes these are.
The first cake made me snort so loudly that every one came running.
Poor Vicky. She's got no love.
Kyles cake should have has some random fishes on it... as in 'you'll be sleepin wif da fishes'
Thanks for the giggle.
singing: "You are my spe-cial angle!" maybe mom's a geometry teacher and it's an inside joke? albeit not a very acute one. angle/angel gets misspelled all the time....
the first cake reminds me of what I did to one of my inspectors last week. I put a post-it on a stack of work for him, reading:
"Do this batch 5/17"
However, it was a small post-it so the note took three lines, like so:
Do this
and with my chicken scratch handwriting, it looked like bitch. He thought I was warning him that the lady whose house it was was a a bitch.
I could never be a wreckerator/decorator. I can spell grate (er, GREAT) but my handwriting is awful!
@Brooke--are you sure that wasn't wishful thinking? ;p
It's bad enough that Erich's friends are no longer proud of him, but why are they wishing him congratuations, instead of congratulations? Maybe this is written in code.
Is it an extra C, or is it a misplaced C? Hmmm, the world will never know.
Heh...see, at first we thought it WAS your birthday, but then we realized it wasn't, so, uh...we decided to spell it out on the cake, which makes our mistake all better! know, some of these cakes make me think the "mistakes" were a little more tongue in cheek than implied... :D Great post! Nothing like a good does of teh Englhis language buchered to brighten up on'es dai.
I'm also impressed(?) that the decorator of the "no Vicky" cake felt no need to expand frosting colors beyond brown... brown decorative border, brown roses... a minimalist study in monochrome. Masterful.
Awesome. Just awesome. I love the first Dharma one and the cupcakes. One of the best things about lost is the multiplicity of characters, scenes, themes, and events -- which makes for many possible cake creations!
My only plausible explanation for the "no Vicky" is that someone named "Beth Nowicki" ordered the cake for Amy and Alex, and her name got butchered and put on the cake. (So we should actually be saying "poor Beth" once again!) Or maybe Amy and Alex have the very unusual Slavic name "Butnowicki"? Just an armchair linguist's idea..
HAHAHAHA. Reminds me of the "Shoes" guy on youtube.