Which the bakery in question did a fantastic job recreating in CCC form:
[derisively] Ahahahahahah!
[snorting hiccup-turned-choke]
[coughing fit]
Ack ack ack!
[sound of water glugging]
What's that? The Wreck? Oh, well, Mandy, I gotta tell ya: Transporter malfunctions like these are why I prefer to travel by shuttlecraft.
192 comments | Post a Comment
Man, that is one UGLY CCC. O_O
The mind boggles.
Bahaha!! My favorite part is that one paw has 6 claws, and the other has 3!!! That's awesomeness.
i especially love how the 'cat' has 6 claws on one paw. nice.
Oh goodness... "The mutated alien is gonna eat me" is not something someone should say when presented with a cake.
I am insulted! The is the logo for the University of Kentucky! That CCC, though, is about as bad as their basketball team this season!
The evil CCC rears its ugly head yet again. How does that 'cake' even come close to the logo? Do people really step back from work like that and go 'Yeah! I think I nailed it!!'?
My husband is a huge UK fan and he couldn't figure out what it is. So sad....
It's not bad enough that the cat looks dismembered, but they couldn't even make a decent letter U-come on-why would you ever enev sell that?
egads the face!
It's a dreaded CCC, too!
ohmigosh! That is terrible!
Hilarious. That would be about the extent of any of my cake creations...sadly.
Demon bobcat karate chop action! Keeeyahhhhh!
(you mean that's NOT what it is?)
It's the University of Kentucky Wildcats logo.
I *love* the 6 claws on the one hand!!
I have to say - I look forward to reading this blog every day. Thank you for all the giggles!
Well, THIS should shut up the complainers who don't like your definition of "wreck". This one is a wreck by ANY definition!
Hahaahaaa!!!!Laughed for a whole minute at the reference to Dr. McCoy's hatred of all things transporter! And at the thought that the ccc is the outcome of a transporter malfunction! Hahaaahaaa!!!
the shock, the horror!
Wow, It's like seeing double. I bet you could just overlay those pictures and they'd fit perfectly. It's uncanny how much they look alike. I'm,.... I'm,... I'm.... SPEECHLESS!
As a HUGE Kentucky Wildcats fan, I'm offended at such desecration of a logo!! ;)
Poor little guy - he's more scared of us than we are of him.
It almost looks as though the cupcakes slid over a little too far, causing the disproportionate look....but wouldn't that cause the icing to split?
word verification: murecked.
well, they got the "recked" part right.
As a UK fan I am appalled. As a fan of Cake Wrecks, well.... I'm still appalled. lol
I love trying to figure out which pieces of that are actually supposed to be limbs. If you told me it had 2 heads, I wouldn't question you.
haha "NOT"
good one
Ack! My family and I are all HUGE UK fans, and we're insulted, lol! Please tell me this wasn't made by a fellow Wildcat!
definitely gotta be tough when they bring a picture for you to replicate!
Alright, so this is the least of that ccc's problems but the color blue they used is UNC tarheel blue which is gross misuse of a color on a team logo if i've ever seen it...
A large part of the problem seems to be that the cake was made to conform to the dimensions of the precut cardboard liner and plastic box. I don't think this travesty can be laid solely at the feet of the poor embattled CCC.
I live in Lexington, which is where the University of Kentucky is located. This wreck just made my day because I am incredibly tired of hearing about UK's basketball team! Thank you!!!
This looks *exactly* like what would happen in that "blind pictionary" game (you have to do it in Cranium).
I'm not sure how you'd do that with cupcakes & icing. Maybe there's an in-between sketch missing.
I will walk up to the six-fingered wild cat and say: "Hello... My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!"
I see you have 6 fingers on your right paw... someone was looking for you...
WV: "sping"
The customer's blood vessels went "SPING!" when they saw this monstrosity.
University of Kentucky basketball Logo. that is horrible!
I am definitely offended at that CCC! I live in Lexington & am a UK fan & UK does not deserve something so ugly!
oh wow!
see i like cupcakes...and i like cake. but just put a bunch of cupcakes on a plate each individually decorated. that looks like a 6-toed demon cat getting attacked by gumby's long lost headless blue twin brothers.
UK fans, i feel sorry for you.
From the Picasso Bakery on 4th.
