Before I address this cake, I would like to state a few things for the record:
1) My mother reads this blog. (Hi, Mom!)
2) I have never, ever, even remotely considered the possibility of so much as looking at a piece of drug paraphernalia. Ever. (Hi, Mom!)
So my question is this, Stephanie A.: Does a crack pipe really look like a coffee cup filled with bloody mini-marshmallows? 'Cuz I always pictured something a little edgier, like that thing the caterpillar is smoking in Alice in Wonderland*.
*Yes, Disney movies are my only base of reference for drugs. Heck, it was years before I figured out smoking doesn't turn people into donkeys. (Although when the "no smoking" sign is present, it does turn them into jackasses. Booyah! Up high! Haha!)
129 comments | Post a Comment
maybe thats supposed to be fire on the top?! Where do people come up with these ideas?! LOL
My thought process in response to this cake was very similar to yours. It's, er, interesting ... but I have no basis from which to say whether it's an accurate depiction.
My only comment is those look like bloody sperm in a pot of marshmallows cooking to make some seriously freakish rice krisy treats. Thank goodness they wrote crack head-I would have been really confused, heck I think I still am...
Ewww... it looks like an army of red semen attacking a field of cotton balls.
Love the smoking "crack." Yes, I realize that the pun is the lowest form or humor.
When I first saw the photo, I thought that it was a measuring cup, with crushed Starlight mints in it. Until I read the note.
Funny, in a strange, twisted kind of way.
I'd say the red looks less like blood and more like "swimmers."
And the thing The Caterpillar smokes is called a hookah.
My question is just... WHY?
Why would you do this?
Hmmm now I do want to know what a crack pipe looks like. (Hi Mom!)
If you think puns are the lowest form of humor, you haven't watched Mind of Mencia.
As for the cake...it looks like it's filled with freshly-pulled teeth.
What a cute, fluffy crack pipe! If Disney did do a ghetto princess movie, I'll bet this is what they'd look like.
IF you can call that red stuff fire (which is a stretch IMHO), then this actually looks a little like my bunsen burner in the lab. Can't really say that's a good thing, though.
Tracy O
Here are some pictures of actual crack pipes...looks nothing like that though? odd....and hilarious :)
....And the hookah is for tabacco not crack.
As the other posters pointed out it looks like bloody...umm...something. I'd see a doctor if I were them.
And Jen, don't feel too bad. I think they showed us a crack pipe in elementary school as part of the infamous DARE program, and I don't really recall it looking like this.
I DID, however, find a bong stuffed in the cushions of a couch that my roomie and I bought at Good Will during grad school. She turned it into a flower vase. o_O
Here are some pictures of actual crack pipes...looks nothing like that cake, but that makes it MORE hilarious!! :)
I thought coffee mug too.
And like you, Disney movies are about my only exposure to drug references.
Ahhh, innocence is bliss!
I don't get why it looks like a bunch of eggs being fertilized by little red spermies. I've seen Meet the Parents, I've seen Judd Apatow movies - they don't look quite like this.
It's not accurate in the least. Though people will smoke crack out of most anything, the usual crack pipe doesn't look like a white corncob pipe like this cake. They are often just glass rods.
Also, I am fairly sure that IS supposed to be fire but too is inaccurate. Crack doesn't really look anything like that when it burns.
Obviously the cake decorator has never seen a crack pipe either, or just chose to make a really silly and unoffensive version.
P.S. I don't smoke crack. Or anything else.
Can you imagine how embarrassing the recipient must have been? Well, unless she actually was high on crack. Oh my.
I was hoping for some Earthy Cakes for Earth Day :(
That is probably one of the craziest cakes yet. I'm with milk and cookeez!
Coffee cup filled with bloody mini-marshmallows. Perfect, perfect description, because I was staring at this and trying like hell to make the "crackhead" connection.
One of the reasons I fell in love with my husband was that the Caterpillar was / is his favorite Disney character. He keeps a miniature one next to our very real (and used by someone!) Hookah.
I am so glad I'm not the only one who thought the red blobs looked like sperm. It makes me feel like I have company in my lonely little gutter.
Pleased to know the decorator didn't know what a crack pipe looks like either.
Maybe the parents of the hitler kid ordered this for their birthday.
Not that I've ever seen a crackpipe (short of watching COPS and the like on tv) but I'm with everyone else..looks like bloody semen attacking some marshmallow-like eggs in a weird pot.
