Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wrecks Rerun

Thursday, April 23, 2009

NOTE: Today's original post of horse cakes has been pulled due to some horrendously bad timing on the part of the universe. (I was out of the country until yesterday, and so only learned of the tragic polo horse deaths this morning.) Rest assured that I'm not that intentionally insensitive, and I certainly meant no offense to horses or horse-lovers. I'll run the original post again in a few weeks, but for today, enjoy this classic Wreck rerun from the CW archives.

The sky is falling! The sky is falling! Quick, someone make a cake!

Yes, there's nothing quite like plummeting balloons and unconscious clowns to celebrate your own personal apocalypse. Anyone have some radiation-free milk to go with?
Laura Dotson-Thomson said...

That is pretty bad!
I just figured you were running it for the derby this weekend...

Anonymous said...

Oh noes! Where's chicken little to save us?

wundermary said...

Go with? Ha, you must be a fellow mid-westerner!
I remember having those very same clown heads on some cupcakes when I was a kid. How horrible that those molds still exist to churn out more of those awful things to scar yet another generation of children!
Yep, I hated clowns as a kid and still do. Is it showing?

Garret said...

There's a lot of horse lovers that follow CW. I'm sure no one thought you to be insensitive!


Katy said...

It looks like a clown BDSM party gone horribly, horribly wrong!

Suzy said...

I didn't know about that stuff either! I got to see the horse post, and I think it was funny. But I understand why you took it down :)

Alina said...

Wow, I didn't even put 2 & 2 together. I forgot all about the poor polo horses. I am sure no-one thought you were being intentionally insensitive.

Jennifer said...

I can't help but there a way a clown BDSM party can go right? This one was definitely worth re-running. Sorry for the universe and all.

Sharon said...

When I first looked at the cake, I saw that clown leg as a bolt, the leg behind it as a paint can opener, and the line under the next clown's legs as a screw...I was wondering what the multicolored blobs were when I realized it wasn't a toolbox cake after all. >.<

I think I'll go back to viewing it as nuts and screws.

TheresaHPIR said...


I'm in full agreement with the clown BDSM party gone awry. I assume those are balloon strings subduing the two?

TornadoBaby said...

Didn't think you were insensitive, but the horsey people appreciate the thoughtfulness, I'm sure.

wundermary; you hate clowns? really? Naaaaaah, it doesn't show the least bit...

clowns are scary.

Tricia Roth said...


Why can't all examples of synchronicity be meaningful and good?

I thought the timing seemed so horrendously inappropriate that it must have been just a case of bad timing. You seem like such a nice girl...

Neurotic Atty said...

Um, what polo horse tragedy? Seriously, if people are that touchy, they may want to look into getting a life. Anyone who would consider you mean-spirited or crude over that is a big B-A-B-Y. It was an unfortunate coincidence, plain and simple (and I STILL don't know what polo horse tragedy you're talking about), but I respect your decision to pull the post for now. But I can't wait to see it again because that "Godfather" cake was GENIUS!

Unknown said...

I honestly didn't even think anything of the horse post! I like the clowns though, too. Don't be so hard on yourself!

Cat Skyfire said...

In your defense, unless you follow the world of polo, it isn't something you might have really seen. Just bad coincidence.

Anonymous said...

I heard that they suspect it might be tainted steroids, which really shouldn't be used on horses in the first place. Meh, anyone who got butthurt over a horse cake post was being a tool, in my opinion.

Chelsea said...

that is some bad timing, unlucky!

Kara said...

"Um, what polo horse tragedy? Seriously, if people are that touchy, they may want to look into getting a life."

Wow. That's kind of heartless isn't it? I'd suggest starting with this news story:

Even though you weren't involved or emotionally affected, maybe having some sympathy for people who were would be something you could consider.

Some people might not appreciate being told to "get a life" about something like this.

Anonymous said...

I also saw nothing to take offense at in your previous post, although I completely understand your reasons for removing it!

And...seems like actual horse lovers wouldn't be too keen on using horses for sport anyway!

Bilby P. Dalgyte said...

If you're afraid of clowns perhaps you'll enjoy cutting this cake into pieces... mwahahaha harm me now creepy dead things! :P (oh no! zombie clowns!)