Angie (from over at www.HalfAssedKitchen.com)
I love this blog but sometimes my geekiness fails and my dear husband (king computer geek) has to explain references.
Hangs head in shame :-(
wv-sionip (not sure what it it but sound like something scifi caracters do to each other.)
That's one of the funniest CCCs I've ever seen. I'm grateful you showed us what it was SUPPOSED to look like for 2 reasons: 1-I really wouldn't have known what it was supposed to be without it, and 2-The comparison is hil.ar.i.ous!
While this CCC is just horrifying, I have to say, whose bright idea was it to request this logo as a CCC versus a sheet cake? It's like they're asking for a wreck.
WV: lucke
They're lucke it didn't look worse.
Ha! @ Michelle, love the Princess Bride comment! Seriously though, if you hadn't included the picture, I would have no idea what that was supposed to be.
I love the way all the components are there without coming together to mean anything. I imagine the cake whispering, "Kill me. Kiiill meeee."
OMG I am a University of Kentucky alum and I am totally appalled at what I am witnessing. Almost as appalled at how bad the basketball team did this year. But not quite.
It still amazes me when I see the pictures of wrecks that are clearly at somebody's home. Why on Earth would you BUY them? If I special ordered a cake and it looked like that, I would not pay for it.
As a Kentucky native and a huge Wildcats fan, my heart just breaks! In what weird warped view did that person think the ccc beared any resemblance to the Cats' logo?! *weakly* Go cats.
(Looking at logo) UofK has a really cool logo. (Looking at CCC) .... (Back to logo) UofK has a really cool logo.
The CCC looks like the cat is trying to karate chop with its freakishly huge back foot. And what's the letters L, K, and a teeny J supposed to stand for? Heh.
hee hee hee
6 claws...
hee hee hee
Is it just me, or is he choking on a vienna sausage?
Well, as a Duke fan, and therefore anti-Kentucky (see Duke vs UK 1992 NCAA tournament) I think it looks great - just like the UK basketball team... er..., I mean the UK logo.
WV: sperchsj - What??? Maybe this wreckerator understands its...
Tracy O
Go big blue!
At first I was like, oooh that is bad, and then I realized, THOSE ARE CUPCAKES! Nooooooo!
Was it commissioned by a rival team to demoralise them before a big game?
That is one angry looking CCC!
There should be a law against trying to duplicate any kind of animal or logo as a CCC, it never works.
I always love the Star Trek references.
Looks like it got dropped on the floor.
~Amy B.
It has 6 toes on the left side???
WOW. That's bad. I'm speechless.
Was going to comment on mutant appendages but see many have beat me to it. Instead I'll just say "What the...?!?!"
This is my favorite wreck so far. And by favorite, I mean most awful. Well done!
Let me say it again. You have the best and most observant commenters. wow.
WV: phicsz---maybe pronounced fixes? Not much gonna phicsz that CCC
i'm actually rendered speechless.
it would definitely be up for 'best abstract interpretation of a mountain lion with blue suspenders'.
As both a mother of twins and a UK alum, I am appalled by this cake. There does seem to be a lot of fellow wildcats leaving comments today. Did someone give this CCC to Gillispie?
I figured out what the biggest problem is--it started out vertical and they made it horizontal. There was never any chance that it would have worked.
I always appreciate an excuse to incorporate Star Trek references into your posts--wreck-y or otherwise!
So glad I'm an alum of UofL. ;-D
This is for the University of Kentucky Wildcats, my Alma Matter. SO SAD! UK fans are notorious for Wildcat grooms cakes -- and everyone I have seen has been beautiful! This CCC cake might as well represent our current basketball season.. booo!!
ok I gotta say, I blame whoever ordered this cake; CCCs are bad enough when there's a ready-made design- it's hard to create one from a picture, and I'm betting it was made from the exact number of cupcakes the customer wanted and no more- I'm not excusing the technique, but if the decorator in question had had more cupcakes to work with I bet it would have looked a lot more like the picture. I wonder if customers such as these intentionally order CCCs with intricate logos in hopes of being able to submit them to this site. poor decorator probably didn't even take the order!
Did anyone else notice that this cat seems to defy laws of gravity and nature? I mean, he either has two hands on one side of his body while both his feet are on the completely opposite side or he can walk and kick in pretty much a horizontal fashion without crashing.