Heh..I said "pot".
I'm happy to say I have no idea if that's a realistic depiction or not. Looks like they've gone camping and are making a big ol' batch of marshmallows for the s'mores. And maybe somebody cut their hand....and...oh I don't know. Odd the lives some people lead.....
Despite Addie's interest in extra-curriculars, I feel sad for her that she is not being honored for being someones "favorite anything else". Perhaps she plays the mandolin, tells a joke well, or maybe something simple like having a nice smile.
At first I thought this was supposed to represent a frying pan with brains being cooked in them...
You know, from the "This is your brain on drugs" PSA's from way back when
I used to work as a Public Defender in a big city, and that definitely doesn't look like any crack pipe I've ever seen. Unless they've changed drastically in the past 10 years since I switched my line of work...
Are crack heads really intrested in cake?
Because the wreckorator thought using tin foil wouldn't be classy enough.
And now for the rest of the day I'll be singing to myself
"Are you going to strawberry sperm?
Parsley Sage, Rosemary and Thyme..."
When I saw the title I thought you had come across this little gem: Brass Eye - Cake(Note: some swearing)
More information Brass Eye on Wikipedia.
Me, I'm high on Cake Wrecks.
I am willing to put out there that I do not know what a crack pipe looks like, but I have seen (not used; hello, mum!) a hookah (Alice in Wonderland) and I have seen, handled, and used a bong for the green leafy stuff (waaaaay back when; yeah, mum, I learned my lesson). I also used a brass pipe for said green leafy stuff. This was back in the 80's (mum, you know I am a good girl now -). That "cake" . . . uff da! Looks like a cake maker is reaching . . . and failing
Nothing says "delicious" like a simmering pot of marshmallows and blood. MMMMMM.
I thought hookahs were for smoking opium...
Anyway, as a school librarian (middle school health class drug report projects are common) I can fairly certainly say that is NOT what a crack pipe or cooker looks like.
But, to each his own. Maybe this is the 'nightmare' version?
Your commentary is so hysterical, I can't add anything. Plus, my drug knowledge is even less than yours.
A crack pipe cake...when do we get to see the bong?
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
Oh, I feel a Lewis Carroll lecture coming on. I'll try to restrain myself, since this isn't actually an Alice cake. (Ooh, Jen, do you have any of those? I bet the Cheshire Cat can be very wrecky.)
But yes, as others have said, the Caterpillar is smoking a hookah.
The original Sir John Tenniel Caterpillar:
Why does everyone think of Disney's Alice? Pah.
They must have thought a crack pipe was like a corn-cob pipe. I wonder what that filling is? Apart from crack, that is. . .
I did something like this for my brother's 15th birthday once as a hilarious joke. No one thought it was funny.
crack pipes are most often a straight, hollow tube with a stretched Brillo pad pulled through (as a filter). that would be a boring cake. they SHOULD have made like, an ice cream scoop with white gel looking substance. that's more what crack looks like.
Earth Day Cakes please!!!
Not that bloody sperm chowing down marshmallows isn't entertaining, but today is a very important day.
We need some tree cakes with Keebler elves, or a little planet Earth as a marble from MIB, or .. . ... something!
Go Green!!
VW: enslop. "The sperm we enslopped with the marshmallows for observation."
@Elyse - there's worse things they could think of than the Disney Alice. They could think of Lewis Carroll's...umm..questionable tastes in...well heck, the fact that he fancied little boys.
I'd say making the Disney connection is the better of the two!
That may actually be the cooking spoon more than the pipe, too.
If you leave of the red, you'd get what it looks like when I try to warm milk on the stove... I always overflow it! I thought that's what it was. I'm SOOO glad you told me it was drugs! Crack kills...in this case, it killed the cake!
hahahaha! that made my day! my name is addie... but i promise i'm NOT a crackhead :o)
I was thinking popcorn upon first sight.
I'm always asking people if they are on crack when they say or do something crazy. Maybe I should ask one of them if this is what a crack pipe looks like.
Ummm, does anyone else find it alarming that they can reference DISNEY for their drug information?? LMAO.
I also like that the cake is dedicated to the "favorite" crackhead Addie. Like the person knows tons of crackheads but Addie is certainly the favorite!
Uh, a hookah is not a crack pipe. Equating a hookah with a crack pipe is worse than the people who assume that I'm a pot head just because I like to kick back with some flavored tobacco now and then.