Naddy said...

if you can't make them stand up make them lie down.

Melissa said...

It looks like the bodies of those clowns were molded out of playdoh!

Cottagecheap said...

Honestly, if anyone was offended they need to calm themselves. 21 polo ponies died b/c of bad choices by trainers. EVERY day hundreds of American horses die in Canada and Mexico so no day would be good if someone is OVERSENSITIVE. A cake wreck is a cake wreck. friend is a clown and she is offended by todays rerun! LMBO

Hollasa said...

Clowns in bondage?

What sort of celebration would this be appropriate for?

I think it was thoughtful to take down the horse cake post, although not necessary. Now it can make me queasy in a few weeks too... Drat.

Anonymous said...

Speaking as a vegan, I think horsey people are the ones MOST likely to agree that dead horse cakes are a guaranteed wreck.

Taunee said...

I find it completely out of line for anyone to relate your horse post of cakes to the deaths.

I LOVE horses and the fact that you had to take down the post because of the deaths makes me mad.

People need to realize the world does not revolve around them or a single tragedy.

Taunee said...

Another thing... Comments are censored here?

What happened to "I may not agree with what you say but I will fight to death your right to say it"?

Angie Moses said...! I knew about the horse situation but never connected the need for the concern I think!

Tracy said...

Horsey people everywhere will be very thankful that you took the post down - you didn't have to and its very appreciated <3

2horseygirls said...

As an avid horse-lover, volunteer and investigator with an equine rescue, I don't think anyone would assume you were referencing the tragic polo horse deaths, the mustangs in Nebraska or the 150+ racehorses in NY.

You were just reporting hysterically bad horse cakes, which I promptly forwarded to my horsey friends. Hopefully, they saw your post before it came down - otherwise, I'm sure they'll check back!

2horseygirls said...

Neurotic Atty:

Here's one link to the polo horse story:

Too Bad the Horses Just Couldn't Say No!

al said...

i don't know cat, it was front page news here in the bay area!

i wouldn't have been offended but i think it was classy of you to delay the post anyway.

Maggie said...

Cat Skyfire, I saw it, and I certainly don't follow polo--it's been on the front page of Yahoo.

Jen, I'm sure no one thought you were a jerk. It's obviously not in the character of this blog (and therefore, seemingly not in your character) to do something like that. Don't beat yourself up over it.

Kira said...

Is it just me, or do those clown bodies look like they're made out of play-dough?
When all else fails, throw it all through a blender and make cake balls!

Erin said...

i wasn't quick enough to see the horsey post today, but I did see an item in the news about the horses. It was a sad and truly odd occurance. However, my life has already moved on from that and didn't connect them. Always good to err on the side of generosity and compassion, though.

El Comodoro said...

Quentin Tarantino directed this cake.

maryjack said...

I never once thought of the polo horses when I read this morning's post...

Judy said...

Honestly Jen, I don't think anyone could have seen you as being insensitive to an unforeseen tragedy of that sort. And if so...I believe this is forgiveness for it.

Anonymous said...

I say put it back up..

It's about time we got over our politically correct selves and learned to laugh at ourselves.

Cheri' said...

I'm a huge Fugly fan AND a huge Cakewrecks fan, and I didn't see anything wrong with your pony post. Don't feel bad!

JeepLee said...

" Neurotic Atty said...
Um, what polo horse tragedy? Seriously, if people are that touchy, they may want to look into getting a life. Anyone who would consider you mean-spirited or crude over that is a big B-A-B-Y. It was an unfortunate coincidence, plain and simple (and I STILL don't know what polo horse tragedy you're talking about), but I respect your decision to pull the post for now. But I can't wait to see it again because that "Godfather" cake was GENIUS!

April 23, 2009 12:35 PM"

The polo horse tragedy: 21 polo horses died a sudden, horrible death. Lungs filling with fluid, collapsing, ect. ON LOCATION of the match. Link here:

NTM the Mustang tragedy too; over 200 starved, roughly 60 of those to death:

So I understand pulling the post... although I can't imagine why anyone would ever think you did that intentionally. I think you have to be a horse person to follow those stories that closely. But, can't wait to see the horsie post in the near future! :)

ANYHOW, on topic now. That cake is scary! And no, I am not personally afraid of clowns... but dead clowns with limp balloons? Who orders that? (or EATS that)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I was taught in journalism school to look for the worst possible outcome and edit everything with a dirty mind and even I missed the connection this morning. I think you did good pulling it for today - good on you.