Not that it doesn't look like he already had a ridiculous accident . . .
I think that they hired some kindergardeners to do this cake.
^ ^
Everybody now!
(bad bad bad bad bad bad cake)
Derisive laughter is indeed dangerous... I almost dropped my laptop when I scrolled down and cracked up at this hideous "likeness"!
I think it's rather charming in it's own way. It's so ugly, it's cute.
Oh, oh, that is hideous!
The "cat" -- if we can call it that -- looks like it's laying down and dying, not jumping out like on the logo.
What a CCC travesty.
I agree with Cara. I was JUST about to comment the exact same thing:
"Bahaha!! My favorite part is that one paw has 6 claws, and the other has 3!!! That's awesomeness."
Haven't you lot heard of abstract expressionism?
The baker is expressing his/her angst at the global financial crisis through his/her icing and the sheer terror of trying to cope on minimum wage through shape.
This masterpiece shouldn't be eaten, it should be in an art gallery,
I actually think this MUST be social commentary on the state of UK basketball - all coming apart and discombobulated and too many claws, I don't know, I'm making this up here. Because, I'm telling you, someone could get killed for that in normal times in cat country!
WV: defacurn - what may happen to that cake if any cat fans find themselves in that bakery
It looks like someone foolishly tried to put a blue sweater on a cat who is extremely pissed and trying to get out of it!
Dang, I the cake looks like it was decorated by a seven-year-old.
I am with Rose and Jill on this one, I also have the misfortune of living in Lexington, KY.
I wish this same wreckmaker would make some Derby CCCs. I am sick to to tears of basketball and horses!
what the crap is CCC!? hahhaaahahha, still verrrry funny just out the loop on some things!
It doesn't say of the submitter requested the team logo as a CCC. If that't the case, she totally got what she deserved. Then it's not really a wreck because she requested something beyond the aesthetic limits of a CCC. Why would you ever think that would come out looking good? If the wrecorator just decided to make that, then it's a true wreck.
UcK is right! It looks like roadkill.
wv...rondl...wheels on the bus go round and rondl?..Wait, did you hear something? I thing you hit something. Ewww there's ccc all over the road.
Note to self: Never, never, never ask for a team logo CCC.
My 15 year old just asked me what the heck was so funny! WTH man! WTH!
Awesome! So many great things going on here...six claws for five toes, two paws growing from the same spot on the right side, the weird mess that is the "face," and the inexplicably warped "U". Good stuff.
However, as someone else also pointed out, whoever requested something this complex as a CCC probably deserved all of this. That request probably scared the poor grocery store decorator to death. Still, I think there could have been some steps that he or she could have taken to prevent this tragic misfortune:
When facing down a customer who requests a complex design *and* an "easy-to-eat, super-fun, state-of-the-art cupcake cake!" (the fallacies of this viewpoint have already been dismantled elsewhere on this site), first gently suggest a nice sheet cake: "Gosh, crazy cupcake-obsessed lady! This is certainly a very cool logo! I think it would look much, much better on a nice, yellow sheet cake. I can make it a lot bigger that way." If the customer persists, I suppose the next best bet is to push the cupcakes into a square shape, apply frosting liberally, and then paint the logo and pretend it's on a sheet cake.
Then again, if you're paid in advance, why not test the limits of your CCC prowess?
P.S. Is it possibly a fan of a rival school of the University of Kentucky ordered this? "Yeah...make it look really, really ugly. Bonus points if it's barely recognizable."
WOW! There are SOOOO many things wrong with this, um, 'cake' - but whats really confusing is there is a huge wide open orange area there above the U thingy so why in the world didn't they at least make it look like a U?
I stumbled upon your blog from passiveaggressivenotes.com, and I must say I'm happy I did. I'm in the middle of a hectic semester of college, and these posts are a welcome respite. Keep the wrecks coming!
I love your site! Makes me laugh everyday!
You know, for those of us who particularly cannot stand that school and everything that it stands for, that actually is a very nice, um, cake. Lol.
I like the six (!) toes on the front paw most <3
it's lovely
"A" sports logo? It's THE sports logo. GO WILDCATS! =D
...and, that really is a horrifying cake... We can only hope that Duke gets caked by the same baker...
That hurts me. A lot. Go Wildcats!