That's pretty hilarious. I thought it was a starlight mint too at first. Have you found any bong cakes yet?
...doesn't crack come in a little plastic baggy? or in a line on the coffee table? MY only reference for drugs is on the movies, quite obviously.
If the person hadn't referenced a 'crack-head' on the foil I would've been guessing for a very, very long time. Maybe you should get people to send in *good* examples of crack-pipe cakes. We could say it was educational.
I bet the person who made this cake didn't even know what a crack pipe looks like... Come on... give the person a break they did the best they could. :) lol
I love reading the comments. I'm just as confused as everyone else ... and I was wondering ... would a professional cake decorator actually make a drug cake?! Wowza!
I still think it looks like a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows and really poorly made red sprinkles (the thought of red sperm in my hot chocolate is ... creepy ...)
@ Leslie:
Wow, I am going to sound like a witch. But I gotta respond to that.
No one's EVER accused Lewis Carroll of liking little boys - he's been accused of liking little GIRLS, such as Alice Liddell, the inspiration for Alice in Wonderland.
But it isn't proven - some historians claim that his family invented a Victorian-approved myth of him as a gentle man who preferred the company of children to that of adults - to cover up the fact that he scandalously had a lot of lady-friends. And of course they didn't think that 150 years later he'd be famous for his supposed pedophilia.
Weeeell, at least if "Addie" really is a crackhead, cake would be reasonably easy to chew without teeth. :)
It looks MUCH more like a cooker than anything else.
Basically a little tiny bottle cap shaped object that is used to heat drug before they're injected, with a needle.
Many people use a spoon, but the mini-cookers are becoming more popular.
Doesn't crack make you lose your appetite? How much does a crackhead WANT cake?
This cake is too scary to eat.
And NOW I've got to go Google what a crackpipe looks like, 'cuz I'm sure this cake is not an accurate depiction of one.
and to add to my last comment;
that is what they look like.
I've never seen a crack pipe either, but somehow I don't think this is what they look like.
I thought it was a hammer and a brain - like a "cracked head". I really have no frame of reference here do I?
my thought was that it was someone actually cooking teh cocaine into freebase crack form... which you do on a stove-- not that i smoke crack, nor have i ever, but unfortunately know a lot about the subject of drugs :(
I'm not a crack smoker, and neither were any of my school (HS and college) friends/acquaintances. But we used to call each other "crackhead" and say "s/he's on crack" or "I'm [not] on crack" to explain our zaniness....maybe Addie just has funny friends?
Word verification: onsist -- as in, "I onsist you quit smoking crack, Addie. It's not good for you."
Bloody marshmallows! That's what the brains turn to in people that do crack. LOL
well if we are going to talk about hookah smoking caterpillars, I would be remiss not to mention the fabulous Alice in Wonderland cake that (one of my fave bloggers) Becky ordered for her kid's birthday (yes, complete with the caterpillar... really!!)
You people are funny!! These cakes are funny! Happy Earth Day!
I'm trying to be nice today. Isn't my comment nice? Although I did just tell this dirtbag at the gym to shut his piehole... but I'm nice for the whole rest of the day. Even if this cake begs for a bit of sarcastic humor. I won't.
What the caterpillar smokes in Alice in Wonderland is called a hookah and is not used to smoke drugs. It's actually used to smoke a kind of tobacco. Much healthier for you to smoke than cigarettes, less chemical additives (if any at all) and much smoother since the smoke is filtered through water. The tobacco comes in all sorts of flavors like strawberry and blueberry, etc. I use one all the time, it's delicious.
Fine. We're all agreed that this looks nothing like a real crack pipe, and that it's ugly and unappetizing.
What I can't get over is the idea of sending someone a cake to celebrate their crack addiction. This has to be some kind of personal joke, but it takes tasteless vulgarity to a new low (is it the same baker who's been making v-day cakes?)
Thank you Elyse for coming to the defense of Lewis Carroll, who has never been proven to be a pedophile. His relationship with Alice Liddell was said to be that of a father and daughter and that, yes, he adored her and wrote Alice in wonderland as his tribute to her.
As for the Crack cake....since when do we CELEBRATE someone doing crack?????
The whole idea of giving someone a cake to celebrate drug use is so totally warped.
WV: amismam - what the woman said when she emerged from the dentists chair to find her child had torn up the waiting room. ( Or... wait maybe that should be amnotismam) hee! hee!