Having said that, I laughed OUT LOUD in my office at each picture. That was some powerfully funny stuff! Can't wait to see it again!

JK Grence (the Cosmic Jester) said...

It could have been worse timing... I fondly remember on The Price Is Right, shortly after Hurricane Katrina, one showcase was a trip to New Orleans... and a boat.

Anonymous said...

Long time reader, first time poster. LOVE Cake Wrecks!

I'm a horse lover, and have been on top of the polo horse tragedy ever since it occurred, and I'm just disappointed I missed the horse cakewreck post! That was thoughtful of you to think about it, though. When are you reposting it again? *she asks earnestly*

You didn't have to be a polo lover to know about it.. it even made the national news. A tremendous tragedy, with tremendous suffering on the part of the animals - and their associated humans.

turtlemomma said...

Ok I thought the clowns were tied down to railroad ties by some evil villain. But I guess the ropes were actually the balloon strings. Huh. Too bad.

piper said...

That's weird - the horsey stuff DID Show up on my Google Reader

Anonymous said...

They still have those clown heads at chain craft stores. They're awful--is there really that big of a market for them?


Jen said...

Hey All,

Thanks for the support & feedback regarding the horse-post removal. And don't be too hard on those who may have been offended; as some of you said, it's better to err on the side of compassion, and it really didn't bother me to remove it.

That said, I'll probably re-post it in another week or 10 days.

And @Taunee - yep, comments are indeed censored here on Wrecks. As a reader, I prefer it when the nastiness & spam are weeded out, so I employ moderators to do the same for y'all here. Rest assured we don't remove comments based on whether the person likes the post or not, though - profanity, slurs, and what we determine to be hateful sentiments are removed. Unfortunately that means a lot of *positive* remarks are removed in addition to the negative; a surprising amount of folks use profanity to express their approval! Heheh.

Anyway, rest assured you're getting the vast majority of what is written in the comments, good and bad. It's just the ugly we take out. ;)

Matt407 said...

See, the problem here is that the cake is upside down. The clowns got tangled in the balloons, and were lifted skyward, until they hit... something.

The clown heads still have at least one market. The first Wilton course still teaches how to make clowns out of icing. Don't know who thought it would be a good idea to make the bodies out of fondant (or play-doh, as the case may be)

Dorci said...

Awwww, you're so sweet! Even as a horse lover, I would have understood that you meant no harm in your horse posts, but I think it's awfully nice of you to be sensitive to us!

sendingtheclowns said...

I just got here, so I'm reading a mostly odd bunch of replies to something I haven't even seen regarding polo horses. I'll check the news, even though I know I'll wish that I hadn't.
Now, about the cake I CAN see: What's the problem?
All I see is a couple of clowns taking a NAP! For crying out loud--they've probably been cavorting around on that cake all day, doing their little clowny tricks and being amusingly plastic and all that. Don't they deserve a break?
Look at the lighting in that setting--it's like late afternoon, judging by the soft, golden glow; they look exhausted! Oh, but NOOOOO...everybody wants to accuse them of perverted acts and degrade them, and even call them scary! I can't believe how JADED some people have become. It's a sad commentary on our society when respectable cake decorations cannot do their jobs and expect a little common decency in return.
For shame. This wouldn't be happening if these things would get together and unionize!

Amanda said...

Wow, I didn't even make that connection. It was a good post and I look forward to seeing it again in a few weeks!

Jennifer said...

I wasn't out of the country, and I hadn't heard of the polo horse deaths. I read that article you linked to, and it's incredibly sad what happened all those horses (and I also feel for the people who loved and cared for them).

I would never have put together your horse post with the polo horse thing.

But, nice of you to pull it, just in case it was interpreted the wrong way.

I can't wait to see it next week.

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a slightly early derby post, too. Ah, well. Poor horsies.