I especially like the polydactyl look of that giant paw.
I am wondering if this was ordered by fans of the opposing team!
Aww...poor little guy. I shall call him Lumpy.
Never thought I'd see the day when UK stood for "Ugly Kitty". Go...Cats??
I dunno... the face is sorta cute. :]
It looks nothing like the logo, but it's kinda cute in a misshapen, sad way.
I know a lot of people who would love to make a cake like this since they are big fans of UofK.
I hope no money changed hands here, unless the baker paid the customer to take it away.
I live in Wildcat country and no one here would EVER claim that thing!!!
Ok, I have to know, how much of Star Trek have you seen? My husband and I started the original series about 3 years ago and we just started the last season of Voyager this week. We already watched Enterprise with Capt. Archer somewhere in the middle of all that. I love being able to catch onto all your Star Trek jokes!
This made my day! I'm a Kentucky girl, but I hate the Wildcats with a fiery passion. I see the horribly mutated cat as commentary on what the team has been ever since Rick Pitino left like 10 years ago.
This wreck is also making me seriously reconsider my plans for a Florida Gators birthday cake this year...
This is so awful... it defies comments...
HaHaHaHaHaHa!First good laff today!
All i can hear is Streisand singing "That face, that face.."!
I think he looks like he's running on all... five... legs (two of which are blue). In which case it appears that something... possibly a head... is growing out of his butt where the tail should be.
a touch early for your april fools jokes!
Reason Number 1 Coach Gillespie was fired: hiring this baker for the team's "We made the NIT!" party.
One would think, that in a world of plastic flotsam, the decorator (or orderer) could have come up with a better soulution than a cupcake-cake. I mean, a simple google search came up with this Sure, I'm not entirely sure what they are, but hey, they're edible AND kosher.
I would totally buy this CCC if I saw it in the store. I know that it's a horrendous representation of the U of Kentucky logo, but as a colorful and almost abstract image of a cat made out of cupcakes, I love it! :) Now if this logo was on a regular sheet cake, I don't know if it would be as awesomely abstract (too bad they weren't going for abstract)!
Amy said...
"Looks like it got dropped on the floor."
Actually, it looks like something that SHOULD be dropped on the floor. Forcefully, and with malice aforethought. Right-side down.
Presuming there *is* a "right" side...very hard questions arise.
It's all in how you look at it, Grasshopper.
Oh- and becca.elpy--I SO LOVE your "gumby's long lost headless blue twin brothers" idea! Do you work for the CSI folks? LOL!
clearly the decorator was not a fan. lol
*shudder* That original logo is a generic University of Kentucky logo (I go to UK...). That CCC rendition of it is just, wow... It hurts my eyes! I'm going to have to share this with other UK students...
Woooww....can no one make a good CCC? It's seems to be kind of impossible.
Plus...kitty's a little lopsided. Not just the 6 claws on one paw...but there are only 3 on the other!
And the face...no words can describe the horror. (Maybe the CCC knew how terrible it looked and that's why the face is contorted into a scream of terror?)
OMG! That is just pathetic! They couldn't even get the letters right.
I think this is the definitive anti-CCC cake. This ought to be a lesson to the world.
Poor Key---did you figure it out yet? CCC stands for cup cake cake===cup cakes arranged into a shape and then iced as a cake. Lazy folks think it is great because you don't have to have a knife to cut the cake.
and WV means word verification as in my word is phypey, which sounds like a Chinese food dish.
Welcome to cake wrecks. The best sight for a good laugh. (except on Sundays where we snort quietly at true "beauty" and "art" and "culture" even though last Sunday's needed to be played around Halloween, in my opinion)
It's correctly labeled! It says "uk" right on it so you know it's a wreck!
WV: gaticri: what you gati do when you see this "cake".
I don't even know what to say. This is a disgrace to all feline school mascots!!
OMG, is that thing made out of cupcakes??? So bad. Horrible. Terrible. But entertaining.
Was this the cake they served at Billy Gillespie's "going away party?" LOL
Ah... my alma matter. :) Nearly as beautiful as their NIT bid this year.
holy mother of cake!
did they arrange the cupcakes in the dark?!!