I'm glad that Elyse cleared up the Lewis Carroll history. Sometimes I think Freud did us more harm than good by making us not only second-guess everything we do but making it possible for an entire subsection of academics to exist in which we can claim, postmortem and without solid evidence, that dead celebrities were pedophiles, drug-addled, self-loathing, suicidal...
*cough* Sorry. Last two weeks of the semester in grad school. I'm having issues. That said...umm...crappy cake.
I'm not sure what a crack pipe looks like, but hey....at least it doesn't have one of those terrible faces on it, or a pregnant belly-gone-bad, or something...
I am with you. No drug references outside Disney and scared straight school programs .Booyah! Love it!
The title of this post made me think you were going to talk about this cake: http://www.nibbledish.com/people/j6tran/recipes/tie-dyed-cake and I was all set to point out that it's not professional. But the tie-dyed-cake is much better than this wreck. I should never have assumed!
Neither a crack pipe nor a glass piece for "green vegetables" nor a bong nor a...
No. No type of smoking equipment looks like that, take it from me.
If it WAS a crack pipe, it would have to be for Frosty the Snowman. Although his pipe is a corncob, perhaps it has a white crack dust film on it?!
It's a really big mug of hot chocolate, with a handle, with lots 'o whipped cream and a smattering of blood from a bloody nose produced from intense amounts of steam from such a large cup of steamin' hot chocolate. Besides those guesses, I haven't the faintest idea what the hell it's supposed to be!
The donkey thing terrified me. It was the only movie that really scared me with all those naughty kids and that scary whale. I like to think that I was a pretty good kid, but maybe I was scared to turn into a donkey.
Ha!! I'm with you on that - the no smoking sign part that is. I too, have no idea what a pipe would look like nor do I want to know. I'm guessing that the cake designer didn't know either. :)
i am a recovering addict and i have to say...the only thing i love more than cake is crack. *sigh*
I too thought it was a hammer and head/brain that was being cracked.
Maybe the recipient is always making jokes and this was a pun on crack head. (hammer/head)
I had no idea that so many cw readers were also hookah smokers. Me too!
That cake is too wrecky for me to even comment on it.
My first thought was that it's crack cooking on the stove. In a pot. I've been told they mix cocaine with baking soda (and water? Not sure) over heat on the stove & cook it down.
I like how everyone is quick to deny their association with any sort of drug use ;)....Despite my partyin' days several years back, I've never smoked or cooked crack but I've spent enough time in bad parts of town to know what a crack den smells like (not as bad as a meth lab, but they do stink if you're within 100 yards of one).
This isn't a crack pipe. A bubbling pot of cooking crack (and yes, bloody sperm...I see it too) THAT I would believe.
Whoa. You know, Disney movies poison the soul. Just thought you'd want to know that fact. Besides, they also depict drug-slurpin' caterpillars. No wonder I thought that caterpillars were big and scary.
(Hi, Mom!!) ^^u
I hope Addie's family members either weren't at the birthday celebration or that they already knew about her habit LOL. Heck, they probably bought the cake....
my five year old son, said it looks like a pan with eyeballs in it. my knowledge of crack pipes is minimal.. and that is a good thing. some things i would rather not know about.
my crack experience comes from watching David Fisher being tortured on Six Feet Under and I don't think that qualifies me to critic the maker
Hi, Jen's Mom!
i thought it was hot chocolate at first, too!
I had to laugh at Cake being your drug of choice. A UK TV show did a complicated spoof about a drug called 'cake' "It's a made up drug - people make it in their kitchens...etc." In the end a question was asked about it in Parliament by a well-meaning but naive MP.
(Although when the "no smoking" sign is present, it does turn them into jackasses. Booyah! Up high! Haha!)
*LMAO* ack almost choked to death oh a grape at booyah!
Cake is ick. Wreckerator is a ass.
Hi Mom!
wv...pacedues. What marathon runners pay in order to be allowed to run.
I have to agree with Nichole, the little pink things looked like sperm to me.
And having worked in the emergency medical field, I've seen more than one crack pipe over the years. Looks nothing like a white, corncob pipe. Really, couldn't they at least google crack pipe?
Right.On. to the jackasses comment! Truer words have never been spoken.
You can smoke many things in a hookah. The most prevalent thing in the United States (especially in Indian restaurants) is to smoke Tobacco or shisha (as the U.S. doesn't consider the nicotine in Tobacco a dangerous enough drug).