Jessi said...

I don't know about people being "offended" by the post, but I can understand if it made some people upset. Just like after that kennel blew up and killed Martha Stewart's puppy (among many others), it would have been in bad taste to make a post of deceased-looking doggies so close to the tragedy.

And Derby is next weekend...I was going to say that a horse post would be good for then but in light of last year's tragic death of Eight Belles I'm no longer so sure. Ah, well. It's always something...

Jared said...

Is the horse blog entry going to be reposted anytime soon? I'm not easily offended, so go for it! Love the site.

XOXO said...

I've actually been following that story pretty closely and it didn't even register with me.


I should pay more attention.

Justine said...

This looks like the "Let's rid the world of clowns party" being held at a secret location. The hapless clowns are all trussed up and the ceremony is about to begin. They will be ceremonially scrubbed of makeup, their rubber noses will be burned, and they will be forced to put on normal clothes. It really is for the best.

mb. said...

I run a horse rescue & did not even make the connection. I am kinda sorry you pulled it I was thinking of giving it to the committee planning our next fund raising dinner. No, not really.

Darcy said...

Darn I wish I had seen the horse post but I look forward to it. I can fully understand why you took it down.

Krista said...

Well, that went over like a 'lead balloon'!

Rebecca F. said...

I think it isn't "tragic". Poor ponies died, sure. But the earthquake in Italy was tragic. Children in our very own country without food is tragic.

Poisoned ponies? They aren't beloved pets, they were sports horses.

Sad maybe, but certainly not tragic.

Unknown said...

I heard that they suspect it might be tainted steroids, which really shouldn't be used on horses in the first place. Meh, anyone who got butthurt over a horse cake post was being a tool, in my opinion.
Berkley Water Filters

Hilary said...

This looks like a page from the "I Spy" children's books, where they have tons of objects on each page that one is supposed to visibly search through looking for specific objects.

Ally in Wonderland said...

Not gonna lie, it was kinda funny in a "SuperWreck" kind of way. No offense to horse lovers, but you had to admit the irony. Especially the dead horse on a pillow cake.

dhcoop said...

I did see the horse post this morning and have to admit I thought it a strange coincidence that it came so closely to the news about the horses. It was all over the national news here, so even though I'm not a horse person, I'm an animal lover and had been following it. But, I look at Cakewrecks every day and I knew that it couldn't have been intentional. I've seen enough of your work that I knew it had to be some kind of bad timing thing. I respect your decision for pulling it. (although it was quite funny!)

I've never posted here, but this time wanted to. I LOVE your site!

Anonymous said...

It wouldn't have been steroids, I don't understand where that rumor started. If you use steroids (don't), you inject them days before an event, not hours.

The polo team's pharmacy just admitted it was a badly mixed supplement,
Common vitamins can be deadly if you get way too much, sad but true.

Mad Izatie said...

What's ragis about the horsies is that they died because of human error. Someone wrote someting down wrong, and 21 ponies drop dead. I heard the plyers and a few people were crying. ...I'm halfway around the world, and I feel like cryin too.

Thanks for witholding the horse cake wrecks, tho. I would have never known about the deaths had you not mentined it, but it's nice that you've chosen to be sensitive about it.

Poor horsies. :(

Anonymous said...

It kinda looks like they used too much helium for themselves and fell over, thus never getting around to getting those suckers up in the air!

But they look mighty happy!
That's got to count for something, right?

*~*Zann*~* said...

Well, I was IN the country and only heard about the horses yesterday! I didn't see it but man, is my interest peaked now!

Anonymous said...

"Didn't I tell bondage was fun, BoBo?"

Anonymous said...

I wasn't offended by the horse cakes, but I did find it really disturbing even though I suspected it wasn't intentional. I'm glad she took it down and look forward to seeing it again when the polo horse incident has some time on it.

Hyena Overlord said...

I hate clowns. Tie the clown cake to the train tracks. Let a Cake Wrecks train cake run them over.

I hate clowns.

Any one offended by the horse cake wrecks is stirring up a tempest in a bundt pan.

I googled the latest update on the polo ponies is that someone mixed up a supplement and it all went very wrong.