Wow. I have been following this blog for a little while, but this one inspired me to comment. My husband is a big UK fan, and we both just laughed so hard we had tears streaming down our faces. We darn near woke up the baby. That is a horrifyingly bad CCC. I'm going to refer back to this one whenever I need a good laugh. I feel like they could NOT have been serious? Right??
Aww shucks, someone beat me to the six claws. That's my favorite too.
eghads! Terrible!
And in response to your hatred of transporters, I just have one thing to say: "Damnit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a cake decorator!"
As a Kentucky resident and a UK fan, I really don't know what to say.
OMG they killed our Wildcat! That's horrible. Whoever did that must not bleed blue.
Oh my gawd...this post had me laughing sooooo hard! Lolzzzzz!!!!
Oh, that's funny!
Kashmir, I wonder the same thing - how could the decorator possibly think "Hey, that came out pretty good if I do say so myself"
I also wonder how are there so many UK alum on this blog??? Every other comment is from a dissed bobcat!
Wow! That is just so bad. I can't stop shaking my head.
Oh Bless them, they tried :)
Being a life-long Oklahoman transplanted to Kentucky - I find this very amusing! It's nice to see that overly used icon warped just a bit! Maybe it was done on purpose given the season that UK had.
Sorry to have to ask, but what does "CCC" mean?
Yes, the team has played miserably lately.
Yes, this CCC is both hilarious and horrifying.
But please please PLEASE stop calling it a "bobcat".
I still can't stop laughing 'bout this post of yours! LMFAO!
that is CLASSIC. that should be on your top-wrecks list. I crack up every time I look at it.
Poor thing looks like it needs to be put out of its misery.
My husband suggested perhaps it was an 'impressionistic' version of the cake...
This is definitely a case where the decorator was off on the day the customer came to get the "cake."
The HORROR!!! The sports logo is for University of Kentucky, and has been turned into a rabid garfield!!
As a Kentuckian I dont know whether to hang my head in despair, or mess that cake up!!!
I think it's a volcano.
Its a sad day when our beloved UK Wildcat has been disgraced in this way! Yeah yeah.. almost as bad as our basketball season... hopefully Coach Calipari is on his way to help us (maybe even the cake too! LOL)
My husband said that the cat has mange...after a run win with a pitbull.
I have NEVER laughed so hard and so long at a Wreck before. This nearly killed me...I accidentally duplicated your coughing fit without even trying. I also ended up in tears and halfway off my chair, and then again when my husband came to investigate and I got to see *his* reaction too! Oh my sides. Best Wreck EVAR.
Can't. Stop. Laughing!!!!!! Can't breathe, can't breathe!
Your site makes me so happy.
My husband and I are HUGE UK fans...
This is terribly shameful.
Can we fire the creator??
As a Kentuckian, I feel this wreck truly embodies the spirit of UK's pitiful season. I wonder if they can wreck a UofL Cardinal to reflect their epic choke at the dance?
Oh dear was that a Star Trek joke? ;)
That's what all us Memphis fans ordered when the news came that Cal was leaving! :)
It is hard to believe that someone tried on that cake...I almost think that I could do better...almost! I wouldn't try with UK though ~ I would have to start with Duke. That way I know I wouldn't hurt anything important;p
When ever I need a laugh, I come on over to Cake Wrecks. You never disapooint! LOL!
I love the 6-claws vs. 3-claws on the front paws!
This looks like they just went straight in with the icing, making it up as they went along, rather than doing any preplanning. Which would explain a LOT of the cake designs here!
It is a school logo. That is the University of Kentucky mascot.
As a University of Louisville alumna, I approve of this Wreck.
Awww... poor Kentucky wild cat. =(
omg I can't even look at that face without cracking up
As a UK student (and another Lexingtonian)... I shudder.
That cake must be from Jackson Pollock's Cake Emporium.
Nooo! Our logo! (T.T) Finally, a cake wrecky enough to nearly bring me to tears.
However, the guy who shares my office declares it epic. XD
UK Student XD
OMG This is wonderfully awful. Thanks for sharing! And the reference for us Trekkies is perfect.
SO AWESOME! I'm originally from IL & have lived in KY for almost 10 years...and UK logos are EVERYWHERE! I cannot wait to show this to my husband & forward this link to a few friends who are also IL transplants.
they should have just denied it knowing they wouldn't be able to recreate it
Oh dear, God! My husband will love this one! I'm a huge Kentucky fan and my husband, who is in bed with UNC, HATES Kentucky! I will make his day and forward this link.