So, Mr. Caterpillar wasn't necessarily doing any illegal drugs. This cake, on the other hand, should be illegal in its own right. It doesn't even impress me as paraphernalia.
By the way, Go Green!!! I love this day.
Michelle said...
"The donkey thing terrified me. It was the only movie that really scared me with all those naughty kids and that scary whale."
Yeah---that was Pinocchio. Disney's. (Love the cricket, by Jiminy!)
The original was a book by Carlo Collodi, written in 1883. Guess they didn't have flicks back then. Google it and you'll see some really weird illustrations. Maybe Collodi was on crack.
What's with the red sperm, though?
Who does this???
Did the creator say "gee, I really love my friend, how do I express it? Roses...nah. Cute carrots with babies riding on them? Nah.
I know - a crack pipe that looks like an inflatable hammer covered in marshmallows and blood! That's it!! This cake is going to rock (pun intended)
I've never actually smoked it myself, blech, but have seen people at concerts... and yes, that is far from what it looks like.
And a hookah would be used for tobacco or marijuana... a crack head would probably sell the thing to buy more crack.
However, were the cake iced in chocolate frosting and the center filled with different shades of chocolate shavings and bits of cherries, it would look kinda like a smoking pipe :-) ...elementary my dear Watson!
Oh man, they so botched that Crack pipe! What a cake wreck! Wait a second... is this really the approach we should be taking with the "biggest crackhead" cake?
I agree that it looks like a pot o' bubblin' devil sperm, but it seems like it would be more off-putting if they said to the baker, "Crack Pipe" and they nailed it, i.e. a giant glass tube with some brillo stuffed in it.
I love the "Hookah" concept of crack. Homeless people, day traders, Entertainment executives and other degenerates lounging around elaborate water pipes filled with crack.
It may come as a suprise to know that it's hard to set up an elaborate smoking device in your cardboard box. I mean, we aren't talking about some erudite space-drug from an episode of Star Trek; it's gross dirty crack.
I read a news clip about this company that was selling little roses in glass tubes. The rose was made of some metal mesh and people were buying them, pealing the tinfoil off the ends and snapping off the "stem" - instant crack pipe. Not a great shape for a cake IMHO, a jelly roll, maybe.
what's with the little red sperm all over it?!?!?!
You know, I don't often comment, but this is one of my favorite blogs of all time. As a result of that love, I've given you an award. I realize you probably won't acknowledge it, but I thought I'd let you know and hope for at lease a little happiness!
It looks like a bowl of red sperm attacking giant white ovums.
Well, I can honestly tell you that until I was 25 or 26, I didn't know that "pot" and "marijuana" were the same thing.
Yeah. I'm big into drugs. lol
At least the cake isn't dedicated to My *Least* Favorite Crack Addict!
Looks more like a fondue pot with the handle a little too low to me...
Okay, I read through the various comments and had to add my two cents... My degree is in criminal justice and throughout my studies I was always fascinated by drugs, why people used them and such.
I all actuality, the preferred for of "crack pipe" (at least while I was still in school--and verified by instructor who was former DEA Agent) is for an individual to drink a can of soda pop with their lunch, crush one side of the can kind of flat, poke a hole or a few holes in the flat part, rest the "crack" rock on the flat side, use the opening on the top part of the can to inhale from, use a lighter to "heat or ignite" the "crack" and breathe in the smoke that comes into the can. That way when you are done, you can put your crack rock back into a container to carry with you and dispose of your "Pipe". Easy, peasy...
As for how it is made from cocaine, it's a whole chemistry thing, which you might could get from the cake, but it is totally twisted...
I too joke about being on crack when my brain doesn't function correctly, or I make some kind of faux pas, but in all reality I shouldn't do this, as being addicted to crack is not a laughing matter.
So I kind of find this a little distasteful (pun intended) but also inaccurate.
and I think the confusion of Lewis Carroll liking little boys was probably thinking of J.M Barrie, the author of Peter Pan (though that is also a rumor and know known to be factual).
anyone who has had the unfortunate luck to have been attached to an overdoer of les substances--if it wasnt for bad luck i'd have no luck @all--knows there are MANY different little craft projects one can create in order to imbibe substances of choisir. feh. feh.
otoh, the babies on carrots bit is just some sort of postmodern remake of a victorian motif i doubt the bakers of baby carrot baby riders know exist--ur-babies riding upon ur-grasshopper--these were common brooch figurals about a century ago. the weirdest thing there is the probable lack of the bakers' foreknowledge. it's positively jungian, almost archetypal.