Katie said...

I agree with many of the others - crazy coincidence...But, it's very kind of you to think of the horse lovers out there. But, from what I was reading earlier, it sounded like a formulation error made in compounding drugs that aren't even approved for use on horses in the US...hmmm...

Eugenie said...

Have you seen these cakes?! I like the one with the couple in the bed!

Anonymous said...

Oh my... I don't think I'd want to eat that!

Anna Marie

Jorie said...

I took the Wilton Course I (Beginners cake decorating class) and a woman in my class made something really similar to this. I couldn't think of a polite way to snag a picture of it, but it remains in my memory forever.

One of the classic "beginner" cakes is one with piped frosting clowns. You use a big star tip to pipe the body and limbs, a round tip for feet and buttons, and add the plastic heads.

The other woman in my class eschewed the official class recipe for frosting and used her own, which was made of butter instead of shortening. Butter that melts in your hands as you try to pipe the clowns.

Her frosting was too soft to make sitting clowns, so hers were reclining on her cake. She didn't think to cutely position their limbs; instead, she created them spread eagled, facing the heavens.

The Dead Clown Cake was the creepiest and funniest thing ever.

Becs said...

I knew about the horses dying but didn't even think about it when I read that post. I didn't get offended at all.

Kat S said...

I cringed for a minute at the timimng of the post, but didn't think for a minute it was intentional!

Anonymous said...

I didn't put the two together even though I have read the stories. But thanks for being sensitive to those readers who are affected by it.

Heather B said...

I in no way thought you insensative. I didn't even connect your post with the news. If any one did complain they need to relax a bit. It is obvious you were not refrencing the news.

Ceili said...

With all due respect...Why would you allow someone to write that Canadians and Mexican are killing hundreds of American horses. That's complete crap! I find that offensive. I saw yesterdays post, thought it was funny, I didn't connect the two either but I don't think a "minutewoman" should get away with xenophobic statements.

Shannon said...

I sort of love this clown cake and its surreal elements. I think the lighting helps a lot.

Sarah said...

The polo horses was a tragedy, and I think it was very sensitive of you to think of that when you pulled the post.

And for anyone saying that people affected by that should get a life: you're really insensitive. Twenty one horses dropped dead. In the course of several hours. That's kind of shocking, and you should get your heart strings checked if you don't care. It's a shame, and the pharmacy that screwed up the vitamins should get their systems checked. It's terrifying to think that that could happen to my horses.

Jessica said...

Am I the only one who thinks it's equally bizarre that the last name of the announcer for the International Polo Club is Coppola?? Between that, the dead horse cakes and the actual dead horses, this whole story is just a bit too weird...

Anonymous said...

Ceili, I hate to say it but the earlier statement is true. I don't think they were saying it to be mean or are xenophobic, but since the recent ban in the U.S. against slaughtering horses for food they really are being shipped over the borders for slaughter. The U.S. also had slaughtering plants for horses until just a few of years ago, so the U.S. has been just as guilty. I'm not saying its morally right and I don't condone it at all, but it was a factual statement.

bibliophibian said...

I think the horse cakes would have been fine for 98% of your audience, many of whom were completely unaware of the polo pony deaths, but I appreciate that you chose to take the feelings of the other 2% into consideration. If you're delaying the post because you feel it's the right thing to do, then good for you.

Anonymous said...

I remember seeing those clown heads on cupcakes when I was a kid...and if I remember correctly, thinking they looked weird even then.

Cakewrecks: Celebrating 20-something years of stoned-looking clowns.

ElephantKisses said...

Hmmm I think I love under a rock. I haven't heard a thing about any horse tragedy. *scratches head*. To be fair my days are mostly filled with Curious George though.

Dea said...

(((HUGS))) I wouldn't think it was intentional, Jen!!! But dangit, the clowns AGAIN?? Clowns freak me OUT, dude!

Wrecker Detector said...

Hey, I figured out what happened to the clowns - they inhaled too much helium from the balloons and collapsed; the balloons, having no helium left in them, also collapsed...and the cake, decorated like a horror movie, made US collapse in horror!

Cupcakes Lady said...

LOl talk about bad timing. ;) xx