So THAT is what a cake baked by Billy Gilispie looks like! I am counting on Coach Calipari for better home cookin' than this!
Rex the Wildcat
Glad to know that if my writing career falls through here in Louisville, I could always move down the road to Lexington and be a cake decorator! From the looks of this wreck, I might even be the best in town!
OMG ... that's horrible. AND it's a cupcake cake to boot. BWAHAHAAAA ...
As a former KY resident and a UK fan, I'd have to say this cake is the WORST representation of the Wildcats I have EVER seen. A five year old could draw a better cat with crayons...
Oh, my goodness....I feel so horrible for the UK fan who really wanted a cake with the university's logo--and then THAT THING shows up at the party! And I think I most relate to the comments that deal with the fact that SOMEONE LET THIS CAKE LEAVE THEIR BAKERY/HOUSE/ACID TRIP...it's sad. I am not EVEN a cake decorator, and I could have done a better job than that! COME ON! :-)
As someone who bleeds Kentucky blue, I am certain that this monstrosity was created by University of Tennessee fan. Can't trust anyone wearing orange! :)
I missed my own cake!! How did that happen? I thought I've read every post, until today when I was the cup cake wrecklica...I'm so freaking excited!!
I did not commission this cake, I did buy the cake. I was strolling past the bakery section (in my Lexington grocery store) and saw this amazingly aweful cake and thought "I must own this wreck".
Oh how I wish this post were timely...
When i saw the cake, i thought it was a cat and an orange koala! LOL
Hahaha. I live in Lexington and am completely sick of hearing about the Wildcats, so this totally made my day, especially the 6 claws. I laughed for like 5 minutes straight. What a great website you have!
WOW! I never knew Picasso decorated cakes too! :P
thats why the gators just beat them !
I just spat coffee all over my screen.
This made me go WTF.
I kind of thought they were conjoined twins...one happy, one sad. You know, like those drama masks. In 'beary' bad CCC forb.
This cake is AWESOME. Not only can you celebrate your school spirit with this one, but the cake doubles as a "Congratulations, Graduate... on your new career working for the Kentucky Highway Roadkill Cleanup Crew"
.... hey- gotta pay those student loans off somehow, right?
Random letters have fallen from the sky and severed this poor cat in half. You can tell by looking at his face that he is one ailing cat.
OMG--I stayed up until 1 AM last night laughing at THIS--and here I am again, at WORK, showing it to my friend and peeing myself all over again! Headless blue Gumby attacks! Oh, it's too good! Thanks for the best laugh I've had in years--I'm a fan!
OH wow, that is truly disturbing!
It looks more like it is roundhouse kicking the letters
So they grabbed this guy off the the street, you know, the one that lives under the bridge at the end of the street, and said, "Hey fella, can you draw?". He said he could and the rest is history. Bet you he is the ghost tech-dude now too.
lol i am sofgal (nikname) and i am hard to amuse but this is making me cry from laughter!!!
He He.. Thats cool, cat has 6 claws on one paw. nice...
To all of those wondering why anyone would order a CCC of the UK logo, I'd lay dollars to donuts no one did order it.
You have to understand: the entire city of Lexington is totally obsessed with UK. Without UK, Lexington is basically a horse farm. The cement mixers running around town have the logo on them. Rick Pitino is still not allowed past Shelby County because he had the unmitigated gall to leave and then *gasp* *horrors* became the coach at the in-state rival, University of Louisville, up the road. Every grocery store in Lexington will always have blue and white cupcakes and cookies--every day. So this would have just been in the display case, like normal places would have a CCC of flowers or rainbows or whatever. Stop hating on the buyer because clearly they bought this monstrosity just to make our day.
I think the only folks who can truly understand how obsessed Lexington is with UK are the folks that live in Durham, because those Dukers are much the same.
Oh, and Go Cats! (I don't live in Lexington, but I have...)
You guys are very most observant xx
i agree, its not like the concrete in the back of the target center was meant for art or anything. twins should be ashamed
What in the name of god happened to that wildcat? I go to UK and I'm peeing my pants laughing so hard. GO CATS!!! Hahahahahahahahaha