You make some wild cakes! Why would anyone order... that?
Google it, you'll get alot of references.
First impression, the cake looks like a skillet of some sort to me. :P
Hookah's are for smoking flavored tobacco (and that's what my husband and I use them for). They are sometimes used for drugs but I am pretty sure that wasn't their intended purpose.
I would like to tell you that the thing the caterpillar i Alice is smoking, is a water pipe. They can mostly be found in the middle east, and are totally legal. It´s kind of like having a drink after dinner. My sister has one at home that she bought in Thailand.
That cake does not look like a crack pipe. AT ALL.
Yeah, I thought it was supposed to be a cooker too. I didn't even think about it being a crack pipe, but most of the ones I've seen are pyrex tubes. It's probably hard to make a clear cake.
Okay, I just have to comment on everyone who is taking this literally - as if there were actually a cake to celebrate a crack addiction. No, I'm quite certain this is satyre. My sister-in-law lovingly calls my husband "crack baby." It's just a joke...his mom probably doesn't even know what crack is (except in the context of a plumber's ass).
Though at first I wondered what the bottom part was sticking out of a lovely mug of peppermint hot cocoa....
don't feel bad, I used to just nod during drug awareness week in high school when they talked about certain drugs because I had no idea what they were talking about. I still to this day will hear certain things and I'm like "huh?" But my momma says that's a good thing.
actually, in Alice in Wonderland, the caterpillar is smoking a Hookah.
Not sure if someone's posted this yet but here's cake, the new killer drug from prague
The caterpillar was smoking a hooka- a tobacco water pipe from the middle east.
What a deprived childhood I had! Though I had done nearly every drug in my misspent youth, how had I never seen that Disney clip?
Okay for all those who want to defend the caterpillar in Alice in wonderland as smoking a Hookah ( A water pipe with tobacco - not marijuana) lets at least acknowledge that the character of the caterpillar was MEANT to appear abit , shall we say, um....STONED! While still keeping it (*ahem*) "kid friendly"!
So Disney, sanitized it a SMALL amount with a Hookah, the implication was still there that the Caterpillar was doing drugs. Read the original Alice in Wonderland. The implications are very clear.
This cake cracks me up!
(I can't believe nobody else whent there yet!)
I would like to point out an important thing for understanding this cake.
In groups where crack is never used, usually, rich college-bound teenagers, jokes about "stop smoking crack" and "you're a crackhead" are VERY common- simply because of how ludicrous it is that these people would EVER even TOUCH the ghetto-stigmatized stuff (these same kids view alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana as okay, in some cases, they even use cocaine- but not CRACK, that's a POOR PERSON's drug!)
So this cake was probably part of one of those elaborate jokes. "Crackhead" is a huge punchline among these people. A result of years of anti-drug PSA's becoming funny and, of course, a complete separation from the groups of people who actually do deal and get addicted to really awfully addictive drugs.
I know because I was a straight-edge who went to high school with wealthy kids like these, then realized an absence of these jokes when I went to a state school and met people who went to "worse" high schools where some people actually WERE doing crack- for them crack was not a punchline, but a really scary thing that actually happened to people they knew.
It's all about class, people...and remember, the problems of poor people are funny!
-A sociology minor
Well, my son thinks it looks like a hair dryer. Maybe one of those little ones you find bolted to the wall in a hotel room?
I thought it was white saucepan full of boiling starlight mints.
But why in the world would you make a cake to celebrate being a crackhead?
That is SUPER funny!
For the record, smoking a Hookah (like the catterpillar in Alice), while worse for you than smoking cigarettes, isn't quite as bad as crack. So I'm gonna say you're very naive when it comes to drugs.
Just to muddy the waters further, fanfiction that is over-the-top bizarre, out of character, and (hopefully) entirely comedic and not to be taken seriously, is called 'crackfic.' Writers thereof are called crack!dealers and avid readers of same are crack!addicts.
So, maybe she's just into parodies? (If so, the hysterically bad depiction of a crack pipe becomes remarkably apt!)
sitting at this tiresome temp job, this site has officially made me snorkle (chuckle, snort, and spray, FYI) my coffee all over myself. It was delightful.
I'm pretty sure there is some drug that requires boiling...seem to remember a pic of someone with a frothing saucepan. Meth maybe?
Are crack heads really interested in cake? Maybe, they seem to like sugary treats. xx